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Death Stranding (PS4 Kojima)


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  • 1 month later...
Not going to lie: I really like the DualShock.
And I love that design on the console. 
Must... resist...
What if you buy that bundle and the game is wank? Then you'll have to sit and look at a PS4 that reminds you of a wank game every time you look at it.
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1 hour ago, Kav said:

Are people genuinely looking forward to Death Stranding?

You bet your sweet ass, I am :p 

I haven't seen much (wanna go in with as little knowledge of the game as I can) but I've seem some gameplay snippets and the shooting/stealth looks to be similar to Metal Gear Solid V, which was bloody awesome. As for the rest (exploration, the "walking simulator stuff", etc.); can't say much as I want to experience this myself.


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1 hour ago, Kav said:

Are people genuinely looking forward to Death Stranding?

The more I see of it the more I think it looks like an excruciatingly dull game...

Honestly, it’s beyond my comprehension as to why some people seem hyped by it.

I don't get it either. Looks like a big BOTW style sandbox, but with the most important part, the fun, sucked out of it and replaced with menial tasks.

People are hyped because they worship Kojima I guess? I've never gotten that either.

It looks pretty though, I like the UI.

Edited by Ronnie
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I'm interested in how this turns out, whilst not really wanting to buy it just yet. You've got to consider that Kojima had been wanting to step away from Metal Gear since MGS2 was complete, and so Death Stranding is surely the product of years of pent up ideas and creativity. And yet, could this also be its curse? He is now unbound by the boundaries of the Metal Gear template, so whats to stop him just vomiting up every half arsed idea he has? I fear that he has simply designed a game where the user is asked to walk between a series of sketches, stopping for minutes at a time to listen to some faux-philosophical bollocks. I hope I am proven wrong.


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  • 4 weeks later...
12 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Is Kojima Productions a 1st party studio? Always thought it's independent, only with some support from Sony.

I think that Kojima Productions is technically a 3rd party studio? But I was always under the impression that Sony helped to fund and set up the studio.  Death Stranding is also running on an in-house, first-party created Sony game engine (Decima), which currently has no support for any platform outside of PS4, and has received a lot of development support from Guerrilla Games (a 1st party Sony studio) so... It's still a first party production; regardless of Kojima Productions' actual studio ownership.

Edited by Dcubed
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I've watched the launch trailer, it still doesn't show enough gameplay, I'm really wondering just how much actual gameplay will be in the game at this point.

At least in the beginning, Metal Gear Solid had a decent amount of gameplay with a lot of cutscenes which were enjoyable enough.

Death Stranding though... I just don't know, it looks like a videogame version of a film but for real this time, which is impressive but is the gameplay just going to be wandering around?

I'll wait on the reviews, I hope that everyone who is there on day one enjoys it though. :peace:

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1 minute ago, drahkon said:

You don't have to wait long. Embargo lifts on Friday.

Good to hear. :)

It's weird, in 2015 I was at least intruiged, in 2018 I was thinking that I'd probably buy the game, but now? I just don't know... ::shrug:

Plus there are so many other games either out or coming out that a few of them at least have to give.

I fully expect this to sell well regardless though.

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7 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I hope so. If only as a big "FUCK YOU" to Konami :D 

I'm hyped as all hell. Probably won't be able to play it on launch weekend, though :( 

Oh yeah, definitely fuck Konami for killing off all of their known franchises and letting Kojima go like that, it's their loss though.

I wish that I could say I was hyped but I'm not really, I'd probably go into it with zero hype or expectations... which for a Kojima game, indeed his first solo effort sounds impossible.

But I think that's the best way being that we've seen so much in the form of cutscenes but know very little about the actual gameplay aside from... walking and driving.

And something which looks like a combat system but I'm not sure on how practical it will be.

I do think that it will be high quality, whatever it turns out to be but games can be highly polished and end up ultimately being not that engaging.

Let's at least hope it lives up to the hype. :D

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27 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

I've watched the launch trailer, it still doesn't show enough gameplay, I'm really wondering just how much actual gameplay will be in the game at this point.

The TGS demonstration from Kojima showed quite a bit of gameplay. I just don't think any of it looked fun.


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