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Super Mario Bros. 35 (Dead)


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Gave it a short whirl but I'm not too enthusiastic. The Battle Royale part isn't as obvious as with Tetris 99, and for the rest you are just playing Mario levels with more enemies and a stricter time limit. With 20 coins you can also activate a random item (can be a POW block, mushroom, fire flower) so you can power up in the heat of battle.

I haven't made it past 1-3 yet, but that's mostly because I keep falling in pits because the controls feel a bit more unresponsive than I'm used to in Mario Bros. Might be the online part or just my sucky skills.

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The best thing about this has to be seeing multiple players cark it to the very first Goomba on 1-1, at the start of pretty much every single game! :laughing: 

We’ve all been there. :hehe: 

Anyway, it’s fun. Perhaps not quite Tetris 99 fun, but still very good. :) It’s really great in the later stages of a match when you start to get overwhelmed by the amount of enemies, or when specific enemy types are appearing in unexpected and awkward spots. :cool: 

The stat tracking system is very cool too, even got graphs in there. :D 

Hope Nintendo reconsider the limited availability for this.

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31 minutes ago, RedShell said:

The best thing about this has to be seeing multiple players cark it to the very first Goomba on 1-1, at the start of pretty much every single game! :laughing: 

I'm not downloading it because this will be me in most games.

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It's great fun, a little easy at this early stage when you start at 1-1 but should get much tougher in later levels and when the hardcore stick with it. 

The fire flower seems a bit OP though but I don't think killing enemies with it it gives you as much extra time as jumping on them so it's risk/reward.

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Just grabbed it after seeing @Mokong posting on fb - had a few gos and enjoying it! Need to grtet used to the SMB1 mechanics - keep dying to a few stupid jumps! Played regular but then a bit of special more - highest I've managed so far seems to be 8th and no better.

Interesting idea/concept and I can see little bits of depth in it(targetting your targetters; using R stick to hope to pick off some people - i imagine hitting 'most coins' before dropping a legit bowser may be a cool way to rob a guy!). Died a few times thinking I should have used more coins or more stupidly....fallen into a hole with 300+ seconds on my clock -.-

Can deffo see myself persisting at least for a bit to try and get that 1st place! So difficult sometimes to decide between patience or progress though!


edit:grr....error'd out when im pretty sure the other dude was gonna die! not sure quite how the level cycling works but I had a good run of just getting back to 1-1 and 1-2 with just a whiff of 1-3. Maybe it's cheap for now but gonna stick with the levels I know :p

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Awww yisss...after MUCH pitfalling I managed to survive to 1st in a special battle - which maybe means I'm very bad at Mario as I can't seem to take a 1st in the Normal Battle! Very playable so far; enjoying trying to squeeze out best plays and thinking about targets/targeters(i love focusing 'attackers' when like 5 people are on my case - just to add to all the potential pandemonium :p) - also tried to intentionally bait someone earlier because nobody was targetting me and my clock was super lol cos i didnt have enough things to kill :(



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2 hours ago, drahkon said:

Anybody else have games that just won't end?
Everybody running around with Fire Flowers...

The end game is really boring :(

Can’t say I’ve experienced that, no. The timer seems to drop quite rapidly towards the end so I don’t see how it’d be possible for games to go on for too long once that point has been reached. Unless of course both remaining players are insanely good, but even so, someone will make a mistake sooner or later. :grin: 

The end game definitely isn’t as intense as Tetris 99 though, that’s for sure.


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53 minutes ago, RedShell said:

The timer seems to drop quite rapidly towards the end so I don’t see how it’d be possible for games to go on for too long once that point has been reached.

Problem is, until that point is reached it's just Fire Flower city...nobody's going down ::shrug:

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I've had/seen a few long ones but the game seems to have a ramping mechanic that forces stuff(i mean me and p2 earlier were all fire flowers but me getting a legit castle bowser and him trying to firefight it himself to return it to me actually messed him up) but I have a feeling it may end up evening out as MMR algorithms steady themselves hopefully. Mostly I die to falling in holes tbh. Got super annoyed/mugged of with an earlier game in @RedShell's vein where I knew my clock was ticking when I was in 3rd just ticking ticking tickinh and I just *couldn't* kill enough - especially cos the others wouldnt target me! It's a strange game to me so far - not saying its super deep but it has edges to it that seem to balance it in nice ways sometimes(ie i didnt like to target 'least time' people because its gives them more time potentials? but when i was running dry in another game I did it hopefully just to draw their ire that they might 'attack their attacker' - and by golly gum it worked and i had more stuff to kill!)

