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Hello folks.


This is an interesting and awkward situation. What would you do?


We moved into this flat in June 2015.


There are four parking spaces. When we first moved in (well, before we moved in), we were told that they are shared for the building, and so if a space is available, you can park in it. And so we've done so for over 18 months.


The guy who lives upstairs is also the "caretaker" type role of the building. I believe he/they own it and look after it, and deal with all the kinds of queries that are associated with living in a block of flats.


We rent it privately from another man who owns our flat.


(At this point I'll say, we have had minor "run ins" with the guy upstairs before. He had a ridiculous party about a year ago, with absurdly loud music, and periodically he has parties where it sounds like people are wrestling upstairs. When there was the big party, I sent an e-mail to the "building owners" type company, knowing it would go to him, and said about the noise complaint. When nothing happened, I went upstairs to confront him (just ask him to turn down the music, that's all...and his door was wide open - I knocked, but no one came, and I overheard him, I think, talking about me. It was something along the lines of "What he doesn't realise is I'm friends with the police" or some shit like that. It was really weird).




This Christmas, there was a message put up in the flat that said....




I thought this was weird, that...we'd never been told this, never any indication...there are PCM notes up everywhere down there, and that we have a parking permit for the building. Frankly, I didn't trust it/believe it.


Anyway, I proceeded as normal, as, there are normal plenty of spaces out there. Like, overnight there is typically still a space, at least, so I didn't see the issue.


He then spoke to me, face to face when he saw me parking up one day, and said "Yeah blah blah, it's probably easier to park it in the garage with the ice and everything, and I have some friends coming round on Saturday so please park it in the garage then" - now, obviously...polite request and I was more than happy to oblige. I said I'd never known this, and didn't understand the parking permit if they aren't for residents to use as parking spaces, he said we should have a visitors permit - I said we didn't, he said the guy who owns the flat would (to be fair, I didn't believe him, but actually, he does apparently) (having said that, when his three guests came at the weekend, none of them displayed a visitors pass)


Anyway, if free (always) I've continued to use the spaces. It's fine if your view point thus far is "Well just park it in the garage"< that's fair enough. (Reason I don't like doing so is because it's fucking tiny, full of spiders/cobwebs/shit and it's obviously more annoying. Like, if with shopping, you need to unload first and then walk to the flat). Anyway, like I said...fine.


The difficult bit is next.


Claire has just overheard him talking to someone about me in the stairwell.


It was along the lines of;


"I've already told the twat once, he's just too fat and lazy to do so".


Pretty awkward.


I'm going to start parking in the garage (lol), but, what would you do about this current situation?


Maybe try and confirm everything first, it seems like there's a lot of "I'm not sure/I don't believe him" in there. You need to know for sure where you're allowed to park really.


He sounds like a bit of a bell-end, but if you are supposed to park in the garage, and the free spaces are for visitors, then i can see why he is annoyed. I suppose i would be pissed if i had a visitor, and they couldn't park because a resident was taking up a space when they had a perfectly good (albeit spider-y) space in the garage to park in.


However, calling you a twat behind your back doesn't help anyone. So i would punch him in the face.


I think he has kinda got you bang to rights to be honest....we have a similar situation here... Live in an apartment have one underground parking space and you can't park on the road in the surrounding area. Only solution is to rent a second space at cost, there are however how 25 visitor parking spots that people were just using as second spaces. They started towing peoples cars after warning. Some people were however kind of like you in that they just didn't want the inconvenience of driving to their own space so would rather park closer in the visitors.


The right thing to be would be check with your landlord and see what the lease says. If it explicitly says the garage is yours and the parking spaces are for visitors then you don't really have a leg to stand on. If it doens't mention it at all then they can't really blame you for parking in them.


So I'd just go with punching him in the face too.


I don't want to shit all over the good advice of this thread, but thinking about it there's probably only one real solution.


Punch him in the face.


(btw every time I see this thread I want to try and string together a hilarious sentence full of Soap related puns but I can't because I've realised I would have to quite rightly punch myself in the face afterwards)


EDIT: Oooo, grab his hands and punch him in the face with THEM then tell him to stop hitting himself whilst you do it!


Move out?


