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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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29 minutes ago, bob said:

Didnt the home run contest used to be in metres? When did then randomly change it to kilometres and why?

This game, I have no idea why. But it is the first time that all regions have the same measurements. American versions of Smash used to use feet.

I only managed a measly 660-ish km. with Peach.

Edited by Glen-i
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1 hour ago, bob said:

Didnt the home run contest used to be in metres? When did then randomly change it to kilometres and why?

I imagine, since fighters can launch sandbag into the stratosphere now, it would be silly for it to travel a mere handful of metres. So they changed it to a more scale-appropriate measurement.

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1 hour ago, RedShell said:

Maths has never been a strongpoint for me :heh: but I’m pretty sure that I now have under 100 spirits left to level up to 99, meaning I won’t get anywhere near to that 1346 total. ::shrug: Is the records section lying to me, or am I just being thick? :blank: 

The spirits total includes support spirits, which can't be leveled up.

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Amazing how just a few lines give an entirely new context and meaning to his astounding work effort. Ultimate bringing every character back and having such a great variety of characters joining, either as DLC or before that in the base game, just makes so much sense now. 

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It's a triple A (not in the Jim sterling way) Nintendo owned game that has a Microsoft credit on the title screen. And not just for a small thing, a full blown playable character! 90's me would have freaked over that.

I still can't believe it happened. It's utterly surreal. I'm sure Iwata would be very pleased with the amount of gaming companies coming together for this celebration. Even after we get past the playable characters, we've got some indie companies getting a nod such as WayForward, Yacht Club Games and just recently Toby Fox.

I can't wait to see what plans Sakurai has in the future for Ultimate!

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16 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

I honestly hope this game just becomes a platform. It's so, so good and I just don't know how they can top it (and whether it would even be worth it). Just keep adding to it until the end of time. I'll keep paying and keep on playing. 

I'm with you on that. My heart can't take the inevitable cuts that would come around from starting from scratch.

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Unless they're adding the twins as a character! They'd be so cool with all the Legion switching. Moves write themselves.

I certainly don't expect them to be part of the Fighter's Pass (Far too late for Astral Chain and it seems to focus on third party titles), but with more characters confirmed after that, I'd say there's a decent shot.

After Xenoblade 2's Rex gets in though, I'm pretty certain he's gonna be one of the first post-pass characters, after Sakurai went out of his way to apologise for the timing of Xenoblade 2 being too late for Smash.

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On 05/09/2019 at 9:36 PM, Jonnas said:

One final thing: Fatal Fury was eventually soft-rebooted into Garou:Mark of the Wolves, a well-received game (often compared to Street Fighter III) that's very technical. Unfortunately, I don't know much about its unique mechanics, but I plan on playing it before Terry's released (he's the only returning character, you see). If I find any noteworthy mechanics, I'll let you know.

As promised, @LazyBoy, I played this game. It feels like a very traditional fighting game (a very good-looking, well made one), with only two noteworthy mechanics:

-Like Street Fighter III, Garou has parries, except in this game they heal a little bit of health. Interestingly, they're made exactly like in Smash Bros (you release the defend button shortly before the enemy's hit ends). There's a pretty decent chance Terry could have this mechanic in Smash Bros (it's in line with my theory of his rolls or parries being better somehow);

-There's something called a T.O.P. state. When a character is in this state, they're stronger. Before a match, you get to choose whether this is active while you're near death, while you're at middle health, or while you're at or near full health (this option means it activates right at the beginning of the match). Coupled with healing parries, this can lead to some hype shenanigans. This mechanic is so tied to a health bar, I don't expect to see it in Smash Bros. I figured I'd mention it anyway.

Other than that, it's just a solid 2D fighting game with next to no gimmicks. Healing parries are the only thing I could feasibly see getting into Smash. Well, that, and Terry's sweet "grizzled veteran" redesign as an alternate costume.


I might use it.

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Great post @Jonnas, thorough reseach. I imagine they would stick a counter on the down b that just stunned the enemy, like Ryus focus punch, and give it a healing element. 

The short boost to strength mechanic could be a choice on the character select screen, but the mechanic would not work with Smash since the character becomes weaker as the health grows (unlike a fighting game). Therefor I would imagine the vast majority will just set their strength boost to the beginning of their life. 

Any ideas how he might recover?

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Just now, LazyBoy said:

I imagine they would stick a counter on the down b that just stunned the enemy, like Ryus focus punch, and give it a healing element.

Seeing as perfect shields are already in the game, and that Ryu's focus punch is based off an entirely different mechanic, I have my doubts. If they were to reference the healing parry, I think they'd stick it to perfect shields. Not to say your suggestion's impossible, but I don't think they'll stray too far from Terry's fighting style (especially since counters in Fatal Fury are more associated with the main villain Geese Howard, and his son Rock Howard.)

Just now, LazyBoy said:

The short boost to strength mechanic could be a choice on the character select screen, but the mechanic would not work with Smash since the character becomes weaker as the health grows (unlike a fighting game). Therefor I would imagine the vast majority will just set their strength boost to the beginning of their life.

Well, it's a mechanic with risk involved, it need not be short. For example, let's say the player sets the T.O.P. to high health, let's say, between 0-30%. That player would keep the boost as long as his health never went above 30%... but if they get hit twice by Ganondorf, they would lose the boost till the end of the stock. The "optimal" range would likely depend on matchup.

It's a cool mechanic in Garou, and I think it'd be cool in Smash. The tricky part is determining what "low health" means, since it'd be broken if it was just, say, "above 100%".

Just now, LazyBoy said:

Any ideas how he might recover?



It's a signature move that both him and his son share. A charge attack in some games, a dragon punch motion in others. His most likely up-b, but it could also be his up-air... but in that case it wouldn't be RYSING!

Horizontally, we've already seen his BUN NACO! during Sakurai's presentation, but there's also CRACK SHOOT!


Another signature anti-air (also good for catching crouching enemies), but I have no idea what'll it be. Could be a forward-air, up-b... even a down-air. But if it moves forward, it's a recovery option.

And then there's his POWAH DANK!


I'm expecting it to be his down-b or down-air... but if it moves forward and up, it's a recovery option.

(P.S.: Every sprite I'm posting here has been taken from Fightersgeneration.com)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm late, but man, it's great seeing @Jonnas getting so fired up about Terry. It's like watching a kid on Christmas.

What I actually came here for is to show off a feat that three of the kids I play Smash with (and me) just pulled off today.


If you discount the Miis, who don't appear in All-Star Smash. There's currently 77 characters in Smash Ultimate. Which means I've finally had an All-Star Smash run where I've beaten every character at least once. Trust me, that's hard, even with 4 people.

The best thing is that the other 3 kids pictured above were utterly hopeless back when we were playing Smash WiiU and now they can hold their own against me quite easily.

They've learned so much from me! I'm a little proud.

(In case you're wondering, the player order corresponds to the characters used for the high score, so I was Shulk there)

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