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Oh god, my heart!

I doubt I'll ever get a match that close again.

Now that it's been a day and people have unlocked more than 1-1, it's starting to get a little more varied.

I'm playing this in ways that make no sense in normal SMB. Got a Fire Flower and 2-2 shows in the warp zone? You're damn right I'm going there and flooding my attackers with Cheep Cheeps and Bloopers!

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7 hours ago, Glen-i said:

I'm playing this in ways that make no sense in normal SMB. Got a Fire Flower and 2-2 shows in the warp zone? You're damn right I'm going there and flooding my attackers with Cheep Cheeps and Bloopers!

Haha yeah its curious the way it twists the PoV. I did exactly the same thing myself(been trying to 'select' hammer bro stages at the start so I can later kick them into others - as @drahkon mentioned it really is and always has even since 35 years ago been about dat fire flower game and Ima hype dat shit with. hammer bros and bowsers all over your screen!) in my earlier plays yesterday morn. Do hope after I get a step back reprieve into 1-1 or 1-2 tho cos when you packing you gonna get some heat back and those are manageable fields.

I don't wanna lookup too much cos I'm enjoying teasing out strats and efficiency but I presume now the level 'variety' is essentially that when starting everyone picks a level - and the game then pools them into 35 and sticks them in some sort of order? The thing being atm most only pick 1-1 through like 1-4(probs because it doesnt seem at all explained what the pick does?) and so these levels seem to be flooding it?

Basically I'm confused how 'the pick' works as well as how it decides you able/worth of unlocking 'new' levels to choose on the pick screen?

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8 minutes ago, Rummy said:

Haha yeah its curious the way it twists the PoV. I did exactly the same thing myself(been trying to 'select' hammer bro stages at the start so I can later kick them into others - as @drahkon mentioned it really is and always has even since 35 years ago been about dat fire flower game and Ima hype dat shit with. hammer bros and bowsers all over your screen!) in my earlier plays yesterday morn. Do hope after I get a step back reprieve into 1-1 or 1-2 tho cos when you packing you gonna get some heat back and those are manageable fields.

I don't wanna lookup too much cos I'm enjoying teasing out strats and efficiency but I presume now the level 'variety' is essentially that when starting everyone picks a level - and the game then pools them into 35 and sticks them in some sort of order? The thing being atm most only pick 1-1 through like 1-4(probs because it doesnt seem at all explained what the pick does?) and so these levels seem to be flooding it?

Basically I'm confused how 'the pick' works as well as how it decides you able/worth of unlocking 'new' levels to choose on the pick screen?

Nope, you're pretty much spot on. It's a pool of the 35 levels picked by each player, and then it randomly selects one when you complete a level. The only thing I think needs to be said is that I'm pretty sure the first level you get is the earliest one. (So if someone picked 1-1, everyone starts there) That's just a theory though.

What I'm 95% sure of is that once you clear a level, it's removed from the pool, so you'll inevitably play all 35 picked levels if you last long enough. I can only assume that if you do go through them all, the game just reshuffles every level and starts again.

As for unlocking levels, there are two ways of doing so.

1. Clear a level you haven't unlocked yet. (Probably from another player picking it)

B. Clear every level in your selection at least once in a 35-Player match. (You see that number next to the flag? Basically get one on every level you have, you'll unlock the next level then)

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Ahhh fair dos. Yeah trying atm not to 'hunt' for content just for completion but I know with Mario if I know something I'll end up doing it(still remember getting that full 96* on SMW almost all by myself as a kid cleaning up the remnant ends - now I can't avoid sekrits!!!) so I kinda wanna know but not know lol. Level stuff sounds kinda what I was forming.

I think as things progress and the variety with it as you mention the 'meta' may start to change a bit. Its difficult to think in the moment of this(and ill be honest...my most played levels of my SMB career is 1-1 1-2 4-1 4-2 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 as I am sure is the case for many others) but a few good pipes or vines could be rather useful things to have awareness for as potential outs and escapes from an upcoming hoard of Bowsers or so. I found one in a level the other day - annoying I didn't know WHAT level it was to have a decent cue with which I could commit it to memory so I have to hope my old man brain just visually recognises the block next time 🤣

Honestly this is a really curiously crafted product and its surprised me more in what its doing than I expected. Its totally Mario yet absolutely NOT Mario.


