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What does "every aspect of technology" have to do with video game console cycles? You said console generations don't last as long as the last one did, the only evidence that points to that is the PS4K, hence my reply. Ok the NX as well, but that's an exception based on poor sales.
Things change Ronnie. I genuinely can't understand your mindset. My first phone lasted me something like 6-7 years... would I like my current phone to, yes absolutely! but it's not going to. Not only are things not built to last as long nowadays, but they're outdated as soon as they hit the market. TV's, Microwaves, Camera's...


I'm in exactly the same position as you regarding the PS4, I actually bought mine after you... but what's the point in acting so childish and hateful about it. It's not going to change anything. Plus, what is it one rule for Nintendo with all its incremental upgrades, and another for everyone else. And it's not just Sony, but Microsoft who may well be considering a console upgrade. PC's upgrade ALL the time and you spend as much money on one as you want. You don't want it, don't buy it. Or trade your console in.

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Really, Sony and Microsoft releasing new consoles does Nintendo a massive favour. If the NX was solely playing catchup to the PS4/XBO it'd have no chance of any success. It'd look totally out of place and I'm sure it'd be a massive failure (which there is, of course, still a big chance of). Being released alongside other new consoles gives gamers something to think about and if indeed the NX is more powerful than a normal PS4, it is more likely to have games developed for its potential if they're also developing for a PS4K/upgraded Xbox One.


Anyway, this is all just speculation. New 3DS hasn't killed off the 3DS, in fact it's barely got started. I never bought a DS lite, A DSi, a DSi XL, but my original silver bricky one lasted the whole generation fine! If it is like the New 3DS, it seems like it'll just be an option for those who want a higher resolution. We'll see when it gets announced, it really isn't worth getting worked up about yet!

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Details of Neo over at Eurogamer:




Sony seemingly acknowledges the need to integrate the two models of PlayStation 4 available simultaneously on the market - internally dubbed as 'Base' and 'Neo'. There will be no games exclusive to the Neo model, every title will be available on both, and there's no suggestion of VR-exclusive Neo modes at this point. Developers are prohibited from creating Neo-exclusive gameplay features, and enhancements are expected to be graphical and performance-based in nature. Gamers on both systems will be tied into the same ecosystem, meaning that users of both models will be competing against one another in online games. The user interface and PSN systems will also be identical.
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Why the hell they so late reporting?! Haha


I thought it must've been new info.


I gave it a quick skim and they do mention its all courtesy of the Giant Bomb article so I think they've just padded it out with their own stuff and theories. Nothing wrong with that obviously but the actual sourced stuff is from GB.


The late stuff just reminds me of Digital Spy. So often they'll post stuff days later but talk like its breaking news. Terrible site.

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I think that this change could've been seen coming years ago with technology moving forward very quickly.


So I think it's easy to see how this influences console cycles because they are literally part of technology.


Right, tech is moving faster now that during the PS3/360 gen. Even if that's true I don't see how that justifies calling my post stupid. A much shorter console cycle is thanks to the PS4K.

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I don't really think 5+ years cycles make sense anymore. Technology moves at such a speed nowadays. I'd be more than happy to see both Sony and Microsoft do a refresh after a couple years and then a bigger change a couple years after that.


Also, having the base PS4 reduced would help get the machine into the hands of people who don't want to pay a premium price.


I think Sony are right to be proactive and disruptive.

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Right, tech is moving faster now that during the PS3/360 gen. Even if that's true I don't see how that justifies calling my post stupid. A much shorter console cycle is thanks to the PS4K.


Doesn't the PS4K lengthen the cycle? Why would they release a PS5 so soon if they are planning a PS4K? It's the same for the new 3DS - it's there to act as a buffer until the next handheld.

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Interesting how different the views are on gaf, a lot of people talking about giving up on console gaming and moving to PC if the PS4K is a thing. And why not, this basically removes the convenience of console gaming.


