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Until Dawn (PS4)


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Had another good session on this yesterday with the group. We're exploring the sanatorium.


Had a couple awesome jump scares where everyone just screamed. Was a lot of fun. It's not really scary, it's more just creepy. It's like a haunted house ride, I fucking love it.


Jesse got pulled through the cabin window by some creature...and then we chased her and her jaw got torn off...I liked her. But she died.


Also, we had a Saw type scenario where we had to choose between saving Ashley or Joshue. We saved Ashley...because Joshua was creepy.

Edited by Daft
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  • 1 month later...

I was given a £20 reward card for GAME by one of my classkidpeoplethings and marched into the store today with the intention of spending it on something.


The Evil Within stood out, as did Mortal Kombat...then there was Far Cry. They had Until Dawn at full price. The preowned copy was also full price, too. I noticed that it was going for around £35 on PSN as part of the Halloween deal, so I exchanged the card for PSN wallet monies and downloaded the game from there. :D


Pretty happy with that. I've been eyeing this one up and it's been one I've constantly searched the internets for, looking for deals. Not going to be able to play it for a few days as @Eenuh's family are coming tonight from Belgium. But, yaaaaay, moar games.


*feels guilty as fuck for not starting Uncharted 3 or Witcher dlc*

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Until Dawn has a Halloween download right? So even more good timing.


Pass the controller round and everyone in Eenuh's family can be a different character in the game :D


Btw, I think you should get The Evil Within sometime. I was watching a playthrough of the DLC and thought at the time that you would adore it.

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Until Dawn has a Halloween download right? So even more good timing.


Pass the controller round and everyone in Eenuh's family can be a different character in the game :D


Btw, I think you should get The Evil Within sometime. I was watching a playthrough of the DLC and thought at the time that you would adore it.


Eenuh did suggest that earlier, but I'm not sure if they'll be in the mood to try something like that after a super long journey. We'll have to see. :D


The Evil Within is definitely one on my list. The problem is that the list is ever-growing. It's also getting pretty expensive. :heh:

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The Evil Within is definitely one on my list. The problem is that the list is ever-growing. It's also getting pretty expensive. :heh:


I'd definitely have bought The Evil Within in PS3 for Halloween if I hadn't been buying Project Zero for Wii U. In fact, it's still only £9.99 at GAME so I'm still tempted to get it :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've started playing this and it's already testing our nerves. Well...@Eenuh's mainly. There's tons of jumpscares in this. :heh:


Enjoying it, so far. It has a real high quality feel to it. I'm a fan of these teen slasher films, they're good throwaway entertainment. They've managed to capture that perfectly in this.


We've already had a few moments where we've said, "hmm, I wonder if this happened as a result of that choice we made earlier?" I can definitely see the replay value in this.

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We've just finished the game!


My ending:


My survivors were Sam and Chris.


Mike and Ashley died in the fire right at the end! I decided to run to the switch, not to save Mike. I thought that's what you had to do, I dunno, I fucked it up.

Josh got his head destroyed by Wendigo Hannah.

Emily had her eyes gouged out by a Wendigo! :o

Matt got pierced through the fucking MOUTH by the meat-hook. Horrible death.

Jessica died quite early on I thought. Apparently I wasn't quick enough to save her and she her body dropped from a big height with half of her mouth missing, like her jaw had been ripped off.



Awesome game. I really enjoyed it. Going to play it through again soon to see what differences I can come up with.

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We've just finished the game!


My ending:


My survivors were Sam and Chris.


Mike and Ashley died in the fire right at the end! I decided to run to the switch, not to save Mike. I thought that's what you had to do, I dunno, I fucked it up.

Josh got his head destroyed by Wendigo Hannah.

Emily had her eyes gouged out by a Wendigo! :o

Matt got pierced through the fucking MOUTH by the meat-hook. Horrible death.

Jessica died quite early on I thought. Apparently I wasn't quick enough to save her and she her body dropped from a big height with half of her mouth missing, like her jaw had been ripped off.



Awesome game. I really enjoyed it. Going to play it through again soon to see what differences I can come up with.


Glad to see you enjoyed the game.


I think most of us on here done exactly the same as you and jump for the switch. :D I was gutted when I done it as I had everyone alive apart from Josh.


Speaking of Josh, did you see the twist coming?


Did you like Peter Stormare's performance? I love that guy.


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  • 9 months later...

No, it's updating correctly, it's just me that misunderstood. I saw he had been playing it the past week and got a secret trophy on Saturday, so I checked his trophy list to see if had got an end game trophy, and he had, but I didn't see it was achieved last year. He is indeed playing it a second time.

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Saw you finished this yesterday @lostmario . How did you like it?


First time I finished it was last year when I lent it off a lass at work, she wanted it back just after I started my second playthrough.


Picked it up the other week when I traded in a couple of PS4 games and got that second playthrough finished.


I had 6 (7 if you include Josh) alive as everyone except Jessica was back in the house near the end.


I had lost Matt near the start when I didn't get Emily to pass him the flare. God I hate Emily.


I don't know what happened but I completely messed it up right at the end, I got Ashley, Emily & Chris out but didn't hold the controller still enough for Mike & Sam, they both died...


4 survived though so thats two better than last time.


Also Josh noticed the tattoo this time so he turned into a Wendigo at the end and wasn't killed.


Going to playthrough it again and hopefully keep everyone alive.


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