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Gyro controls


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I'm not a fan of gyro controls.


You know how people are concerned about VR because of the potential motion sickness caused between the disconnect between what your brain and your eyes are experience? Gyro feels like that to me. I know it's not the same, but I find something so jarring about having my eyes fixed on something (i.e. the GamePad) while also move it around.


Normally if you're looking at something and move (such as shifting in a seat while watching TV or repositioning while reading a book) you naturally look away or close your eyes momentarily. I can do that with gyro controls obviously, but gaming just feels more intense and like I need to keep fixated on what I'm doing.


It's why I was put off Splatoon (although I know there is a normal control option, but when I first played it it was gyro) and why I won't be picking up Star Fox. Same with Federation Force, unless that's changed (still not watched last night's Direct!)


So what about you guys? Gyro controls...?

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In splatoon though you don't look at the gamepad, whilst moving?


It felt like a natural extension of the controller for me in that game. An aide to the accuracy that I don't tend to have with twin sticks.


Looking at a different screen or moving that same screen to aim is a bit more troubling though. As a one off in parts of Zelda its fine, but for a whole game might be a bit much.


I was also wondering whether the use of motion controls in VR experiences would put people off it as it does seem to be a massive turn off for a significant portion of the gaming audience.

Edited by peterl0
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If used well, they're great, but I do think they should be optional and have some customisation (sensitivity for example).


They're good in Splatoon but I do wish you could customise them slightly as they're not quite perfect.

They're fun in games like Mario Kart but I'd not choose them over analogue at all.

I won't buy Starfox or MP:FF as the games don't look like they're for me.


I'd prefer to use the Wiimote as opposed to the Gamepad for gyro (pointer too in Wiimote's case) though as it feels nicer to move about than the Gamepad does.


COD on the Wii was perfect thanks to the Wiimote! That you could customise the controls fully made it the best control scheme I've ever played with!

Edited by Kav
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I was just going to make a post about motion controls and say that...


Whilst motion aiming offer increased speed of movement around the screen, I feel I have more control and precision with an analogue stick. Look, I'm not a shaky person, but you get continual movement when you are aiming with your hand that the analogue stick filters out. This even bothers me in its simplest form, such as selecting an icon on the Wii menu for example.


It 'works' in Skyward Sword because your actions are more subtle and are also grounded through Link. But when it comes to an on-screen cursor, motion controls do somewhat bother me.

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In splatoon though you don't look at the gamepad, whilst moving?


I need to give Splatoon another chance evidentially. I just felt really disorientated trying to aim. You do still move away from the screen though, right?

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I hated the fussy and fiddly motion controls in Skyward Sword and was a stick man for the longest time in Splatoon, but one day I went full gyro and can never go back. It feels so much better.


I wonder if I'd deal with Skyward better now...

Edited by Guy
Edited my post like I edited my Splatoon control preferences
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For me, gyro/motion controls should always be optional if they are being implemented. While many do like how precise they are, there are just as many who simply want to play a game with normal controls. I fall in the latter camp.


I hated some of the games in Nintendo Land purely because I was forced to tilt the pad around. I feel I would have had far more fun and far more control over them had I been allowed to simply use the sticks to control them.


It baffles me that they have put them in Star Fox, especially when you had Miyamoto admit that people didn't like them in Skyward Sword.


"With the last game, Skyward Sword, that was a game where you had motion control to use your weapons and a lot of different items," he said. "And I thought that was a lot of fun, but there were some people who weren't able to do that or didn't like it as much and stopped playing partway through it.


I can honestly see the inclusion of gyro controls in games to be an off putting experience for a lot of people, with some just flat out refusing to buy these types of games because of them.

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I need to give Splatoon another chance evidentially. I just felt really disorientated trying to aim. You do still move away from the screen though, right?


It may well be worth it. I focus on the screen entirely and motion controls are only really for adjusting the aim in the vertical axis.


I don't actually ever look at the gamepad screen - only after I have died to jump to a position on the map (although that usually results in death).

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In general I think they're great. I don't even think about it in Splatoon anymore; in Zelda it's perfect; I even loved Skyward Sword because of the motion controls.


I just hate needless motion, wii was full of it, a game I started playing last week, Uncharted Vita, the motion and touchscreen gameplay in that is probably the most pointless, tacked on stuff imaginable and I turned it off and deleted it. Same with a lot of wii games if I played them now I imagine.


if it improves the gameplay, becomes instinctive, then I think it can be good; but its so easy to get wrong.

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I don't mind them, when they work. ;)


Actually think Wii Motion Plus made gyro controls worse though. :blank: Skyward Sword was a goddamn nightmare to play through because of all the re-calibration I had to do, was a similar story with tennis on Wii Sports Club.

And before anyone says "ooh dodgy Wii Remote" no, just no. :hehe: Tested both games with multiple remotes, they all did the same thing.


Meanwhile, I found games that just used the standard Wii Remote worked much better. The original tennis on Wii Sports, MK Wii (I had 100% Wii Wheel usage on that! :D), Kororinpa, Wii Music, etc...


Dabbled with the motion controls in Splatoon, but always found myself having to reset the neutral position of the camera when using them, so just ended up playing with the twin stick setup. ::shrug:

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Full gyro is a bit rubbish but WITH twin sticks is amazing. I like aiming in Splatoon and fefining it with a little tilt but the best use was in Gravity Rush, using the sticks to get in position and then moving it ever so slightly in any direction with the gyro. This is mostly because I suck at dial analouge control though.

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I liked it in Splatoon and think that it improves aiming a lot, but I have the same opinion as with voice chat, it should be there and it should be optional, so who wants to use it can do it, who doesn't, doesn't have to do it....

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In general I can't stand gyro controls. With first person games in particular I think it might be to do with being left handed. I'm used to left stick for movement, right stick for aiming which is fine. Using my right hand for motion control aiming however just feels so awkward. But switching to my left hand is also wrong, because I'm hard wired for movement with left, aim with right.


There is just one game where I've got on really well with motion controls, Excitebike World Championship. Tilting the Wiimote to balance the bike felt very natural, definitely better than using the d-pad. Needs a Wii U sequel, such a great game!

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Normally if you're looking at something and move (such as shifting in a seat while watching TV or repositioning while reading a book) you naturally look away or close your eyes momentarily.


I do???


I had an issue some time back now with head aches, but that was in hyrule warriors and was to do with the camera... I'll presume its a bit like that for you with Gyro controls.


Personally I have no problem with them, they're intuitive quick and easy. So hopefully starfox will be an interesting game to get into!

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