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The 'Other' Switch Thread


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'This isn't the place for it'

'*thread relevant*

'Now I did say this wasn't the place for it but I'm still going to have the last word at the end of my post to defend my perceived slight upon my person even though barely a sentence has passed since I said this wasn't the place for it'


What some people don't seem to realise is their complete lack of insight/understanding into the issue people have with them, and thus they seem unable to ignore or move past it and then they further contribute to said problem. Few people here seem to misunderstand the feelings of said people, but said people seem to absolutely fail in understanding those feelings of others.


That's why these threads end up occurring - and also why it's so hard to overcome this hurdle.

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It amuses me greatly that a message board that is full of negativity towards Nintendo, feels the need to start not one, but two "negative" Nintendo threads because two people who like to remain positive about the company ruin other topics. The negativity will continue on the main threads of course.

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It amuses me greatly that a message board that is full of negativity towards Nintendo, feels the need to start not one, but two "negative" Nintendo threads because two people who like to remain positive about the company ruin other topics. The negativity will continue on the main threads of course.


Amused isn't how you come across.


It's not the positivity people take issue with, it's the negativity towards other members, the complete inability to take on other people's opinions and the relentless insistance on having the last word.

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Looks like it doesn't matter which thread, it all ends the same.


Please close/delete this one. After only a couple of posts it came to the usual and one thread for that is enough.


Edit: @Happenstance basically described why I created this thread in the first place. I wanted to be diplomatic about it and wrote a long post to explain but apparently it wasn't worded well enough to make my intention clear.


Anyway, this thread has gone to shit and I apologize for it.

Edited by drahkon
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I think it's clear to anyone with eyes that this wasn't your fault.


We all know who the issues lie with.


Charming. Attacked with virtually every post on here.




He moans when people are too negative in the Nintendo section. People feel the need to move elsewhere to carry on conversation and he just follows. He doesn't want to talk about Nintendo, he just wants to moan.


What utter nonsense. I have my opinions and I state them, that's all. Every one of you moan, bait, reply with snide gifs, comments, abuse. Take a look in the mirror.


Amused isn't how you come across.


It's not the positivity people take issue with, it's the negativity towards other members, the complete inability to take on other people's opinions and the relentless insistance on having the last word.


Negativity towards other members? I get attacked with virtually every single post I make.


Complete inability to take on other people's opinions? Utter rubbish. I disagree with a lot of people and argue my case. That's what a message board is for.


Relentless instance on having the last word? Again, rubbish. Just the other day someone replied with "that's the end of the conversation".


People don't like my views and attack me for it, it really is as simple as that.


Looks like it doesn't matter which thread, it all ends the same.


Please close/delete this one. After only a couple of posts it came to the usual and one thread for that is enough.


Edit: @Happenstance basically described why I created this thread in the first place. I wanted to be diplomatic about it and wrote a long post to explain but apparently it wasn't worded well enough to make my intention clear.


Anyway, this thread has gone to shit and I apologize for it.


No no, I won't post in this thread again, so keep your negative thread. You know, in addition to the relentless and endless negativity on the Nintendo board in every thread, about anything and everything Nintendo do. So yes, maybe cut the melodrama and keep this thread, please. I won't say another word in this topic.

Edited by Ronnie
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@Ronnie and @dazzybee


Ive read the beginning of this thread as: there are some areas od discussion that seem to upset some of our members. Rather than carry on upsetting them, lets continue discussing what we feel is relevant but in a different format.


To me that's drahkin actually trying to do something nice for everyone. Let some people have the discussion they want whilst letting others have a discussion more how they want.


Lets at least give it a try eh?

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Negativity towards other members? I get attacked with virtually every single post I make.


Do you ever question why? Dazzybee doesn't get the same level of abuse as you.


Complete inability to take on other people's opinions? Utter rubbish. I disagree with a lot of people and argue my case. That's what a message board is for.


Yes, but you do it in a way that either belittles or dismisses other people's opinions.


Relentless instance on having the last word? Again, rubbish. Just the other day someone replied with "that's the end of the conversation".


Ah, the staple Ronnie fallback "other's do it, so it's fine!". Remind me again how someone else doing it somehow means that you don't?


People don't like my views and attack me for it, it really is as simple as that.


I knew I forgot something from my list. Victim complex.


I won't say another word in this topic.


I'm willing to bet you will. You just can't help yourself. The only way you won't is if it gets locked.

Edited by Goafer
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So back to the NX.


What do we think could potentially happen if it was another failure for the company? They are basically merging their failing side (home console) with the more successful (handheld). Could this damage the reputation of their handheld division or is it strong enough that they could go back to a dedicated handheld if things went down the crapper?

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Im extremely concerned for the platform. In a recent interview Reggie stated that he didnt think that the wii u controller was a failed gimmick but that their messaging to communicate its value was poor.


