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Super Mario Bros. Wonder (20th October 2023)


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My word, Nintendo are known for releasing polished games but it's like they've gone completely crazy with this. :o So much variety and attention to detail. The animation in particular is just magnificent. :)


Anyway, I've just stumbled into...



Special World, and this super tricky level:

That one got me shouting a few expletives at the screen. :heh:



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5 minutes ago, Ike said:

Anyone found the middle big purple coin in the level

  Early level name (Hide contents)

Swamp Pipe Crawl

Played it multiple times and have no idea where it could be.

Ah, that stupid coin...

Small hint: it's very, very near after the first purple coin. Pushing pipes for the win.



Clear the blocks that are not there in my screen, push the vertical pipe to the left and enter the horizontal one.


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13 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Ah, that stupid coin...

Small hint: it's very, very near after the first purple coin. Pushing pipes for the win.

  Exact location and what to do (Reveal hidden contents)


Clear the blocks that are not there in my screen, push the vertical pipe to the left and enter the horizontal one.


Found it from your small hint, thanks. It was in a pretty obvious location in hindsight.

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OK, not completely done. Just the credits seen, still plenty of things I missed.


Oh Bowser, you thought you had a full proof plan, but you failed to realise that I've sunk over a thousand hours into Theatrhythm. Only got hit once.


Boosting Spin Jump is so completely OP, why would I ever use anything else?

Basically a mini Propeller Shroom in a game not built around the Propeller Shroom! It's nuts!

EDIT: Oh right, if you have the SNES controller, the game is completely playable on it. Something to keep in mind.

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100% achieved.

It was ok.
Uninspired and repetitive bosses, lots of filler "levels" and super easy.

But I'm not playing Mario for difficulty, right? :p

9 hours ago, Glen-i said:
  Late Game Badge Spoiler (Reveal hidden contents)

Boosting Spin Jump is so completely OP, why would I ever use anything else?

Basically a mini Propeller Shroom in a game not built around the Propeller Shroom! It's nuts!


Yup, easily the best badge in the game and the only one you need to almost never lose a life.

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I've played it with my son for an hour. Characters don't interact this time around, so no boost jumps or teasing the others. However, if one player dies, it turns into a ghost and the other players can revive it. That helps a bit. Other than that, no real multilayer. 

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12 hours ago, Glen-i said:

@RedShell, I just found the thing you spoilered.

  Shhhh... Secrets. (Hide contents)

I can totally see how this would be difficult.

But I did it on my third attempt. (And that's only because I killed myself two times going for 10-coins) Not because I'm amazing, but because the badge I had made it way easier!


I wasn't keeping track of how many attempts it took me, although it was certainly a few more than 3. :hehe: Maybe around 10... :hmm: Anyway, I blame Joy-Con drift! :heh: And yes, I am using the "D-Pad" to play, but sometimes drift kicks in on the left stick randomly (without even touching it) which still messes me up. :angry:


So what's everyone's opinion on Mario's new voice? Apart from the very first "It's-a-me!" on the character select screen (that sounded a little bit weird to me) I think the new guy has pretty much nailed it. Not that it's a very difficult voice to mimic :D but yeah, seems like they made a good choice for Martinet's replacement.

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38 minutes ago, RedShell said:

So what's everyone's opinion on Mario's new voice? Apart from the very first "It's-a-me!" on the character select screen (that sounded a little bit weird to me) I think the new guy has pretty much nailed it. Not that it's a very difficult voice to mimic :D but yeah, seems like they made a good choice for Martinet's replacement.

Seeing as I'm not gonna cover this aspect in the review...

I think Mario and Luigi are pretty great.

Daisy, on the other hand, is hit and miss, sometimes it sounds like her, sometimes not.

Yoshi's new voice is god awful. Sounds nothing like Yoshi!

Nabbit isn't even trying to sound like Nabbit used to be, might as well have made a completely new character for that voice.

Kamek changed voice... Again! It's not the new one from Mario Kart Tour and 8 Deluxe. Not sure why...

2 hours ago, MindFreak said:

I've played it with my son for an hour. Characters don't interact this time around, so no boost jumps or teasing the others.

Not quite. I'm trying out Local Multiplayer with @Dcubed, and using it as an opportunity to try out Yoshi.

You can still jump off of Yoshi, so you can get a boost by having Yoshi flutter jump and the player riding it jump at the apex of the jump.

You can cheese a lot of things with that. (I just wish he took damage, he just gets knocked back a bit, ALA Yoshi's Island)

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King Boo...

He's voiced by Nicolas Daoust - the one and only Shopkeeper of awesomeness, right?

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see his name in the credits. I might also be wrong, but playing a particular level....it sounded so much like him.



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5 hours ago, Ashley said:

What's the game like in multiplayer?

I'm not picking it up as I very rarely have time to play games now, but feels like if I still had a housemate would have picked it up.

Have just played the first two worlds with Glen-i.  It's not as manic as the NSMB games, but it's still fun.  You can't interact with each other like in those games (for the most part...), but there's still plenty of ways to screw each other over.  You also share lives, unlike in the NSMB games; so there's more incentive to work together and less on competition.

That being said...

4 hours ago, MindFreak said:

I've played it with my son for an hour. Characters don't interact this time around, so no boost jumps or teasing the others. However, if one player dies, it turns into a ghost and the other players can revive it. That helps a bit. Other than that, no real multilayer. 

