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I played a bit of this yesterday with Gmac, Rowan, my nephew and lostmario. Shiekah and Shorty also jumped in with us for a game or two.


I quite enjoyed it. I never bothered playing as any of the offensive types and was happy to just play a supporting role and run around the map healing/reviving people as Mercy. We had some really good games, especially yesterday evening.


@Cookyman did you want to join us last night? You kept jumping in and out of the party without saying a word.


I'm quite tempted to go pick up the full game during my lunch break. Hmm...

Do it! Such a great game, and really great value. Gets lots of content updates absolutely free.

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Do it! Such a great game, and really great value. Gets lots of content updates absolutely free.


The issue that I have is that i'm not big on having to rely on others to play and enjoy a game and I much prefer to get through a bunch of titles rather than sticking with one.

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The issue that I have is that i'm not big on having to rely on others to play and enjoy a game and I much prefer to get through a bunch of titles rather than sticking with one.


Yep, this is the reason that I gave up on Destiny.


Credit where it's due, I found the N-Europe community to be very welcoming, I did have a good time for a bit so thank you to all involved for that. :)


But after a while I just couldn't see myself enjoying the game or series long-term. :hmm:


I feel like I need some sort of Offline component - not just online solo - which I can contribute to and still be working towards something meaningful.


This is likely why I keep returning to PSO frequently even offline only - I know unofficial servers exist but I'm not risking my high-level characters - :p because I can work towards something on my own if I feel like it.


Monster Hunter has been the closest replacement for it so far. :D


Anyway, back on-topic... Overwatch looks cool to me but I've got other multiplayer games which I haven't even touched and so I know that I just wouldn't get the mileage out of it. : peace:

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I quite enjoyed it. I never bothered playing as any of the offensive types and was happy to just play a supporting role and run around the map healing/reviving people as Mercy. We had some really good games, especially yesterday evening.



That's exactly what I did yesterday when I played with @Eenuh. I quite enjoyed it. I call it the Kante role! :D She went as D.Va and just tore shit up and I pretty much stayed glued to her and kept boosting her/healing her whilst also looking out for the rest of the team when I could see that they were low. We did really well. It's an unstoppable combo!

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I had a few more games on this yesterday before the free trial was up. I was just playing on my own and it was a very frustrating affair. In most the games I played hardly anymore on my team was playing the objective. They just kept playing the game like Call of Duty and hunting down the opposition rather than capturing a spot or holding an objective. I made for a very frustrating experience.


My nephew joined me later and this made for a more enjoyable experience. We both were playing the objective ( me on healing duty again ) and others started to help with what we were doing. There were a couple of games where we should have lost but I luckily had my revive ready and I turned the tables after the enemy had used all their special skills and had wiped most of our team out.


We tried the Pharmercy link up out and it worked really well. He was flying around the map and I just stuck with him and kept boosting his attack and healing him when needed.

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In most the games I played hardly anymore on my team was playing the objective. They just kept playing the game like Call of Duty and hunting down the opposition rather than capturing a spot or holding an objective.


So it's still like that, eh? I hoped that with the addition of Arena mode (or whatever it's called), the people who want to play Team Deathmatch would switch to that.


I made for a very frustrating experience.


Well, you can't complain then :p

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On the whole, I'd say that most of the userbase are quite good at playing to the objective and not just going around for kills, at least in my experience. You'll always get the odd randomer, though. I had one yesterday who didn't leave the spawn-base bit and just kept walking in circles firing his gun in the air as McCree. Clearly somebody went to the loo and just gave the controller a kid or something.


I had a few epic games yesterday. There was a great game of "Escort" where we lost the payload to a few checkpoints (we were defending) and the attackers kept getting through. They were about to get to the final checkpoint, but I managed to hold them off and then we somehow managed to get the payload to move back to near enough to the start of the previous checkpoint. It must have been frustrating for the other team to appear to be so close, yet unable to make it.


I've started to use Orisa and I'm doing ok with her. Will stick with her for a bit to see if I improve.

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I had a few epic games yesterday. There was a great game of "Escort" where we lost the payload to a few checkpoints (we were defending) and the attackers kept getting through. They were about to get to the final checkpoint, but I managed to hold them off and then we somehow managed to get the payload to move back to near enough to the start of the previous checkpoint. It must have been frustrating for the other team to appear to be so close, yet unable to make it.


I've started to use Orisa and I'm doing ok with her. Will stick with her for a bit to see if I improve.


I enjoy moments like those in multiplayer games. Makes the bad experiences worthwhile when you can pull off a win like that.


I tried playing with a few of the more attacking characters yesterday. I think it was D.Va and Bastion who I tried out. I quite like both of them. D.Va was pretty cool. It felt like I was playing Titanfall again. :D

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I enjoy moments like those in multiplayer games. Makes the bad experiences worthwhile when you can pull off a win like that.