Concern for several reasons:

1) Ignores that games should demonstrate its value NOT messaging

2) Ignores that making a gimmick to differentiate your console is useless unless it genuinely improves experience

3) Does not address fact that weird controller affects third party support

4) Ignores things that the wii u did really well, like Miiverse.


The interview sounds like we're going to get another gimmick ridden platform next with little follow through.

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What do we think could potentially happen if it was another failure for the company? They are basically merging their failing side (home console) with the more successful (handheld). Could this damage the reputation of their handheld division or is it strong enough that they could go back to a dedicated handheld if things went down the crapper?


If the NX will be another console/handheld with a gimmick I kinda hope that it will fail simply to see what Nintendo will do then.

Not sure if the handheld division is strong enough to mitigate a potential fallout. I mean, two failed consoles/devices in a row? Sheesh.


@Jamba I really hope we won't see a gimmick...the portable home console (i.e. handheld + dock for TV play) is the only "gimmick" I could accept if it's handled well.

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So back to the NX.


What do we think could potentially happen if it was another failure for the company? They are basically merging their failing side (home console) with the more successful (handheld). Could this damage the reputation of their handheld division or is it strong enough that they could go back to a dedicated handheld if things went down the crapper?


Good question.


Merging the two doesn't eradicate the problems of one. For a lack of a better analogy, its like the fusion technique in DBZ - (IIRC) when one is significantly weaker than the other it results in a miserable failure.


The problems with the home console division IMO:

* Bad release schedule

* Over-barring Platformer reliance

* Software not fulfilling their potential (namely due to lacking online modes or none at all)


The merger could eradicate the first two points. But its making hybrid software fit for the purpose of both home console gamers and portable gamers is what worries me.


Also, if Nintendo are trying to capture the mobile gamers - a crucial thing with mobile gamers is that they have a 3/4G internet connection so they can indulge all the time in the online leaderboards and challenges of the respective mobile game. But how will Nintendo offer a seamless internet connection outside of wifi spots?


The NX needs a solid online infrastructure to capture the audience they apparently want to reach, as well as the traditional gamer who are being spoilt for choice on other platforms.

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What are the numbers on the 3G PSVita? Is it really worth it for Nintendo to offer that functionality? Personally I wouldn't go for a more expensive 3/4G model since (at least here) it incurs additional monthly fees through a cellular carrier, big carriers in the US automatically make it around $30 just for a small data plan. The other issue is, it's common for the consumer to not have a choice in carrier. I think the PSVita 3G is AT&T only for instance, I have Verizon and see no need to get a second service just for a gaming device :/


I just don't see many pluses to 3 or 4G being included unless it's somehow free, which would be a huge cost to Nintendo.

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So back to the NX.


What do we think could potentially happen if it was another failure for the company? They are basically merging their failing side (home console) with the more successful (handheld). Could this damage the reputation of their handheld division or is it strong enough that they could go back to a dedicated handheld if things went down the crapper?


It's a tough situation they have gotten themselves into. The handheld side of things has certainly help to keep them afloat during the tough years but that side of things is also on the decline, what with mobiles eating away at that market. Even if the NX does fail, i'm not sure they will be a place anymore for a dedicated handheld, at least not outside of a niche market.


Maybe that's where Nintendo may eventually head? If you look at the Vita, that has carved out for itself a very niche market, one that 3rd party developers are very happy to continue to support. While it doesn't do big hardware numbers, the software figures are very large. I was reading on Gaf the just other day how the Vita has one of the highest attach rates out of all the consoles/handhelds.


If you look at the Wii U it kinda has the same thing going for it. Low hardware sales but great software sales. Maybe this is the future for them, especially if the NX will just be a Nintendo box, with Japanese developers dropping a few games in here and there.


What are the numbers on the 3G PSVita? Is it really worth it for Nintendo to offer that functionality? Personally I wouldn't go for a more expensive 3/4G model since (at least here) it incurs additional monthly fees through a cellular carrier, big carriers in the US automatically make it around $30 just for a small data plan. The other issue is, it's common for the consumer to not have a choice in carrier. I think the PSVita 3G is AT&T only for instance, I have Verizon and see no need to get a second service just for a gaming device :/


They dropped that model pretty fast, so I imagine the numbers weren't that good at all and not worth the investment.

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Its a shame Monster Hunter Generations came out so recently. I bet a Monster Hunter launch title would be a great way to show off what the NX is all about and get excited about the console. People being able to play their handheld MH that they love and then being able to carry on playing on the big screen like a lot of people have been wanting.

