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N-Europe Staff Super Chat #1: Goat In S&M Phantasy


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In addition to the N-Europe Show (Episode #3 coming soon), we have done a Staff Super Chat, where me, @S\.C\.G discuss what we've been playing, recent news and upcoming games.



We'd definitely like feedback on this, and we're well aware that there's room for improvement (from both a tech side and from ourselves).


Let us know what you think of it.

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Another good idea for the site but I felt it was a little off in its execution. Sorry guys.


It felt a little unnatural and disjointed in all honesty and there were a couple times it felt awkward due to silences and simple one-word answers. It didn't really feel like a discussion, a natural one at least.


It's sure to improve of course, but I'd suggest having a few practice runs first to get a better idea of what each person will talk about and maybe each of you having a clear itinerary for the show so that it flows a little better.

Have a little more banter too, on occasion it felt like people didn't want to be there.


I'm not trying to rain on any parade, I hope criticism is taken constructively... but still, good on you for doing it guys, as I said, I'm sure it'll improve going forward.

Edited by Kav
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Another good idea for the site but I felt it was a little off in its execution. Sorry guys.


It felt a little unnatural and disjointed in all honesty and there were a couple times it felt awkward due to silences and simple one-word answers. It didn't really feel like a discussion, a natural one at least.


It's sure to improve of course, but I'd suggest having a few practice runs first to get a better idea of what each person will talk about and maybe each of you having a clear itinerary for the show so that it flows a little better.

Have a little more banter too, on occasion it felt like people didn't want to be there.


I'm not trying to rain on any parade, I hope criticism is taken constructively... but still, good on you for doing it guys, as I said, I'm sure it'll improve going forward.


I'm pretty much with you.. and I was there! I reckon a lot of the frustration of not getting things to work and an unfamiliarity with each other affected a lot, given how little time we ended up having to film it.


Hopefully we'll get there :grin:

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I also want to echo the comments made by @kav82


Fantastic idea for the site. Also great that it involves regular and great forum members too! We need more of this. Also well done for having a go at doing this. You don't get paid and are using your own time so that is appreciated.


I really don't want to be mean but as a forum member and as someone who respects everyone involved I need to be honest. Unfortunately, I found that there were little chemistry between you guys. A lot of the time I found it cringeworthy, awkward and just plain uncomfortable to watch. You all looked like you didn't want to be there!


There also was no discussion. I think someone tried to make a negative comment but it was immediately dismissed and not discussed. Same with positive things, it was just met with one word affirmative answers. Have you even gamed all together before? It seemed like you met for the first time.


We need enthusiasm, passion and discussion. Instead I felt like when someone asked a question it was met with continuous awkward silences. It was kind of embarrassing. I'm sure that it will get better in time though! Good effort though!


Please don't take all of this the wrong way.

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Not too much enthusiasm though, or you'll be like kids tv presenters ;) (I'm never letting that go...)


Overall a good start, and crikey we have to start somewhere don't we. I can only see this getting better with more recordings and more chemistry building up, it doesn't happen over night!


Plus it's more faces to associate with the place :)

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Thanks for the feedback.


I've already suggested maybe more practice chats and even just chatting over Skype regularly to build up the rapport that will come but it's always good to get feedback from others to see what works and what needs improving.

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Nah, we're well aware that there's a lot of room for improvement. We definitely need to become more comfortable with each other, to make it feel a lot more natural (as well as some of us - like me - learning to be more comfortable in front of a camera, there's a Food Review UK review where it looks like I've been held at gunpoint).


Thanks for the comments.

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The technical issues don't help either (I blame myself for that, seen as I'm the "tech guy" here for these vids).


Not the strongest start clearly, but ya know, things can only get better (they surely can't get much bloody worse :p )


Cheers for the input! We'll be sure that future episodes (and all of our site's future videos) will be ones you can be proud to watch! : peace:

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Thanks for the feedback.


I've already suggested maybe more practice chats and even just chatting over Skype regularly to build up the rapport that will come but it's always good to get feedback from others to see what works and what needs improving.


I do think this would help tremendously.


Imagine the rapport you'd have all built up by now if Nintendo had voice-chat in their games! Haha

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Whereas that is a sneaky joke, I do think it's true. People who game together and chat together on here have built up great rapport!


Yup. Look at me, you, Blade and lostmario. I haven't met any of you in RL but because we game together we can talk comfortably with each other. Same for the Destiny guys and those of us who had the FIFA nights. No awkward silences, just constant banter, ripping into each other and just generally having a laugh.

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Echoing some of the criticism in the thread: The dialogue was very awkward (in part due to the delay in transmission, but it also just looked like you guys were suddenly called to present something in front of the class :heh:), and the discussion just didn't have much content going on, what with the curt answers, and little back-and-forth.


Also, regarding the sound: S.C.G.'s voice felt louder than that of the other three, and it's not a good thing for the listener to feel like s/he should always be changing the volume. Furthermore, I had a hard time making out what he was saying (might be by Portuguese ears at work, but still, I ought to mention it at least).


Finally, some rehearsing is in order. There's usually a "flow" of sorts to follow in these shows/podcasts, yet nobody seemed to be instinctively aware of it yet (even DCubed stuttered a bit when changing subjects).


The idea behind the show is good, it's great to do more things with the community, but the execution still needs plenty of work in order to make it an N-E mainstay.


(Also, sorry if I'm sounding too harsh)

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