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Dragon Quest XI


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8 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

To be fair, how is this any different from a publisher stopping printing a physical game disc? I still have access to my old version of Dragon Quest XI on Steam if I want to reinstall it.

If a person wanted to pick up a physical copy of the game well after release then they could buy a second hand copy. No such luck with a digital version. It's the new version or none at all. 

I imagine the example I gave is something that rarely happens but it's still a possibility. 

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Welcome to the digital future!

It's a bit harsh to get rid of this version. Sure, there's extra content in the new version but the visuals are better in the original.

The visuals were actually downgraded in the Definitive Version? Or do you mean the difference between the 3D visuals and 2D mode visuals?

Either way, I finally just started playing Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition on the Switch and I've found it to be great so far. :D

I still have a copy of the original release on the PS4 as well, good to know that it might be worth holding onto afterall, though I'd imagine that if I were to play that version on the PS4, wouldn't it just be automatically updated to the definitive version, soon after it's installed?

Anyway, I'm about three hours or so in and I've only made it just outside of the starting village, already up to level 9, seeing as the game seems to actively encourage grinding. :grin:

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35 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

The visuals were actually downgraded in the Definitive Version? Or do you mean the difference between the 3D visuals and 2D mode visuals?

Either way, I finally just started playing Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition on the Switch and I've found it to be great so far. :D

I still have a copy of the original release on the PS4 as well, good to know that it might be worth holding onto afterall, though I'd imagine that if I were to play that version on the PS4, wouldn't it just be automatically updated to the definitive version, soon after it's installed?

Anyway, I'm about three hours or so in and I've only made it just outside of the starting village, already up to level 9, seeing as the game seems to actively encourage grinding. :grin:

The PC/PS4/Xbone ports of DQXIs are based on the Switch version; including the downgraded visuals.

Really though? I think the whole thing regarding the visuals is really overblown.  Yes there is a downgrade, but its really very minor; plus you actually get substantially improved performance on PS4 Pro/XboneX (now running at 60FPS!) in return.

DQ11s is, by far, the better version of the game.  It does suck that S-E are delisting the original version though.

Edited by Dcubed
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35 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

The visuals were actually downgraded in the Definitive Version? Or do you mean the difference between the 3D visuals and 2D mode visuals?

Either way, I finally just started playing Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition on the Switch and I've found it to be great so far. :D

I still have a copy of the original release on the PS4 as well, good to know that it might be worth holding onto afterall, though I'd imagine that if I were to play that version on the PS4, wouldn't it just be automatically updated to the definitive version, soon after it's installed?

Anyway, I'm about three hours or so in and I've only made it just outside of the starting village, already up to level 9, seeing as the game seems to actively encourage grinding. :grin:

The new version on the PS4 is essentially a port of the Switch version, which had lower grade visuals.

The base game and new version are completely separate. There is no upgrade/update for the original game.

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On 11/2/2020 at 11:30 PM, Jonnas said:

Just a quick reminder that the branches of S-E responsible for Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest are very different, and that includes publishing. The practices of one won't necessarily reflect on the other.

They kinda did. Dragon Quest is unique in this regard, because every re-release adds something on top of what came before, and Enix seems adamant to do this for every entry. Rarely do they ever cut content outright, and they have remade the first 6 games before, more than once. Look at this list, and you'll see each game has been remade or updated quite a few times (amusingly, reading that list shows they have also already remade Dragon Quest Monsters for the 3DS. Didn't know that before I clicked)

The issue is that these versions don't necessarily come to the west. That's the painful part.

Yup.  The only mainline DQ game that hasn't been remade yet is DQIX; and I'd be absolutely floored if it doesn't happen on Switch before the end of its lifecycle in 2023.  The console is such a ridiculously natural fit for DQIX's multiplayer mode that it begs for a remake to come to it!

Even DQ10 and DQ11 have already had remakes! (of sorts)

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  • 1 month later...

Started playing this today and got serious deja vu! Was pretty confused for a sec, but then remembered playing the demo version on Switch! :heh:

Anyway, wow the English dub is just sublime! DQ Heroes was also amazing for that, all of the different accents and slang :D it’s such great stuff. 
And man, Gemma’s voice... :love:

I see there was talk in here of a visual downgrade or something, but it looks pretty nice to me. Kinda low poly, but everything is super colourful and more importantly it runs incredibly smoothly.