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I don't see the point in this thread now, its seems it aim has been made irrelevant since everyone is in here being negative


We should close this and move back to the NX thread and ignore posts you don't like - if i bit back at every condescending or potentially insulting post (depending on how you choose to interpret them) i'd be posting a hell of a lot more and turning into a grumpy old man - AND IT GOES BOTH WAYS IGNORING THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE





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The rumours of a handheld/home console hybrid in the NX do nothing to make me want to put down money on it. As a very disenfranchised Nintendo fan (I think the last time I played a Nintendo title was when Skyward Sword was released), I don't think it would ideally be the right move for the company. Sure, streamlining the development process to allow for handheld and home console ports of the same game is a good idea, it's a smart one even as it minimises your outgoings in having to develop two completely different games and potentially allows you to maximise profits on a small outlay.


But as a concept, I do think it's something that would have been better suited to the market when the Wii U was released (sans the Wii in the title) as opposed to now. The market has changed massively, with a higher proportion of gamers being brought up on the likes of Minecraft and free to play titles on Android/iOS devices, coming into the fold.


It's the older generation (and by this, I mean the vast majority of us here) who are the direct target for such a device from Nintendo because unless this handheld device has the multimedia capabilities of a smart phone, it's going to get them nowhere with younger gamers even with Mario and co. as the flag bearers (because we all know that third parties will be tentatively supporting anything Nintendo related, handheld or otherwise). And the dedicated home console thing isn't going to do much for gamers seeking a richer gaming experience which third parties are bringing to the other consoles currently (on top of solid first party offerings both as premium and as downloadable games). A lack of impact on those key fronts is what will hamper gamers hoping for stronger third party support and it'll ultimately end up being another Wii U situation.


Sure, they could play to that niche market and the high attach rates of software to hardware with the Wii U is initially impressive when you compare to the competition but not so much when you look at the smaller library of titles available.


I'm not saying they have to follow the path that Sony and Microsoft are going down but while the Wii has given Nintendo this idea that they don't need to match the competition in terms of the pure physical power of the hardware, what they've done is set themselves back and with the Wii U being a commercial flop, significantly put themselves on the back foot in terms of ever trying to catch up to the competition and have any significant impact in the market place.


What they do need to do is stop this PR nonsense about not doing the same thing as the competition. Hardware wise, fine do that but know that they're minimising their audience by doing so. But OS and service wise, there is no excuse for not having a setup that is on par with the competition. Missing key online features that are standard on the other platforms, and have been for the best part of a decade, as well as not providing substantial multimedia opportunities similarly minimises the market that's going to look at the device.


As a hybrid, they're already playing catch up with huge numbers of potential consumers using smart phones and tablets daily (such that the number of people potentially gaming on the go with dedicated devices has dropped, though I'd love to see some actual figures for this) and massive instalments of both the PS4 and Xbox One providing similar services as an aside to strong first and third party games that are state of the art in terms of AI, narrative and other aspects.


Nintendo's biggest issue is still their business and corporate structure. They have subsidiaries in North America, Europe and other territories but fail to utilise these in a meaningful manner. Case in point, Nintendo recently bought a majority sharehold in a Japanese distribution company. Great, if you're buying in the Japanese market as it'll mean that stock will hit the streets quicker. But there's no clear wider ramifications for this. They need to be thinking globally because, despite humble beginnings in Japan, they are a global company and brand and not doing this is one of the things, this insular thinking that seems to be coming out of the company, that's hurting the company. I've said it before but allowing their subsidiaries to invest in similar initiatives or to front up-start studios to broaden their portfolio is not just a good idea but its simple business practices which can yield big result for a company that is languishing in the previous decade.


In the end, Nintendo has a hell of a lot of work to do to make any device a worthwhile addition to the marketplace. Sure, the next Mario and Zelda titles have and probably will garner a lot of attention but so do a lot of indie games hitting the other platforms with the big pushes for these from Sony and Microsoft so their relevance in this day and age is marginalised to a niche audience. Likewise, that's the way their hardware business is going and if they aren't going to invest globally in services and better use what's at their disposal, the NX is going to end up being all gimmick but little substance more than what's already available.

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So back to the NX.


What do we think could potentially happen if it was another failure for the company? They are basically merging their failing side (home console) with the more successful (handheld). Could this damage the reputation of their handheld division or is it strong enough that they could go back to a dedicated handheld if things went down the crapper?


I think if it fails Nintendo are in real trouble. I don't know what they'd do to get out of it except soldier on as they did with the Wii U and hope somehow they still have money to carry on later.


I don't think it will fail though - the value of a handheld/home console is good. The issues are going to be price, online functionality/features, and software. I think in that order of importance too, probably.


What are the numbers on the 3G PSVita? Is it really worth it for Nintendo to offer that functionality? Personally I wouldn't go for a more expensive 3/4G model since (at least here) it incurs additional monthly fees through a cellular carrier, big carriers in the US automatically make it around $30 just for a small data plan. The other issue is, it's common for the consumer to not have a choice in carrier. I think the PSVita 3G is AT&T only for instance, I have Verizon and see no need to get a second service just for a gaming device :/


I just don't see many pluses to 3 or 4G being included unless it's somehow free, which would be a huge cost to Nintendo.


