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Game of Thrones Season 7


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  • First of all: Alfie Allen is an incredible actor. He conveys his character with perfection. Posture, gestures, facial expressions, speech...everything is spot on. And the kicks to the dick...I chuckled.
  • Bran: "I became the Three-eyed Raven."

          Sam:   giphy.gif


  • Baelish died...I am sad. He did, however, underestimate Sansa and Arya. And he was at a huge disadvantage with Bran knowing quite a lot.
  • Jajajajajajaja INCEST SCENE.
  • Jamie...what a journey he had. Can't wait to see what he'll do now.
  • Viserion and the Night King. HOLY FUCK. What a scene.

Anyway...I've got mixed feelings about S7. I appreciate that the plot accelerated but with that in mind I kinda wish that the whole season didn't act as an exposition to S8. The season finale was awesome, but still a little disappointing. Can't point my finger on it but something was missing.


I'm fucking excited for S8, though...it's a shame that it's sooooooo far away.


Edited by drahkon
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Petyr Baelish finally being caught out and executed.   It was a long time coming.

I was wondering how the Night King and the Undead were to get around the Wall issue, but then Viserion is now undead so that helped a lot.  If you can't go around, go through it would seem.

Jaimie finally figuring out his sister is just mental, he's off to the North as a traitor and to re-join Tyrion it would seem.  And all Cersai has left is The Mountain and the Bank, no troops.

Alfie Allen being kicked in the (now void) area.  I flinched at first, but after 3 knees I figured out.  At least he has the remainder of the fleet on his side now.




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I really haven't enjoyed this season too much. The action sequences have been beyond epic, just fantastic television, but I feel the writing has really suffered and a lot of what made GoT so great has been lost. I was a huge fan of the slow pace, the intricate build up and the attention to detail in characterisation. This season has sadly thrown all of that out of the window in favour of hollywood-style blockbuster action sequences. I must say though, that last episode was magnificent. Some truly excellent acting, music and camera work. The pace of the episode and politicking seemed to be more inline with the earlier seasons as well. Obviously, I can't wait for season 8 and the conclusion, I just hope they dont feel pressured to break the bank when it comes to action and CGI as the cast is good enough to carry it without all the bells and whistles. The wait is going to kill me.

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Generally, I enjoyed this season very much. It had some issues, though, and I agree that the dialogue was not quite as sharp as previous seasons.


I feel that every politically motivated player in the show has been killed. So the next season is only about fighting and nothing else. It's going to be awesome but still, Game of Thrones has always been about the motives of the different sides and this has been washed away from the show now.


What do the White Walkers want? Where do they come from? That's something I really need to know now. And what would they have done, had they not got the dragon? It seems that Jon & Co. going north was only a plot device for the show and I really hope that's not how it goes down in the books.


I've also read a bit of fan theory about Bran being The Night King. I actually like that idea somewhat, because otherwise - what's the point of Bran being in the show? Yes, he saw to it that Jon may know his true origin and that Baelish died but other than that he seems entirely insignificant despite his awesome powers. That can't be. Therefore, I almost hope that theory is true.


Speaking of Bran, why didn't he know what Sam told him in episode 7? And how the frick did Sam remember that at all, having barely heard it from Gilly? 


I'm also afraid of Tyrion, I feel like he's plotting again. Why didn't we see his conversations with Cersei and Jaime? Something's wrong here...

And Jaime is interesting now. I hope he's riding north to meet the armies that he was leading before Cersei interupted them.

Now the waiting game has begun. Late 2018 or even 2019... :/

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1 hour ago, MindFreak said:


  Ep 7 spoilers (Hide contents)

Speaking of Bran, why didn't he know what Sam told him in episode 7? And how the frick did Sam remember that at all, having barely heard it from Gilly? 



I think Bran can only know what he specifically goes out to look for. He hasn't seen everything that happened in the world, but he can go there to look for it if he knows what to look for. So once Sam told him about the wedding he knew what he had to look for. If that makes sense?

As for Sam knowing that bit of information, it's not from Gilly just telling him, he does mention that he remembers it because he was told to copy over all those old books. So he had to have read it himself at some point and copied it into a new book, meaning he's a lot more likely to have remembered it (but just didn't know the significance of this bit of information).


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18 hours ago, Eenuh said:
  Ep 7 spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

I think Bran can only know what he specifically goes out to look for. He hasn't seen everything that happened in the world, but he can go there to look for it if he knows what to look for. So once Sam told him about the wedding he knew what he had to look for. If that makes sense?

As for Sam knowing that bit of information, it's not from Gilly just telling him, he does mention that he remembers it because he was told to copy over all those old books. So he had to have read it himself at some point and copied it into a new book, meaning he's a lot more likely to have remembered it (but just didn't know the significance of this bit of information).



Ah, yes. The first part makes much sense. Though Bran has been quite far it seems. And seemingly random places as well since he knew where to find Jon's birthplace.

Yeah, that was also my thought. It just seemed that Sam dismissed Gilly right at the time she was saying this and that it was one of the books he hadn't copied yet - and he fled right after so there is no way he could do it afterwards. However, it seems the most logical conclusion so I'll run with that. :)


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I've actually not minded the pace at all this season. The story is coming to its climax, so the pace is just becoming more hurried and frantic to reflect that. I feel that we know almost everything about our main characters now that we don't need any more "character development" type of episodes. For where it is in terms of the story, the pace of the show feels about right. Season 7 is quite tricky because it involved so many huge characters meeting each other for the first time and the many worlds overlapping. I still feel that the writing was great, but I can see what people mean when they say that the set pieces took priority. For a reason, I feel.


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The pace did seem a bit rushed, which I wouldn't have minded if they were trying to cram content into the usual 10 episodes, but I felt they could have stretched that season out by 30% and it wouldn't have felt slow. I wonder why they didn't?

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The pace did seem a bit rushed, which I wouldn't have minded if they were trying to cram content into the usual 10 episodes, but I felt they could have stretched that season out by 30% and it wouldn't have felt slow. I wonder why they didn't?

I reckon cost, only pay the cast for seven episodes and then have more money for CGI - those dragons ain't cheap!

I'm perfectly fine with the pace the season went at. We already know most of the characters by now and it feels great to finally see dragons fucking shit up! I felt like I was on the edge of my seat multiple times every episode which I loved, whereas in previous seasons there would only be two or three of those moments in the entire season!
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