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Twilight Princess HD (4th March)


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The point I was making is that these releases are fine when propped up with newer games. If Nintendo release this with other quality titles then fine but as it stands, the release schedule is barren for the Wii U and most of the games that are coming are being classed as cheap, quick or lazy spinoffs. I think Xenoblade is the exception to these criticisms.


It's fairly obvious that Nintendo have moved their big guns onto NX development. If they hadn't, we'd be complaining they aren't launching a new console strongly enough.


People on here are arguing against remakes and re-releases, whilst (as usual) giving the competition a free pass to do exactly that, and more frequently. The same thing occurs with day 1 DLC. Nintendo simply can't win on here. I'd have thought them releasing the grand total of Wind Waker HD two years ago and TP HD in 2016 wouldn't be a cause for complaints, but seems it somehow is.

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It's fairly obvious that Nintendo have moved their big guns onto NX development. If they hadn't, we'd be complaining they aren't launching a new console strongly enough.


Fact is we don't know how strong the launch lineup will be. If anything, the Wii to Wii U transition has shown that just because the console has a poor line up in the twilight years of its life doesn't mean to say that the next console will come out all guns firing.

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The Wii > Wii U transition had the major stumbling block of HD development, something Nintendo admitted held them back. That's no longer the case.


Nintendo having been playing catch up ever since. A whole generation behind graphically because of one piss poor business decision.

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Nintendo having been playing catch up ever since. A whole generation behind graphically because of one piss poor business decision.


Must be terrible making piss poor business decisions and end with the second highest selling home console of all time.

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If they hadn't, we'd be complaining they aren't launching a new console strongly enough.


I dunno. We're pretty used to it by now.




But seriously, the footage wasn't going to interest me in the game but I'm surprised how blurry the original looked. Simpler times I guess!

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As Kav said, Nintendo are supporting the console by themselves. When the release schedule is pretty barren then these games stick out like a sore thumb. The competition have a bunch of 3rd party games to make up the numbers, whereas Nintendo don't have this luxury.


Personally, I have no issues with remakes/remasters. Its not like you have to buy them.


Clinical post - I very much agree with this.

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Fair enough. It's just that in my head I had it down as either a simple, (possibly) download-only HD up-rez of the original to pad out the Christmas line-up or a retail game for next year with newer models and lighting like Wind Waker HD. But hey, it's not Nintendo's fault I assumed that.


Funny you say that because all of the models and geometry were actually left completely untouched in TWWHD.


The textures were all redone and the lighting engine was completely redesigned. Shadows were added to everything and extra effects like ambient occlusion and volumetric clouds were put in place. The music was also completely re-recorded.


Twilight Princess HD just seems to have redone textures though (do bare in mind that that's a much bigger undertaking in of itself than it was in TWWHD, simply because Twilight Princess is a much bigger game; with probably around 5 times as many textures to re-do, if not more). The main thing separating this from TWWHD is the way that the lighting and shadowing seems to have been left untouched this time around. Remains to be seen if no changes have been made at all to the lighting/shadowing, but that's the big thing that separates this from TWWHD; the lighting still looks completely flat.


TP did actually use some dynamic lighting in places (with the lantern especially and the Twilight Realm) though, so it'll be interesting to see how that gets handled.


Personally though I'm most excited at the prospect of the music getting re-recorded. I really hope it gets the orchestration that they wanted to do for it originally! It already has a filmic score that, as anyone who's ever been to one of the Zelda Symphonies would tell you, is begging to be given the orchestral treatment!


I'm sure it'll also get some great Gamepad integration as well. No doubt they'll probably have an easy access inventory and an always on-screen map - that already speeds up the game quite a bit. Plenty more they could do as well...


I do hope that we still get an option for Wii Remote controls as well. Would be even better if they added Wii Motionplus support with the same 1-1 sword swinging controls as Skyward Sword (ok, it wouldn't be necessary like it was in that game but it would still be really fun to have the controls from the Wii version of TP back and improved! :D )


I'd be livid if I can't go fishing like I did in the Wii version though... The GCN version was nowhere near as fun for fishing, not even close!

