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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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Find it hilarious when people say the gamecube was loads better etc etc forums like this didn't say the same, they hated it, the n64 was loads better, except during r n64 people moaned about that too, no games, lost games to sony, that just had final fantasy 7 released and it's the world's best gsme.... :)


Im pretty sure we'll look back in the Wii u very fondly in the long run.


I'll look back on the games fondly, but the long gaps without games and the almost non-existent third-party support is also something i'll always associate with the Wii U.

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I think the Gamecube was my favourite console, then the SNES. The Wii U hasn't been terrible but it could have been so much better. The gamepad was wasted. I remember Reggie and Iwata saying before it launched that they'd learned their lessons from the 3DS, that their would be plenty of 3rd party support and that online would be the air that we breathe.


The PS4 and XBOX1 are likely to last 6-7 years. The Wii U cost €50 less and will last 4 years. Remember what the Wii was like at the end, expect the same for Wii U with sparse releases. The PS3 and XBOX360 had support right up til the end and beyond into this generation. Also a lot of the Wii U games have felt by the numbers and I'd nearly put the suffix Lite at the end of some of them they've been that short.

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I'll look back on the games fondly, but the long gaps without games and the almost non-existent third-party support is also something i'll always associate with the Wii U.


Doubt it. The n64 was awful for it. It was a disaster and had a huge price cut very quick. It launched with what, 3 gsmes?

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I think the Gamecube was my favourite console, then the SNES. The Wii U hasn't been terrible but it could have been so much better. The gamepad was wasted. I remember Reggie and Iwata saying before it launched that they'd learned their lessons from the 3DS, that their would be plenty of 3rd party support and that online would be the air that we breathe.


The PS4 and XBOX1 are likely to last 6-7 years. The Wii U cost €50 less and will last 4 years. Remember what the Wii was like at the end, expect the same for Wii U with sparse releases. The PS3 and XBOX360 had support right up til the end and beyond into this generation. Also a lot of the Wii U games have felt by the numbers and I'd nearly put the suffix Lite at the end of some of them they've been that short.


Wii U could get the support as it is a HD console, so it should be possible to have games you can play on both consoles (NX and WiiU) without much work for the developers. I do think that it was a bit harder with the Wii U and the Wii??

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Doubt it. The n64 was awful for it. It was a disaster and had a huge price cut very quick. It launched with what, 3 games?


I look back on the 64 in the same way, great games but large gaps between releases and not very good third party support. In fact the N64 was the console that got me buying a secondary console to keep up with all of the games I was missing.


However I have to say, at least back then we had Rare to fill in the gaps around Nintendo releases, and that made a big difference. That and games like Mario Kart and Star fox coming out within the first year.


I've mentioned this a couple of times on this forum but I feel like a lot of the problems that Nintendo have had with the Wii U are the same ones they have had 20 years ago and its insane that they can't seem to fix it.

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I look back on the 64 in the same way, great games but large gaps between releases and not very good third party support. In fact the N64 was the console that got me buying a secondary console to keep up with all of the games I was missing.


However I have to say, at least back then we had Rare to fill in the gaps around Nintendo releases, and that made a big difference. That and games like Mario Kart and Star fox coming out within the first year.


I've mentioned this a couple of times on this forum but I feel like a lot of the problems that Nintendo have had with the Wii U are the same ones they have had 20 years ago and its insane that they can't seem to fix it.


Haha, fair enough, then yeah, you'll remember it pretty well :)


I loved the n64, some of my fondest memories, but I think it's the one that's aged the worst.

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Coming from Reggie Fils-Aime...


"Making people smile is in our DNA. We are a company that’s all about entertainment. One of the things Miyamoto shared was that in his youth, he used to make puppets. So that led to a series of brainstorms and it lead to our little collaboration with Henson studios and creating the Nintendo muppets. It was a very fun collaboration."






Just for $h1t$ & giggles.




Sad I know but the muppet stuff was probably my favourite bit of the Direct. It made me laugh, even now.

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Just for $h1t$ & giggles.




Sad I know but the muppet stuff was probably my favourite bit of the Direct. It made me laugh, even now.


yeah the puppet stuff was awesome. Someone made a video just of all the puppet stuff in one video:



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I don't understand why they should give vouchers or free games away?


The Wii U has a great library of first party games. 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Wind Waker HD, Zelda U, Captain Toad, Bayonetta, Xenoblade, Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, Mario Maker, and loads more I'm forgetting. Sorry but they owe us nothing apart from better third party support.


You're right and you're not.

It most certainly is true that Nintendo don't owe anyone anything. They don't have to do anything that's bad out of a business perspective. However, they sold ten million Wii U's. That's pretty terrible when compared to the competition on one side. On the other: it's TEN MILLION PEOPLE. It's as if every man, woman, child, pensioner alive in Sweden, plus every person who's passed away during the past few years had one. I'd say it most certainly is worth Nintendo's investment to go out of their way to satisfy these ten million current customers. Treat them well and many of them will be early adopters of NX. They'll buy it, spread the word and inspire others to do the same. Make them feel they didn't get their moneys worth and well, the Wii U replacement may sell even worse than the U.


