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Thats just a long history thing of Serebii winding people up. Anything more I say really is going to come across as me attacking him which im not interested in doing.


See, I don't get that impression. Even when he has opinions or, god forbid, makes a guess at something, people attack him.

It's bordering on bullying and it makes me extremely uncomfortable whenever it happens.

Maybe some people here have been letting themselves get wound up so much for so long, it's become involuntary.

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thought maybe @drahkon could point them out.


I was basically thinking of the things you mentioned (Destiny, PSN being down, DLC pricing, etc).


See, I don't get that impression. Even when he has opinions or, god forbid, makes a guess at something, people attack him.


To me personally, it's a matter of him coming across as arrogant. I don't know how he is in 'real life' but often times his posts carry a hint of arrogance that I can't help but notice (especially when it comes to him mentioning that he has 'inside knowledge' because he's the owner of a major Pokémon site - Bulbapedia, isn't it? :p). Don't get me wrong, I envy him of his achievement but the fact that he keeps mentioning that is a bit narcissistic.


I like his attitude, being positive about Nintendo. It's a good thing to have. Passion.


But sometimes he needs to calm down a bit and not be rude (same goes for others, as well, of course).

Edited by drahkon
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One of my biggest problems, and no one is willing to accept it, is the sheer trolling and baiting that happens from people who clearly don;t like nintendo, that goes completely unfinished, yet when Ronnie or Serebii are deemed to be trolling and baiting they get absolute lynched on by everyone in quite nasty ways sometimes.


Because some people don't feel the need to go on threads on games/consoles they don't like and rip shit into them all the time. Your point, in my opinion, typifies the problem of this site, and it isn't in the way you are intending.


Well said that man.


As others have mentioned, the place is quite toxic because you're mixing Nintendo fans with non Nintendo fans. The Wii U thread in particular has just become the most hateful thread I've seen in a while, filled with lapsed fans just shitting all over it.


There's a clear divide and it's obvious in the names that crop up in the "Thanks" posts get and how they're grouped into the fans and the non-fans.


The Other Consoles board isn't toxic because Nintendo fans don't go over there for the purposes of shitting all over the PS4 or XBO, unlike what happens here on the Nintendo board. That's why there are no arguments there.


The other day someone mentioned that the Wii U occasionally gets brought up and laughed at on the Other Console threads. God help anyone who brings up the PS4 on the Nintendo board though. You get called a retarded schoolboy for your trouble. @Happenstance can fuck right off with that pathetic post the other day. We were in a general Wii U thread, where the gaming industry as a whole is brought up all the time, and the subject of Wii U games looking similar came up. I saw nothing wrong with bringing up the undeniable sameyness of the other side of the market. A few nerves were struck and this place exploded.


As for my issues with Wii. The man is a living caricature of the the most entitled, immature gamer there can be. I appreciate the work he puts in posting links, videos and articles but the rest of the time I find the utter bull$hit he posts very very hard to ignore, and I'm keen to challenge his insular views.

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See, I don't get that impression. Even when he has opinions or, god forbid, makes a guess at something, people attack him.

It's bordering on bullying and it makes me extremely uncomfortable whenever it happens.

Maybe some people here have been letting themselves get wound up so much for so long, it's become involuntary.


Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying its right but so many members here have had issues with Serebii that this kind of stuff is bound to happen. He has admitted himself that he is an arrogant person and people dont like that.

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See, I don't get that impression. Even when he has opinions or, god forbid, makes a guess at something, people attack him.

It's bordering on bullying and it makes me extremely uncomfortable whenever it happens.

Maybe some people here have been letting themselves get wound up so much for so long, it's become involuntary.


No offense, dude, but you haven't been around here as long as most of us on here and haven't seen the stuff we've had to put up with for years.


The fact is, rather than coming off as opinion, a lot of the time it comes of as fact and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. When stuff like the Metroid thing, 3DS with a second stick, Xenoblade on 3DS happen it comes back and bites him in the butt.


I'm gonna properly reply to this thread later. Honestly, there's so much I want to get off my chest about this place that I have no idea where to even start.

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God help anyone who brings up the PS4 on the Nintendo board though.


The thing is: That wouldn't be the problem if you didn't do it so bloody often. And I'm sure that everyone agrees you do it just to rile others up. Just as @Cube said in his first post here.

