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The Game Awards 2018


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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

I didn't see that coming at all. Was hoping it would come with the announcement of Persona 5 on Switch. :( 

Ha, me too. I've wanted to get into Persona 5 after hearing people rave about it last year but feel like such a time consuming JPRG would be better suited to the Switch. 

Time is running out for Metroid Prime 4 though...

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I only played 3 of the contenders for the top award but of Celeste, God of War and Red Dead I think I had the most fun with God of War. Fully expected Red Dead to win but pleasantly surprised to see Sony Santa Monica pick up the award instead. Was cool to see Christopher Judge, Sunny Suljic, Danielle Bisutti and Bear Mcreary up on stage with the team to accept the award, they all contributed hugely to the quality of the game.

The show was definitely more watchable than last years but the changes in tone still drag it down and its way too long (though that might just be me looking at it through tired European eyes), it's a shame that the awards have to play second fiddle to the new trailers and announcements but I suppose that's an issue with the industry at large. Still feel they need to find a better balance between recognition of achievements and new announcements. 

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Man, people are already fuming about the lack of Metroid at the event. This is exactly why so called insiders need to keep quiet as it raises expections. At least there will be plenty of entertaining things to read while I'm at work. :D 

The show was decent but not great. It still has some pacing issues and a lot of the content shown I have very little interest in. Still, the Joker announcement was cool and a couple of the indie title games looked great.

Now I get to go to work for 8 hours. Totally wasn't worth getting up early for but I never learn. :p 

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I still think Red Dead should have won, but at least it got best narrative and a few others. Its story and they way it told it was a whole new level, so I'm glad it at least got recognised for that.

I was excited when they started singing Unshaken, but they really didn't do it justice. Such a flawless song, reduced to mediocrity.

I was surprised Nintendo didn't do better, especially in the family category. Would have thought they'd have nailed that one.

Edited by Goafer
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I decided not to stay up to watch the Awards because I have an interview in a few hours, and I’m kind of glad. I’ve only glanced over some of the reveals when scrolling through my YouTube subscription feed, but at face value, it seems like a real step down (only at face value — I’m sure many of these games will be great) from last year’s reveals and announcements. 

Looking forward to catching up on the show later, but I’ll probably be watching it with EZA commentary in any case :D 

Also, very strange that there was seemingly no Death Stranding trailer. I know that we only had one a couple of months ago at TGS, but still...I can’t shake the feeling that they’ve only skipped TGAs to save it for a potential PS5 unveiling/PlayStation Direct-style video in a few months. 

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3 hours ago, killthenet said:

Mortal Kombat 11 is apparently coming to Switch??

And what's the beef with Jaffe? I don't know anything about him but Corey seems like a decent guy.

Jaffe is Jaffe. He’s always been a bit of a piece of crap. Made that terrible Drawn to Death game most recently then threw his toys out of the pram when reviewers thought it was shit.

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The Outer Worlds looks like it could be a renamed Borderlands 3 - similar sort of humour, setting and gameplay. Looks interesting.

Looks like I'll have to play God of War at some point then - supposedly it's quite good? Might as well wait for it to completely drop in price though.

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Stayed up for the show and thoroughly enjoyed it. My first time watching but I was really impressed with the production, it really did feel like a large scale and important event and the gaming equivalent to the Oscars. 

Despite there being no Metroid or Zelda etc., it was a great night for Nintendo if you put all of the Nintendo-related announcements together.

I'll watch it again next year as long as I'm not working or anything.

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On 07/12/2018 at 4:57 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

Man, people are already fuming about the lack of Metroid at the event. This is exactly why so called insiders need to keep quiet as it raises expections. At least there will be plenty of entertaining things to read while I'm at work.

I dread to visit ResetEra for that very reason.

Glad God of War won GOTY. Gutted Celeste missed out on best music. Still don’t understand what Spider Man was doing in any of the categories apart from performance maybe. 

Guy who plays Arthur seemed nice. 

The show seemed a bit more low key than last year in terms of announcements and even some of the awards but overall more polished than last year and seems to be getting better and better each year. 

Seeinf the three CEOs on stage together was great. Well done Geoff and all involved. 

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1 minute ago, Ronnie said:

I dread to visit ResetEra for that very reason.

They handled it quite well. The rules are that people get blacklisted or something like that if they tease something or spout rumours and they don't come true. Two of them who were spreading the Metroid rumour are Mods on Era ( one of them is part of GameXplain ) and I think they've been demoted back to regular posters.

Its been an interesting situation to watch. Many people hyping up the Metroid announcement have been knocked down a peg or two and have had to eat humble pie and apologize.

Some are speculating Nintendo have started to release red herring announcements in an attempt to weed out people who are leaking things. People who are usually right with these types of leaks were completely off the mark with this one and if there's a chance Nintendo are doing this then hopefully it will stop the spreading of rumours.

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9 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

They handled it quite well. The rules are that people get blacklisted or something like that if they tease something or spout rumours and they don't come true. Two of them who were spreading the Metroid rumour are Mods on Era ( one of them is part of GameXplain ) and I think they've been demoted back to regular posters.

Its been an interesting situation to watch. Many people hyping up the Metroid announcement have been knocked down a peg or two and have had to eat humble pie and apologize.

Some are speculating Nintendo have started to release red herring announcements in an attempt to weed out people who are leaking things. People who are usually right with these types of leaks were completely off the mark with this one and if there's a chance Nintendo are doing this then hopefully it will stop the spreading of rumours.

Interesting. Would certainly be a smart idea of Nintendo to weed people out. The leaks have gotten ridiculous lately and so far more damage than good. 

Is that Jon from Gamexplain that got demoted? I’m a big fan of his so that’s disappointing. 

I hadn’t really heard about the insider gossip about Metroid and was still convinced they’d show it. But the more I think about it, clearly Nintendo are 100% focused on Smash atm and understandably so. 

Oh and yes you have to play Celeste. I think it caught a lot of people by surprise when it first released so everyone fell in love without any expectation. Hopefully the reception it’s gotten won’t taint your time with it.  

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I didn't  believe the rumours, although part of me wishes they did show something, it would have been a nice full circle type of thing. The Joker DLC reveal was so much better then it getting leaked for 5 minutes of internets fame or being data mined.

Funny how there's a bunch of rumours about a Switch version of Persona 5 now, seems like an easy thing to predict.

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Caught up by watching it last night. Didn’t hit it out of the park with massive game announcements/reveals like it did in recent years, but honestly, the sheer volume (and seemingly high quality) of games announced/revealed was well beyond that found in recent years. The show was also a much better watch than in recent years, with a lot of the moments of awkwardness pushed aside by a much smoother show.

Keighley did a great job presenting, and it definitely did feel like a celebration of all things gaming. Sort of thought we were heading in the direction of seeing some massive cross-platform cross-play initiative when Shawn, Phil, and Reggie took to the stage, but alas, it was great to see them all on stage together. 

Also, I guess the Kinda Funny Games Showcase can go in here? I’ll be catching up on it later.


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Overall I think Greg and Tim did a brilliant job with the Kinda Funny Showcase, it was really well produced and flowed pretty well. I do think they accepted a few too many games though, half the ones shown really didn't look up to much. It's obviously tough for them to get any big name indie exclusives but there were a handful in there. The Anthem trailer breakdown stuck out like a sore thumb though, could have done with having another couple of things like that maybe (easier said than done I know).

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