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Weight Loss & Fitness 2017


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Why not change up your workout? Try a different routine.


I usually always do cardio-based and I love bodyweight stuff but I fear that it might not be enough to make me stronger. I get some of the staff in my gym telling me to introduce weights in my workouts and others telling me I don't need it and to keep at what I'm doing. I just get a little confused.


In general, weights kind of bore me. I'm cool if I train with someone but by myself, it feels like a chore and yet with cardio, I can do it either by myself or with a mate and still love it. Problem with workouts with someone is finding the time or someone who wants to do weights.


Yeah, pick a new program and learn not to suck at it.


I do honestly give it my all. I've been told I have incredibly strong legs and good strength in my back too but my arms could do with work, which is true.


I was given this long-ass list of weights to do and was told to start with 3 exercises and increase the number of exercises every week. I'm just moaning, I guess, but am I the only one who finds weights boring? Does anybody actually enjoy them?

For me fitness classes work really well, and I find them way more enjoyable. Does your gym offer them? Classes like bodypump or the cardio ones are great for this imo.


Alternatively you could get into a sport like, say, boxing. The trainings are very intense and improve strength as well.

This is actually what I do, haha. I do boxercise and boxing techniques as well as running club, P90X and Insanity classes. I'm great with cardio and I know I need a healthy balance with weights but I like the feeling of "fuck yeah, let's tear this shit up" rather than "fuck sakes, let's get this over with"...


I just really want to get out of my plateau more than anything and look like @Daft!!!!!! ;):o:o

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I'm just moaning, I guess, but am I the only one who finds weights boring? Does anybody actually enjoy them?


I do. :) Granted, I've been doing the StrongLift program for only 3 weeks but I absolutely love it.

To be honest, I can't wait for being able to do more weight exercises in addition to that program. Will probably take at least 2-3 months, though :D


Maybe when I've been working with weights for a long time I might get sick of them but as it is now I can't see this happening for quite some time.

I just really want to get out of my plateau more than anything and look like @Daft!!!!!! ;):o:o


I always assumed he looks like what I imagine is the perfect athletic human being. Am I wrong?

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I was given this long-ass list of weights to do and was told to start with 3 exercises and increase the number of exercises every week. I'm just moaning, I guess, but am I the only one who finds weights boring? Does anybody actually enjoy them?


That doesn't sound like a program.


The odds of you being the only person who doesn't enjoy lifting weights is...low. You might as well ask if you're the only person who finds running boring; horses for course.


Personally I do enjoy lifting weights. A new PB is always an amazing feeling. Realising I could bench 100kg for a set without issue feels good. I like squats and deadlifts and chin ups. I like getting to grips with a program like PPL or 5/3/1. I set targets, I take time to reach them, and when I do I'm happy.



I always assumed he looks like what I imagine is the perfect athletic human being. Am I wrong?


My Instagram is the same as my username here. I ain't going to lie, I take a lot of pictures of myself in the gym.

Edited by Daft
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That doesn't sound like a program.


The odds of you being the only person who doesn't enjoy lifting weights is...low. You might as well ask if you're the only person who finds running boring; horses for course.


Personally I do enjoy lifting weights. A new PB is always an amazing feeling. Realising I could bench 100kg for a set without issue feels good. I like squats and deadlifts and chin ups. I like getting to grips with a program like PPL or 5/3/1. I set targets, I take time to reach them, and when I do I'm happy.




My Instagram is the same as my username here. I ain't going to lie, I take a lot of pictures of myself in the gym.

The thing is though, I'm deemed as "weird" because I prefer cardio over weights. Like, even on the internet, there's jokes about hating cardio and liking weights and I've found it to be the same in my gym as well (apart from in the classes). People don't mind doing weights but I just find it boring. That was why I asked the question, haha.


But yeah, @drahkon, @Daft is pretty much body goals tbf, lmao

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Take pictures. You won't regret it, I promise you!


Guys, I'M BORED OF WEIGHTS! I don't mean to sound horrible but this is the first time I feel my workouts are becoming a chore. I like the feeling of feeling strong but weights bore me to tears. Are there any alternatives that work just as well?


You could also try some of the more exotic lifts like clean, jerk and snatch. They are much harder but also much more fun. Get someone to instruct you, though, as they are easy to mess up and ruin your back and shoulders.

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I've decided to write myself a program (because why not?). I've used the basis of 5/3/1 and crossed it with PHUL.


It's a four-day program; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Legs every day alternating between deadlifts and squats.Monday and Tuesday will focus on big heavy weights and Thursday and Friday will be focused on volume.


I'm also eating more.