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Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying its right but so many members here have had issues with Serebii that this kind of stuff is bound to happen. He has admitted himself that he is an arrogant person and people dont like that.


@Serebii, care to weigh in? (Politely!) I'd like to see a bit more context about this.

Because I've yet to see any kind of arrogant behaviour that wasn't instigated by another post.


And even if he is arrogant, even if he's got a reputation. That still doesn't excuse the downright horrific behaviour I've seen directed at him.

You're not gonna improve anyone's behaviour by fighting fire with fire!

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The thing is: That wouldn't be the problem if you didn't do it so bloody often. And I'm sure that everyone agrees you do it just to rile others up. Just as @Cube said in his first post here.


It sounds to me like nerves are being struck whenever I ridicule the PS4's library of games (which has happened what, half a dozen times in the past year?). The Wii U gets shit on constantly, 447 pages of abuse to be exact. The fact is non-Nintendo fans hang around here to shit on Nintendo, so don't be surprised if some people post an alternate way of looking at things.


I bring the PS4 up when the discussion opens up, as it did the other day.

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Didn't exclusively mean your PS4 talk, I was also talking about your horrible "DIS GAME NEEDS VOICE CHAT" posts. Sorry, should've made that clear.


I apologise for the voice chat thing, to @kav82 especially. The above kind of posts were more in jest than anything else though.


I did get frustrated that a thread about a new Ninty IP, something totally unique, was getting pummeled with pages upon pages of the same circular arguments about voice chat. No issue with people being disappointed and voicing (ahem) their displeasure, but when you got to the 19th page of the same things being said over and over, all whilst the game itself was being harshly ignored, I felt I had to speak up.

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No offense, dude, but you haven't been around here as long as most of us on here and haven't seen the stuff we've had to put up with for years.


The fact is, rather than coming off as opinion, a lot of the time it comes of as fact and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. When stuff like the Metroid thing, 3DS with a second stick, Xenoblade on 3DS happen it comes back and bites him in the butt.


I'm gonna properly reply to this thread later. Honestly, there's so much I want to get off my chest about this place that I have no idea where to even start.


And maybe that's the problem? So many of you have just associated Serebii with something that is wrong and must be stopped.

Of course, I can't prove this is what has happened, like you said, I'm newer than most people here. But it's the kind of vibe I get. Some people attack him over the most minute stuff.

But I'd like to bring up the chat room reaction to Blast Ball again. And the many reaction posts having a pop at how Serebii was wrong.

You were there, you know what I'm talking about. How is that kind of behaviour supposed to help anything? What I saw was a celebration of someone being wrong about something, just because "he was pretty sure it wouldn't happen"

It was disgusting. Just because he has annoyed some people here, he should be lambasted at every opportunity?


You're not going to fix anything by sticking to this "Everything Serebii says is arrogant and wrong" attitude. You're just going to make things worse and worse.

And quite frankly, I couldn't give a toss about what he's done in the past. I managed to see past Wii's Captain Turd obsession, why can't you do the same?

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I explained it in the Wii U thread afterwards but the PS4 comment wasnt as bad as I was complaining about, it was just the straw that broke the camels back. Always nice to be told I can "fuck right off" though. Im sure thats in the spirit of Rummy's discussion.


Being told to f off is nothing compared to your abusive behaviour the other day.

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I'd love to send a proper reply to this when I have the time, hopefully abit later today, but from just reading the responses so far @Glen\-i mentions that he felt someone is getting severely bullied, and you just dismiss it!


I'm not at all interested in starting an argument in here for anything, but those sort of responses are, for me, exactly some of the problems this community has right now :(

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Yeah, it pretty much never happens. To be honest, you still get people coming in and saying negative things about the system (e.g. dazzybee or Clownferret) or negative things about particular games (e.g. Destiny), but there's never a fallout over such negativity unlike on the Nintendo boards. It's a world removed from here.


This is the truth of the matter. I've been as harsh on Destiny as I have with Nintendo and online, yet on the Other Console boards there's no Ronnie making snarky comments to my views only to antagonise.


When discussion does break out it's actually a discussion, as I found when I was posting in the Last of Us thread giving my opinions (I felt it was insanely overrated) there. We actually talked about it as opposed to snide remarks.

Over here we tend to get the back-handed comments and baiting from Ronnie.