Edited by Dcubed
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I admit I was disappointed st first, but actually it does look a lot better, it all depends on what else they do - will they tweak the gameplay in anyway, what will the controls be, will we have orchestrated music, what will amiibo do etc I'll get it whatever as I'd like to play it again, especially with a mirrored map and wind waker Zelda controls.

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Twilight Princess HD just seems to have redone textures though (do bare in mind that that's a much bigger undertaking in of itself than it was in TWWHD, simply because Twilight Princess is a much bigger game; with probably around 5 times as many textures to re-do, if not more). The main thing separating this from TWWHD is the way that the lighting and shadowing seems to have been left untouched this time around. Remains to be seen if no changes have been made at all to the lighting/shadowing, but that's the big thing that separates this from TWWHD; the lighting still looks completely flat.


Yeah, bad phrasing on my part. I meant I was hoping for newer lighting like Wind Waker HD, plus updated models.


Personally though I'm most excited at the prospect of the music getting re-recorded. I really hope it gets the orchestration that they wanted to do for it originally! It already has a filmic score that, as anyone who's ever been to one of the Zelda Symphonies would tell you, is begging to be given the orchestral treatment!


Couldn't agree more on this! It's superb.


All in all, it's a game that really could do with a full remake - models, lighting, music, plus overall "build". I hope they've removed some of the "illusions", such as that balcony in Castle Town with a 2D image of the town square, rather than the real thing.

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Four things they need to do IMO


- Shorten the introduction tutorials.

- Expand the storyline with a few extra cutscenes between dungeons. This is particularly necessary in the second half of the game where the story falls off a cliff.

- Castle town looks fantastic, but actually there's very little to do there. Especially when you consider how barren Kakariko is. Add a couple of extra shops/mini games/sidequests here.

- Fill the overworld with a bit more things to do.

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I think we tend to upres past games in our minds, so when we get comparison shots like above the difference is pretty striking. Twilight Princess is probably the Zelda game that will age the worst in terms of art style and visuals, so the HD version was never going to look incredible without a total change of direction.


Remakes and remasters are in fashion this generation, for everyone, certainly not just Nintendo.


My two questions would be this though;

1. For the remakes and remasters that are in fashion, how noticeable are the differences between original and remake compared to this?

2. Why did OoT and MM 3D seem like such a bigger jump in terms of work compared to this? Because OoT was older, or because more work was done?


(I haven't got actual answers to the questions)

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My two questions would be this though;

1. For the remakes and remasters that are in fashion, how noticeable are the differences between original and remake compared to this?

2. Why did OoT and MM 3D seem like such a bigger jump in terms of work compared to this? Because OoT was older, or because more work was done?


(I haven't got actual answers to the questions)


Well for question 1, TWW HD got a huge overhaul that was much bigger than most remasters. Really, outside of the models/environments being left untouched in terms of polygon geometry (which is of course the biggest change that could be made really graphically) it was almost as big a change as OoT 3D; with some significant gameplay additions and changes (swift sail, triforce hunt changes, Gamepad integration, selfie snapshots etc).


Twilight Princess HD doesn't seem to have gotten as big an upgrade graphically (mind you though, replacing all the textures is in-of-itself a big challenge for this game in particular), but it remains to be seen just how much has been changed and brought up to date on Wii U. All kinds of changes could've been made (well the Amiibo surely must be used for something significant, especially if there are links to Zelda Wii U with the Wolf Link one) and no doubt that Gamepad is going to be put to good use here like it was with TWWHD.


As for question 2, well that's because they were bigger projects that saw more sweeping changes to each respective game because they rebuilt all of the character models and environments over from scratch. Doing remakes of those games is generally more feasible than games like TWW or (especially!) Twilight Princess because they're much smaller in scope.


Twilight Princess is still the biggest and most content packed Zelda game ever made in terms of raw environmental size and the dungeons are significantly larger and more complex than any other Zelda game (even just the first one is about 2 or 3 times longer than any dungeon in any other Zelda game!) - so you have to consider the sheer enormity of the task that updating the visuals for a game like this would be...

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Most AAA games on other consoles seem to be bargain basement prices after a couple of weeks. Uncharted Collection released for £40 though, and it's only dropped a quid on Amazon which is surprising. I expect TPHD to release at the same price.


Uncharted was £35 on Shopto and dropped to £30 the other day. Also, it has 3 games in the disc that have been remastered, not just the one.

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