Let's not kid ourselves. The Wii U has had a very small roster of games. Of course, making games of the quality that Nintendo seem to want to maintain does take a lot of resources and Nintendo have a limited ammount of teams. Building new teams that can build games to that quality does take time. What however is unacceptable is that the stuff that has come out hasn't exactly been what customers have been asking for. To make matters worse, the games have been to similar. Personally, I'd like to split the first party lineup thus far into three categories:


2D platformers

New Mario Bros

Luigi U

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

Yarn Yoshi

Clay Kirby

Mario Maker


Minigame compilations


Game & Wario

Mario & Sonic (two of them!)

Mario Party 10

NES Remix (TWO!)

Wii Party U

Wii Sports Club

Animal Crossing


Everything else

3D Mario

Smash Bros

Mario Kart


Wind Waker HD

Zelda U

Starfox Zero

Captain Toad




Mario Maker

Hyrule Warriors

Mario Tennis

Devil's Third


So the first/second party lineup consists of fifteen games that are neither 2D Platformers or minigame compilation. And SIXTEEN games that are. I mean, a grand total of 31 first and second party exclusives isn't bad. That puts my N64 collection to shame, but putting more than half of the games in two quite impopular ganres is just mind boggling. Had Nintendo just spread these games out across more genres and franchises, noone would be complaining. An F-Zero, a Metroid, a 1080 or Wave Race, a Pilotwings, a more free-roaming 3D platformer (Mario 64 2, Donkey Kong 64 2, it doesen't really matter), an FPS to fill the void after Perfect Dark and Goldeneye (why not get the Turok license and give it to Retro?), an equivalent to Gran Turismo (They could've bought out Bizarre Creations when they went bust or employed Sumo who did the 360 version of Forza Horizon 2), a few new IP's, a few ancient ones (Ice Hockey would be cool as there are NO hockey games on the system).


To sum things up: Nintendo don't owe anyone anything. It is however Iwata's personal DUTY to make sure that the consoles his companies are perceived as a package worth the investment. It is his DUTY to utilise Nintendos amazing brand name and IP's to make their machines seem irresistable. With the lacklustre lineup of the U, it would probably be a good idea for Iwata to thank those consumers who actually did "please understand". To reassure them that this new system will be different. Basically, with the transition from Wii U to the next system, he has to do what Sega failed in the transition from Saturn to Dreamcast.

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I WAS disappointed, but then I just had to question what I was expecting.


Metroid Prime Federation; co-op, 30 levels minmum, metroid enemies, metroid weapons/tech. I don't like the graphcal style, but the game will be great fun.


Zelda Triforce; Great


Little Battlers Experience; Great now I know what it is


Paper Mario/Mario and Luigi; Great


Hyrule Warriors; Great, though I'll probably finally get Wii U version


The Wii U games shown were great, just disappointed nothing much new was shown.


My disappointment is the AC stuff not being a proper AC game ( I wouldn't be surprised if they announce anothet AC game based around catching bugs/fishing). It feels like they've split the AC elements up into separate games....surely AC fan will be fatigued/bored with a lot of AC elements by the time the true sequel comes?


My biggest disappointed about E3 was SQUAREENIX and its treatment of western fans. JUST GO TO FUCKING HELL SE!!


I think if you add up all the 3DS announcements from this year and untranslated games (assuming they EVER get any translations) then the 3DS lineup is massive.

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Just for $h1t$ & giggles.




Sad I know but the muppet stuff was probably my favourite bit of the Direct. It made me laugh, even now.

Say what you will about the content of the Digital Event, but the tone and presentation was top notch, and Treehouse has been awesome again this year. Nintendo are still doing brilliantly at presenting their info, they just messed up on what info to present.


@Serebii There was nothing for long periods of time, especially after launch. Had it not been for Monster Hunter my Wii U would have been just sat there for months.


There have been games but the spacing on them has been all over the place. This year they have done a better job at spreading them out, so I'll give them that.


Unlike Nintendo, Sony/Microsoft don't have to rely on their own studios to pump stuff out to keep their platform afloat. They don't need to invest in 1st party stuff as much as Nintendo because the 3rd party titles are the games that the masses are interested in. It's why you see both of them partnering up for things like Destiny and Creed.


Finally, I've mentioned this in the past but most of Nintendo's games, while very polished and fantastic to play, don't last very long. You can usually knock them out in around 15 hours tops. Hell, I practically sat and finished NSMB Wii in couple of sittings over the past couple of days. The other two usually make games with online modes to keep people playing for longer. You finish the story and then have something else to do. Again, meaning they don't need to make as many games to keep people invested in their machine.


