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Fitness, Weight Loss & Strength 2018


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Increased Deadlift to 55kg 5x5 today. So even after a week and a half long break I didn't need to de-load for this exercise :)
I tried doing Shoulder Press with 35kg for the second time. It was ok. Third set was 4 reps, the others 5. The last was a little meh regarding my form so...but still after the long break it feels good that I at least improved a bit :peace:


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I've taken a break of basically years from weightlifting. Just didn't have the motivation for some reason. But now its back, and I'm getting back on it! Switched from from 5x5 to GSLP and I'm really going to try and stick with it this time. Can't believe what I could lift when I stopped, compared to what I'm doing now, a shame really. I wonder where I'd be at if I'd have kept it up? Well, this time we'll find out :)


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13 minutes ago, Shorty said:

I've taken a break of basically years from weightlifting. Just didn't have the motivation for some reason. But now its back, and I'm getting back on it! Switched from from 5x5 to GSLP and I'm really going to try and stick with it this time. Can't believe what I could lift when I stopped, compared to what I'm doing now, a shame really. I wonder where I'd be at if I'd have kept it up? Well, this time we'll find out :)


Are you using an app to track your lifts? If not, I'm using FitNotes and it's pretty good and simple. I wish I had tracked properly at the start, because I could have made tons of noob gains if I had done it a bit more sensibly at the beginning.

Quite exciting for you really, you'll see an obvious change in your numbers and fitness/physique within a few moments. :D

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Fucked up my schedule and did one of my workout programs twice in a row so I had a week long break for Deadlifts and Shoulder Press.

Still managed to increase Deadlifts to 57.5kg and was able to do 5x5.
Also succeded 5x5 Shoulder Press with 35kg. It was fucking tough, though, and my form wasn't good for the last few reps. I think I'll just stick with the weight next time and see if it'll be better.

The other workout:

Squats - 5x5 with 60kg
Bench Press - 5x5 with 45kg
Pendlay Row - 2x4 inbetween 3 sets of 5 reps with 42.5kg

Happy with my progression. I've reached personal bests for Bench Press and Pendlay Row :peace: Squats and Deadlift appear to be going well, too. Increasing the load is going smoothly for these two exercises. Shoulder Press is a bitch, as it always has been :laughing:

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Did my after-school football club for the first time in over 3 weeks today. My feet are aching, my throat is sore from bellowing instructions and I'm just tired, tired, tired. Did make two amazing saves in goal, one of which was a one-on-one where the other kid tried slotting the ball into the corner and I got down low and blocked it with my elbow as the ball was going behind me. :D 

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23 minutes ago, Raining_again said:

a hundred kiloooo squuuaat :D

Congrats :peace: Keep it going!

Yesterday's workout:

Squats 5x5 with 67.5kg
Bench Press 4x5 and 1x4 with 50kg
Pendlay Row 5x5 with 42.5kg


Deadlift  5x5 65kg
Shoulder Press 3x5 and 2x4 with 35kg (I keep stalling at this weight...which is not surprising at my level, but it's still a little annoying)
And did some curls


I feel great. Managed to eat some more over the past few days and I think I can keep this up.
Just ordered a pizza because I deserve (yes, yes I do :D) and crave one :p

I'm gaining weight. Probably a little more fat than muscle but who cares. As long as I get stronger it's all good. Burning fat can come later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm on paternity leave at the moment and it has given me more time to exercise - partly. I do some bodyweight exercising a couple of times a week at home when my son's sleeping. This means a lot of burpees as they are about the best way to get my pulse raising without needing equipment or much space. Squats, lunges and sit-ups work as well but don't raise my pulse as much as burpees. I have considered using my son as a weight sometimes but that means he has to be awake and that would really not work for the long run.

When my wife gets home from work, I can go to the gym or for a run. I've been running a bit more these days (the weather is really great so I want to). Mostly 4-5 km, did a 4.8 km in at most 21 minutes - I don't time my runs but looks at the clock when leaving and when returning. 