Personally (and annoyingly) I know I'll feel compelled to get it, but then again how long will this one last? Maybe I should wait until the PS4-8K in 2018...

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Right, tech is moving faster now that during the PS3/360 gen. Even if that's true I don't see how that justifies calling my post stupid. A much shorter console cycle is thanks to the PS4K.


Why do you keep saying a much shorter console cycle...even after it has been said that the console will receive no new games that the old one can't play?


Serious question - please answer it. Do you see the New3DS as a new cycle, departing from the 3DS?

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A much shorter console cycle is thanks to the PS4K.




Two reasons: The PS4K is not the reason why the console cycle is shorter, it's the quick progression in all of technology, as stated before.

Secondly, as many others have said, a new PS4 is not a new console cycle.

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Judging by the Giant Bomb info this changes quite a few things.


The GPU is a massive increase, almost like a Titan... Seems like it is very much a PS4 but with enhancements for 4K TV gaming. Not sure what 1080p tv owners will miss out on. Even with the GPU upgrade most retail games won't be native 4K but they will be higher than 1080p. The ram limitation puts a damper on better graphical effects etc.


This news is also coinciding with PC based xbox ones which are upgradeable. Which makes sense given that HP, DELL, Lenovo etc are getting in on the Xbox One platform. MS's approach is more open ended but less of a console solution.


P.S I don't think this changes anything in regards to length of console platforms on the Sony side. Also the PS4 slim is still a possibility and probably the mainstream choice.

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Interesting how different the views are on gaf, a lot of people talking about giving up on console gaming and moving to PC if the PS4K is a thing. And why not, this basically removes the convenience of console gaming.


Personally (and annoyingly) I know I'll feel compelled to get it, but then again how long will this one last? Maybe I should wait until the PS4-8K in 2018...


You will hear a variety of opinions but it doesn't like the PS4K will provide much extra for anyone without a 4K TV. I bet most people will advise to save money and go PS4. It's also very much a normal console.

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Whether it's a new gen or not really doesn't matter. With a new XBox around the corner as well it's clear both new consoles are a paradigm shift and traditional console cycles are no more. I find this very sad.


Why is it sad? It'll be the same as it always was if you don't buy the upgraded console. A console that lasts you 5-7 years at the same graphical quality. Literally don't understand your standpoint at all. It's not like the N3DS where the new console got games the old one didn't.


Surely giving people an option is a good thing?

Edited by Sheikah
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I have a worry that game quality will be effected. How I mean is this:


If a game is developed with the Neo as the primary version, the "blood, sweat and tears" of the dev goes into this build. Now my worry comes from the possibility that the Base version will not just take a hit in quality as a result of the specs etc. but also because not as much love has gone into that version.


If there was just one console, then all the "love" would go into that one version of the game and even if it was on the Base console, it would run better than the game produced for the Base in the scenario above.



Of course this might not necessarily be the case but it does worry me a bit.

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I have a worry that game quality will be effected. How I mean is this:


If a game is developed with the Neo as the primary version, the "blood, sweat and tears" of the dev goes into this build. Now my worry comes from the possibility that the Base version will not just take a hit in quality as a result of the specs etc. but also because not as much love has gone into that version.


If there was just one console, then all the "love" would go into that one version of the game and even if it was on the Base console, it would run better than the game produced for the Base in the scenario above.



Of course this might not necessarily be the case but it does worry me a bit.


But do you think that happens with PC games now?

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But do you think that happens with PC games now?


I don't know, I've not gamed on PC for many years now, so I couldn't say.


Also, I don't know enough about the intricacies of development as well as the differences in developing for PC and for consoles and how that may effect the the worry I have.


My worry may be unfounded for all I know, but because I don't know, the worry is there.



My main thoughts as to this all is that the PS4 shouldn't have been released, they should've held off a little longer and just released the Neo as the PS4.

Unless the console cycle is now going to come down to shorter time-frames... then I'll probably just go PC only.

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