Only thing I’m not keen on so far is the save system and how it’s possible to lose a chunk of progress if you’re caught off guard and cark it, which has happened to me a few times already. :blush: 
Yeah... I probably shouldn’t avoid so many battles, but find running away from the monsters really entertaining for some reason! :laughing:

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Well, despite my "ungrindiness" :heh: I've been making pretty good progress in this. Only hit a couple of roadblocks so far, the first one was getting paired with a guy who had his eyes closed (and was also off his face) for a fighting tournament. He kept messing up my tactics of using the sleep spell to prevent the opponents using their pep team attack. :indeed: Every time I'd get one of them sleeping, the dickhead would attack and wake them up again! :D Managed to get through it though, eventually.

The second sticking point was that guy's drug dealer, a giant spider. :hehe: Actually had to do a bit of grinding to get past that thing! Luckily those good old Metal Slimes were conveniently hanging around in the same area though, so it didn't take very long. ;)


So yeah, I'm finally in possession of the glowy tree branch thing and now have to find 6 orbs, which very quickly became 4 orbs, as the guy that stole Goemon's hair had 1 and Scottish grandad had another. Got a feeling I might only need to find 2 more actually, as I'm pretty sure another one of my new party members might have a couple stashed inside her top. :grin: Perhaps she'll offer me a Puff-Puff at some point. :laughing:

Anyway, I'm definitely enjoying this game. Not sure if it'll dethrone my current favourite JRPG of all time (Ni No Kuni), but it's certainly got a very good chance. :)


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45 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Actually had to do a bit of grinding to get past that thing!


48 minutes ago, RedShell said:
  Reveal hidden contents

So yeah, I'm finally in possession of the glowy tree branch thing and now have to find 6 orbs, which very quickly became 4 orbs, as the guy that stole Goemon's hair had 1 and Scottish grandad had another. Got a feeling I might only need to find 2 more actually, as I'm pretty sure another one of my new party members might have a couple stashed inside her top. :grin: Perhaps she'll offer me a Puff-Puff at some point. :laughing:


That's a Dragon Quest-y paragraph alright :D

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Played this A LOT over the weekend, too much actually. :grin: Yeah, collected all of the orbs and...


...activated the Smash Bros. Ultimate stage :heh: to reach the giant floating tree. Was not expecting what happened next though! The “Master Sword” has been stolen! :o That was an amazing cutscene BTW. :cool: Now it would seem that I’m stuck playing as overly flamboyant jester though, which is annoying as he was relegated to the standby team for the majority of my playtime and therefore has very crappy gear. :shakehead

I did make a separate save file right after the tree shenanigans though, so I suppose I could just reload and give him some decent stuff. Or would that be considered cheating? :hehe: Will it be long before I get the other characters back? It almost feels like starting the game from scratch at the moment, which is pretty cool considering what has happened in the story, but at the same time kinda sucks. :hmm: 

But yeah, have really loved everything that has happened up to this point, the scenarios and characters in this game are just wonderful! And man, do these devs have a knack for creating attractive female characters! ;) Bunny girls, mermaids, even a curvaceous witch! :love: Also, LOL at Scottish grandad having a dirty mag on him, that scene had me in stitches! :laughing: “Teh articles!!” :bowdown:

I’d have made even more progress if it wasn’t for the casino! Must have spent a good couple of hours playing the slime slot machines in there. Addictive doesn’t even begin to describe it. :D 

Anyway, thanks once again to everyone that recommended this game to me over in the Game Pass thread, you guys picked an absolute winner! :peace:

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See, I played through the entirety of DQ XI in 2D mode and my plan for when I have little to play is to replay it again entirely in 3D mode.

Even without voice acting and SNES style sprites doing the action, I very much enjoyed the story. It'll be interesting to see how 3D changes things. I have high hope for the voice acting considering how good the DQ VIII 3DS port was in that regard.

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Also, Jade. :heart:

KiryuThumbsUp.gif ;) 

49 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

See, I played through the entirety of DQ XI in 2D mode and my plan for when I have little to play is to replay it again entirely in 3D mode.

Even without voice acting and SNES style sprites doing the action, I very much enjoyed the story. It'll be interesting to see how 3D changes things. I have high hope for the voice acting considering how good the DQ VIII 3DS port was in that regard.

