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Nintendo Direct (03/03 10pm)


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Honestly I don't think StarFox cuts it in todays industry as an 'Arcadey Space Adventure'.


Point me to some other games like Starfox in the rest of the industry and we can compare. That was my point, that this game is very different to the majority of what's being put out in the AAA industry. I don't think it's a very controversial thing to say tbh.


Is this game genuinely the breath of fresh air the industry needs?... The likes of Mario Galaxy are those games. Firewatch, Unravel, Life is Strange are examples of refreshing games.


Unravel? It's only refreshing because it's on the PS4 and surrounded by a library of realism, openworld games and shooters. If it were on the Wii U it would be standard fare. Firewatch for sure though (though you'd expect variety and refreshing gameplay from an indie), and I'd throw in Splatoon as well, probably the most refreshing shooter in years.


I think the fact that it's an important game in this years line-up for the Wii U exaggerates perspective.


But let's wait and see. It could prove a surprise.


Whether the game is good or not we'll see, my point was simply that it was a nice palette cleanser and that Nintendo are good at that. Arcadey space shooters, mini-maze puzzle adventures, anti-gravity kart racing, team-based multiplayer shooter with ink guns, real time strategy adventure on an alien world etc...

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It says to me that the fact they've gotten a new accounts system isn't really a 'turning point'. They still have so much to learn in terms of meeting industry standards.


Realistically they should be aiming at not just meeting but exceeding and elevating those standards if they want to actually make an impact.


I remain unconvinced they're actually trying though. This recent Beyond Good & Evil 2 thing is a red flag, for me. Why are they investing in Zelda clones instead of expanding their portfolio? Overspecialize, and you breed in weakness. I suppose it will please some hardcore fans, but there'd be much better ways to entice the hardcore crowd.


They need to try much harder. There's a world of possibility out there...


Like, why not approach From for a Metroid colab? Tecmo turned out to be a bad gamble, but From would be a sure fire way of reigniting interest in the IP as well as re-establishing it as key part of their oeuvre in people's minds AND attracting the hardcore crowd. The Souls games are know for their deep but understated and unintrusive narratives/lore, that crushing feeling of isolation in a punishing and hostile world, non-liner and excellently designed worlds with intertwining progression, responsive and calculated combat as well as great bosses and tough but fair difficulty... if they couldn't make Metroid great again, nobody can. Nintendo also has the hard cash to back up such a project (Bloodborne cost ~20m) without it even making a dent.


That's just 1 random idea on the spot, and one I doubt will ever happen (though man oh man, I would just die if that happened), but it's merely intended to illustrate a point. It's a great big world full of enticing possibility. Show us what you can do!

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Point me to some other games like Starfox in the rest of the industry and we can compare. That was my point, that this game is very different to the majority of what's being put out in the AAA industry. I don't think it's a very controversial thing to say tbh.[/Quote]That makes no sense... that's like releasing some utterly trash game and saying 'point me to another game like ... and we can compare'. Just because there aren't many games like StarFox out there doesn't mean it gets a free pass. Everything it's trying to do differently appears to be detrimental to the core StarFox gameplay. It's no longer has the look of an exciting, frantic arcade shooter.


This looks like a leisurely stroll compared to the likes of Bayonetta or Sin and Punishment.


and I'd throw in Splatoon as well, probably the most refreshing shooter in years.
Exactly. If you're going to call a game a breath of fresh air for the industry, site Splatoon. StarFox looks like a reskin of a 20 year old game minus a lot of the fun.


Where's the 16 player online dogfights?...

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Have you even checked the PSN store?


I bet they somehow don't count cause they're not first party... And Indies are expected to be different and bring out stuff that isn't a realistic open-world shooter or whatever...




On topic, I haven't watched the Direct, but I am happy to finally have a date for FE! Taken too long to get that out here! Looking forward to it.


Not much else I am interested in, maybe Kirby. Nothing on Wii U I want though, don't think I have even turned it on in the last year. :(

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Unravel? It's only refreshing because it's on the PS4 and surrounded by a library of realism, openworld games and shooters. If it were on the Wii U it would be standard fare. Firewatch for sure though (though you'd expect variety and refreshing gameplay from an indie), and I'd throw in Splatoon as well, probably the most refreshing shooter in years.


