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Dragon Ball FighterZ


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This game is looking so good. The only point is I usually don't play fighters a lot (only in short bursts) so I'm not sure if I can justify the full pricepoint. Especially with a couple of more budget fighters releasing on the Switch as well to choose from.

Then again, this does look like the better game, plus it is of a franchise I really like. Which reminds me I still have Xenoverse 1 still hardly played on Steam. While I really liked Budokai Tenkaichi 2 on Wii a lot, I never really have gotten into it. FighterZ appeals a lot more as it is 2D.

Anyone played it on other platforms already? How is it for single player/story mode?

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Had a very quick go this afternoon. Skipped the tutorials, and went straight (well after watching some replays) into some Online battles. This didn't go well. :laughing: I couldn't buttonmash my way to victory, with my dreamteam of Android 18, Yamcha (gotta have Yamcha), and Picolo. Like I mentioned, I'm not actually a Dragonball fan, so I don't know who half of the cast is.

The game's structure borrows heavily from Blazblue actually (Crosstag Battle, but from what I hear previous titles as well). I've only played that one for a few hours, but the lobby system was very familiar. So I didn't have any trouble navigating the "menu". Like I said, I skipped the tutorial, so I had no clue what I was doing (I did enable the simple controls, so I did trigger some special moves), but I wouldn't be surprised if that was also similar to Blazblue.

Since I didn't know what I was doing I don't know if there were any issues with input lag, it didn't feel like it anyway, but there was no general lag when I was playing. I heard there were some hnetwork issues this morning, but gameplay was very smooth when I was playing. The game looks absolutely great. Well, I'm actually not a real fan of ArcSystem's "menu" / lobby system, but the fights look great. I'm sure it feels great too, when you know what you're doing!

Anyway, not sure if I'll get it, like I mentioned before.. Would be a nice title to buy for support, but I don't think this is a title that actually needs it. I suspect this is going to be one of the succesful 3rd party titles. Maybe I'll get it later.

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On 06/08/2018 at 7:10 AM, Hero-of-Time said:


I don't get why/surprised to see Cooler is so popular. ::shrug:

The game is a lot of fun on the Switch, seems to run great. Did take a while to get some matches going but after that it was fine.

Been playing Blazblue lately and kept trying to air dash and it wasn't working,

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Tried it out as well yesterday and while I hate fighting games online, because I always lose, I actually had fun with the game itself. It had a very nice arcade feel to it and the OTT action and moves were awesome. After playing 6 games online, I found the practice mode and tried my hands at that. Should probably have started there but I did manage to win 2 fights.

However, I feel that the lobby system was inefficient. Why can I only battle the ones in my room, why not just everybody? This way, I had to wait for a fight to finish and couldn't just fight the other ones waiting for fights to finish. Feels a bit stupid. So my 6 battles took about 40 minutes to complete.

The training more also was a bit slow, you had to load each fight and each small thing had its own battle. 

But overall, I hope to find the game for cheap at some point because the core of it was fun. And I do like Dragon Ball.

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I won a decent amount yesterday despite hardly playing the PS4 version, got destroyed probably just as much if not more. I did need to do some of the tutorials. Sucks that practise mode isn't in this.

Encountered a couple of salty Freeza players who just spammed his beam attacks. One guy even just stopped playing, dunno if they gave up or had to go answer the door or something.

6 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Tried it out as well yesterday and while I hate fighting games online, because I always lose, I actually had fun with the game itself. It had a very nice arcade feel to it and the OTT action and moves were awesome. After playing 6 games online, I found the practice mode and tried my hands at that. Should probably have started there but I did manage to win 2 fights.

However, I feel that the lobby system was inefficient. Why can I only battle the ones in my room, why not just everybody? This way, I had to wait for a fight to finish and couldn't just fight the other ones waiting for fights to finish. Feels a bit stupid. So my 6 battles took about 40 minutes to complete.

The training more also was a bit slow, you had to load each fight and each small thing had its own battle. 

But overall, I hope to find the game for cheap at some point because the core of it was fun. And I do like Dragon Ball.

I usually just choose Join an arena Match, and waited for a match to join up rather than doing ring matches.

I doubt the game will drop in price for a long time if the other versions haven't done so by now and the game was extremely popular at EVO.

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The only way I'm ever gonna want to play this is if Team Four Star finish their mod to replace all the voices with their Dragonball Z abridged versions.

Can you tell I'm not really a massive fan?

Game looks beautiful though, hard to believe it's actually 3D.

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4 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Game looks beautiful though, hard to believe it's actually 3D

Indeed. Absolutely stunning visuals on this! :o 

Seems pretty fun too, if Smash wasn’t around the corner I probably would’ve checked it out, but yeah... a shame about the timing. ::shrug:

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13 hours ago, Ike said:

So many rage quitters, it's just a demo/beta. What's the point?

