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New Hosts! [Updated 02/02]


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If you're reading this, your DNS is up to date and you're viewing N-Europe in its new home. It's Europe-centric this time, and a bit more expensive, so hopefully it'll be faster than ever.


It'll be a while (hopefully no more than 72 hours) before everyone's up to date and getting the new site, so things might be a little quieter than usual for a bit.


Thanks for sticking around, and sorry for the downtime!




So, we had to change again. The previous host, as speedy as they were, had an archaic limitation on database size and weren't willing to make any allowances. In fact they couldn't give me a time estimate but told me that "pretty soon" they'd disable then delete the entire database...


So, now we've changed hosts again. This time it's not the most powerful of machines, but it's a dedicated server so I have a lot more control.


Sorry & Thanks again!

Edited by Shorty
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I believe it suffered a rather large flaw of being shit. Though I'm not very technical on these things so I could be mistaken.


Couldn't access the site for days and your Twitter didn't say anything so I was worried you'd suddenly shut down!


Likewise with Eddage the speed difference is ridiculous.


Consider also the facebook page! Usually @MoogleViper or @jayseven are pretty tip top on posting about it there - however I was half jokingly waiting this time for Moogle to post before I said anything myself.


(I was also generally being not on tinternets, and the fact the forums have had intermittent issues over the last year or so that I recall I was expecting it might have been up again by time the weekend was over.)


Top job on the speedy resolve @Shorty and co!

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Finally it's working (on my phone browser). Tapatalk is still not working for me, so it me or do we have to wait?


Also, there is a FB page?

https://www.facebook.com/NEurope/ is N-E's official Facebook page.


The others are referring to a little secret group they set up though, I believe it exists just to complain when they get database errors :p

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But you could just post it on here and everybody would see it.

Well... only everybody on the forum would see it... not every N-Europe user is an active forumite, as much as it may surprise you, the main site receives plenty of traffic from users not interested in using a forum. Social network posts also reach the friends of users etc.

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