I managed to bench 115kg earlier for a single good rep. Did a couple at 110kg. And then managed 6 reps at 100kg which I was pretty happy with after those other weights.

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Second weigh in of the year last night using calipers for bodyfat.


Down from 15% in mid January to 14.2%. Pretty pleased but it should be more. Dominos and KFC this weekend on top of drinking doesn't help.


Goal of 12.x% for the next one - big push required!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been doing this 12-week program with a friend called #Freakmode. It's an app you can get which works with weights and cardio. We're both on Phase 2 on Monday (5th week) where it's GVT and timed reps and rests. It was before but we have to now time our negatives and things.


At the moment, I'm happy with my progress. I'm more broader but slimmer. My physique has changed in 4 weeks. My stomach feels slimmer, my chest feels bigger and my arms are more muscular. I ACTUALLY HAVE BICEPS!


Oh and I'm now able to ALMOST do a pull-up, which is a great thing because pull-ups are difficult for me!

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  • 4 weeks later...

We've been hard at work improving the garage, which is going to become the new gym! These photos don't really show the true extent of the work, but we've basically had to empty out all of the crap that was in there. We've also had the ceiling plastered and have completely removed the up-and-over garage door and frame with a new PVC French door.


Old pics:nQ5DoRJ.jpg




New pics:




This is only after one coat on paint and we're planning to apply three!

The next thing on our list is a power cage. That's going to go on the left hand side of the room, with @Eenuh's cross-trainer on the right hand side, closer towards the door, which is at the front of the image (unseen).


I've ordered the flooring already, which should get here later this week. It's a heavy duty rubber gym mat, the type that you'd find in a commercial gym. It's around 12mm thick and is about 1.8m by 1.2. Should look fantastic when it's in!


It's going to be exciting to work out in this room and I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of it.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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We've been hard at work improving the garage, which is going to become the new gym! These photos don't really show the true extent of the work, but we've basically had to empty out all of the crap that was in there. We've also had the ceiling plastered and have completely removed the up-and-over garage door and frame with a new PVC French door.


Old pics:nQ5DoRJ.jpg




New pics:




This is only after one coat on paint and we're planning to apply three!

The next thing on our list is a power cage. That's going to go on the left hand side of the room, with @Eenuh's cross-trainer on the right hand side, closer towards the door, which is at the front of the image (unseen).


I've ordered the flooring already, which should get here later this week. It's a heavy duty rubber gym mat, the type that you'd find in a commercial gym. It's around 12mm thick and is about 1.8m by 1.2. Should look fantastic when it's in!


It's going to be exciting to work out in this room and I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of it.


The most important thing now though is to come up with a name for it that invokes the thought of terror and pain whilst also sound trendy and hip.

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Amazing what a better diet and a little more consistent exercise can do. Down 9lbs in 6 weeks with not so much effort. Started drinking more water as well. Guess it's time to join a gym and really get working towards my target of a 4 stone loss.


Thanks for suggesting the photo thing as well, really noticing the difference.

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I think I set a new record in deadlift yesterday. We did 7x4 and I went 110-120-120-125-125-130-130 and I realised afterwards that according to FitNotes, I have actually never done 4 deadlift with more than 120 kg. I was aiming at 136 as that's twice my bodyweight but I could feel that my back wouldn't be able to hold the weight so stopped before.


Other than that, I haven't been lifting much over the past six months as I have focused more on cardio and lighter weights for cardio and then more olympic lifts - like clean, jerk and snatch.

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I've had real trouble progressing squats. My consistency was all over the place. While I've managed to steadily go up on bench (I hit 5x3 at 110kg) my squats can vary from a tough 120kg to some days not being especially happy doing 90kg. So I bought these...




Adidas Power Perfect 2 Weightlifting Shoes.


Tried them out today andI felt a solid as a rock. Scratch that, I felt as solid as The Rock. I'm hoping they will help me push past my inconsistency.

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I have a pair of Do Wins (and I love the name lol) and I have to say yes. yes. yes.


good footwear is probably the best piece of "equipment" you can own when it comes to lifting.


Cons or basic as fuck flat shoes for deads (or no shoes if you're that way inclined) and good solid WL shoes for squats/snatches/cleans.


My coach did squats in a pair of nike airs many moons ago, squatted 120kg and the bubble exploded and he very nearly did himself a very serious injury!

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Was making progress in January and got a chest infection. Started making really good progress again and I get hit with a cold over the weekend. I hate being ill.


I think it's mostly gone and I took the past four days off so I'm going to do a light gym session today. And probably for the wrest of the week so I can come back strong next week.

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