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How much are you putting aside?


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Him at the mo Ive about a grand in euros... whats that gonna be in pounds? seven to eight hundred?! And Ive I think 26 pounds to add to that. But after working and not really spending too mch between now and the end of the year... if the end of this year even turns out being the right date... Ill be able to afford it... I hope.


Who was it said about getting a new TV? That my friend is a very good idea, not only have I been gaming on a wee fourteen or sixteen inch since '96 well the wee beast blew a gasket over Chrimbo there so this summer is gonna require me making the investment in a new one. Yippee...

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i aint started saving yet or dont have a schedule to start saving but i plan to spend around £250, if its more than that at launch ill probably go into my overdraft on my bank account and spend an extra £50 or so or i might wait till the rev drops in price (unlikely though) :)

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I work in a gamestore.. so at lauch I wil get:


The machine


All Nintendo games

The good 3party games

The games that look kinda good :P

And etc Accsesories. Snes pad and such :)



Then i will be poor the month after.. but who cares. I'll just stay home playing the revolution. (plz let ther be a good online game for launch)

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I work in a gamestore.. so at lauch I wil get:


The machine


All Nintendo games

The good 3party games

The games that look kinda good :P

And etc Accsesories. Snes pad and such :)



Then i will be poor the month after.. but who cares. I'll just stay home playing the revolution. (plz let ther be a good online game for launch)


SSB online good enough 4 ya :P

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Specifically for the revolution £0.

if its cheap enough, and my life is as rubbish then as it is right now, then I'll probably get it, all add-ons and all the launch games at launch.

hopefully I'll wait until it hits its first price drop, or (fingers crossed) I won't care if I get one at all or not.

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Not expecting any money for my birthday (which is like, in less than two weeks, hooray), so I gotta depend on my job. Which I hope I'll still be having by then, though it's very unlikely. Don't really make much money with that job anyway (between 100 and 200 euro each month) and I have to save up for my plane tickets (600 euro, gah) to see my boy again. So yeah... I don't really have any money yet for the Rev. I hope that by then I'll have enough to at least buy the console and like, one game or something.

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