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Splatoon 2


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Before I go to bed, I'm gonna repost Sunday's groups.

The next group scheduled is...

10am N-Europe Breakfast Club

@Nicktendo, @Hero-of-Time, @martinist, @dazzybee

Followed by the...

12pm Daytime Television Group

@Ugh first aid, Hero-of-Time, dazzybee, martinist

I won't be here to constantly badger people into remembering, so someone else will have to do that. Have fun!

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I would have loved to have joined you guys but its difficult for me to narrow down a certain time as to when I would be online. Today I was playing in short bursts here and there, but i made it to King in the end. I had a much better time with the Splatfest this time around, almost all games where Flight vs Invisibility (instead of the same sides fighting themselves like Ketchup vs Ketchup last month) and very few issues with latency or connections too.


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23 minutes ago, Helmsly said:

I would have loved to have joined you guys but its difficult for me to narrow down a certain time as to when I would be online. Today I was playing in short bursts here and there, but i made it to King in the end. I had a much better time with the Splatfest this time around, almost all games where Flight vs Invisibility (instead of the same sides fighting themselves like Ketchup vs Ketchup last month) and very few issues with latency or connections too.

Well, there's nothing wrong with lurking around this thread and being a last minute backup player. There were quite a few times when someone had to drop out and the other three couldn't carry on because they were short one player, you might be able to extend a session by replacing a dropout or a no-show. Sméagol did exactly that with the 6pm group and we ended up having a riot for around an hour. Not to mention our last minute 11:45 group that happened out of nowhere. Sure, it was a bit chaotic, but it worked out in the end.

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I won’t be able to make the 10 one. The start at least. So if there’s anyone else that fancies jumping in. I *might* be able to make it, but it’s not looking good. 

Good games last night. The problem with forming a team is we’re so often up against serious, balanced outfits who are probably chatting and strategising their way through it. 

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I didn't realize I had been booked in for all those times. Anyway, I'll be dropping out as I woke up early doors this morning, played a couple of hours and reached King rank.

Hilarious games last night. Crazy how close some of them were and how many we turned around in the last seconds of the game. Great stuff!

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I'm genuinely surprised that more people chose invisibility, even if by a tiny margin. Must have been all them pervy kids :laughing: I genuinely think we could have swung a percentage point overall, especially as we were kicking arse in the first group. 

I ended up at 21-15 for the Splatfest, which isn't so bad I guess. Been on the winning side both times now :heh: Had a highest power level of 2077.5. How did everyone else get on? 

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Flying appeals to those who feel tied down and stuck in life, while invisibility appeals more to those who feel out of place and awkward. Not characterising people but generally invisibility will appeal more to the younger demographic (forced in school with peers the same age with a lot of demands on the right way to be :D) while older people with mortgages, steady jobs, rent, cars to maintain, families are more likely to have flight appeal to them. It's basically the power that appeals to your current situation.


Personally on their own merits, as a stand alone power, pragmatically I think invisibility is the stronger of the two. The main advantage in flight, is travel. Well you'd need to be wearing goggles to enjoy higher speeds and still be able to keep your eyes open, and with invisibility you can hop onto any train/bus/tram/plane/boat for free without worrying about navigating to the right place.

In terms of enjoyment though flight wins.. I think. Although with invisibility I guess you could sneak in to watch films for free.... I can't really think of other possibilities that I personally would enjoy with it. also there'd always be a chance of a non invisible person sitting on your lap :D


Anyway, well done team flight - were there any team invisibles on N-E?

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Invisibility wouldn't ever work, otherwise you'd be invisible, but blind. As your retina needs light to be stopped to form an image, if light posts through you (I.e invisibility) your eyes wouldn't work.

Edited by Phube
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29 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Jesus Christ, what is this? Bill Nye The Science Guy's new thread?


I'd still go with invisibility. And I wouldn't be blind because I'm awesome. An awesome perv.

You've just stumbled upon your superhero name, Awesome Perv.

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37 minutes ago, Phube said:

Invisibility wouldn't ever work, otherwise you'd be invisible, but blind. As your retina needs light to be stopped to form an image, if light posts through you (I.e invisibility) your eyes wouldn't work.

I suppose it depends on how it worked.

The individual could be to all intents and purposes invisible to the human eye, with sufficiently sensitive eyes to work with a few photons (I imagine something along the lines of night vision)

The eyes could be developed so light not entering directly through the pupil is redirected round the eyeball to bypass the retina, leaving a blurry mark around both the retinas (along the lines or what you see when you look over the surface of a sheet of metal left in the sun on a hot day, or roads etc.)

Or they could be like a very adaptive chameleon, altering their external appearance to appear invisible - although to eliminate shadow they'd need to produce a light source on the other side.

Or it could be some form of psycho manipulation, actively altering individuals perceptions to not see the individual.


Anyway, personally, so long as I could switch it on and off, I too would choose invisibility. The amount I would save on air fares would make it worth it. And no, I wouldn't want to fly to my destination on my own... I can easily imagine myself crossing an ocean and bearing ever so slightly to one side and ending up going in a large circle, stuck in the middle of no where. No thanks. It's also pretty cold up there, travelling at speed, wind harshly drying my eyes, struggling to breathe in the rarified air. yuck.

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I have not checked the results in-game yet.. But cool to have won (again)! :p

After our games, I played some more solo, enough to make it to ehh Flight queen, and to fully unlock my abilities on my splatfest shirt for the last time. I had some snails left from the previous splatfest, and used them all on the shirt, before scrubbing it.

I would have been team mcnuggets by the way.


I don't know if Salmon run if live, but I'm up for any kind of online games tonight.

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