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The 'Other' Switch Thread


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Yeah likewise. I want much more info, I'm disappointed that I haven't seen more games or that the information isn't more concrete. I'm sure there's some internal issue, licensing or such, that's tying them up - they're not just holding out for the sake of it. Despite that, I'll be pre-ordering it ASAP because the quality of the design and lack of gimmickry gives me confidence that they might be mending their approach, and it looks like a great item in and of itself.


Amen sir.


My opinion is that Nintendo could have botched this up in so many ways, I was pleasantly surprised by the execution of the reveal. It along with the product, potential games and the market they seem to be trying pull also makes me think they're mending their ways and being more of a serious contender as opposed to a sideshow.

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I'll still be buying it day 1 ( it's a Nintendo console after all ) but that doesn't mean to say that I like how they've handled the reveal of the thing.


Colour me corrected!


Personally I'm just not sure I can stand to invest that level of money in Nintendo's product off the bat again(WiiU was the first console I never got at launch since N64 iirc) especially when I'm getting pretty good value out of alternative offerings. Don't get me wrong I really do want to, but I just feel like I got more burned with WiiU than I'd have liked. Often felt like promises with half-hearted implementation/realisation. I was really excited about even Mario Maker when it happened(poss last game I bought for it) - but still that left me feeling bummed again.



I'm sure there's some internal issue, licensing or such, that's tying them up - they're not just holding out for the sake of it. Despite that, I'll be pre-ordering it ASAP because the quality of the design and lack of gimmickry gives me confidence that they might be mending their approach, and it looks like a great item in and of itself.


With the approach they seem to be taking - yeah I think something's holding them up. Again though - as much as I want to hope it's something sensible/rational completely outside of their control I get increasingly worried that it might not be.

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I'm curious about the pricing for this. To me, it's attempting to do what the WiiU did, but properly. I.e., you can take it with you anywhere and it doubles up as both the handheld and home console. I see this as being between the £320-350 mark. It's interesting because somebody like @Eenuh, who's into her handheld games, could get lots of mileage out of this.

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I'm curious about the pricing for this. To me, it's attempting to do what the WiiU did, but properly. I.e., you can take it with you anywhere and it doubles up as both the handheld and home console. I see this as being between the £320-350 mark. It's interesting because somebody like @Eenuh, who's into her handheld games, could get lots of mileage out of this.


But its unlikely to get the traditional "handheld" games. It will have full console games that you can take on the go. Well, thats the marketing behind it.

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But its unlikely to get the traditional "handheld" games. It will have full console games that you can take on the go. Well, thats the marketing behind it.


Honestly, I think it'll get both kinds. As long as the console is powerful to run it, it'll get games of those types. Similar to how the PS4 can get games like Hotline Miami, Axiom Verge, etc. It'll be up to the gamer to choose how they play it, whether that's on a bus or on the sofa.

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£200-250 for me. £300 with two games at a push if it's somehow exceptionally on form and matching everything else on the market in the majority of ways. Honestly I do think if I had a choice between £300 for this or £150-£200 for another PS4 I'd opt for the latter as it's giving me enough content to keep me happy I'd probably just like to have it for putting in another room etc.


I also think we'll get both kinds of games. As Blade mentioned the marketing is that it's a home console you can take on the go - but I honestly think a big part of that is just marketing and they have to focus on it 'as a home console first'. Whatever may be said about Nintendo - they're certainly prone to being very resolute and arguably stubborn on their image and marketing.

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I feel like its going to be £299 but I would definitely be happier with £200 - £250. Not sure I would actually pay £299.


For 200 quid, I'd definitely jump in. That's the same I paid for a WiiU. I'm sure there would be good value for money at that price.


I honestly can't see it being anywhere near that, though.

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Looking at what they showed, even though they said games shown weren't representative of what the games would look like, that it's predominantly a handheld console (no matter how they say it is a home console first) and the limitations that would bring to the hardware, there's no way I'd pay more than £250 for it! I'd want a game with it at that price too.

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With little to no interest in PS4 or XBOX One plus my love for Nintendo, it's basically a certainty that I will own a Switch.. but £299 might be a little too much to get me to bite right away!


Having said that, I was thinking about price a lot recently and the fact that it almost seems pointless to wait 6-12 months for a price drop of £50 or a 'free' game thrown in with the original price as it's generally worth paying that little bit extra to have the console with you from the start :smile:

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£329.99, I reckon.


But I wouldn't be shocked to see it at £350.


Same. Those are the numbers I'm going with.


I imagine the dock will come bundled with it, so that'll drive the cost up. There's heaps of technology in the Switch, especially when you factor in that the Joy-Cons probably have their own separate batteries and can work in a few different ways (attached to Switch, used independently and then attached to that controller thing to make a more traditional controller). That can't be cheap to produce and it's an integral part of the whole package, so that'll again drive costs up. That's not even taking into account that the system looks like a massive step up from the 3DS, Nintendo's previous handheld.


This isn't going to be cheap.

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Approximate size...





I can see Nintendo going the way of Sony now and extending the generational gaps by upping specs of the tablet portion of Switch akin to the PS4Pro, albeit a little more seamless; if you want the upgrade you could buy just the upgraded tablet part and slot your existing JoyCons onto that.

Edited by Kav
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Sometimes I chuckle within when I hear people saying they might not get the console if it's over a certain <insert reasonable price here> price - let's be real, 80-90% of you are going to day one this as long as it's not priced stupidly like £400+.


This is the most hopeful Nintendo 'Home Console' since the GC. I just hope The release isn't marred with stock issues like the Wii.

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Listening to the Giant Bombcast and they brought up and interesting point about the Switch and always online games that I hadn't even thought of.. Will things like Destiny and The Division even come to the console if the console cant be guaranteed to be online all the time if its being taken elsewhere.

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