Depends how bad it is, but if it's no longer a nice place to live (and if he's the owner/caretaker you're not going to get him evicted) then why stay?


Sure you shouldn't have to move because of one dickhead but c'est la vie.


I've been parking in the garage, but not even seen or heard him since. It's more the fact that he called me names :( (Lol).


Yeah, absolutely, we'd love to move out but can't do so yet. Saving for a holiday, so after that we'll save to move out (because we have decided not to save to buy a house).


If he's the owner/caretaker, shit everywhere* then move out.


*I mean EVERYWHERE. All up the walls, in every cupboard, in all the locks, fill the lightbulbs, everywhere. The place should look like an explosion at an Easter egg factory when you're done.


I had similarish problems in my old place. We had a square bay area. you could fit 3 cars on the west side, 3 again on the north side and one in the corner between, quite easily, if everyone parked with care.


Even if they parked perfectly there was 7 spaces and 14 flats. In an area where parking was already a nightmare (lived right beside Jobcentre dept and several other large buildings with a paid parking area, so they abused our place like the little fuckers they are).


So given all that I can really see where the owner/maintenance guy is coming from. It's SO frustrating when people cant use things properly. If you are the only one that has a key to this garage you *should* be using it.


It was so upsetting and a real bugbear when people abandoned their cars in my old place. My mum used to visit and once she had to park a mile down the road.


You need to tell Paul Robinson its not Lassitors he needs to back off otherwise you'll push him off the mezzanine, amputate his other leg or frame him for murder (again)


you could punch him in the face, but theres a long history of him being punched in the face, he's probably immune to it now.


I mean Paul ain't a bad chap really he's just a lovable dick.


(is that enough neighbours puns @Rummy?)


Spiders in the garage are easily killed - blast it 'clean' with a hose pipe and then mix up some dilute lemon juice and spray it around the place, spiders apparently hate citrus, i tried it and i've had less spiders and a lovely lemon smell for a few days


As for driving in, git good at reversing, hug one wall and you can get out of the other door, you could screw a wooden rail down to the floor at a point where when your wheels touch it your wing mirror misses the wall by an inch, should halp as a guide.

i did something similar for my girlfriend to rub against and learn, well i put a big piece of wood flat on the floor and it acted that way.

You need to tell Paul Robinson its not Lassitors he needs to back off otherwise you'll push him off the mezzanine, amputate his other leg or frame him for murder (again)


you could punch him in the face, but theres a long history of him being punched in the face, he's probably immune to it now.


I mean Paul ain't a bad chap really he's just a lovable dick.


(is that enough neighbours puns @Rummy?)

He runs Robinsons Motel with Steph Scully.


1: Glue his lock.


2: Overnight, brick up the entrance to his flat.


3: Check how much space there is under his front door; if there's enough, pour high-proof alcohol underneath and set it on fire.


4: Hook up a car battery and large capacitor to his metal door handle.

Posted (edited)
He runs Robinsons Motel with Steph Scully.


Well i didn't want to reveal my hand and how sad i am that he was conned out of Lassiters (and his penthouse home) by...crap her names gone, and then ended up with the Motel, where he wanted to burn the place down, got framed for another series of deaths sent to prison, steph and others helped the truth come out and he got out


I can't believe the might/mightnot have brought back Toadie's 13 year dead wife, sick storyline


and now you all know the truth, its the only soap i semi-regularly watch



But in terms of the flat (since were going there)

Watch Home Alone and Home Alone 2 for reference on ways to booby trap flats/buildings, i personally think throwing bricks at his face from the roof could be good!

Or replacing the toilet water in his home with Kerosene, stopping his water supply and rigging a blow torch to his front door

Edited by Agent Gibbs
1: Glue his lock.


2: Overnight, brick up the entrance to his flat.


3: Check how much space there is under his front door; if there's enough, pour high-proof alcohol underneath and set it on fire.


4: Hook up a car battery and large capacitor to his metal door handle.

A car battery? No, no. You put an electric charcoal fire starter on it so it heats up and he burns his hand. Bonus points if there's a big letter on the door handle that permanently brands him.


Also, glue his lock? No. Glue his whole self, then cover him in feathers using a fan!


If this doesn't work you can always throw bricks at his face from the roof of your building.

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