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Nintendo NX & Third Parties


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A lot of talk of the console and Nintendo games but we all know how important third parties are...


What franchises/companies would you like to see on the NX?


How can the NX appeal to third parties?


What third party games are necessary for the success of the console?




For me, like the videos I've posted, I feel Cloud's inclusion into Smash was a move to educate the Nintendo audience and to prepare us for perhaps FF7 Remake.


I really do feel a loosening of third party exclusivity - and especially with a game like FF7 remake - SquareEnix would want to share with as many platforms as economically viable.


I also feel the same with Ryu and Street Fighter V.

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If we're talking from a purely commercial term of success. The next Nintendo home console would need to have Fifa and Call of Duty which have parity with those available on PlayStation/Xbox. To get third parties on board they need to have a console that has an incredibly easy development path so that games can be ported easily.


To make those games sell though, they'd need to improve their online massively.


Really annoys me to say all that because I don't like Fifa and rarely play Call of Duty. And the amount of times I play online per year can be counted on one hand!

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I thought you were always against this and in fact stated that doing things this way was unsustainable..?

It is and I am. It's a terrible industry practice. However, if they want third party support, they have to fight dirty.


Even if they don't, what I do hope they do is more stuff like Bayonetta. Bring third party games that were close to dropped over to the device. I believe there's a rumour of Beyond Good & Evil 2 being like this. I think that's the best thing Nintendo can do with third parties.

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No one bought COD on Wii U, as I suspect no one will buy later FIFA, COD or Creed installments. I think what Serebii is suggesting about funding exclusives similar to what they did with Bayonetta is the way to go. Having a third party friendly platform will help obviously, but I doubt those games will sell that well.

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A lot of talk of the console and Nintendo games but we all know how important third parties are...


What franchises/companies would you like to see on the NX?


How can the NX appeal to third parties?


What third party games are necessary for the success of the console?




For me, like the videos I've posted, I feel Cloud's inclusion into Smash was a move to educate the Nintendo audience and to prepare us for perhaps FF7 Remake.


I really do feel a loosening of third party exclusivity - and especially with a game like FF7 remake - SquareEnix would want to share with as many platforms as economically viable.


I also feel the same with Ryu and Street Fighter V.


You're really reaching with expectations of Street Fighter and Final Fantasy 7/15 on the next Nintendo system.


Third parties won't just be looking at the machines capabilities. They'll be looking to the past, present and future with Nintendo and their console/s. When was the last time a Street Fighter and Final Fantasy main line game came to a Nintendo system? We're talking SNES territory. That is over four generations ago...Currently, Nintendo have an image problem and the types of gamers that do want Street Fighter and Final Fantasy will most likely be getting it elsewhere. It just won't sell and it's too big an ask for the next Nintendo machine to be able to pull in big numbers in these types of games.


The only hope we'll have of SF and FF on a Nintendo machine is if there's some sort of spin-off that utilises a special feature the NX has that the other machines don't. If the NX suddenly takes off and it draws in HUGE numbers of the right audience who will buy FF and SF, then maybe, just maybe.


I'm intrigued to see what happens this gen with Nintendo and their next console.

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No one bought COD on Wii U, as I suspect no one will buy later FIFA, COD or Creed installments. I think what Serebii is suggesting about funding exclusives similar to what they did with Bayonetta is the way to go. Having a third party friendly platform will help obviously, but I doubt those games will sell that well.


With cross-platform play though that won't matter for online games like CoD. Microsoft are happy doing it, it would be great if Nintendo did too!

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Nintendo need to have the likes of EA on board producing versions of games like FIFA that are on a par with those on offer on the PS4 and Xbox One. They need to convince third parties that developing NX versions of their best titles will be an easy and low cost process - they need to convince developers that it's a cheap way to reach a slightly wider audience. Sales of FIFA on the NX probably aren't going to reach in to the millions, but if EA can sell an extra 200,000 units then it's a sound investment.


There are plenty of people like me who would have bought a FIFA game for the Wii U every 12 months if there had been one released.


As people who seem to have been converted to the PS4 Flink and Kav, would anything convince you to go back to Nintendo exclusively? A lot of people are calling out for Nintendo to produce a 'traditional console' that can compete with the One and the PS4 but we all know that wouldn't work, because people are already sold on Sony or Microsoft. It's a fine line that Nintendo needs to walk, they have to provide an environment for third parties to be able to develop multi platforms for simply, whilst also providing a unique take on the format to draw in an audience.


It seems like it's impossible for Nintendo to do both, they seem like complete contradictions.

