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another release dates speculation


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Before I start this is not my info, I saw this on the nintendo uk forums, probably a load of shit, just thought I'd post them anyway.


"America= 1.10.06

Japan= 25.10.06

Europe= 21.11.06

Australia= 21.11.06


All between 2 months, i was shocked when he told me aswell.

To you non believers, just wait till E3 2006 and you will hear the same dates being read out!"




"Now Official download prices...


NES games = £2.49 each

SNES games = £4.99 each

N64 games = £9.99 each


Unlimited NES downloads for a year card = £19.99

Unlimited SNES downloads for a year card = £39.99

Ulimited N64 downloads for a year cad = £79.99

Ulimited all games downloads for a year card = £124.99


Quite pricey if you ask me, since i think SNES & NES games should be free, but they are the official prices.


If you don't beleive me wait till E3 2006 to hear the same prices read out!



I also happen to know that the


Revolution will cost =164.99

And the PS3 will cost =399.99


I promise all this is official, my source is too official to lie. "


"Forgot to mention


Revolution games = £39.99

PS3 games = £59.99


If you want the PS3 release date, it's 8.10.06, in USA designed to destroy Revo's launch, fingers crossed it doesn't. "




their ya go, fake i'd guess?!

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wtf which way are they going with the prices?? i honestly thought revo games will be cheaper than this gen's games because i think around 50 to 60 € for a game at launch is the highest pitch. so wtf a ps3 game will cost twice as much? absolutely unbelievable. but not impossible. what a pity.

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well you say the download prices are ridiculous but think of it this way. An N64 game from gamestation will be around 5 pounds, however they are 2nd hand whilst these ,probably improved in some way, downloads are being sold offically from nintendo. Then again we dont have to pay for the packaging etc. Now i don't know

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If prices were to be that high, there might be a slight possibility it's to pay for Servers, seeing as it's free to play online, and if they want quality, they may just have to get the money from somewhere.


Outrageous prices though, also, this should be in euros. What's that, €14.50 for an N64 Game, I'm not really willing to pay that much for an N64 Game. I'd be disappointed at a €7.20 price for a SNES Games, there's a bundle I want to get from there. It should be €4, tops.


I would suppose €240 isn't too bad for a Revolution, but I'd much prefer it to be €200. There's also games to take into consideration, and controllers (which I may just buy an extra two, like I did with Gamecube)


If the PS3 Price is correct, the system will probably be about €580, and games nearly €90.


The PS3 Price is a bit too outrageous, I don't think Sony would be so insane as to charge that much, especially for games. I'm not going to believe.

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No costs to make cartridges on these games because they are transferred to your Rev via wifi, No development costs on making the games cause their already made.... Lovely prices!! :mad::mad::mad:


I would maybe buy super metroid and Ocarina of time but except that im not too keen on those figures but ill still rather wait and see :mad:

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I think all the games should be 4 or 5 bucks regardless of system. So say you have 20 bucks, you can buy 4 or 5 games of your choice without having to consider the platform.


And you wouldnt have to worry about the disappointment of saying 'dammit i payed 10 bucks for 1080 Snowboarding and its not as good Mario Bros 3'

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To be quite honest, i have most of the N64/Snes games i want anyway...so the only games i may be buying are the NES ones, we'll see though, depends what great N64 games i've missed! The prices are not too bad, but they do seem a little high!


The actual console price is fantastic and launch date is ok i suppose why Europe has to be last is anyones guess, can't we just have it first for once?


Will see if this is true come May! I'm not to sure, i think it's quite easy to guess launch-dates and prices now though isn't it? :D


The consoles price has already been talked about, the games will most probably be £39.99 because most games are and the launch dates look realistic because well we were told to expect it around that time!



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Your source says the revo will be 164.99 and yet the n64 games for 1 year will cost 124.99. I really don't think Nintendo would expect you to pay the price of a console for unlimited downloads for a year, especially for an out of date console. I would guess that unlimited games downloads would be £30 to £50?

