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Universities Universities...

Domo Kun

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I applied for Derby (and others), got in and all that then decided to defer for a year - with intentions of doing an art foundation but now I've dropped out and taking a year out.


I don't have a clue how good or bad it is, but round here Derby University has an awful reputation.


Got a few friends there though, and they really enjoy it. They all live back home (11 miles from Derby), and it suits them down to the ground.


If you're after a good night life, Derby is pretty good. Not sure how it fares against Brum, but Ill be going there in 3 weeks, so I'll let you know. ;)

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I don't have a clue how good or bad it is, but round here Derby University has an awful reputation.


Got a few friends there though, and they really enjoy it. They all live back home (11 miles from Derby), and it suits them down to the ground.


If you're after a good night life, Derby is pretty good. Not sure how it fares against Brum, but Ill be going there in 3 weeks, so I'll let you know. ;)


First off, long time no see. Welcome back.


Hmm I've not heard anything bad about it. Friend of a friend goes there and enjoys it, bout all I've had that hasn't come from the uni's mouth itself.


Brum nightlife I've tasted. Im not a big clubber, I'd hit bars and stuff and obviously im not going to travel 20 miles for a pub at the moment. Birmingham definatly has advantages. Going to an open day early April and will ring up UCAS because apparently I can apply through 'Extra', but I can't login to Track (to apply through 'Extra') because my account is from last year.

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My Ucas track was updated today, and I've got conditional places for all my choices which I'm well pleased with.


And about Derby.......I've heard it's a banging place. A few of my mates go up there raving it up once a month or so, as one of them knows someone at Derby Uni.


Welcome back aswell Pdhq! :)

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The main campus at Warwick is like this sprawling, high-rise metropolis. I imagine that if a missile were to be fired at say, the Arts Centre, the translucent dome that encapsulates the Whole Damn Thing would absorb its energy and career it towards Coventry.

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Anyone here done a language from scratch at uni?

Wondering what it'd be like as I'm considering it... for some reason at my school your forced into thinking about unis and planning what career you must be aiming for...and this is even before my GCSEs : /

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The main campus at Warwick is like this sprawling, high-rise metropolis. I imagine that if a missile were to be fired at say, the Arts Centre, the translucent dome that encapsulates the Whole Damn Thing would absorb its energy and career it towards Coventry.


Which, lets face it, wouldn't be a great loss, Coventry being the hole it is.

Then maybe the giant Darlek in the middle of the Arts Centre would fire up and go on a rampage, killing everybody in sight.

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I kind of got most of that fields, but perhaps you can clear that up a bit in the morning ;)

Post deleted to save embarrasment :o But I guess the point I was making (somewhat inadvertently) is that you can have a good time at uni without even going out (and be wrecked by 9pm...). But after last night's end of term binge I'm not looking forward to the 5 weeks of boredom that will follow :( Seriously man, uni is awesome, good luck with your applications and everything.

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I just got a bunch of module results and it pretty much figures that i can coast to get my place at Sheffield Hallam Uni.. which ROCKS because I kept on freaking out about making the grades. All my offers are through, and financial forms have arrived, so it's beginning to take shape!


To think I won't be living at home anymore in under 6 months... Fucking fantastic! Can't wait :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm going to The University of Manchester in September to study Management :D. It's definitely one of the most respected courses at uni which makes me well chuffed. Also, it's in the top 10 for Business and I LOVE the city and the uni, and have made so many amazing friends here that I would be devastated to leave behind. (I'm living here on my half-gap year). I looked at other unis, but didn't choose very well and I only got other offers from Lancaster (top 10 for Business) and Newcastle (great uni, not great for Business).


This year I started at Manchester Met but soon dropped out. It was so awful I can't even begin to describe how bad it was....but I will!!! They didn't even give me accommodation (WTF?!), the teaching was beyond awful and pretty much everyone on my course was a chavvy retard. But it's all worked out in the end :D


Oh and Ashley I think there are a million arguments for you to choose Warwick over Derby, the main point being that it is one of the very best unis in the UK. You'd get a much, much better job once you graduate and It's also quite close to home...The students will be much more interesting, intelligent, from a wider range of backgrounds and generally nicer people to be to be around. The accommdodation will be much better, there will be more of it and the teaching standards will be beyond excellent. Are you sure you wouldn't like the course? To get an unconditional from a top uni such as Warwick is very rare and to be honest, I think you are mad to throw away such an amazing opportunity.


I could go on, but it's your decision at the end of the day. Hope that didn't at all sound harsh :S


Fix Ps3

Edited by the_mars_volta
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Oh and Ashley I think there are a million arguments for you to choose Warwick over Derby, the main point being that it is one of the very best unis in the UK. You'd get a much, much better job once you graduate and It's also quite close to home...The students will be much more interesting, intelligent, from a wider range of backgrounds and generally nicer people to be to be around. The accommdodation will be much better, there will be more of it and the teaching standards will be beyond excellent. Are you sure you wouldn't like the course? To get an unconditional from a top uni such as Warwick is very rare and to be honest, I think you are mad to throw away such an amazing opportunity.