Wow. I’ve not used the 2D option at all. :blank: There was one part where I was forced to play in 2D briefly, but other than that it’s been 3D all the way.

The retro look is a nice additional option to have I guess, but with just how much work has gone into the 3D presentation, it sort of feels like it’d be a waste to play the entire game like that. :hmm: 

Anyway, you’re in for a treat with the voice acting if you do replay it in 3D, as the English dub is indeed fantastic. :) 

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Great to read you're enjoying it @RedShell

I genuinely think it might be my favourite game of the last generation. So much heart and charm, definitely seems the right thing to help wade through some of COVID (along with a healthy - or unhealthy :p - dose of Yakuza), or any time, really. Such a jolly time. 

Only kicker was the music I guess - specifically it's repetition, dependence on older OST's and sound quality in the original release - but as someone who hadn't played a DQ game before this one, I didn't have too much to complain about in that regard, because it was all new to me! 

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21 hours ago, RedShell said:



Will it be long before I get the other characters back?




Ok, having progressed a bit more I’m now really glad nobody answered that question. ;) Yeah, that was actually very cool how you got to play as the different characters individually for a while, each mini-chapter was pretty unique too. :cool: I was definitely not expecting to play as a fish either! :laughing: 

Not sure how much of the game is left, but even at this point I think I can safely say that DQXI has overtaken Ni No Kuni to become my new fave JRPG. It’s just superb in every way. :) 

18 hours ago, Julius said:

Only kicker was the music I guess - specifically it's repetition, dependence on older OST's and sound quality in the original release - but as someone who hadn't played a DQ game before this one, I didn't have too much to complain about in that regard, because it was all new to me! 

Yeah, I’ve definitely noticed the repetition but the tunes are great and so catchy that I can’t say I mind. I’ve been humming a lot of them  recently too which is always a good indicator of catchiness. :D 

Interesting how this was your very first DQ game (what an entry to the series! :cool:), I’ve not played that many myself to be honest, just IX, Heroes and Builders. And two of those were spinoffs, so I guess you could say this is only the second DQ game I’ve played. :hehe: 

One thing is for certain though, I sure as hell won’t be overlooking this series again!

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Hi there, I've just hijacked this thread to ask a few very important questions:

How cryptic is Dragon Quest II?
I've managed to finish the first game using a guide only once. Should I bookmark one for the second game?

How long is Dragon Quest II?
After 55 hours of Yakuza: Like a Dragon I'm still in the mood for some JRPG awesomeness, but don't necessarily want to immediately spend another 50 hours with a "new" game.

Will I enjoy Dragon Quest II?
So far I've played DQI, DQVIII and DQXI and loved 'em all.

Thank you very much, see you soon and SCREW YOU REDSHELL!

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The game opens up after an hour and you're free to do whatever pretty much. I don't know if they changed it for the mobile/Switch releases but you can actually screw yourself over from learning your adjective if you select the wrong option, if I remember right (you can still do it if you know what it is so your not locked out). You will probably want a guide though.

It's less than 20 hours.

End game requires a lot of grinding, so probably. Again, unless they changed it for the Mobile/Switch version.

There's at least 2 other threads that are more relevant you could have posted in.

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On 18/01/2021 at 3:50 PM, RedShell said:

Wow. I’ve not used the 2D option at all. :blank: There was one part where I was forced to play in 2D briefly, but other than that it’s been 3D all the way.

The retro look is a nice additional option to have I guess, but with just how much work has gone into the 3D presentation, it sort of feels like it’d be a waste to play the entire game like that. :hmm: 

Anyway, you’re in for a treat with the voice acting if you do replay it in 3D, as the English dub is indeed fantastic. :) 

See, I've played the DS remakes of IV, V and VI, so the 2D mode kind of appeals to me. Very similar style.

And I wouldn't be so quick to play down how much effort the 2D one has put in. Very little is compromised there. You can still have alternate outfits and the sprite work for enemies is exceptional! The FMV's are still in 3D, but if you're playing 2D mode when one starts playing, it actually turns the voice acting off to maintain consistency with the game. It's a really small detail that shows real thought went into it.

It's not purely visual though, the 2D mode tweaks some mechanics to make XI more like the retro games. Changing to random encounters, for example.

Either version of DQ XI is impressive on it's own, but the fact that they made both of these is a testament to how good of a job the developers did on this game. I can imagine it really helps with the replay value.

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