I don't know the Vita 3G numbers but one thing I did speculate on the other thread was what if Nintendo could somehow strike a deal with carriers for an exclusive Nintendo-esque network? So like 3G/4G sim but it can only be used for the Nintendo device, you couldn't push any other non-verified/non-signed data through it. I don't know what the costs are for data these days, but I get 1GB included in my tenner a month. Imagine if you knew no-one would break a few hundred MB a month and didn't need anything else? Could you get a carrier to help you with that? No need for text/voice etc. just all data. Obvs default to wifi wherever possible too.


I'd have the above based on a paid online service btw(as PS+ and Live do), and some of that price goes towards the above. I realise it's a pipe dream really, but it'd be interesting to have a handheld console with basic functionality almost anywhere. I think paid online, whilst some wouldn't want it and free is tempted, gives them a revenue stream and ringfence of money to put towards those services.

Edited by Rummy
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I don't see the point in this thread now, its seems it aim has been made irrelevant since everyone is in here being negative


We should close this and move back to the NX thread and ignore posts you don't like - if i bit back at every condescending or potentially insulting post (depending on how you choose to interpret them) i'd be posting a hell of a lot more and turning into a grumpy old man - AND IT GOES BOTH WAYS IGNORING THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE


We've just managed to get conversation going in here and only after a load of trouble that would most likely carry on in the main thread. I think this thread has proven its need.


EDIT: I mean I wouldnt have felt comfortable posing the failure question I did in the other thread because I would expect it to get moaned at immediately for being negative instead of the "what if" that it was meant to be.

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I don't see the point in this thread now, its seems it aim has been made irrelevant since everyone is in here being negative


We should close this and move back to the NX thread and ignore posts you don't like - if i bit back at every condescending or potentially insulting post (depending on how you choose to interpret them) i'd be posting a hell of a lot more and turning into a grumpy old man - AND IT GOES BOTH WAYS IGNORING THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE






It's a thread for talking about the NX that Ronnie has agreed not to post in. I now don't see the point in the other thread tbh.


The way I see it, this is meant as a place to discuss the NX, be it negative or positive. The difference is that negative views should be tolerated without the same circular arguments or defences arising.

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Emily Rogers has said this about the console.


  • In May, I said Nvidia was involved with the system. (Source)
  • The screen is around 6 inches (6.2 to be specific)
  • The portable screen has a 720p resolution.
  • Multi-touch touchscreen (Haven’t heard anything about a stylus.)
  • 32 GB of internal storage is on the NX dev kit. (They may increase storage to 64GB for the final retail unit, but I doubt it.)
  • There is an SD Card port.
  • Dock Station has at least 2 USB ports on prototype. Not sure about final product.
  • NX will support Unreal Engine 4 and Unity engine
  • NX is below Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in raw power.
  • Dev kits are region free. I heard retail units might be region free too.
  • Nintendo still plans to support the 3DS with software through 2018.


Here is of mock up of the controller/handheld.




Letsplayvideogames then had this to say.


As others already said, it’s a hybrid console with detachable controllers that have a split D-Pad, A, B, X, Y, and a camera / share button. However, something I believe none of them have mentioned is the size of the current dev kit.


It’s slightly thicker than the Nintendo 3DS XL when folded, so 25 mm, with a width of around 281 mm and a height of 92 mm with the controllers attached. Separated, the controllers have the same depth and height, and they both have a width of 38 mm, making the console itself have a width of 205 mm.


I’ve made a picture detailing where the TV port, headphone port, SD Card port, power button and cartridge port can be found.




One final thing I thought I should discuss is how the controllers connect. They’re both held by the console via a hole in each side of the system where the controllers can connect to. It sort of looks like this.




To take it out, there’s a button on the back of each controller that lowers the center spike that keeps it in place, making it eject from the system.


If true, then this sounds a bit on the chunky side. Saying that, dev kits are usually beasts compared to the final product. I just hope it's a lot sleeker than the Wii U GamePad. While I love off tv play, the thing is a behemoth, especially if you have just come off playing with a regular controller.

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I'll hold off any judgement until I see the official design. I'm worried that it'll feel like a cheap plastic toy just as the Gamepad does (or basically any other Nintendo controller). I really hope Nintendo will improve on their devices' build quality.


Whenever I use my Vita it feels good, like a great piece of technology. With the Gamepad I always felt like it could break at any given moment. And it just didn't feel good to use it.

Not sure if I'm alone with this :laughing:


And I still hate analogue sticks above the face buttons...


Oh and if the NX won't be region free...then there's absolutely no helping Nintendo.

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