I tried playing with a few of the more attacking characters yesterday. I think it was D.Va and Bastion who I tried out. I quite like both of them. D.Va was pretty cool. It felt like I was playing Titanfall again. :D


D.Va is @Eenuh's main character. I go as Mercy and just keep healing her throughout. Unbeatable! :D


I sometimes use Bastion and do ok with him. He's got a great special attack and you can do tons of damage. The downside is that he's pretty sluggish to move around as.

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D.Va is @Eenuh's main character. I go as Mercy and just keep healing her throughout. Unbeatable! :D


I sometimes use Bastion and do ok with him. He's got a great special attack and you can do tons of damage. The downside is that he's pretty sluggish to move around as.


Yeah, out of the two I used I prefer D.Va. I like her boost move as I do like to zip around the map when I can. It's also why I enjoy playing as Mercy. Being able to essentially tractor beam to one of your team mates is great. :D

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I've been playing Mercy a little more recently (I'm an Ana main. 'Witness Me'. Etc,.) and it is both the most rewarding roll and the most thankless soul-crushing role in the game.


I had one match when my team were putting down some good damage which I could sit behind and there was a Genji that just kept coming for me – this fucker was blood-thirsty – but every time he closed ground on me I could pull myself across the area to a fellow team mate who was perfectly positioned (to the point where I had a good chuckle at his futile attempts...and then he Dragon Blades me...).


Then I had another match where the Genji, Tracer and Pharah (who one-man Ulted me) just kept going for me first. I was effectively removed from the game. I could even get back to my team from spawn because a Tracer was behind our lines. "Plz, someone halp." And understandably everyone is distracted by their own fight. (And I really think this game needs more healers because the only solution against a good Tracer is to switch to Lucio, because Mercy, Ana and Zen have no mobility and are essentially sitting ducks.)


I always feel bad when a Mercy on my team dies. I've had my best luck protecting them as a D.Va. Defence Matrix is invaluable for protecting her. I think weirdly I'm more protective over a Mercy I'm not on voice chat with...probably because I can't apologise for failing to save them because I know how frustrating it can be on occasion.



I'm also a big fan of changing support to suit the level. Eichenwalde first leg, Mercy/Ana. Second leg Ana/Mercy/Zen. Third Mercy/Ana (And that inclusion of Ana in all of those is because I absolutely bloody love Ana). Those are what I tend towards but obviously team comp comes into play massively. The potential for a big Mercy rez on the last leg is huge – the chance to instantly respawn most of your team at full health is a big game-winner.

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People not doing the objective and treating it like deathmatch is a symptom of low levels and playing QP and/or with randoms. If you play with the N-E guys you won't have to worry about that. Likewise people play properly in Ranked more often than not. People treat QP as a chance to just mess about, pick heroes like Widow that really have no place in a proper team construction.


You will also find Mercy combos far less unbeatable when you get into higher levels, as people will just target Mercy. If you ever once launch yourself into trouble you will be punished pretty harshly.


You guys should give attack a chance too, play some Soldier 76 or Tracer. There's a sharp but short learning curve and then it becomes so much fun. Tracer is one of the most fun to control characters in any FPS ever.


Or if you want to fill a gap in our repertoire, we'd love someone to main Rein :P

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Tracer feels like a less useful Scout. Soldier 76 however is fun.


I should probably put more time into it though. It just feels so over engineered with the overly large roster of to me largely forgettable and overlapping characters. TF2 had a somewhat large roster, and variety was achieved with changing loadouts (as released).

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Orisa is the only really forgettable character for me. Otherwise I really like how everyone is connected to one another.


In terms of dynamic voice lines there hasn't been a game like this since Halo.

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Orisa is the only really forgettable character for me. Otherwise I really like how everyone is connected to one another.


In terms of dynamic voice lines there hasn't been a game like this since Halo.


I quite like Orisa and have used her quite a bit so far. Probably my most played character.


I spent the evening playing as Soldier: 76 and had a fantastic time. I love the way the character moves and plays. I'm going to alternate between S:76, Orisa and Mercy for now. Quite like Bastion and Reinhardt, too.

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It's been a while since a game has frustrated me so much like this one does. The players I was getting hooked up with yesterday were absolute morons who just wouldn't play the objective or balance the team out correctly.


I played a game yesterday where a person decided to be the healer. They picked Mercy and just went around trying to gun down the opposition. We weren't getting healed and they constantly kept dying.


There was another match where a person chose a healer, done sod all in terms of healing and then switched mid match. I then picked Mercy seeing as we needed someone to help the team out. I picked her and then a few mins later that same person picked another healer.


@Daft sorry for bailing straight away yesterday. You picked an awful time to join as I was just leaving to watch the football. I think my nephew and Rowan were as well. Just as well TBH as we were having a horrible string of matches.