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I'm on paternity leave at the moment and it has given me more time to exercise - partly. I do some bodyweight exercising a couple of times a week at home when my son's sleeping. This means a lot of burpees as they are about the best way to get my pulse raising without needing equipment or much space. Squats, lunges and sit-ups work as well but don't raise my pulse as much as burpees. I have considered using my son as a weight sometimes but that means he has to be awake and that would really not work for the long run.
When my wife gets home from work, I can go to the gym or for a run. I've been running a bit more these days (the weather is really great so I want to). Mostly 4-5 km, did a 4.8 km in at most 21 minutes - I don't time my runs but looks at the clock when leaving and when returning. 
Maybe strap your son to yourself and then go for a run? Extra training weight for you, and he gets gently rocked to sleep
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  • 2 weeks later...

Workout A

Squats 5x5 with 77.5kg
Bench Press 5x5 with 50kg
Pendlay Row 5x5 with 42.5kg

Workout B

Deadlift  5x5 with 75kg
Shoulder Press 3x5 and 2x4 with 37.5kg
And some curls


Now, as many of you have predicted 5x5 Deadlifts have become too exhausting. Gonna switch things up:

Workout A stays the same

Workout B

Squat 3x5 (with weight from Workout A)
Shoulder Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5


I don't want to do 5x5 squats and increase weight every workout because I play football once every week and want to start running again. Not sure if it would be too taxing on my legs. We'll see how it goes.

Pretty satisfied with my progress so far. Had to take the occasional week off from lifting due to illness, or no time so I'm not as far as I would've liked, but still. :)

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Well I might be biased being female but my body toughens up after a while and i felt like a fuckin' powerhorse doing 5x5 three times a week and oly (leg heavy) once a week.  But women are apparently able to recover from frequent load better than males.  I'd be interested to know how you get on.  I didn't really find my oly suffered for doing squats a lot.  Mentally it was a bit taxing getting to the upper limit of what you could squat and continually adding, or even staying at the same weight so frequently.  I think a 3x5 could work, maybe even a 3x5 at 80% 5rm could work too. 

Edited by Raining_again
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On ‎06‎/‎06‎/‎2018 at 2:59 PM, drahkon said:

@Fierce_LiNk You do cardio in addition to lifting, right? How often do you run? Is it tough to do squats during lifting workouts?

It really depends on a few things. I'm usually limited these days by time, but I usually play football on Mondays and try and get at least one other cross-trainer session in there somewhere. It depends on what routine I'm doing at the moment. The last one was to work out every other day, so something like:

Monday: football

Tuesday: off

Wednesday: weight

Thursday: Cardio

Friday: weights

Saturday: cardio (or occasionally a lighter weights session)

Sunday: weights

In the past, I've had weeks where I've worked out maybe 4 or 5 times, and then had just the one cardio session. I've never found that it impacts on my squats that much, but my legs would feel heavier if I was lifting heavier and then trying to do cardio. After a while, you get used to it, but the soreness could be intense at times. If you eat right and rest right, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.


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I always find the first few weeks of squatting + exercise is the worst as the legs are really in pain. After that I'm more than comfortable squatting one night and playing sport the following. 

The only thing I don't do prior to tennis is deadlifts as they kill my lower back and I cannot serve properly.

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I've had to go to my new gym and I'm loving it. The classes are awesome, the gym is great but my God, I've got unfit. The last job has screwed my fitness up and my fat loss progress. My knee is recovering though so it should be back to normal levels soon!

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been back in the swing of things over the last two weeks after being ill with a bad chest and tricky cough. I'm starting to get some of my fitness back and I feel a lot better for it. Although, I had planned to work out tonight but I felt so tired when I got home and almost fell asleep straightaway!
Ordered some more protein as I was running low. Also, looking at ways to improve my tricep strength, so I've incorporated skull crushers back into my routine. Tempted to order some dip attachments for my cage. 

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Had time to go to the gym yesterday and not attend a class. It was nice to do some simple lifting and just chill. Did 5x5 backsquats (70-70-76-76-82 kg without too much trouble), 5x5 shoulder press (30-36-36-38-38 and struggling the last) and 3x5 deadlift (100-110-110) and with 4-5 pulups between each set throughout. It was generally tough but I was surprised that I hadn't lost that much weight on my 5's.

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Used the crosstrainer today and had to move the fan so that it was directly blowing at my face so that I wouldn't melt in this bluddy heat. Survived! Now that I've got time off due to the Summer, I'm going to try to do something every day. Weights yesterday, cardio today. May try weights tomorrow and possibly the day after. Saturday as a rest day. We'll see how it goes! :D 

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You guys are killing it - good job. @Raining_again 100kg? You fucking badass. 

