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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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Not to sure about your new one. It just looks a little rushed. I think it's just a little to busy. It also looks a little odd with no text on it whatsoever, though I'm not saying all sigs need text, it's just I think this one does.


It's not bad by any means though.



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Too simple and too big 6.

Yours is too tall y'know :heh:. Other than that, it's a very good effort, though I can't say I'm a fan of the font used. 7/10


For Haggis (I was initially replying to Emasher, you guys are quick!), I like it. Simple, stands out, and a nice touch with the blood. I also like Heroes too. But, err, it's also too tall (though not by much). Or is that 500x150 limit here out the window now? 8/10 nonetheless.


If people are tired of rating my same ol' Deku Scrub sig, I recently made this, so you can rate this one instead if you want to. Of course, you're free to rate my Deku Scrub sig if you wish.


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Smash Bros Sig: Awesome I like your style much better than fresh's 9.8

Deku Scrub Sig: Also Awesome, The glow is perfect and the second font is great. 9.6


I changed the font on my signature even I didn't want to use that font but when I made the sig I didn't have that much time. Oh and I tried to fix that weird rotation thing that was happening though its better now its not perfect.

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Not to sure about your new one. It just looks a little rushed. I think it's just a little to busy. It also looks a little odd with no text on it whatsoever, though I'm not saying all sigs need text, it's just I think this one does.


It's not bad by any means though.




Lol It was both rushed and annoyingly lacking in text.


I was going to put the "American Doll Posse" logo on, but it would be painstaking to cut and paste from the album cover, and all the fonts I have are shite. :shakehead




It's good/i mildly like it.

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Smash Bros Sig: Awesome I like your style much better than fresh's 9.8


Lol, you still hung up b'cos I gave you a bad score.


Aside form that PMA, seven. Not to sure what to think of it. and the people in it are a little... strange looking.

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