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What would you want on the N64 Mini?


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Let's just say its going to happen. What games would you like to see on the console?

I'm sure there's no doubt that Mario 64, OOT, Mario Kart 64 and Smash would be on there, but what about the others?

I'd love to see Beetle Adventure Racing, Goldeneye (but I suspect that won't happen for rights reasons) and Diddy Kong Racing (again, rights would make it unlikely but lets dream).  Pilotwings and Wave Race would be fun to revisit.  Snowboard Kids and Wetrix would be pretty rad too, but obviously more obscure.

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Firstly, the analogue stick needs to be accurate. The calibration on the Virtual Console has been horrible, especially on Wii U. It's made replaying N64 games an unenjoyable experience, especially games like F-Zero X and Star Fox 64.

60hz versions of everything would be great. As for the games, a mixture of popular 1st party titles and more obscure 3rd party titles would be good. Some games I've never played but fancy trying like Space Station Silicon Valley, Body Harvest & Iggy's Reckin Balls.

Is it too much to ask for F-Zero X + the 64DD Expansion Kit?

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I actually don't think there would be an issue with Diddy Kong Racing, but the Banjo games probably wouldn't make it. I'd love to see Wetrix on there and agree with most of your other suggestions. Would want to see 1080 Snowboarding, F-Zero X, ISS 64 as realistic hopes, with maybe Shadow Man, Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey and Perfect Dark as ones I'd love to see included but would probably be impossible to sort out the rights for.

After they brought Star Fox 2 out of obscurity for the SNES classic I thought it would be great if they decided to use an N64 classic as an opportunity to finally bring Animal Forest (the N64 original version of Animal Crossing) to the West. They could also include some 64DD titles like Doshin The Giant and the F-Zero expansion.

Oh and I second happenstance's WWF suggestions. Absolutely loved those games.

Edited by killthenet
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49 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Licensing nightmares but I'd love the WWF and WCW wrestling games. WWF Wrestlemania 2000 was easily my most played N64 game.

Wrestlemania 2000 and WWF No Mercy are still God tier wrestling games that have yet to be beaten.

41 minutes ago, killthenet said:

I actually don't think there would be an issue with Diddy Kong Racing, but the Banjo games probably wouldn't make it. 

After they brought Star Fox 2 out of obscurity for the SNES classic I thought it would be great if they decided to use an N64 classic as an opportunity to finally bring Animal Forest (the N64 original version of Animal Crossing) to the West. They could also include some 64DD titles like Doshin The Giant and the F-Zero expansion.

Diddy Kong Racing wouldn't be available unless Microsoft allowed it. It has Banjo and Conker in the thing. The only way around it would be to replace them just like they done on the DS version.

Good shout about Animal Crossing and the 64DD games.

From Konami I'd like to see both Mystical Ninja games on the hypothetical console. I've be trying to add the second game to my collection but it costs a pretty penny, especially one that's in good condition. 

The second Castlevania game should be on here. There's one on NES and SNES mini consoles, so they may as well continue the trend.

Mario Party 1-3 should be included but like the VC releases 1&3 will get shafted for the second game.

Paper Mario is a must have on the console.

I wouldn't mind the N64 versions of Mega Man Legends and Resident Evil 2 being included.

Sadly, a lot of my favs, such as Jet Force Gemini, Banjo, Conker, Diddy Kong Racing, Perfect Dark wouldn't be allowed on the thing unless a deal with Microsoft was made.

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17 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Wrestlemania 2000 and WWF No Mercy are still God tier wrestling games that have yet to be beaten.

All devs since (apart from maybe THQ San Diego with WWE All-Stars) seem to have forgotten that its the over the top and fun stuff that works well in those games. They've taken way too far to the simulation side.

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The F-Zero X Expansion Kit is probably the closest thing they'd have to Starfox 2 on the N64, so that would be my No 1 request.


Next up would be the Rare games, but that will almost certainly never happen sadly.


Otherwise I'd just expect a straight up retread of some of their N64 Wii U VC lineup, with the possible additions of Pilotwings 64, Ocarina of Time Master Quest, Mario Party 1 or 3 and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack.  Can't see anything else realistically making the cut sadly.


Best case realistic scenario would probably be the following...



Super Mario 64

Mario Kart 64

Star Fox 64

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time + Master Quest

Pilotwings 64

Wave Race 64

1080 Snowboarding

F-Zero X + Expansion Kit

Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Calibre

Harvest Moon 64

Super Smash Bros

Bomberman 64

Mario Party 2

Mario Tennis

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

Sin & Punishment

Donkey Kong 64

17 games, 12 of them multiplayer (9 of them 4 players).  F-Zero X Expansion Kit is the long-shot of the lot and would be the equivalent of Starfox 2's megaton bomb addition.


Comes with 4 N64 replica controllers.  £99.99/€129.99

Edited by Dcubed
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Thing is with Diddy Kong Racing, Nintendo own the IP and Banjo & Conker are both long dormant franchises (pretty sure that Young Conker Hololens thing never got off the ground) so it surely wouldn't take too much negotiation to agree a deal. Of course if Nintendo managed to pull off a deal for GoldenEye then Microsoft would surely want the rights to sell a digital remaster of it on the Microsoft store as part of any potential Diddy Kong/Banjo deal. 