I could go on, but it's your decision at the end of the day. Hope that didn't at all sound harsh :S


The Warwick cause its pretty much "do this, do this, do this and in the final year you can chose between this and this." The modules are too prescribed, and they're not even ones I want to really do. Furthermore they said when I went for an open day I will need to do a English Lit componant and I should have an English Lit A-level, which I don't. They know I don't so I don't see why they even accepted me.

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Righto, so here's the situation:


I've applied to University and been given offers from University of Sussex (very near Brighton) and Goldsmiths College. The course I'm doing is Anthropology. All the league tables I've seen rate the Anthropology departments of each University almost equally. So, I'm having the dilemma of where to go!


Did anyone go to either of these Universities? Does anyone know anything good/bad about being a student in London/Brighton?


All the help I can get would be useful, because I really don't know which one to pick. Thanks!





ha ha near brighton it is brighton to me as we all chill together and visit each others halls and prty like theirs no tomoro..........bottom line pick sussex its a great uni im at brighton my self.


sussex campus is great you will meet a load of people and the education is good. their is a little healthy rivelry between the two unis but witch town dosent. if you pick sussex you want to live in east slope as its the most fun


and brighton town is amazing what ever your music taste or sceen you will always feel at home hear and im sure if you give me a message if you were to choose sussex i would be more than happy to show you the ropes and take you under my wing as i do with everyone...........but not for the faint harted. i love this place and in the summer well it like being in another country its soooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooood i cant even stress that point enough. what ever your poisen you can get it what ever ur stimulation of the brain, you can get it.........and if you ever need to make money its so easy in brighton.........i sell bears on the beach in the summer soooooooooooo many hot ladys you get to speak to without pretention and the house partys oh my!


me and my mate earnt £110 a day each from selling beers on the beach and we took a lot of numbers but this has nothing to do with education but sussex is a realy good place plus every thing you need is on campus.....lazy basterds but its all good. once hear you eill agree its the best place to go uni in england plus london is only 40 mins by train so you get the best of both worlds.......................BRIGHTON IS THE BEST PLACE. it realy is if i wasnt hear i would be out of the country by now.

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naw-a conditional offer means i need to meet the requirements of the offer to secure my place my offers are BBB from three a-levels so i need to get that to make sure i go to the uni i want to



i deed things a little differntly tho i waited till ucas had closed the door then went to the uni ambushed the tutor he sent me away and sent for me for a real interview where i had to show a fool portfollio and they accepted me on the spot.........................but i never do thingss in life the right way

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I can't be arsed with university, I was gonna be a medic or a chemist.

It's £3000 to read book, and chances are you'll come out qualified with little to no chance of getting a job.

Many graduates come out earning fuck all (The Times education pages) and it just doesn't seem worth it.


I'm gonna go to my local institute and learn a trade, be a photographer, a carpenter or a massuer or something.

A trade you can take with you around the world as it's universal (unlike the language) and they pay pretty good.


I don't want to spend £9000 reading books to come out and find that I can only get a basic office monkey job on £14,000.

I mean I'm on track to get a couple of As in Chemistry, Biology, Critical Thinking and Health and Social care but it just doesn't seem worth it when you hear about these graduates in solid courses like Computer Science, English and Science- they just can't get jobs in the country.


I got offers from Manchester and Leeds.. but fell in love with London on the way to my interview- despite getting conditional offers I don't want to go there anymore, great universities and cities.

If I did go to University I'd wanna go to London (even though I hate that it is often where the rich ass shits go)


PS. I applied for Sussex, great science department before they shut down the Chemsitry labs for a Biochem institution, my interview for Brighton is later this month- probably wont go.

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PS. I applied for Sussex, great science department before they shut down the Chemsitry labs for a Biochem institution, my interview for Brighton is later this month- probably wont go.



i saw them protesting the other week put hadnt heard they had actuly shut it down yet.. they just needed more staff

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If you have an interview, i would advise you to go. I almost didn't go to my Brighton interview, but that became my first choice after i went and i'm there now and loving it.


I really do advise you to go. You don't know what your feelings will be in a few months time. People's opinions and thoughts change all the time.


If you go to the interview, then decide that you really don't want to be at that place, then it's fine.

If you go to the interview and fall in love with the place, then you've gained something. You stand to gain a lot more than you stand to lose. You will lose absolutely nothing.

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If you have an interview, i would advise you to go. I almost didn't go to my Brighton interview, but that became my first choice after i went and i'm there now and loving it.


no shit what do you studdy their.


It's the UPLS course. Upper Primary Lower Secondary English with Education. Basically, gonna be a teacher. :D

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