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Nintendo need to have the likes of EA on board producing versions of games like FIFA that are on a par with those on offer on the PS4 and Xbox One. They need to convince third parties that developing NX versions of their best titles will be an easy and low cost process - they need to convince developers that it's a cheap way to reach a slightly wider audience. Sales of FIFA on the NX probably aren't going to reach in to the millions, but if EA can sell an extra 200,000 units then it's a sound investment. There are plenty of people like me who would have bought a FIFA game for the Wii U every 12 months if there had been one released.


I agree with this, although parity and userbase are definitely an issue. With the last two gens, an issue has been the controllers that Nintendo use and the under-powered Wii system. To make it absolutely easy for EA, it would need to be the same type of controller and architecture that they can simply move across with minimum effort.



As people who seem to have been converted to the PS4 Flink and Kav, would anything convince you to go back to Nintendo exclusively? A lot of people are calling out for Nintendo to produce a 'traditional console' that can compete with the One and the PS4 but we all know that wouldn't work, because people are already sold on Sony or Microsoft. It's a fine line that Nintendo needs to walk, they have to provide an environment for third parties to be able to develop multi platforms for simply, whilst also providing a unique take on the format to draw in an audience.


It seems like it's impossible for Nintendo to do both, they seem like complete contradictions.


There would have been to be certain steps that Nintendo would have to take and certain mis-steps from Sony that would force me to go back to Nintendo exclusively. If all of the games that I wanted were on one system, I'd stick with one console. But, it also has to come down to value for money, ease of use, what the machine can do, etc. The bigger question for me is not whether I'll go back to Nintendo exclusively, but whether I'll get the next one at all! If Nintendo haven't learned from their mistakes, it'll be difficult for me to want to purchase the next one.

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...As people who seem to have been converted to the PS4 Flink and Kav, would anything convince you to go back to Nintendo exclusively?...


If they get parity with all the cross-platform releases then yes. Really, all of them. That's the only way really, because anything new that might come that I like the look of, I don't want to miss out on it.


...oh, and Party Chat. That's a must for me to even buy their consoles now.

Edited by Kav
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SNES onwards, Nintendo has never been too hot with third parties and I don't think they ever will be, at least not with their current audience. Even if we DID get regular cod and Fifa games on Wii U as a lot of you say, I doubt they'd have sold that well.


Whilst Nintendo weren't on top in the N64 era, they were still doing really well, and if they could put themselves in that kind of position for generations to come they'll be more than fine, so they just need to do what they did then, have a variety of exclusive games that appeal to the west.


Rare were a god-send in that era as far as that is concerned, the likes of Perfect Dark, Banjo and Goldeneye being huge system sellers, so Nintendo need to replicate this, with the most likely solution in my eyes being what serebii said and getting more titles such as Beyond G&E and Bayonetta.


Couple that with more variety from Nintendo themselves (a return of F-Zero, Wave Race, Excite Truck etc) and they could do well.

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You're really reaching with expectations of Street Fighter and Final Fantasy 7/15 on the next Nintendo system.


Third parties won't just be looking at the machines capabilities. They'll be looking to the past, present and future with Nintendo and their console/s. When was the last time a Street Fighter and Final Fantasy main line game came to a Nintendo system? We're talking SNES territory. That is over four generations ago...Currently, Nintendo have an image problem and the types of gamers that do want Street Fighter and Final Fantasy will most likely be getting it elsewhere. It just won't sell and it's too big an ask for the next Nintendo machine to be able to pull in big numbers in these types of games.


The only hope we'll have of SF and FF on a Nintendo machine is if there's some sort of spin-off that utilises a special feature the NX has that the other machines don't. If the NX suddenly takes off and it draws in HUGE numbers of the right audience who will buy FF and SF, then maybe, just maybe.


I'm intrigued to see what happens this gen with Nintendo and their next console.


I'll generally agree with your scepticism, because its true. But having Cloud on a Nintendo system after almost 20 years is saying something to me.


I feel Street Fighter appearing on a Nintendo system is always 50/50 and a variant of it has appeared on every home console bar the N64 and Wii U. Capcom vs SNK on GC and SF4 on 3DS both received console specific set-ups and Tatsumoko was a Wii exclusive.


I just feel, even without Nintendo reaching out to third parties, the rigidness of exclusivity seems to be weakening, and with the current NX hype, I feel there is a possibility for some change to come about.


Also, Sony partly funded Street Fighter V.


Ah, I didn't know this but how come it released on PC too?