Now when I say this, please note that I actually quite like Serebii and feel he sometimes gets unwarranted flak, but also when he does defend Nintendo, he pulls out the most outrageous and sometimes blinkered views it's beyond me... but the thing is, he is never an arse, he nearly always says his views in a manner befitting the place.



Yes, Nintendo have got me down this generation. I feel they've lost sight of who they are and who their actual market is. As a fan of theirs, I feel disappointed and angry at times and I vent. I should probably try and be less colourful in my language when doing so.

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The fact is non-Nintendo fans hang around here to shit on Nintendo, so don't be surprised if some people post an alternate way of looking at things.


All of these were Nintendo fans at some point, and they a part of the community. Just because Nintendo/members have changed since then doesn't mean that they're no longer welcome here.

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Being told to f off is nothing compared to your abusive behaviour the other day.


My post from the other day:


Is this the only comeback you can ever have? Instead of just discussing something with the rest of us you have to try and deflect the comment off to another console.bwhat I said wasn't to try and cause conflict, it was replying to the image you posted. Once again you just look to make trouble.


I've said it before but you are just a troll on this forum and should have been banned a long time ago.


Not exactly what I would call abusive, especially when you compare it to you telling me to fuck off. I do believe you are a troll and I do believe you should have been banned but I've made my point about you already so won't keep going on about it.

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All of these were Nintendo fans at some point, and they a part of the community. Just because Nintendo/members have changed since then doesn't mean that they're no longer welcome here.


I'm not saying they're no longer welcome here, but there's a huge amount of hypocrisy going on here. One set of gamers is allowed to shit over Nintendo, but when the opposite happens, all hell breaks loose.


My post from the other day:




Not exactly what I would call abusive, especially when you compare it to you telling me to fuck off. I do believe you are a troll and I do believe you should have been banned but I've made my point about you already so won't keep going on about it.


Sincerest apologies. My mistake I was getting you confused with @Eddage. I take back the fuck right off thing.

Edited by Ronnie
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Interesting Thread.


First of all let me say that I own a Wii U and a PS4.

They both do some things brilliantly and some things badly.

If I went in to the Wii U forum and complained I'd get half a dozen thanks, if I did the same in the PS4 forum, I'd get told to change my hobby as I clearly know fuck all about gaming. That right there is the biggest problem on here and I just don't understand it. It's like everybody has been hypnotized by the "for the gamers" tagline and have become PS4 Terminators.


I find it very interesting and and quite poignant that the two people named at the start as trouble makers are @Ronnie and @Serebii the two people who stick up for Nintendo? That's a major problem and indicitive of how this place is run.


The ignore function needs to be fixed so that it works both ways. What's the point of having somebody on ignore that you clearly don't want to engage with and yet they still see all your posts and respond to them? And on that subject why don't all you @Serebii haters just put him on your ignore list?


It appears to me that the people who perform the mod/admin functions on here are all in PS4/we hate @Serebii camp, again a fucked up situation.


Lastly, @dazzybee thanks for saying so eloquently what I was trying to portray above.

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TBH, I don't think theres much of an issue... I just ignore what i don't want to respond to and respond to what i do... It should be that simple.


In the case of Ronnie for example, his not necessarily doing anything wrong, even if he has to talk about the PS4 negatively in the Wii u thread 100 times over - I just dont get why people predictably get seduced into commenting on it.


Don't fuel the flames, brah. We must be a democracy.

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I'd love to send a proper reply to this when I have the time, hopefully abit later today, but from just reading the responses so far @Glen\-i mentions that he felt someone is getting severely bullied, and you just dismiss it!


I'm not at all interested in starting an argument in here for anything, but those sort of responses are, for me, exactly some of the problems this community has right now :(


Thank you. I was reading through the responses, and I saw that, and just thought "THIS is the problem". Constant snark. For no reason, provoked attack. I mean, it's not even ironic so fuck knows what he's on about; other than there are some people, and I wasn't surprised who it was, just have a certain way about them, and that's what causes the friction, not what people say, it's all how people say it and how incessant they are with those opinions.


I'm on the Nintendo Boards about once a week, probably less realistically (I've posted twice in the past week - and one of those times Serebii was rude towards me - and then before that not since mid-April), so I don't really have a full picture of what's happening.



I don't really understand what you mean by my point typifying the problem. I didn't really have a point. I was just wondering if I'd missed arguments in the OCB, thought maybe @drahkon could point them out. But if you think I've picked on a problem, could you explain it a little more? You might be on to something.