How does the matchmaking work in this game? Myself, my nephew, gmac, Emerald and Rowan are all pretty low ranks yet we keep getting paired up with people who are level 100+.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I quite like Orisa and have used her quite a bit so far. Probably my most played character.


I spent the evening playing as Soldier: 76 and had a fantastic time. I love the way the character moves and plays. I'm going to alternate between S:76, Orisa and Mercy for now. Quite like Bastion and Reinhardt, too.


She's fun to use with the right support. I can't say I'm too good as her. On Mayhem she is a blast, too.


It's been a while since a game has frustrated me so much like this one does. The players I was getting hooked up with yesterday were absolute morons who just wouldn't play the objective or balance the team out correctly.


I played a game yesterday where a person decided to be the healer. They picked Mercy and just went around trying to gun down the opposition. We weren't getting healed and they constantly kept dying.


There was another match where a person chose a healer, done sod all in terms of healing and then switched mid match. I then picked Mercy seeing as we needed someone to help the team out. I picked her and then a few mins later that same person picked another healer.


@Daft sorry for bailing straight away yesterday. You picked an awful time to join as I was just leaving to watch the football. I think my nephew and Rowan were as well. Just as well TBH as we were having a horrible string of matches.


How does the matchmaking work in this game? Myself, my nephew, gmac, Emerald and Rowan are all pretty low ranks yet we keep getting paired up with people who are level 100+.


Me and Superbass found ourselves in a whole string of games with utter idiots. It usually happens at the start of the competitive season, QP is left with people who just want to bugger around or take a break from Comp.


No worries about leaving. If I'm on feel free to send me an invite. I think we had a lot of enjoyable matches yesterday.

I'm really enjoying Reaper. His changes are going to be interesting. I think they're good changes that aren't massive buffs so much as QoL changes.



I wouldn't worry too much about how many levels someone is (although I understand there's a clear advantage when you might not have a wealth of experience across a whole swathe of characters compared to someone a few hundred levels above you), I've played 800+ level players and they sucked and I've played ~100 level players and they were wrecking balls.


Also, apologise to Rowan, Emerald and gmac for going off on one about Hanzo's Scatter Arrow but I'm bitter and it's a piece of shit skill and I refuse to not get annoyed at people not even bothering to shoot me and instead aiming for the floor right in front of me.

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Played my first three matches after what feels like a lifetime.


First match: I died left and right and was of no help at all.


Second match: Zenyatta at first. Not so bad, but people countered me halfway through the match. Switched to Lucio and realized that I'm still pretty good with him. The extra mobility helped me survive and our team managed to win.


Third match: Lucio all the way and this time I even was a beast on the offense. Two 5 kill streaks and a good amount of heals. We won : peace:

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@Daft ( this goes for everyone on here ) feel free to just join our group and our party if you want to play with us. No need to invite or ask. I see you jumped into the game I was playing and then left. I then went and spectated the game you were playing, seen what ranks you were playing against, and just got the hell out of there. :D


I had another frustrating night on this. Myself, Gmac and my nephew kept getting paired up with idiots again. We had so many matches where players were just faffing about and not contributing in any way to the team. We did have a couple of clutch wins that were very satisfying but for the most part it was a bit of an annoying evening.

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Yeah agreed, I don't think I could play it on my own with randoms. You really need to be in a group of minimum 3-4 to make a real difference and be able to organize when to run in, timing your ultimates and to communicate effectively. However, when you do group up it's an extremely enjoyable multiplayer experience. There's a double XP weekend we should take advantage of from now till the 12th so last chance for anniversary loot boxes!

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I took a leaf out of @Daft 's book and did a lot of ranked placements as Reaper. Gold medals ahoy. Played an excellent game on Kings Row as well where I played Ana on attack and Mercy on defense and spent a lot of the game on fire. Also got the clutchest ending on defense ever where we basically let it get to 1m from the end in record time but then defended that last metre constantly despite everyone dying all the time. Even though I won 5, lost 5 I still ended up ranked higher than I finished last season. Platinum's in the bag, so may actually fight for diamond this season.


Yesterday morning I was feeling pretty fed up with Overwatch but by the evening I completely turned that around. Despite my whole team quitting after we won attack on my last ranked game.

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@Daft ( this goes for everyone on here ) feel free to just join our group and our party if you want to play with us. No need to invite or ask.


I might do that as I could use a little disctraction these days. I need banter :p I've become a little shy in talking English in recent months so don't expect a lot of talking from me, though. :D

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I might do that as I could use a little disctraction these days. I need banter :p I've become a little shy in talking English in recent months so don't expect a lot of talking from me, though. :D


If you do decide to join us, expect lots of kicking off and finger pointing at random players when things don't go our way. :D


Apparently the double EXP doesn't start until 1am for us.

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