Some people get really, REALLY upset about losing, especially if they do so repeatedly.

I've seen it a few times at the community centre, especially during 8-player Smashes, where it gets very chaotic and it can take a while for auto handicap to start levelling the playfield.

Before I started bringing consoles there, I always had the mindset that getting upset over that kind of thing was stupid. But now after witnessing it happen, I kinda sympathise a bit.

Of course, it's not a good way of dealing with it. So whenever someone starts getting frustrated, I make sure that I help them practice some of the more advanced techniques at the end of the day. It helps them perform better and teaches them that a bit of practice can do wonders.

Shame you could never really convey that kind of message online.

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2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Some people get really, REALLY upset about losing, especially if they do so repeatedly.

I've seen it a few times at the community centre, especially during 8-player Smashes, where it gets very chaotic and it can take a while for auto handicap to start levelling the playfield.

Before I started bringing consoles there, I always had the mindset that getting upset over that kind of thing was stupid. But now after witnessing it happen, I kinda sympathise a bit.

Of course, it's not a good way of dealing with it. So whenever someone starts getting frustrated, I make sure that I help them practice some of the more advanced techniques at the end of the day. It helps them perform better and teaches them that a bit of practice can do wonders.

Shame you could never really convey that kind of message online.

When it comes to the younger generation I put a lot of blame on schools. I know a fair few of them these days award kids just for participating in things like sports day because they want to make everyone feel like they've accomplished something. Ever since this came into play I've always hated it. It doesn't teach kids to lose and it's okay to do so. It also takes away the drive to improve. Why bother when you are going to get something out of it anyway?

That's not to say the older generation are immune to acting like idiots. I'll never forget the meltdowns and language that came from Zechs when we used to play CoD. To this day I've never heard an adult kick off and throw the toys out of the pram as much as he did when he lost.

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I do think it needs a "real-time" mode though, where fights take as long as in the anime.

I also think they need introduce a fatality (yeah just one), that only applies to Yamcha.

17 hours ago, RedShell said:

Seems pretty fun too, if Smash wasn’t around the corner I probably would’ve checked it out, but yeah... a shame about the timing. ::shrug:

They're totally different fighters. I don't see why they'd be mutually exclusive.

Anyway, like I said, the game does look great, I suspect chances I may get this afterall have increased slightly. Though I'm still sure I'm not getting this day 1.

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First game I played today and got a rage quitter because I blocked his special. ::shrug:

All it does it make me feel good because I'm not even that good at the game, and you're never going to get better if you keep giving up if it doesn't go your way. Might as stick around and try and learn something.

It's probably easier to to rage quit in handheld mode as the power button is in easy reach as well and there doesn't appear to by a system to punish rage quitters, at least there didn't seem to be in the beta.

Couldn't connect anymore so I'm assuming it's over. Maybe I'll practice in the PS4 version before the Switch release. ;)

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I've played the beta for I think an hour or so. Wished I could have played longer, but I had a busy weekend without much gaming time!

First of all the game looks gorgeous. It really is an impressive port, I have seen a side-by-side comparison with a console version (XBox One or PS4) and I could hardly distinguish any differences. The art style is great; it comes so close to how the anime looks. The little conversations between characters before every match and the cutscenes when pulling off a special move really add to the feeling of playing an anime episode.

Gameplay-wise I can't say too much since I played only for a short amount. I did two trainings (one of the special moves), so I learned how to charge and how to pull off a Kamehameha so I blasted my first two opponents quite easy. After that I won a few, lost a few. I think there is a lot of depth in the fighting, with combos, countering, specials, switching characters etc. What I really noticed is that I was missing a good D-Pad. I played in handheld with attached joy-cons and with the Pro Controller docked, but pulling off special moves never felt really good. Didn't try the easy mode though.

Saturday I played a little bit more, but that's when the disconnects started happening. Don't know if they were intentional or server issues. I also played one match that really stuttered, a lot of lag. Also not a fan of a matchmaking system, but I don't know if it will be different/better in the full game.

So I don't know if I'll get it. I love the franchise; currently watching Dragon Ball Super and I've seen a lot of the other series as well. The game looks stunning. But with it's focus on mostly online I don't know if I have the time to invest in getting good. I'm not a King of Fighters so usually I suck in this genre and I like to play it casually. But it is Dragon Ball, it is a 2D fighter and it is looking so good! Wish I could demo some more...

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Some season 2 fighters DLC has been confirmed., Namco Bandai apparently released a trailer early.


Videl! And some boring guy named Jiren.

She fights with Saiyaman. Although she has her short hari, hope she gets her long hair as a costume.


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