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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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1 hour ago, RedShell said:

Piranha Plant is just hilarious. :laughing:
Really fun character to use, but it feels like the specials will take some getting used to. Down B is especially weird as it's kind of counter-intuitive, pretty versatile though as you can modify the power and angle. Neutral B is very handy for defending the edge. Side B doesn't seem so great but Up B is absolutely nuts, crazy recovery distance! :hehe:

Still a ridiculous character choice, but they really have made it work. :cool:

If you crouch and another player jumps on top of you, it triggers an auto attack.

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Given the Plant a go.

That running animation is gonna make smile for a very long time. It's so psychotic!

Quite a versatile character. God help you if you ever get your shield broken fighting Piranha Plant, because that Side B can do over 50% damage if aimed right!

I like it a lot!

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Add Lucina to my list of 9.9 triumphs!

Apart from just being a better character than Marth, Lucina has an easier route as well. The harder matchups are at the beginning, so it's not too bad.

Well, until you get to the hands... Almost flopped there.

That's 6 characters now. And my total GSP is sitting at over 4 million now.

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A quick article about the potential problems with Pirahna Plant DLC.

Nintendo haven't found what the problem is yet but they are working on it at least which is good.

I think I'll hold off going back to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate until it is fixed though.

A shame because I do want to try out Pirahna Plant as it looks like an interesting addition.


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22 minutes ago, S.C.G said:


A quick article about the potential problems with Pirahna Plant DLC.

Nintendo haven't found what the problem is yet but they are working on it at least which is good.

I think I'll hold off going back to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate until it is fixed though.

A shame because I do want to try out Pirahna Plant as it looks like an interesting addition.


Isn't it only a potential problem if you try to clear All-star Mode with Piranha Plant? I.e. you can play the rest of the game without worrying. 

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2 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Isn't it only a potential problem if you try to clear All-star Mode with Piranha Plant? I.e. you can play the rest of the game without worrying. 

I think so, also it seems to be more with the digital version than the physical version from comments I've read but, I don't know... I'd still rather not risk it knowing there's an issue.

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I've updated the article, thanks for the heads-up @MindFreak as it's appreciated. :peace:

Maybe i'll think about playing Smash again soon then if it's limited to certain SD cards, still uneasy about it though. :p

Does anyone here actually use one of those Samsung 256GB EVO Select Memory Cards

If so, then it might be a good idea to backup those saves just in case... it's a good idea to anyway but especially now.

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well this was a pain in the butt. Managed the Ken Century Smash one after dying at 99 too many times. But the 3 KO’s in Cruel Smash is just a nightmare to do. I truly think the only way to do it is to get them to SD. Did it in the end with Kirby and just kept floating over the edges taunting them so they’d SD

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7 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

well this was a pain in the butt. Managed the Ken Century Smash one after dying at 99 too many times. But the 3 KO’s in Cruel Smash is just a nightmare to do. I truly think the only way to do it is to get them to SD. Did it in the end with Kirby and just kept floating over the edges taunting them so they’d SD

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Cruel Smash sucks. I immediately Golden Hammered that one the instant I saw it.

I've only got two challenges left to do myself, 100 and 200 online Quick Play matches. If Battle Arena counted, I would have gotten that ages ago...

N-Europe matches and local matches have really spoiled me on playing Smash with randoms...

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I honestly think Cruel Smash is the easiest it's ever been in Ultimate. I ko'd 7 fighters on my very first attempt by pure chance using Jigglypuff. I thought I'd be using his Down + B attack to try and blast the fighters away but was quickly knocked off the edge by them. However, the Mii fighters kept jumping down after me as I floated back up. I then floated to the other side of the stage where the process repeated and more jumped to their death. Give it a try!

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56 minutes ago, RedShell said:

And the award for most pointless segment of the Nintendo Direct goes to... :laughing:

I do wonder what the hell they're going to add to Ver. 3.0 though.


Still hoping it's this:



The 2 bright yellow segments match the kind of thing you see in the Mii Fighter menu.


So I definitely think that first blurred image is a menu of some kind...

Not sure what to make of the second image though...

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Carrying on with my "Am I good enough to beat 9.9 with this character?" journey and I got my 7th and 8th victory.

Young Link doesn't surprise me. I'm pretty good with him, but Mr. G&W was a pleasant surprise. Got to 9.9 before the hands, which is definitely reassuring.

I had some horrific luck with the Chrom and Roy run though. Chrom saw me using 2 continues, one where the CPU controlled Robin partner got me hit by a giant Daisy Up Smash and then again on the hands when I got slightly pushed off stage by the Dog Shadow attack.

Most characters would have recovered from that, but not Chrom... @Dcubed can attest to that particular flop.

Roy on the other hand was going brilliantly, I had it in the bag! But in an attempt to avoid an attack from Crazy Hand, I ran toward the edge of the stage with the idea of dodging towards the edge so I was facing Crazy Hand and ready to counterattack.

Unfortunately, I misjudged it and accidently ran off the edge and pressed R and left as soon as I was in the air. The ending lag was so severe, I could never get back on with Roy's mediocre Up B.

I hate the air dodge mechanics in this game...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not normally that good with projectile focused characters, so getting to the final boss with 9.9 intensity felt awesome. And then I beat Galleom with no continues! Yay!

There you go @RedShell, that's how someone can be good with Snake.

EDIT: Make that 10.

Unfortunate continue on the hands, Ike's too slow for that nonsense.

Seriously though, Ike talks like he's in a porno.

Got a funny clear screen when I was doing this route.


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I like Ike in this Smash now.
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4 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

I love Greg Chun as Ike. He also voiced Lukas in Echoes.


Oh man, Lukas was one of my favourite male voices in that game! Berkut outdoes him in awesomeness, but Lukas is definitely up there.

Just to clarify, I like Ike's voice in Ultimate. The fact he sounds strangely seductive makes him more memorable than his previous voice.

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I’m still trying to get all spirits, only one left and that’s Mew. I need to finish the final fight on WoL without getting KO’d. I just keep making stupid little mistakes in the final part (fighting Galeem and Dharkon). It’s annoying how long it takes to get to that point. First the vertical stage, then the boss rush and then the final fight... :blank:

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1 hour ago, markderoos said:

I’m still trying to get all spirits, only one left and that’s Mew. I need to finish the final fight on WoL without getting KO’d. I just keep making stupid little mistakes in the final part (fighting Galeem and Dharkon). It’s annoying how long it takes to get to that point. First the vertical stage, then the boss rush and then the final fight... :blank:

You have put the difficulty on easy, right?

Also use the Celebi support spirit. That's how I did it on Normal difficulty.

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Today, during Smash community center day, I learned that when you use Pac-Man's Neutral B, the fruit can actually damage opponents while it cycles through the options.

I just keep learning new things and I love it.

I also got an opportunity to attempt a Co-op 9.9 run with "Crazy good with Incineroar" kid while the others took a break to eat lunch. He went for Incineroar, so I chose to do Pokémon Trainer's route. (Themed co-op runs are half the fun!)

We got to Mewtwo/Master Hand at 9.7 intensity and some of the other kids were legit gasping when one of us got hit by Master Hand.

Unfortunately, we blew it right at the end. The collective groan of "Awwww!" was kinda funny.

Oh well, maybe next time...

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