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Disco Elysium


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I'm hearing great thing about this new isometric RPG.

Though I'm not a fan of the trailer. So check out the site and read the text..


I don't think my old PC can handle it (but maybe I should check), or I'd be on it. Looks to be my cup of tea.


An article describing the character creation:

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It's something I've been keeping an eye on since it was released. The reviews have been largely high in praise for it, especially for the game's writing, and from the bits I've seen on the likes of Era and Twitter, it looks great and it's definitely got me wanting to check it out.

The whole 24 skills/traits/personalities in your head talking to you and how they influence the game and how you interact with things sounds like a nice breath of fresh air as something unique. Seeing things like a tie talking to you or a trait trying to tell you you shouldn't take being ignored by a door bell lying down after pressing it are just too weird to pass up on.

I don't think my PC will run it either but I'm tempted to see after I've got Outer Worlds out of the way. The devs have said they'd love to port it to consoles so there is at least interest but given that new consoles are on the horizon in about 12 months, a port would have to come out prior to those launches to be financially viable for the team (even with backwards compatability being touted) so we'll see.

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Well, didn't have long to wait on the announcement of a console port:


PS4 and Xbox One versions targeting next year and they're doing the porting in house rather than shipping it out. Game runs on Unity but I wonder whether they simply want to minimise risk of loss of earnings by keeping it in house. Means they can control the porting process as well and not run into any issues with another party involved in the process.

Very good news though. As much as I want to play it now, I'm happy enough to wait it out and grab it for a platform I can play it on rather than forking out to upgrade my PC. Will be interesting to see when it launches as you'd have to think anything in the back half of next year would be bad for the game with new hardware launching, though the install bases will still be there for PS4 and Xbox One and it's whether many will jump ship to the new consoles right away or wait.

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  • 1 month later...
On 01/11/2019 at 10:32 AM, Ganepark32 said:

Very good news though. As much as I want to play it now, I'm happy enough to wait it out and grab it for a platform I can play it on rather than forking out to upgrade my PC.

I bought the game a few days ago (Steam winter sale, first game in a while I've bought on Steam). The game's actually not that demanding.. maybe you should try it.

Anyway.. I'm not in the mood for an elaborate post now. I'll just say I'm loving the game.

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8 hours ago, Sméagol said:

I bought the game a few days ago (Steam winter sale, first game in a while I've bought on Steam). The game's actually not that demanding.. maybe you should try it.

Anyway.. I'm not in the mood for an elaborate post now. I'll just say I'm loving the game.

I've been getting increasingly tempted over the last few days. Keep going on steam and hover over buying it but haven't done so yet as I just can't tell if my PC will run it. I meet the requirements for the majority of the minimum specs, it's just the processor which looks like it might kill the ability to play it (I got a really cheap PC a few years back as I needed it for Uni stuff but the processor is a rather outdated Intel Celeron J1900, in other words crap, as the PC is pretty much a laptop in a box).

I don't know. If the temptation is strong, I'll maybe take the plunge and hope for the best. Last thing I picked up was A Short Hike (which is great by the way) but would like something with a bit more substance to play into the New Year. I'll see.

Glad to see you're loving it though.

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  • 1 year later...

Bumping this thread as it looks like we may finally be getting a release date for the PS4/PS5 versions of the Final Cut at some point this week. Its supposed to be launching this month so seems like it may well launch next week at earliest, though some people are suggesting a March 30th release date.

Regardless of when it hits, looking forward to jumping in. Didn't get too far with my play through on PC as I was having to stream it through GeforceNow as my current PC is pretty much a potato that despite meeting minimum specs couldn't run it very well at all. But from what I did play, I can't wait to dive in again.

Would love to be surprised and have it shadow drop later this week but don't see it happening. Still, bring on release and the return of my karaoke disco dancing cop :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out today, launching at 10am PST/ 6pm BST. Guessing that they're trying to make sure its a simultaneous launch on all store fronts as Steam and the EGS usually launch titles around that time. There'll be a 20% launch discount as well apparently. Game looks to be launch at £34.99, so £27.99 with discount, on PS4/PS5.

Looking forward to jumping in later this evening.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Got this on PS5 and have played it for a few hours.

Word of warning of potential console buyers: make sure you are playing on decently sized TV and/or aren't far away from the screen as the text size is very small and there is a lot of reading. The game gives you the option to increase the text size, but this only affects the dialogue text and not the menu text. Should come as no surprise but this was designed as a PC game primarily and was designed to be played on a monitor - but you will be fine playing on a large TV.