It's nothing overly complicated, I just meant for me an issue is, people from other boards, who clearly don't like nintendo, don't really play they games, go on the nintendo boards and just rip into most threads, fights start. I'm saying that doesn't happen on the other boards because most people who don't like ps/xb don't go on those boards and rip into those consoles/games they don't play.

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I find it very interesting and and quite poignant that the two people named at the start as trouble makers are @Ronnie and @Serebii the two people who stick up for Nintendo? That's a major problem and indicitive of how this place is run.


Its not the fact that they defend Nintendo, its how they do it and the way they speak to people. Loads of people defend Nintendo on here and have no problems. Nando for example is someone I see posting that kind of stuff and how he doesnt find all that much interesting about the other consoles and you never see people jump down his throat, because he posts normally.


And before anyone jumps down my throat, yes I know it happens on both sides. We all know Sheikah will argue for far too long :p

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Though I don't post in the threads in the Nintendo Gaming board much these days, I do still tend to come in and see what is being discussed, whether something new has been announced or what have you. My gaming tastes may have changed and they may be being met elsewhere but I'm still very much interested in seeing/hearing what Nintendo is up to particularly as playing Nintendo games has been a big part of my life and got me through some tough times.


What I do see when I come to the Nintendo boards is some people trying to get discussions going and then people from either side of the issue (I'll call it that for lack of a better term) essentially prodding and trying to get a rise out of others. It's disheartening to many of us who have been here for so long as the community was what brought me here and is why I stick around as I do, albeit now in the Other Consoles or General Chit Chat thread.


The people doing so don't need to be named again, they already know who they are and though they may argue that they are simply standing up for their viewpoint or what have you, the language that is currently being trotted out by some people is deplorable, wholly unnecessary and, in many cases, is extrapolating the arguments and issues further. I've already seen it happen in this thread, much to mine and probably many others' dismay, and frankly it is getting out of hand.


The crux of the issue isn't that it's Nintendo vs. non-Nintendo gamers. There are many who aren't playing Nintendo games who aren't coming into threads willy-nilly to crap things up or kick off about things. The issue is this particular attitude where people have set up picket lines and will fire off at the tiniest thing. In the end, whether we're playing Nintendo games or not, for the industry's sake it is in the benefit of all, developers, publishers and consumers, that Nintendo continues to thrive and keep going at the top level and it's something we all want. So being able to voice our dismay at some of Nintendo's decisions I think should allow for the breeding of good discussion and shouldn't be jumped on as trolling or crapping on a company.


But likewise, counter viewpoints to this are entirely valid and some of the vitriol coming back on positive Nintendo viewpoints has similarly been disproportionate to what is necessary.


So what needs to be done? I can't really say as a remedy isn't entirely obvious. Though in theory the idea put forward by @RedShell is a good one, it inhibits people from being active in threads should they be interested in a game despite not currently playing it. It's changing attitudes that is the main point of contention and as we can't brainwash or indoctrinate resolution is difficult.


My advice to anyone is to take that necessary step back before you post anything in reply to anyone. Whether it's an hour or a day or more, take that necessary step back to compose yourself and provide a discussion, not a blatant attack on a person's character or opinion. Perhaps the closure of the more general discussion threads temporarily or certain members taking a step back from the boards for a little bit would also help. That doesn't mean that you couldn't post, but taking that more passive role for a little bit before responding may ultimately lead to more fruitful discussion, less argument and a more positive atmosphere. We can argue till we're black or blue about the state of Nintendo currently, but arguing to the point of throwing muck at others till they are black and blue inside does greater damage than anything.


tl;dr - Take a step back, breath, compose and then reply to add to the discussion or debate. Don't simply jump in as it does more harm than good.

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@Serebii, care to weigh in? (Politely!) I'd like to see a bit more context about this.

Because I've yet to see any kind of arrogant behaviour that wasn't instigated by another post.


And even if he is arrogant, even if he's got a reputation. That still doesn't excuse the downright horrific behaviour I've seen directed at him.

You're not gonna improve anyone's behaviour by fighting fire with fire!


I am an arrogant person at times. I do try to control it and I used to be a lot worse. It comes with being Mensa level, top of the school etc., and follows on by my position on the Internet, and I have tried my best to stem it, but it does sometimes seep through.

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