It's a shame that so many of Rare's classic N64 titles came out in Rare Replay, would have been great to have Blast Corps, Banjo, Conker, Jet Force Gemini et al on a N64 classic. Still there will be plenty of great games on it even if we only get Nintendo's first party titles.

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5 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

I'd forgotten about that, would love to see that get released over here finally. And Snowboard Kids 2.

Well we got Bomberman Hero on Wii and Bomberman 64 on Wii U, so it's the only one left and far from impossible! I really doubt we'd get two Bomberman games though and I reckon that the first Bomberman 64 is a much more likely choice out of the two.


Snowboard Kids 1 or 2 would be amazing, but I can't see it making the cut.  This lineup is likely to be very first party heavy and the 3rd party games I've mentioned have already been released on the VC, making them much more likely choices

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I already have an N64 Mini - It's called Rare Replay *que canned laughter*


Seriously though, while Rare helped a lot in the N64 era by keeping the console afloat with regular releases, it's come to bite Nintendo in the ass when revisiting that console as the VC line-ups have proven. Still, a pretty decent 'mini' could be created because there's still the likes of Mario 64, OOT, Majoras Mask and Mario Kart. Mario Party 1 to 3 is a good shout (especially as the original Mario Party hasn't been on any Virtual Console) and I think it wouldn't be too hard to get Diddy Kong Racing - Microsoft were open to cross platform play and Minecraft as well as Jetpac being on the DK64 VC.


Controller is an issue, as others have said, the analouge stick doesn't work well at all on Wii U VC. They seemed to nail the HD remasters of Banjo on 360/Rare Replay but I don't know what amount of work was required for that. Otherwise, would it be possible to re-create the original joystick with a rubber head perhaps?


Theres' a couple of titles from their Virual Console localisation efforts they could throw in for a 'StarFox 2' type headline such as Sin and Punishment and [that other game they released on Wii VC]

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'd like to see at least one of the Pokemon Stadium games on it. Sure, you wouldn't be able to transfer you're own Pokemon across ( unless they use some magic to somehow make it interact with the 3DS versions ) but you could still use the rental Pokemon.

Yeah that'd be cool, I quite liked playing with rentals and they have some fun mini-games too. Pokemon Stadium 2 would be especially awesome as that is quite expensive now on eBay

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9 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'd like to see at least one of the Pokemon Stadium games on it. Sure, you wouldn't be able to transfer you're own Pokemon across ( unless they use some magic to somehow make it interact with the 3DS versions ) but you could still use the rental Pokemon.

As someone who recently tried, the rental Pokémon will never get you far in the single player modes. It's fine for 2 player battles, but the computers use properly trained teams. You lose a lot of the selling point of Stadium if you don't have the connectivity. I'd love for it to include Stadium 2 if I could connect to the 3DS version of Crystal.

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14 minutes ago, Grazza said:

The main thing they should do is make everything run cleaner.  I know it'd take work, but I mean literally everything 60Hz, 1080p and 60fps.  That'd be a great selling point, I think.

This would be amazing, I can handle the old graphics and even the textures but the biggest complaint when I go back to N64 games is some of the awful frame rates.

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I forget about the exact tech in amiibos, but can't they store some data?  Could they be used as intermediaries between the 3DS (newer ones or with that amiibo disc thing) and a theoretical N64 mini to transfer Pokémon?  May as well be used for something.  Not that I expect that to actually happen, just curious about it from a tech POV.

Maybe it should have all the games that required the expansion pack to make up for us kids from families that couldn't afford it :(

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17 minutes ago, Ashley said:

I forget about the exact tech in amiibos, but can't they store some data?  Could they be used as intermediaries between the 3DS (newer ones or with that amiibo disc thing) and a theoretical N64 mini to transfer Pokémon?  May as well be used for something.  Not that I expect that to actually happen, just curious about it from a tech POV.

Yes, around 8 KB. I imagine that would be enough for a team of 6 Pokemon at least. It's a really cool idea though. Bring a Greninja amiibo with you and battle your friends team on their N64 Mini (Or hell, it'd work fine on Switch). Because goddamn it, the Pokemon amiibos are hilariously underused.

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Oh snap! That's a fantastic idea! I never thought to use the Amiibos to emulate the transfer pak! That would actually be a lot easier to pull off than live wireless communication emulation of the transfer pak itself! (And it would finally give the damn Pokemon Amiibos a worthwhile use!)

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I think the N64/PS1 generation has aged terribly. But take the best 20 and it'll still be a great line-up. Is this a dream list or a realistic list? Personally I'd love Wetrix, Mischief Makers, Pod Racer and Excitebike 64 as my alternative favourites. But Excitebike is the only one with a chance.

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40 minutes ago, dazzybee said:

I think the N64/PS1 generation has aged terribly. But take the best 20 and it'll still be a great line-up. Is this a dream list or a realistic list? Personally I'd love Wetrix, Mischief Makers, Pod Racer and Excitebike 64 as my alternative favourites. But Excitebike is the only one with a chance.

Dream list because who wants to get bogged down by legal issues?

Pod Racer is a good shout!

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