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Ghostbusters (2016)


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This actually gave me a little more hope but it still looks crap and Leslie Jones still fucks me off.


I want to like this film, I really do, but these trailers are bad.


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I really don't mind the black character - she seems to have pretty good comic timing.

I don't mind stereotypes when it's needed but there's just too many stereotypes with her character and it's like "Really?" -_-

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was digging it right up until Missy Elliot started. I usually like her but it just feels out of place. I want the trailer music! This is possibly the only good thing to come out of this atm. Part of me still hopes the film will be good


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've decided not to watch it in the cinemas. Reason being is because I'm actually disgusted in the behaviour of the cast and crew. The reasons for me not liking the trailers or the look of it are literally because 1. It just has the feel of a Bridesmaids sequel. 2. Leslie Jones could've been a much better character rather than be every stereotype. 3. The action scenes look good but they seem to be two scenes because there's not been others shown. 4. The comedy literally just isn't funny...the list goes on a little more and this has been the same reasons for males and females everywhere.


So the answer to easing our minds that it's going to be a decent movie and to get us to see it? Call all men sexist, mysogynists and say we're not man enough because it's all women cast and the majority of the crew are all women.


Ghostbusters 2016 has turned into a political statement of "girls are better" rather than choosing equality and Paul Feig didn't help matters at all.


So unless someone pays for my ticket or whatever, Sony won't get any money from me.

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I've decided not to watch it in the cinemas. Reason being is because I'm actually disgusted in the behaviour of the cast and crew. The reasons for me not liking the trailers or the look of it are literally because 1. It just has the feel of a Bridesmaids sequel. 2. Leslie Jones could've been a much better character rather than be every stereotype. 3. The action scenes look good but they seem to be two scenes because there's not been others shown. 4. The comedy literally just isn't funny...the list goes on a little more and this has been the same reasons for males and females everywhere.


So the answer to easing our minds that it's going to be a decent movie and to get us to see it? Call all men sexist, mysogynists and say we're not man enough because it's all women cast and the majority of the crew are all women.


Ghostbusters 2016 has turned into a political statement of "girls are better" rather than choosing equality and Paul Feig didn't help matters at all.


So unless someone pays for my ticket or whatever, Sony won't get any money from me.

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If someone pays for your ticket, Sony still won't get any money from you, though...

Yup. Other people can do what they want with their money but I'm not going to take my own money and support a bunch of sexist people trying to cause something out of nothing. I used to really like Melissa Mccarthy but she's gone down a little in my books.


Most reviews I've read didn't say one bad word about it, which scream they were bought. I did find a few that said it was dire but found some that said the movie was great but with a couple of flaws.


I'm inclined to believe that the movie could actually be great with a couple of flaws but I'm just not going to give Feig my money anymore. Like I said when the trailers were released, he and the cast and crew had turned Ghostbusters into a political statement where it didn't need to be and made pathetic and childish comments about men being mysogynists and sexists. It's ruined the experience for me.

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If someone pays for your ticket, Sony still won't get any money from you, though...

Yup. Other people can do what they want with their money but I'm not going to take my own money and support a bunch of sexist people trying to cause something out of nothing. I used to really like Melissa Mccarthy but she's gone down a little in my books.


Most reviews I've read didn't say one bad word about it, which scream they were bought. I did find a few that said it was dire but found some that said the movie was great but with a couple of flaws.


I'm inclined to believe that the movie could actually be great with a couple of flaws but I'm just not going to give Feig my money anymore. Like I said when the trailers were released, he and the cast and crew had turned Ghostbusters into a political statement where it didn't need to be and made pathetic and childish comments about men being mysogynists and sexists. It's ruined the experience for me.

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IDK, I think it does need to be a political statement because people were so insistent it was ruining their childhood because it featured women. Sometimes you do need to make a statement, particularly in light of absurdity.


This is brilliant (the user review section):



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IDK, I think it does need to be a political statement because people were so insistent it was ruining their childhood because it featured women. Sometimes you do need to make a statement, particularly in light of absurdity.


This is brilliant (the user review section):



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The trailers for this haven't looked great, so that's not enough to convince me to pay the absurd cinema prices to see it on the big screen. Can see myself checking it out later down the line when it's on netflix or something.


One thought did occur to me when I saw the cast on...I think it was the Graham Norton show. They're funny people and they came across really well. Basically, you've got a cast there with a good dynamic that could produce a classic, but they're in the wrong film. They should be doing something completely new so that it can be the Ghostbusters of the next generation, rather than...just a remake of Ghostbusters. They should have had something that was something they could call their own, without having to rely on cameos, previous gags, homages, etc. I kind of don't want it to succeed because it could just mean we see more classics remade unnecessarily with the main cast replaced by female leads...instead of the world getting new stories with women owning the roles in their own right.

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The trailers for this haven't looked great, so that's not enough to convince me to pay the absurd cinema prices to see it on the big screen. Can see myself checking it out later down the line when it's on netflix or something.


One thought did occur to me when I saw the cast on...I think it was the Graham Norton show. They're funny people and they came across really well. Basically, you've got a cast there with a good dynamic that could produce a classic, but they're in the wrong film. They should be doing something completely new so that it can be the Ghostbusters of the next generation, rather than...just a remake of Ghostbusters. They should have had something that was something they could call their own, without having to rely on cameos, previous gags, homages, etc. I kind of don't want it to succeed because it could just mean we see more classics remade unnecessarily with the main cast replaced by female leads...instead of the world getting new stories with women owning the roles in their own right.

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So reviews are coming in and it's doing well: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ghostbusters_2016/


Don't worry though, reddit is out to prove its a conspiracy.



One person makes a thread with no votes and no comments and "reddit is out to prove" something? I'm quite an avid redditor and a fan of the site in general, I'd prefer not to be lumped in with random morons that happen to share the space.


Edit: Vast majority of redditors telling OP he's a moron.

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