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Ah, I didn't know this but how come it released on PC too?


Partly because Sony don't consider PC to be a rival and they knew it would annoy fewer fans if it wasn't 100% exclusive.


The whole third party exclusive thing is mainly "not on the other consoles".

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Partly because Sony don't consider PC to be a rival and they knew it would annoy fewer fans if it wasn't 100% exclusive.


The whole third party exclusive thing is mainly "not on the other consoles".


Still hoping for Bloodborne PC.

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As people who seem to have been converted to the PS4 Flink and Kav, would anything convince you to go back to Nintendo exclusively? A lot of people are calling out for Nintendo to produce a 'traditional console' that can compete with the One and the PS4 but we all know that wouldn't work, because people are already sold on Sony or Microsoft. It's a fine line that Nintendo needs to walk, they have to provide an environment for third parties to be able to develop multi platforms for simply, whilst also providing a unique take on the format to draw in an audience.


It seems like it's impossible for Nintendo to do both, they seem like complete contradictions.


I wish I could say parity would bring me back but in retrospect Nintendo platforms have always been about the unique games for me. The last Nintendo platform that I truly loved was the DS and a lot of that was to do with the mix of games that I couldnt get anywhere else. And thats not just about 3rd party.


On the Wii the 3rd party support was weak and Nintendos output themselves seemed to lack a lot of what I like about games.


Sony particularly have cultivated a strong 1st party line up (when theyre not shuttering studios) and their 3rd party relationships give birth to some incredible games. Then you have the cross platform stuff on top of that.


I dont think that trying to chase that approach would work for Nintendo, theyre simply too far behind and im convinced that their culture as a company makes them disdainful of 3rd parties, particularly western ones. They need to sort their own house first and stop all of this looking backwards constantly. The retro thing is fine every now and again but we need a game as unique as splatoon every year to get Nintendo out of its rut.


Will that make me game Nintendo exclusively? No... but it may convince me to buy the NX at all.

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I wouldn't be that surprised of FF got a NX release. There is a lot more chance with Japanese 3rd parties than western.


SF5? I think Capcom have bigger problems to solve than a port to the NX. That game has bombed hard at retail and the negative press it received isn't going away.


Street Fighter 4 was on the 3DS. An incredible version too actually.


Yep and sold well. Was a success.


The best way for Nintendo to convince third parties is simply by showing them they are committed to see the genre of games third parties make succeed.


That means Nintendo developing and publishing it's own racers, shoot em ups, sports games etc. Third parties have to see Nintendo want to cultivate it's own audience.

Edited by liger05
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I wouldn't be that surprised of FF got a NX release. There is a lot more chance with Japanese 3rd parties than western.



For me, it would be a good enough start to have Capcom, Square-Enix and Konami on-board this gen - with all the generations missed this relationship could a herald a new wave of HD Remasters, main-line games and possibly NX exclusives.


EA with the above three would be good enough for me.

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For me, it would be a good enough start to have Capcom, Square-Enix and Konami on-board this gen - with all the generations missed this relationship could a herald a new wave of HD Remasters, main-line games and possibly NX exclusives.


EA with the above three would be good enough for me.


Yeah every third party on board isn't required. They just need to have a good chunk and it's key to get the big IP's.


Fifa, Madden, Cod, GTA, Battlefield. Those are staple multi plat titles.

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For me, it would be a good enough start to have Capcom, Square-Enix and Konami on-board this gen - with all the generations missed this relationship could a herald a new wave of HD Remasters, main-line games and possibly NX exclusives.


EA with the above three would be good enough for me.


That will only happen if NX is a pachinko machine

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They definitely need to pursue the multi-plats COD etc.


They need to snap up certain IPs for "NX ONLY" too such as Sonic, Megaman, Monster Hunter etc. and loads of others. Stuff that while the audiences aren't huge, are big enough to lure lots of players each (except MH, that's HUUUUUUGE, and Nintendo needs to keep hold of it!)


They need to nudge SE to give Nintendo more titles. A new Crystal Chronicles multi-player series would be good, as would the Mana series exclusive to NX.


Of course them those are my wishes. I personally don't believe getting "the multiplats" will lure that many people since they've already chosen their loyalty console. It will help, but appealing to ignored IPs people still have good memories (and a million plus fans) of that probably shoudn't have been canned (like Bayonnetta) could help. I think it's more "the general package," on its own multiplats won't do much good, but combined with "everything else" it'll be that last push.


Letting Pokemon be played on either console would instantly help sales, too.

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