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Splatoon 2


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So with stuff like this when using the motion controls for aiming, can you reset the centre point? Basically I dont ever play games with the controller dead infront of me facing forward but closer to my lap facing down and when I first started a match in Splatoon 2 I was just aiming down all the time.

I played plenty of Splatoon using the motion controls and hold the pad in a similar fashion. There was a button for reseting the center point. I actually used it regularly through games, but i had my sensitivity at +5 (max) and mainly used bamboozlers / squiffers. Worked perfect for me.

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Fucking ridiculous..


I don't want to be involved in another needless argument so I'm not going any further. There's far too much unnecessary aggression around here as it is and I didn't expect to be the catalyst for more.


I have PS+ at the moment due to a recent offer so feel free to teach me a lesson on FIFA 17 some night!

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@dazzybee - you're in the wrong here. Don't get upset when people interpret your English language the way it is supposed to be used; nobody should be expected to make assumptions on your meaning - if you wish to make your meaning clear then make your language clear or risk being misinterpreted. If you don't mean something absolutely do NOT make the statement absolutely. If you do not understand what an 'absolute' is then it's up to you to go and learn - but I'm definitely on the interpretation side of the language here that 'everyone realised' is far more absolute than 'controls tend to'. The absolute on the latter would have been 'controls always' and the relative on the former could have been anything from 'a few people realised' to 'many people realised.


Comments like this are so incredibly dull.


Firstly, my whole point was just reassure people who didn't like it that this happened last time and with time they get better. That's it.


You then extrapolate it to not letting people play how they want, even they I never said this, and even in the same post I said they should have both methods of control...funny you ignore that...


But also, I obviously didn't mean literally EVERYONE, you know that, everyone knows it, but still you make this comment anyway. Like I actually think people shouldn't play however they want, did I say anything negative about people who don't? No. yet your reply seems to suggest I did.


Fucking ridiculous. The more I think about it the more irritating it is to be honest. People speak in absolutes all the time (!), when people always get bizarrely offended and demand people precursor with 'in my opinion', or 'I think', or whatever. This kind of literal reading of words is painful.


PS How come you didn't say anything about Sheikh's "Motion controls tend to be pretty bad"? This is an absolute too. Also funny he thanked your post...



Mod Post: The first bolded part - is incredibly dismissive, imo. Ashley has already made points about going forward and NOT being dismissive of people's posts. I'm tired of arguing - though you're free to do so via PM or on my wall; but I am banning you from this thread for 3 days.

Edited by Rummy
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If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that only a Sith deals in absolutes. Thanks for keeping us safe Rummy.


I use the same hand I masturbate with, it's had plenty of exercise and is in great shape as a result! Haha


You only use one? You poor thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rundown of new info


July 21st launch


New mode: Salmon Run. Hordes

amiibo functionality. Saves certain looks and loadouts for you to take to over Switches, may also give you new gear. Three new amiibo featuring the new look inklings


Details of the new campaign to come later

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Details of the new campaign to come later


That was one of the most reassuring moments of the Direct for me as I really enjoyed the single player mode in the original Splatoon and will be looking forward to an even better campaign this time around.


My wife and I are currently in the middle of applying for a mortgage which, if all goes to plan, would see us move house in July or August. It means I should finally be able to return to the online scene with Splatoon 2 as I have plenty of unfinished business in that area :grin:

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It means I should finally be able to return to the online scene with Splatoon 2 as I have plenty of unfinished business in that area :grin:

Splatoon online is the reason I don't own a Switch right now... I neglected playing any of the other games I own.

I've just now completed 3D World and am working my way through Episode 3 of Captain Toad.

Only loads still to go and I will undoubtedly own a Switch by (or very soon after) July 21st. #parttimegamerproblems.

See you online :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

This was spotted in the latest issue of Edge.


Though with just two maps, one brand-new main weapon and a single game type, we’re left with as many questions as answers. Happily, Nogami is able to answer some of them, including the reason behind the team’s decision to limit the map rotation to two at a time. “We feel that part of the gameplay is actually selecting which weapons would be best for that combination of two maps,” he explains. “In Splatoon 2, the maps rotate every two hours, so it’ll be a much faster cycle than the previous game.”