EDIT: wayooooo! finally just took my first win in standard 35 battle. Curiously did think to drahkons point(and with fire flowers potentially on hand at all times its a bit crazy) but also....I was on 1-4 maybe and I tells ya - getting a nice shell and clean run on some of these things is a killer play for time on clock and smashing other folks with stuff on their screens. I may actually start not killing koopas unless i have too....

(Also....I totes took a conviniently cheeky pipe out that probs saved me from a lot of crap in my final 2 man standoff 🤣)

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On 02/10/2020 at 9:23 AM, drahkon said:

Anybody else have games that just won't end?
Everybody running around with Fire Flowers...

The end game is really boring :(

I've found a way to quickly end the match, and I'm dying with laughter.

There was 4 of us left, all of us were good at this. No-one was dying, and then I got to 1-2's warp zone and saw an opportunity to go to 6-1.

"Sweet! New level to unlock!" So I took it.

6-1 is the level where Lakitu is, and there's lots of high platforms, so a Fire Flower can easily pick them off. So I went through it, killed the Lakitus and a bunch of Spinys to boot. I got to the flag and 1-1 was next.

"Let's see them get through those Lakitus" I said.

Yeah, they did and it had a side effect I didn't foresee...

You see, with 4 people left, everyone was targeting "Attackers", so every enemy that's killed gets multiplied by 3, and they can be sent back...

I think you can see where this is going...

The match ended very quickly after I finished that level...

Basically, this was me:


Hey, I said that tactic would end the match, can't guarantee it'll help you win.

Edited by Glen-i
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Nintendo's sitting on a gold mine with this.

Add Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 3 to the mix, sell it for 30 bucks (or...make it f2p with a battle pass.......................) and boom, profit.

Then again, please don't add Super Mario Bros. 3. I'm so good at it, people will hate playing against me and drop the game very quickly.

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Does anyone else feel that Mario's physics feel a bit weird in this game? Not bad or anything, but just kinda... off?

It's definitely not like the original SMB at all, or any other Mario game really.  He accelerates like an F-zero car here!

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1 hour ago, Dcubed said:

Does anyone else feel that Mario's physics feel a bit weird in this game? Not bad or anything, but just kinda... off?

It's definitely not like the original SMB at all, or any other Mario game really.  He accelerates like an F-zero car here!

I’ve noticed a few oddities in his movement a couple of times, especially when swimming. Although I seem to recall the underwater gameplay was always a bit weird anyway. :hehe: 


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3 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Does anyone else feel that Mario's physics feel a bit weird in this game? Not bad or anything, but just kinda... off?

It's definitely not like the original SMB at all, or any other Mario game really.  He accelerates like an F-zero car here!

With all the nonsense being thrown at you, I imagine Mario might be more nimble in this one so you can react faster.

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On 02/10/2020 at 9:19 AM, Rummy said:

Very playable so far; enjoying trying to squeeze out best plays and thinking about targets/targeters(i love focusing 'attackers' when like 5 people are on my case - just to add to all the potential pandemonium :p)

Now you can't say I didn't warn ya...:p

4 hours ago, Glen-i said:

You see, with 4 people left, everyone was targeting "Attackers", so every enemy that's killed gets multiplied by 3, and they can be sent back...

Had been lols just reading - I was lookng at 'stats' (btw why isnt friend stuff easily viewable??) and enemies defeated and I did notice spinies and lakitus who I haven't even encountered at all yet - I mean hammer bros. is one thing but lakitus ans spinies are gonna be madness without koopas or fireflowers!

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On 03/10/2020 at 11:56 AM, Dcubed said:

Does anyone else feel that Mario's physics feel a bit weird in this game? Not bad or anything, but just kinda... off?

It's definitely not like the original SMB at all, or any other Mario game really.  He accelerates like an F-zero car here!


On 03/10/2020 at 1:57 PM, RedShell said:

I’ve noticed a few oddities in his movement a couple of times, especially when swimming. Although I seem to recall the underwater gameplay was always a bit weird anyway. :hehe: 


Yeah, I've died several times from over/ under correcting on jumps. I would say they tinkered with it to up the chaos; it isn't maddening to die and retry. Swimming is strange too. There seems to be a current in places--was it like that in Mario 2: Lost Levels? I'm thinking of firing up the NES app to see how the games feel there. This is definitely different to Mario Maker 2, that's for sure.

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