I've hit a bit of a milestone recently:

July '17: I was 15 stone 2 / 96kg. 

August: I ended up dropping about 9lbs from my surgery (Open surgery for a benign tumor) I gave birth to a nonexistent baby! 

In January of this year, at the end I finally decided to take my health a little more seriously, I've since dropped more weight, so I'm now in the 84kgs bracket, giving me a loss of 12kg. Phew. Its been rough trying to work around a chronic illness and surgery recovery, but I had to replace 90% of my clothes and I feel stronger than I have in years!

Looking forward to reporting more loss in a few months :)

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I am so out of shape, it's unreal. I used to cycle a lot and got to the point that I could cycle a 50 mile round trip with reasonable ease. Now I can barely cycle to the next village without wanting to stop.

I'm hoping by posting my plans in here that it'll convince me to stick to them.

My girlfriend has recently started doing Spanish classes on Mondays and plans to possibly do an extra one on Fridays soon. I've wanted to take a self defence class for ages and there's a Muay Thai one at a really good MMA gym the same time on a Friday nearby, which would be great as I would be hanging around anyway due to me driving her to the Spanish class.

The plan is to work on my fitness a bit beforehand, then join the Muay Thai class. They also teach Jui Jitsu, which I may move onto as well if I end up enjoying Muay Thai. Either that or take a different martial art at a different place, as I quite like the look of Krav Maga and Jeet Kune Do, but they're not as close by.

The idea of excercise for excercise sake seems boring to me, but hopefully the fact that I'd be learning self defence will make it entertaining. I have no real interest in taking it up as a competitive sport, so hopefully it's not too MMA focused, but I would like to improve my fitness and confidence, whilst also leaning self defence.

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On ‎15‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 12:48 AM, Goafer said:

I am so out of shape, it's unreal. I used to cycle a lot and got to the point that I could cycle a 50 mile round trip with reasonable ease. Now I can barely cycle to the next village without wanting to stop.

I'm hoping by posting my plans in here that it'll convince me to stick to them.

My girlfriend has recently started doing Spanish classes on Mondays and plans to possibly do an extra one on Fridays soon. I've wanted to take a self defence class for ages and there's a Muay Thai one at a really good MMA gym the same time on a Friday nearby, which would be great as I would be hanging around anyway due to me driving her to the Spanish class.

The plan is to work on my fitness a bit beforehand, then join the Muay Thai class. They also teach Jui Jitsu, which I may move onto as well if I end up enjoying Muay Thai. Either that or take a different martial art at a different place, as I quite like the look of Krav Maga and Jeet Kune Do, but they're not as close by.

The idea of excercise for excercise sake seems boring to me, but hopefully the fact that I'd be learning self defence will make it entertaining. I have no real interest in taking it up as a competitive sport, so hopefully it's not too MMA focused, but I would like to improve my fitness and confidence, whilst also leaning self defence.

Sounds like a good plan! Exciting to also try and do something a bit different plus it's a good way for you both to have something new which you can then talk about and share. 

I've found the jump/skipping rope that we had boxed away and am planning to reintroduce that as another form of cardio. I felt that it really did work and there were many occasions using it where I was dying afterwards, so I'm looking forward to getting into that again. Will alternate that with the crosstrainer, or maybe even do it on the same days that I lift weights. Will see. 

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I used to do archery, but quit because I found it a bit boring and didn't want to spend money to stay a member of the local archery club, which was pretty much the only place I could shoot. I would have kept it up if I could just pay whenever I wanted to shoot, but it was an annual membership and there was no way I was going to get my money's worth.

Well a friend and her boyfriend (who used to be an archery instructor) are now looking to setup a little archery range on her parents' farm for our group of friends to shoot at. Got my bow out of the attic and it's not rusted/rotted into a million pieces, which is nice. It's bloody tiring to use though, once again highlighting how out of shape I am.


Also, I knew I had acheived some badges, but forgot that I got my 40 yards badge and Third Class, which was an added bonus.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've started using the crosstrainer/elliptical machine for 60 minutes now and it wipes me out afterwards. It's amazing what those extra minutes do or how they leave you afterwards. Pretty sure the heat has something to do with it too, but I'm sweating buckets afterwards.

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