Controls are also fiddly. You use the right stick to cycle through interactable objects (a cursor would have worked better here) and often have to press the X button twice to actually interact with something: once to move your character into position and once again to actually interact. You do get used to this though and it's not as big of a deal as it seems as you spend the vast majority of game time locked in dialogue.

One final warning: don't forget to manually save. I once played for about an hour and then died because I had just 1 point of morale and no healing items. 

Have to say though, I am loving this game so far. The quality of the writing is excellent and I am becoming quickly absorbed in the world. I went with the default intellect build and have been trying to role play as a good detective so far. It will be interesting to start again as a different build and see how the experience changes.

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On 4/3/2021 at 11:07 AM, Zell said:

Got this on PS5 and have played it for a few hours.

Word of warning of potential console buyers: make sure you are playing on decently sized TV and/or aren't far away from the screen as the text size is very small and there is a lot of reading. The game gives you the option to increase the text size, but this only affects the dialogue text and not the menu text. Should come as no surprise but this was designed as a PC game primarily and was designed to be played on a monitor - but you will be fine playing on a large TV.

Controls are also fiddly. You use the right stick to cycle through interactable objects (a cursor would have worked better here) and often have to press the X button twice to actually interact with something: once to move your character into position and once again to actually interact. You do get used to this though and it's not as big of a deal as it seems as you spend the vast majority of game time locked in dialogue.

One final warning: don't forget to manually save. I once played for about an hour and then died because I had just 1 point of morale and no healing items. 

Have to say though, I am loving this game so far. The quality of the writing is excellent and I am becoming quickly absorbed in the world. I went with the default intellect build and have been trying to role play as a good detective so far. It will be interesting to start again as a different build and see how the experience changes.

Gameplay-wise are there any innovations? I love the setting, tone and all that other good stuff, but last time I played something similar I got bored quick.

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7 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

Gameplay-wise are there any innovations? I love the setting, tone and all that other good stuff, but last time I played something similar I got bored quick.

If you're talking about the game in general, it's very innovative from a gamplay perspective - almost all stats relate to different aspects of your pesonality - e.g. empathy, ability to work things out visually, solidarity with other cops, etc. Everything is dialogue based, with a lot of dnd style skill checks, and no combat. In addition to a traditional inventory you also have a thought cabinet, where you can mull over ideas that have come up in the course of the game and ultimately affect your stats and personality.

This latest updated PC and console addition adds a few additional quests and full voice acting (in addition to a lot of bugs, at present), but not much more than that.

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Just got to day two (noon). Man, this game is excellent.

There's nothing more satisfying than passing a skill check that you've got a 40% chance of succeeding. The dialogue is really superb, with a couple of interactions really sticking out (Cuno and the racist Union bloke). 

The one downside is the small font on the sub-menu's. I feel like there's a lot to the game that I'm missing out on because of that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those interested in getting this on PS5, this has now been patched which looks to have resolved most of the previous issues. No need to double select things, framerate is much smoother and the game hasn't crashed on me. They've also added a quick save feature.

I'm at the end of day 3 and still very much enjoying this.

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Just reached the end of day 3 and the patches definitely seemed to have made a big difference. Really enjoying the experiencing so far. 

It's one of those games that's difficult to talk about because the game is just so different to everything else out there, but it truly is excellent. 

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  • 3 years later...

Arrived to this game late but smashed through it in a week. It's so good it makes you depressed at how bad the writing in every other game is. Like... before playing it I was dimly aware that games weren't satisfying my desire for good storytelling, but afterwards I realised I've been starving my whole adult life. Perhaps, given that capitalism disincentivises creative projects like this, I should be grateful Disco exists at all – particularly since it has such radical (if cynical) lefty politics 💕

I like to imagine David Cage playing it drunk and then killing himself.

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Started playing this last night

Main character was called a particular slur by a kid, tried to punch the kid, failed miserably and lost 1HP.

0/10, that kid deserved to be knocked the fuck out no matter what :p

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The first couple of hours are quite testing because you don't know who you are yet and the most abrasive characters in the game give you shit for it. Not saying it isn't a melancholic game thereafter, but it does settle down a little and there are plenty of beautiful and touching moments that make it more than worth persevering with. 


Would be a shame to miss out on a once in a generation game like that 🥺

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4 minutes ago, dwarf said:

Would be a shame to miss out on a once in a generation game like that 🥺

I don't doubt that I'll eventually get back to it.
It's just that in my current mood this game is not for me :D

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15 hours ago, drahkon said:

And I uninstalled it just now.
It's just generally too bleak for me right now (even though the writing is quite funny at times). ::shrug:

This is what a mate of mine done. He's loves to 100% his trophy lists, even if he isn't enjoying them, but he just couldn't get on with this game at all.



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