I think you're both insane as I'm actually both looking forward to Starfox and all the PS4 stuff... but "refreshing" is a stretch in both cases when you have stuff like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and Her Story coming out these days. Derivative design based on old standards, though awesome in all mentioned cases has nothing on some of the completely original and new stuff coming out of the fully independent indie scene. Unproven concepts get no love from publishers, sadly.

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I remain unconvinced they're actually trying though. This recent Beyond Good & Evil 2 thing is a red flag, for me. Why are they investing in Zelda clones instead of expanding their portfolio? Overspecialize, and you breed in weakness. I suppose it will please some hardcore fans, but there'd be much better ways to entice the hardcore crowd.
There's a lot to be said for giving the fans what they want, even more so around the launch of a new console, trying to present a new image, and build a new audience.


Shenmue 3 isn't going to sell in big numbers, but Sony decided to step in and make it happen. Square are finally delivering on the Final Fantasy VII remake. Sony made sure a new Street Fighter got released. There are countless kickstarters trying to give fans what they want.


Beyond Good & Evil 2 is a chance for Nintendo to get in on this, with a franchise and characters that fit with their image and brand.

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That makes no sense... that's like releasing some utterly trash game and saying 'point me to another game like ... and we can compare'. Just because there aren't many games like StarFox out there doesn't mean it gets a free pass.


My original point was that Starfox added a bit of genre-variety to the gaming landscape, especially the big AAA industry. That's all.


And also, games don't have to be frantic to be arcadey.

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Honestly I don't think StarFox cuts it in todays industry as an 'Arcadey Space Adventure'.


Arcadey... I think of as meaning crazy, frantic, over the top action.

Space... yep it's got Space.

Adventure... it's not really is it. It's a straightforward on-rails shooter with the same story and level types we've played several times over. There's not really any feeling of going in to the unknown.


Is this game genuinely the breath of fresh air the industry needs?... The likes of Mario Galaxy are those games. Firewatch, Unravel, Life is Strange are examples of refreshing games.


I think the fact that it's an important game in this years line-up for the Wii U exaggerates perspective.


But let's wait and see. It could prove a surprise.


I hope so... the rails seem to have a few junctions, the game doesn't totally unlock until you have gone through maybe a few times, so I hope that the game has a number of possibilities.

It would be cool if, even if there are 3 basic routes, the way you navigate them has an effect on the level - idk.. maybe level 2 you can attack a space armada or hunt down and destroy a space weapon.

level 4 you can end up on a planet that will either be under attack by the remnants of the armada (giving you aide to an extent) or conquered by that armada and a nearly established base if you chose to go after the weapon.

Or another level in level four is a planet being attacked by ground forces if you destroyed the secret weapon.. but if you let the secret weapon get past the planet has been vaporised and it's now an asteroid field...


Very quickly thought through, obviously that's 2 stages per level, but if there is that kind of consequence all the way through then even the "same" stage can look different in several play throughs... and given sufficient development time they COULD have made that a neat little thing.


But better to go into it with low expectations!


And also, games don't have to be frantic to be arcadey.


I would say in an arcadey game with flight I expect a bit more sense of speed than I get from starfox.. hopefully as a player that feel is more present.


To be fair the control of the arwings does look reasonably arcadey, so.. yeah.

I would definitely like an unlockable "200cc" type thing at the end of the game, they slowed it down (as I understand it) to let the wii U generate image for bothe the gamepad and tv, but also to allow players to get used to the controls... so a faster run through would be welcome hopefully once the game is complete. Maybe wishful thinking :D

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That Monster Hunter trailer didn't look like a 3DS game. If only it was Wii U or PS4...


Seems a bit late in the day to release SNES games on the 3DS Virtual Console and it looks like they're only limiting it to the New consoles to force people to upgrade. No discount if you already bought it on Wii and/or Wii U?


Federation Force... I reckon there is an enjoyable multiplayer game in there that I'll get to play at StreetPass meetups. But the majority of people will just think it's a farce of a Metroid Prime game.


Yet another Kirby game. Nice if you're a massive Kirby fan I guess.


Yet another Paper Mario. Nice if you're a massive Paper Mario fan I guess.


Star Fox Zero, did they scrap the gimmicky controls?


That Fire Emblem J-Pop dance whatsit is the most ghastly unappealing game I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing.



My thoughts exactly!!


I am excited for FE Fates though! Should be good!!

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