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What does unlimited mean? I can play every game for a year or do I really own them?


To be honest as much as I like Nintendo I am pretty sure they will use the "Virtual Console" as their new cash cow. All they do is put the games online and let the people download them for money. Please don't expect anything than better frame rates from these games - there won't be any improvements and certainly no online mode in Golden Eye.


Launch dates seem okay for me even though I would swap Japan and US and of course I am pissed that EU is last again oh well together with Australia that helps .... NOT!

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with sony touting the ps3 as an all-in-one media hub i DO hope this is the price so they scupper themselves instead of our launch! i think sony are more scared of nintendo than their silence would have anyone believe, IF this launch date is for sure. but hey, let it have the limelight for a couple of weeks then let the revolution steamroller come in and ruin it.


HOWEVER (are you listening nintendo?? ) space at the front of shops MUST be bought for the revolution, otherwise sony will get there first and the shops will be shoving a brand new console from nintendo down the back as soon as it is launched! that's not exactly gonna give a good public impression of how much faith stores are putting into ninty's revo, whether they wana put it there or not!


as for the prices of these games for download, i find them fine, especially when you place them side-by-side with the pathetic wee games microsoft are charging people to play, like moria said. how about a monthly unlimited download... then just download everything you could ever possibly want that year ;) jk!!


also, for a few pounds more than most of you would like (understandable, by the way) we get these games officially from nintendo, all instructions will be downloaded too (something we'd be missing buying them 2nd hand most of the time) and they're guaranteed to work... with the possibility in some cases of advanced frame rate and MAYBE online multiplayer on some 1st party game (it'll probs be very rare, but maybe a few of the most wanted games).


and counter-balance this with completely FREE online play for all your revolution games! can't forget that! all-in-all, a great all-round package i feel...


(if true!)

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That's a good prediction.. but the use of the word "Official" is used looser than an arse like a clown's hat.


From what I've read in the media Blu-ray could well cost £59.99 on launch, it's a pricey medium, but remember films are coming on Blu-ray, nobody will pay that much for a film.. so i'm taking that with a pinch of salt.. Sony will be shipping PS3's at a loss.. but god, they're pushing the boat out at that level.


I'd pay £39.99 for a Revolution game on launch like Mario 128 but i'd expect a hack of at least £5 for online retailers like Amazon.co.uk, Nintendo said the cheaper development costs would be passed directly onto consumers.


The unlimited game card for a year seems like a very obscure investment, this all means nothing until we know the file size of the things.. because we have to store it on SD cards.


Oh an by the way did I miss that memo from Sony to Nintendo revealing their release date so Sony could plan a counter attack launch for the PS3? Or did I miss that on the evening news.. because I didn't realise it was public knowledge.. I bet Reggie doesn't even know which month they will be launching in let alone the date.


The yearly subscription thing though, I really don't see the point. Nintendo wifi will be free for first party games.. and at the end of the day they're not exactly gonna release new NES or SNES games are they? The developpers who are willing to rerelease their title on Nintendo (live arcade?) for whatever Royalties Nintendo offers are going to say yes or no before the console launches.. simple as that.


There will be all the first party Nintendo games available (that didn't flop) and a good selection of third party games from willing to participate.. plus whatever Sega manages to wiggle in.


I find it hard to believe the subscription will be there at all.. after all these files are small.


I reckon 1 fee, as suggested but for life. Either that or pay per game.. there will be demos under DRM and all that jazz.


I'd put money on those release dates probably (give or take a week or two) but I'm skeptical over the pricing.. I'm not even sure they can justify the tiered system.. all these games are old and will be in absolutely equal demand.. and they can't justify bandwidth costs being so much.

I think it will be pay per game.. and a lifetime subscription for anything you want at a slight discount of around 30% or 40% if you choose to go for all the systems.. that's how most subscription packages work (a la Sky TV)

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