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Cartoons of the prophet muhummed, muslims have now gone "LIAR KILLER DEMON".

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i for one find ironic that for a religion, who i might add deal with absolutes, go on to mock and insult judasm and christianity on a constant basis, yet when someone does it to them, they will send the western world into HOLY DAMNATION IN THE NEXT HOLY WAR IN THE NAME OF HIS GLORIOUSNESS.


basically, some danish newspaper drew some pictures of muhummed, and now the muslims are pissed of, burning flags, destroying embasses etc etc etc.

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Yeah i read about that, we have some pretty arrogant people in the world.

Personally, religion is becoming bad for us. Its causing problems which are killing innocent people in terrorist attacks and causing anger between us.


To those arrogant people, what goes around comes around. Enjoy it or not.


please don't start talking about this too. it's 24/7 on the radio, i'm just soo bored of this. because it is nothing but ridiculous.

if everyone would react to cartoons like this the world was full of people blowing each one's heads off... wait a sec, the world is full of those. O_o

wtf they don't have my tolerance on this.


I dont see the bid deal, i know they aren't meant to draw the Phophet Mohammad, but really - its a drawing. A drawing. All these protests have just gone too far in my opinions, both sides should apologise.

I dont see the bid deal, i know they aren't meant to draw the Phophet Mohammad, but really - its a drawing. A drawing. All these protests have just gone too far in my opinions, both sides should apologise.

Yeah...i cant see how a drawing i really offensive but hey, show em an episode of drawn together and they'l be charging for comedy central..


From what I hear, the cartoons were pretty crass, portraying Mohammad as a suicide bomber. Lets not forget that the vast majority of Muslims aren't actually insidious underground members for an evil and misleading terroist group. I personally hate the constant accusation that religion is the single greatest cause of people to kill, argue and be intolerant ot each other. Religion is something which helps bring structure and society into peoples lives. I'm willing to bet good hard cash that if there was no such thing as religion, we'd all quite easily find a different excuse for being bitchy to each other.


This thread just reminded me why I don't read tabloids.


From what I hear, the cartoons were pretty crass, portraying Mohammad as a suicide bomber. Lets not forget that the vast majority of Muslims aren't actually insidious underground members for an evil and misleading terroist group. I personally hate the constant accusation that religion is the single greatest cause of people to kill, argue and be intolerant ot each other. Religion is something which helps bring structure and society into peoples lives. I'm willing to bet good hard cash that if there was no such thing as religion, we'd all quite easily find a different excuse for being bitchy to each other.



I love you.


It's hilarious isnt it. I cant believe something as small and FUNNY as a cartoon drawing causes so much agro and hate.


i for one find ironic that for a religion, who i might add deal with absolutes, go on to mock and insult judasm and christianity on a constant basis, yet when someone does it to them, they will send the western world into HOLY DAMNATION IN THE NEXT HOLY WAR IN THE NAME OF HIS GLORIOUSNESS.


I totally agree with that.


I also cant believe that the Danes who published it and also the other countries who put the cartoon in their papers are now backtracking and taking them out. Why ? I read somewhere that Muslims and other religions like that its against the holy doo dar guy to draw images of him/her or whatever...


and now Muslim leaders are saying that this cartoon could cause anger amongst terrorists and cause attacks...oh whatever, they would do all this holy war rubbish and carry out terrorist movements anyway and just use the cartoon as an excuse cos they havent got a sense of humour.


Hello's it's 2006. Ive had enough of all this religion crap, causes more problems in the world than anything else.


I wish Henry the VIII was still in charge! Off with their heads he would scream!


Why should the danish apologise?! This guys are always pissed at something, they can do whatever they wan't in they're pitholes but don't try to influence other peacefull contries with they're shit.

Why should the danish apologise?! This guys are always pissed at something, they can do whatever they wan't in they're pitholes but don't try to influence other piecefull contries with they're shit.


But if like the guy said a few posts ago they portrayed muhummed as a suicide bomber, that is an offensive blow. But all this violence and hate is just over-reacting, its stupid.

I've seen many worshippers of muhammed chanting death to the west, which wasnt a joke, way before this.


Im glad i have no religion, i choose not to. Theres too many stories to believe in, so i believe neither. And it is an advantage because you can see the arguments from every side.


Violence doesnt solve anything, well with religion it might do.


Some people need to:

1, Lighten up...

2, stop burning flags like retards.


I can see why some muslims are getting angry over it, but freedom and speech and press and all that jazz, as long as they're not insighting it or anything.


And if they get angry at that, they should see a few people I hang out with for a lunch-time.


I don't agree with insulting peoples relgion (Christains and Jews get anouth of that every day), but i think people seem to be taking it to far, destroying embasses...surly that just goes to comfirm the violent attitude presented in the cartoons (of which i havn't seen yet).


Whoa, hold on there. At what point have they started attacking embassys? There have been a number of demonstrations outside European embassys acroos the world, but so far everyone seems to have resisted the temptation to start smuggling grenades into the ammbasadors fabulous cocktail party disguised as large Ferre Roche. So far all of them have been fairly peaceful, democratic, civilised protests. Additionally I have just heard a description of the cartoon, depicting Mohammad with his turban shaped like a bomb, and since it's fundemental Islamic belief that absolutely no one should make pictures of Mohammad anyway (even in places of worship) you would have to be a total idiot not to expect such a reaction. It is insensitive, it is inflamatory, and it is an abuse of freedom of speech. I hope the British newspapers see sense and decide not to follow their European counterparts in printing it.


Ermmmm, wow..... I haven't really been looking into this at all, but, I heard something about this on the radio.... Honestly, the cartoons shouldn't have been made, but, if the reactions to it which have been stated in this thread are true then damn they are going a bit too far with it. :-/




You're all looking at it from such a western viewpoint. You forget that this, to them, is the most insulting thing you could possibly do. It's in no way comparable to just taking the piss out of them. Also, you should note that it's not like the entire muslim world has gone mad, it's only a select few protests. If you belive that the French/Dutch papers had the right to publish those cartoons, then surely you should belive the muslims have the right to protest against them.


There's also the fact that the French newspaper published the cartoons knowing it would be offensive. Personally, I think publishing them was utterly pointless and childish.

This guys are always pissed at something, they can do whatever they wan't in they're pitholes but don't try to influence other peacefull contries with they're shit.


Could you be any more offensive!?

2, stop burning flags like retards.


Yeah if you're gonna burn them burn them properly.


But seriously, it may be insulting and offensive to their religion but their are other ways to protest. How can they expect people not to think of them as terrorists when they react like this?


Turning up to complain about the images while carrying a machine gun seems a little strange, other than that, yeah fair enough, be pissed off about it.

Turning up to complain about the images while carrying a machine gun seems a little strange, other than that, yeah fair enough, be pissed off about it.

What sodding machine gun? The worst that's happend so far is when a large group of Muslim men stormed the Danish embassy in Indonesia, threw some eggs and tore down the flag in the lobby. They left when the embassador came down, talked with them, and apologised for the cartoons. It's hardly an orgy of mega-violence.


Most of the cartoons I've seen are pretty harmless, other than being depictions of Muhammed and Allah, which I gather are a sin against Islam. I understand that the depiction of any of the prophets of Islam is a sin, so that probably means that Leo da Vinci's The Last Supper is a blasphemous painting. However, when it comes to pictures like this:




That's just horrific. It's no different to this - a poster for Der Ewige Jude, a Nazi propaganda film from 1938.

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