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Learning to drive


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Just got a couple of queries to make and I was hoping a few people might help out.


The deal basically is that in the future I'm am going to have to go off and spend six weeks mapping and it would be extremely handy to know how to drive. So what I'm wondering is how long it might normally take to learn to drive and how much such a process would be likely to cost?

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back in my day....5 years ago when i learnt i had 29 lessons which was 29 hours of driving before taking my test. Some being 2 hour lessons and some just an hour.


I took my theory after about 20 hours.


I passed both the theory and practical first time. I started Lessons on my 17th Birthday in the October and passed in late March. So took me around about 6 months.


Cant really remember how much it cost was about £13 a lesson back then i think so about £380 plus any costs for the tests...


obviously that was 4 - 5 years ago so things have more than likely changed a lot so my information doesnt help you in the slightest.

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It all depends how good you are, really. I know some people who have done it in a couple of months, whilst it took me two years! £15-£17 per lesson, a lesson pretty much every week for around 100 weeks, plus the cost of six tests... You can work out how much that cost.. ;)

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have you driven at all before? if you have (out on back roads, paddock, whatever) it shouldnt take long at all. because then all you need to know is the rules.


if you are totally new to it, ... well. prolly not long. something funny about gamers being able to pick things up quickly and having good judgement...

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I've done 32 hours so far, passed my practical first time. Bare in mind, perviously i'd never driven a car propperly to going to my lessons... so apparently i've done pretty well considering.

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I've done a bit of driving before, my dad gave me couple of lessons.


Well thanks for the advice, think the best thing for me to do is just book a couple of lessons and see how I get on. I can't really be affording a car, insurance and all that majigery right now, but it would stilll be a useful skill to have.

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I've done 32 hours so far, passed my practical first time. Bare in mind, perviously i'd never driven a car propperly to going to my lessons... so apparently i've done pretty well considering.


Congrats Jordan. :)



I've done a bit of driving before, my dad gave me couple of lessons.


Well thanks for the advice, think the best thing for me to do is just book a couple of lessons and see how I get on. I can't really be affording a car, insurance and all that majigery right now, but it would stilll be a useful skill to have.


It really is a good skill to get under the belt, so just diving in is probably the right option. I can't remember how much I paid per lesson, but I think it was in the £15-£20 range. I passed in June and I can't remember how long I'd been learning for.

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Im learning now at £18 an hour. It killing my bank account, but i guess that's round about standard rate. I had a few "lesons" with my my, learning how to start the car and pull off in car parks. Try do that if you can, you save yourself a couple of lessons if you know the basics (i.e. moving the car, turning, changing gear etc)


Im on about 10-11 hours now, he reckons I'll only need about 25 hours. Win.

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I got my driving license in september. Took me about 2 month and cost 1000€

I had 18 hours of driving (that's required) plus with a special sign on the car I was allowed to drive around as long as my father (or someone who has a driving licence and had no accident for a couple of years) sat on the seat next to me to pull the handbrake.

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Bare in mind, perviously i'd never driven a car propperly to going to my lessons... so apparently i've done pretty well considering.


So what? You hadn't driven a car before learning how to... I'm sure many hadn't, although some may not have been fortunate to have driven it improperly before learning like you.

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Back in my day I paid £10 per lesson, but that was 10 years ago, so its well out of date now. I remember one thing that slowed me up was waiting for a test date, they were over run with people wanting to pass before the theory test came in.

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..I had 6 or 7 lessons.. instuctor thought I needed more before I would pass.. I told him it was just his crappy car and that I could drive perfectly in mine/ my da's (the car I was going to do my test in).. and he said 'surely there can't be that much difference.. your driving is fine but your observation and timing could do with some work' ..proved him wrong.. passed my test first time.. hadn't taken that long to learn.. but it's different for everyone.. and do it in a car you feel comfortable in.. my instructors Toyota Yaris felt piss to drive..

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I've had one lesson a week since April, it's a long and expensive process. Test #2 is on the way. If you want to be a decent driver I suggest you dont rush it and dont book your test until you KNOW you can pass. Best of luck.

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Here it usually takes 3-6months to get a license. And costs about 1200€ (820£). There's a number of theory lesson that you have to go through before you can take the theory exam. And then there's a certain amount of driving lessons that you have to go through before the actual test. And then there's a driving lesson on driving on slippery surfaces. That's all part of "phase 1"


"Phase 2" consist of a couple of theory lessons (fuel efficient driving, driving when it's slippery etc.) And also a driving lesson where you put the things you learned in the classroom to use. And again the you are taken to a slippery track where you get to see how much speed affects to stopping distance on Ice/snow. And learn to control your car if it goes to a slide. And it costs some more but can't remember how much.


And there's one separate lesson which teaches night driving.


There's nothing more fun than taking a rear-wheel drive car to some abandoned gravel road in the winter. Had tons of fun back when I was thirteen or so with my mums old Corolla 69' :D

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Over in the UK do you get a learners permit so you can drive around without having an instructor in the car?


Nope. You get a provisional license which enititles you to drive a car if you're with someone that is at least 21 years old and has held a full drivers license for three years. Plus, the car has to be insured for you.

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