I wish they would get rid of the stupid rotation thing they do but I suppose this is better than nothing.

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Am I understanding this correctly. You're stuck playing one (two, three?) maps for two hours until they rotate? You can't vote for maps in a lobby?


Yup. It was the same in the original game on the Wii U. If you happened to land on a map that you didn't like then you were stuck with that as one of your options for the next 4 hours. It's a baffling thing to do in an online shooter.

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I'd have preferred if they have the rotation, but have a mk8 like system, where players can choose a stage.. so the selected stage will either be one of the two default, or a player selected stage....

Or even at the very least (so players can't focus on a single map and become super experts on it and always nominate it to give them an artificially higher win %) record how often each stage is played by a player... the least regularly played map amongst all players in the lobby is selected as the third "surprise" map.... or something like that.


Also I hope the game won't kick you out of the lobby every rotation....

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I know this opinion won't be popular but I actually prefer the rotation system. This way it avoids the same levels being chosen over and over forces you to learn and master every stage. Between regular and ranked battle there was always 1 or 2 stages which were better and you could always avoid the mode with the stage(s) you didn't like, if you really wanted to. I actually think 2 hours is a bit too short for the rotation system... 4 was a bit too long though, so who knows... Maybe 3 would have been better. I can see why people hate this system, I just think it works really well in Splatoon.


I also hope we get a similar situation with the sequel as we did with the original, where the game starts off with 7 or 8 levels and slowly more are added over the year alongside new weapons / clothes etc. All free of course. That kept the game fresh for me and I played the game for over a year thanks to the constant updates.

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I also hope we get a similar situation with the sequel as we did with the original, where the game starts off with 7 or 8 levels and slowly more are added over the year alongside new weapons / clothes etc. All free of course. That kept the game fresh for me and I played the game for over a year thanks to the constant updates.


Nintendo have started being like most other publishers ( season passes/DLC being announced and priced before game is even out ) I would be very surprised if any additional content for the game will be free. Splatoon 2 will be a huge hit in Japan and Nintendo could make some serious bank off a season pass for the game.

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Nintendo have started being like most other publishers ( season passes/DLC being announced and priced before game is even out ) I would be very surprised if any additional content for the game will be free. Splatoon 2 will be a huge hit in Japan and Nintendo could make some serious bank off a season pass for the game.


I had worried about this too, but I think they'll go for paid DLC after a year. The nature of Splatoon invites this kind of free update content to keep people interested. The model on the Wii U game was excellent, cut-price game, free DLC (unlocking disc-based content) for a year, no paid DLC. It was the perfect way to start a new IP.


I know the franchise is now ridiculously popular, and while they'd make a fortune in paid DLC, I think doing it from the off is the wrong way to go, plus you also end up gating the pool of players into DLC / no DLC. After a year, sure, but not from the start. The incremental updates are something I saw key to the game's success and popularity and I hope they have a desire to replicate it with the sequel.

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they did it well with mk8 as well. I think they have data on splatoon to make informed decisions, but I think splatfests and gradual unlocking of maps is a good way of doing things. I do think having a way of unlocking "random" 3rd stages would be good, to keep things fresh. Even if you get the 2 main stages 66% of the time and then one of the other idk, 12 other stages "perfectly" about 3% of the time, it would help for longer play sessions. I hated seeing a favourite stage available when I was asleep, or in a mode I hated, or when I was at work etc... and the stage I had played to death available just about everytime I was able to play. I should probably put botw on hold actually, enjoy splatoon online while I still can :D (or are servers already pretty much dead??)

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Tbh I can see and appreciate the merits of the map rotation, but I would like to see them open things up a bit. the mario kart 8 system would be a good way of letting them see what stages people liked best, even if they mixed the two systems, have 3 stages with 1/2 stages being chosen at random from players choices (MK8 style) and one from Nintendo themselves.

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