... this isn't strictly true... If one player plays as Yoshi, the other player CAN jump on their back and then execute double jumps... This can be very abusable, especially when using the Single Wall Jump badge, which is already stupid broken by itself, because the Yoshi player can single wall jump, then the other player can jump off You Traitorous Swine style and then single wall jump again, and then normal wall jump for a total of 4 jumps! Oh, and this isn't even counting the flutter jump that Yoshi can do too on top of that!

BTW, just an aside... DKCTF called... it wants its swimming mechanics back ;)

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As I said, I play with my son (6 y.o.) and I force him to play as Nabbit and Yoshi as he is terrible at avoiding enemies (I don't get it, why is that so hard) so it's great that they don't take damage so that he doesn't die all the time. It's just a shame that this feature isn't selectable on every character, because he really wants to be Elephant Mario. I'm a bit baffled by that design decision. 

However, besides it being horrible to watch, he has actually got quite a bit of progress in the game. He doesn't do the hard bits of course and seldom gets all the purple coins but he doesn't care about that anyways, he just wants to go face Bowser ASAP (he's quite the impatient one). I'm curious to see how far he would get if I didn't play on the same file as well (and thus I am grateful that I don't have to pursue an achievement for completing the game with no game overs - the penalty for getting game over is so small that they just as well could have skipped having lives...). 


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6 hours ago, drahkon said:
  Possible spoiler, just in case (Reveal hidden contents)


King Boo...

He's voiced by Nicolas Daoust - the one and only Shopkeeper of awesomeness, right?

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see his name in the credits. I might also be wrong, but playing a particular level....it sounded so much like him.



No way! That's awesome, I can definitely hear it now!

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I'm up into W2. Didn't see reviews or footage outside of what Nintendo showed initially. They've done good. Lots of nice touches. Could have called it Super Mario Smile. 

Already needed to comb back through two or three levels before I spotted the secrets. Feels so obvious when you sniff them out. Gameplay is great as usual so running back through isn't a chore (and they're so short it'd be rude not to check them out again anyway). Levels so far seem to have their own thing going on rather than just copy and paste platforming through different backgrounds and tilesets. Great to see them unshackled from the Mushroom Kingdom. The new kingdom and enemies go such a long way to making it all feel freshened up. The music reminds me of that lovely tune in AC New Horizons for the fishing tournaments. Get it in Mario Maker 2.

I like the personality of the talking flowers. They're pretty funny and add to the wonder vibe. Though I'd like to go back and rub it in the face of the one that didn't cheer for me in the race. Hearing it cheer for the other guy only made me extra determined, haha. But it's cool they aren't just pro the player.

Saw slideshow framerate Spikes in the background of one level. Oopsie.

21 hours ago, MindFreak said:

As I said, I play with my son (6 y.o.) and I force him to play as Nabbit and Yoshi as he is terrible at avoiding enemies (I don't get it, why is that so hard) so it's great that they don't take damage so that he doesn't die all the time. It's just a shame that this feature isn't selectable on every character, because he really wants to be Elephant Mario. I'm a bit baffled by that design decision. 

However, besides it being horrible to watch, he has actually got quite a bit of progress in the game. He doesn't do the hard bits of course and seldom gets all the purple coins but he doesn't care about that anyways, he just wants to go face Bowser ASAP (he's quite the impatient one). I'm curious to see how far he would get if I didn't play on the same file as well (and thus I am grateful that I don't have to pursue an achievement for completing the game with no game overs - the penalty for getting game over is so small that they just as well could have skipped having lives...). 

Lol at the brutal honesty. I agree it'd be handy if you could toggle damage on or off for all the characters because the elephant has been the deciding factor in multiplayer for me too. I think it was the right call to make it so players don't collide with one another because there's plenty to concern yourselves with already when the level starts tripping out. It's a good laugh. 

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4 hours ago, darksnowman said:

Are you playing this, @Josh64? It gives me great joy to confirm that...

  DKC3 Enemy hype (Reveal hidden contents)

Swoopies are in!


Haha I don't own it yet but will be playing it occasionally as my friend got it and bought it over yesterday to play so we did a few worlds together. Hopefully will do a few more in the near future! 

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On 23/10/2023 at 12:58 AM, Josh64 said:

Haha I don't own it yet but will be playing it occasionally as my friend got it and bought it over yesterday to play so we did a few worlds together. Hopefully will do a few more in the near future! 

Nice one. Yeah, it's a game to savour so enjoy it. Be interesting to see if you see DKC trilogy inspiration in it.


- the run off the edge and jump mechanic
- there's a Krack Shot Kroc segment
- a sort of Trick Track Trek level

Think there was another but I can't remember it now I'm typing.

EDIT: remembered. They do their twist on Lightning, Lookout!

I'm not one to get my knickers in too much of a twist about spoilers, but for anyone that's still getting into this, I'd recommend going easy on buying the standees. I was surprised to feel slightly spoiled by some of those.

As for my progress: right at the start of W3. Spin jumping on things has lead to more deaths than in your average 2D Mario. They make em different in the Flower Kingdom.

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I came across a Big Purple Coin today that seemingly required a specific badge. I have not met that before (this was world 6). Besides the obvious like Dolphin Kick Badge in underwater levels and Badge Challenge levels, is there any other coins that require specific badges?

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20 hours ago, MindFreak said:

I came across a Big Purple Coin today that seemingly required a specific badge. I have not met that before (this was world 6). Besides the obvious like Dolphin Kick Badge in underwater levels and Badge Challenge levels, is there any other coins that require specific badges?

Nothing needs the badges in this game. (Apart from the Badge Challenges, duh)


I assume this is the one where you have to swim against the current?

You swim faster if you're holding something, like a shell. That can get you through it.


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