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Are we hyping Revolution too much?


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I don't want to spoil our fun on the forums.. It's a good forum.


But aren't we getting our hopes up?


When we get out hands on the console, methodically plug it in and boot up the system for the first time filling in the date.


Will we be disapointed.. after all this waiting and discussing?


Now most of us aren't gonna get the console until November this year, there's only so much chat and news that can fill this time.


I'm beginning to think that it is not wise to get our hopes up so much. When I got my PS2 I didn't do hype.. I didn't go on message boards, In fact before this console I never have. Aren't we just ruining Christmas? VERY SLOWLY.


I can dig that the console will be a great experience.. but it seems that the things we discuss on the forums get more and more ludicrous every day going down a slippery slope of claims and rumours.

With this almost delusional image of the ultimate orgasmic experience it seems on launch our saliva will not be fulfilled with adrenaline.

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But aren't we getting our hopes up?


Will we be disapointed.. after all this waiting and discussing?




Obviously the people who are so hyped that they can only be contained in a small cupboard whilst wearing a straight-jacket will get disappointed but they always are.


As long as all we're hoping for is a new way to play and some very innovative games then we wont be disappointed.


Personally I think this control scheme may change gaming like the jump from 2d to 3d, but I'm not basing all my hope on that. Nintendo have always made good games and I'm sure they, if no one else, will make games that use the controller to the extent of it's erm.. controllerness. Other companies seem to be really excited about it too though. So I'm sure we've got something to look forward to.

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I'll be more weirded out by owning something I've been watching and wanting for over a year now as opposed to being disappointed. Smash Bros and Mario are all I'm looking at for now; unless Zelda come in to kick some ass with Revolution features that is!
i agree. its being hyped that much that actually having it (eventually.....) will be odd.
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Personally I think this control scheme may change gaming like the jump from 2d to 3d


I really hope you're wrong there


I remember the DS, and how stupidly hyped I was about that.

hype is fun, but its stupid if you put too much worth on what is essentially a lump of metal and plastic.

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yes it is being over hyped.


A lot of the people saying that PS3 and x360 arent next gen because they lack a new way to play are some of the worst offenders, to both themselves and others in my opinion


The freehand controller is far from a solution to the problems that nintendo and others within the industry have identified. At best it merely restarts the cycle.


But to claim the rev the only next generation console for the new controller is putting far too high an expectation on the controller. Moreso when you consider that even if nintendo makes the controller perfect the main limiting factor of current controllers still remains, that being the developer.


Remeber there are plenty of developers who still havent perfected using 8 buttons and 2 analogue stick

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I think we aren't hyping the Revo as much as we used to, I notice more and more people who don't get their hopes up for news and such.

I'm not as hyped as I used to be and I don't think the Revo is overhyped, it's acceptable, after all it will change gaming and we know what to expect from the controller and from Nintendo.

I was also very hyped for the DS and wasn't disappointed by the system itself but the game. Whether the first experience will be good or bad with the new console is largely determined by the game you play first. I remember getting the GC with Rouge Leader, the graphics were amazing and the sensitive shoulder buttons were a cool addition. I got the DS with Mario 64 and it was an average experience because the touch controls were just average. If I got it with Wario Ware Touched the experience would have been a lot more positive. So if the first game really uses the Revo's capabilities the first experience should live up to the hype but if it's only a lame port there's certainly some disappointment.

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I find it hard to get hyped over Nintendo machines lately. I was majorly hyped over the N64, and loved it. For the first few months. Then reality hit home - few games, overpriced, no real RPGs, not a whole lot worth actually buying. The GC was supposed to be the anti-N64, and I got far too hyped. It's had some nice RPGs, but the majority of the "big" games (Starfox, Mario, Metroid) haven't done anything for me whatsoever.


I'll get a Revo, but I dont want to get carried away this time. Oh well, I'm in my twenties now, so maybe my head is screwed on a bit better.

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No i always get extremely excited, hyped then impatient when waiting and getting any new console and not one has failed to dissapoint me as of yet!


The Revolution may be even better then my expectations due to the freshness of it, i don't really know what to expect.

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wow! iv been hyped ever since the day my tiny little eyes saw the first matel version of the nintendo............with robot and duck hunt with gun.....it drew me in like a black hole and i shaw wasnt disapointed then. shaw the robot was of no real use to a lot of games( as in only1 as i remember) but nity just piled on the experiance into the games witch made me a very happy chappy and i can safley say no matter what console and how much hype iv always been impressed and i dont expect it to change any time soon.


in fact the more hype and the more expectation the better,because its the only true way the industry knows what we want or would like, and even dream of in a game for the next time they make something.


go hype go.........you choose wether or not to belive in the hype

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I was stupidly hyped for a GameCube. Back in those days i was waiting every month for magazines to come out to read the latest news on it. When it came, hell yeah i was hyped buying it, hell yeah i stayed up all night playing Luigi's Mansion and thinking, whoa these graphics are ace. Then it fizzled out. I only hope that doesnt happen with the Revolution.

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go owen!! go owen!! lol!


i love getting hyped about all of this :D i can't wait to come here and check for more new news, or to grab the latest issue of the magazines, but i know the difference between proper nintendo news and what we could can "blog". i know when i can get hyped, and i love realistic speculation, i got so hyped over the DS that my work even let me go half an hour early so i could go and join the queue for the midnight launch of the DS about an hour before the launch :D lol! and the DS didn't disappoint at all, but yeh it is surreal to finally get ur hands on something only seen in pictures for so long... but surreal in SUCH a good way :D :D :D

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