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Titanfall 2 (PS4/PC/XBO)


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Eurogamer review...




To actually go into detail about the specific gameplay tricks and one-shot gimmicks that Titanfall 2 employs would be doing an injustice to anyone looking forward to ploughing through the game, but the one constant that ran through my mind as I played was 'this is like a Nintendo game'. Or, should that be, a Nintendo game developed by the hands and minds behind Call Of Duty at its finest.



Will buy.

It'll be this and Battlefield 1 for my shooting fix this year!

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I'll deffo be picking this up next week. Reviews have been great and the fact that Respawn aren't going down the season pass route (i.e. all DLC is free) is wonderful and should be applauded!


Both SP and MP look very good indeed. BF1 and COD to be picked up when they're closer to the £20 mark.

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I was intending to wait and pick this up after I'd got Battlefield 1 but all of the positivity surrounding this and so many glowing reviews, I relented and I'm currently waiting for it to finish installing on the ol' PS4 to give it a whirl. Battlefield 1 can wait for now.


Intrigued to see how I get on with it. Not been majorly keen on the path some modern shooters have taken as I wasn't fussed for Black Ops 3 last year (tho the single player should have been put out separately as a none-COD title and expanded on I feel) and having tried the beta for Infinite Warfare, I'm not liking the feel of it. Hopefully this feels right and carries a bit of weight to it and how it plays. Tho I feel the likes of Overwatch has maybe put a dent in how I'll view this lot of FPSs this year, but it has to be said it's been a fantastic year for the genre with this lot of titles.

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The campaign has been pretty good so far from what I've played. There hasn't been any massive "Wow" moments though so I'm not really on the same page as some of the reviews let on but it's still pretty good. Definitely gives a Half Life/Portal feel to it and really does feel like an older FPS in how it's structured which is definitely a good thing. Particularly loved the level that played a bit like another FPS, Singularity, in what you were able to do. That was nicely done.


The game plays like a dream though. I wasn't too keen on how CoD had been implementing all this wallrunning and sliding about but it's finally clicked with this and it feels amazing. There's a real weight to your movement and when you hit a high speed, the movement is as smooth as silk. Stringing together consecutive wallruns and then backwards sliding passed enemies to get the drop on them for the kill is poetry in motion.


No place is that more apparent than in the multiplayer where I've managed to do the above a few times and it's so satisfying. The titans feel great as well, really liking the feel of Ronin and being able to close in fast to use Leadwall and the sword to inflict massive damage.


Some of the maps are superb and some of the best multiplayer maps I've played in a long time, and certainly make some of what CoD has been throwing out there in previous years look horrendous by comparison. I'm a big fan of Eden for both allowing a lot of wallrunning and sliding as well as some close quarters areas for pilots to slog out and enough space for some good titan brawls. Forwardbase Kodai is the same. And with more free support to come, I think I'll be enjoying this for the foreseeable future (take note Activision).


Very surprised with how good the game is. Wasn't sure what to expect but it really is more or less every bit as good as the reviews have made it sound. Definitely worth an investment this one if you haven't already. I'd say the only thing trumping this FPS wise this year is Overwatch which is pretty good standing for a title thrown out to market between the 2 big hitters.

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@drahkon Are you still looking to pick this up in Dec?


Depends on whether it drops in price in Germany or not. If I can find it for 25€ I'll definitely get it. If not then it's only FFXV for me in Decemper.


Edit: December, of course...but I'll keep "Decemper" in there...

Edited by drahkon
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What is wrong with you man?! Haha


That's not like you.


It's very rare that I play online competitively. I'm all about the co-op, though. Playing the CoD games on the Wii U with you guys for so long was a very rare thing.


I guess I just feel that there's far too many gaming experiences to be had these days to be stuck playing the one game over and over.

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Just saw this, via Kotaku. Guy gets accused of hacking cause he outscored the enemy team on bounty hunt, drops into the next match with said accusers on his team who proceed to AFK the whole match leaving it 1 vs 5. The end result is the video below which is just insane levels of skill.



I thought my dropping down a whole and swinging up behind the enemy to take them out was a pretty good use of the game mechanics but this guy is on a whole different level.


Still enjoying the multiplayer immensely. Have noticed a change in the types of players running though. Quite a few trying to camp with snipers which is a bit of a stupid move given that the game is all about movement. Took great pleasure in clearing out a snipers nest or two the other night. One match, 3 of them had holed up in one of the buildings at one end of the Drydock map and put pilot turrets and trip mines in place. My titan took care of those on one side while I dropped in from the other and a grenade, a full clip of the Volt and a melee cleared that place right out :laughing:


I know people will camp the roof top of the building at the other extreme of the Drydock map but that area quickly gets over run with Titans as the match goes on so it doesn't really turn into a snipe-fest, camping inside, though, and to try snipe like that is stupid. Hopefully, it's just a phase of players dropping in after a CoD or Battlefield slump and they'll be gone before too long.

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