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Posted (edited)

Just announced (press release below). What do you reckon will be shown?


Don't forget, we asked @Serebii what he expects during the 20th anniversary during the first N-Europe show.



Press release


Nintendo announced today that a Pokémon Direct broadcast will air at 4pm CET, Friday 26th November (3pm for viewers in the UK) containing the latest on Pokémon games.


To tune in, check out Twitch or the Nintendo Direct website at 16:00 CET on 26th February (15:00 UK time), where the broadcast will be streamed.

Edited by Ashley
Posted (edited)



Pokemon Stadium for the Wii U VC. Make it happen!


EDIT: Wait, it's only 5 minutes long? Maybe Kimishima has trimmed the fat of the Directs. :D

Edited by Hero-of-Time

Why do people want Pokemon Stadium VC? To work with which game? Wouldn't people prefer a Pokemon Stadium for Pokemon Rainbow at christmas?!


I think they'll spend one minute announcing a home console epic RPG for NX, then spend 4 minutes of Kimishima sticking his finger up to the camera with the caption 'for you Serebii'

  dazzybee said:
Why do people want Pokemon Stadium VC? To work with which game? Wouldn't people prefer a Pokemon Stadium for Pokemon Rainbow at christmas?!


If only they were releasing the original s on some sort of virtual console... ;)


I agree though, seems kinda pointless to re-release the original Stadium now.

  Ashley said:
Yeah, dems the jokes.


Someone on our Twitter suggested a Pokémon GO beta. Thoughts?


That wouldn't be the sole purpose of a Direct. GO may have a small presence, but that is not the reason or focus of this Direct.


And I wasn't saying that...it was merely just one suggestion that had been said to us. Was trying to get some conversation going.

  Ashley said:
And I wasn't saying that...it was merely just one suggestion that had been said to us. Was trying to get some conversation going.

And I was continuing with the conversation :p


Pokémon Stadium VC could work, if they edit it to link up with your 3DS VC version of Red/Blue/Yellow. Although they will probably price it at 25 quid for the effort...


My guess is Pokémon GO, Pokkén, Volcanion Event details, Pokémon Z? And of course more Pokémon 20 hype!

  Vileplume2000 said:

My guess is Pokémon GO, Pokkén, Volcanion Event details, Pokémon Z? And of course more Pokémon 20 hype!

Only a new main game is likely. This is a 5 minute long Direct, it's not going to have much content so won't be rehashing stuff we know

  dazzybee said:
Why do people want Pokemon Stadium VC? To work with which game? Wouldn't people prefer a Pokemon Stadium for Pokemon Rainbow at christmas?!


I think they'll spend one minute announcing a home console epic RPG for NX, then spend 4 minutes of Kimishima sticking his finger up to the camera with the caption 'for you Serebii'


The minigames are AWESOME! :D


Plus Gym Leader Tower and the Pokemon quiz!


  Nintendo Fan said:
I'm not gonna lie but my excitement levels have gone down since finding out that it's going to be a 5 minute long direct.


The Gen 6 announcement trailer was less than 3 mins long...

Posted (edited)
  Dcubed said:
The minigames are AWESOME! :D


The Gen 6 announcement trailer was less than 3 mins long...


I mean when i first heard about it i was super hyped expecting a big show. Then i found out it was only going to be 5 minutes long and that kinda deflated my bubble. You're right with the Gen 6 trailer so i guess i can still expect big things from this direct. I HOPE!


*Them minigames were the best! Rattata, Clefairy and lickitung spring to mind i forgot the other ones. Good times.

Edited by Nintendo Fan

I have a feeling they'll open up with a load of 20th Anniversary celebratory stuff, like a quick retrospective of the 20 years, followed by previously announced games (plus one last chance to market the rerelease of the originals for VC of course) before moving onto the main event. I'm guessing the former will last two or three minutes.


I'm going to freak out if we finally do get some new game info (especially seeing as they've at least hinted it won't be Z specifically)


I'd love to see a Pokemon party game, the minigames in the stadium titles were super fun and the sheer amount of crazy Pokemon would allow for some pretty interesting ideas. With the prominence of Mario Party, the existence of poke park and the fact we probably don't need more party games right now, I'm guessing we won't see it.

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