I never said otherwise. I know there were droughts due to the lack of third party, but the notion that Nintendo didn't support the Wii U is erroneous


As for how long the games are, you can say that for every non-open world game these days.

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Oh god I'm so bloody sick of doing everything based on what Miyamoto used to do as a fucking child!


What are they going to do when he dies?



I never said otherwise. I know there were droughts due to the lack of third party, but the notion that Nintendo didn't support the Wii U is erroneous


It's not erroneous depending on your interpretation.


Your personal one is Nintendo is supporting the Wii U because they are making games for it.


Another perfectly valid interpretation is they are not supporting the Wii U as well as they could because they are (seemingly) not working to get third parties on board and/or have burnt too many bridges.


You need to stop calling interpretations erroneous because they don't match up with yours.

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Oh god I'm so bloody sick of doing everything based on what Miyamoto used to do as a fucking child!


What are they going to do when he dies?


Where did that come from? Nothing new about that has been made clear. All he did was explain the origins of Starfox 23 years ago



It's not erroneous depending on your interpretation.


Your personal one is Nintendo is supporting the Wii U because they are making games for it.


Another perfectly valid interpretation is they are not supporting the Wii U as well as they could because they are (seemingly) not working to get third parties on board and/or have burnt too many bridges.


You need to stop calling interpretations erroneous because they don't match up with yours.



Nintendo has supported the Wii U more than any other console. That's the thing. Yes, they messed up with third parties but that doesn't mean that they haven't been supporting it themselves.


Therefore, the statement is erroneous. It's not an opinion or an interpretation.

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Where did that come from? Nothing new about that has been made clear. All he did was explain the origins of Starfox 23 years ago


Few posts ago, but I was sleeping at the time :p


Miyamoto shared was that in his youth, he used to make puppets. So that led to a series of brainstorms and it lead to our little collaboration with Henson studios and creating the Nintendo muppets.


Nintendo has supported the Wii U more than any other console. That's the thing. Yes, they messed up with third parties but that doesn't mean that they haven't been supporting it themselves.


Therefore, the statement is erroneous. It's not an opinion or an interpretation.


Nintendo is a console maker and part of their responsibility is to ensure the console is sufficiently supported by more than just themselves. They know this and that's why they try, but have failed. They are increasingly failing at this as every generation goes by. Arguably their increased support of the Wii U is to make up for this gap and it is nice they're trying, but they still found themselves in this position.

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As for how long the games are, you can say that for every non-open world game these days.


Like I said though, most games on the other platforms have rich online experiences to go hand in hand with the single player stuff. Even if the game is only 10+ hours, you continue to play it because of the multiplayer aspect. It's a feature a lot of Nintendo games miss and as such once a game is done then you are left wanting and waiting.

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Not sure I'd call Treehouse awesome, but it's been interesting to have at least. Think I've watched it more this year than I did last year.


I watched everything last year but this year I haven't watched a thing. None of the games really interest me. I've already seen a enough of Mario Maker and Yoshi. Starfox I want to go into blind. Given how short the games usually are, I figured it would be best to stay away from footage.

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I wasn't going to respond to this thread again, but I just have to say that's not what i said, what I'm saying is what made sonys press conference so exciting where the announcements of last guardian, shenmue and final fantasy, the big surprises, and Uncharted that's what "knocked it out of the park", not saying the rest wasn't good and I'm sure you'll try and argue it, but this is what did it, and that nintendo didn't have any of these big shock announcements, i'm just saying it's a different strategy.


Sure, I guess you can say making and showing lots of good games is a different 'strategy' to making bad ones.


What i thought was a reasonable thing to say, but not on the delightful N-Europe.






People don't have to be so defensive and/or attacking about things. They're reasonable points aren't they?!?!


Not that I think that's what has happened here, but you pretty much do this all the time, so I find this a bit hypocritical. Like just the other day with drahkon and his opinion on the Wii U gamepad.

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yeah the puppet stuff was awesome. Someone made a video just of all the puppet stuff in one video:



Yeah, absolutely brilliant. icon14.gif

Perfect GIF material that will unfortunately always be a reminder of that lackluster Digital Event now. :hmm:

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Sure, I guess you can say making and showing lots of good games is a different 'strategy' to making bad ones.




Not that I think that's what has happened here, but you pretty much do this all the time, so I find this a bit hypocritical. Like just the other day with drahkon and his opinion on the Wii U gamepad.


Was that the different strategies point I was making? Good and bad? No. And is Shenmje 3 good huh? Please tell me when you played it. Same with Xenoblade, Mario Maker, Zelda, Paper mario etc etc Please tell me when you played all these bad games....


And no, I didn't attack Drachon, I made a joke about him being weak because he can't life the gamepad... try again!!

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The opening to the direct was just perfect, just absolutely perfect, no company like nintendo. I adore their approach, the reveal and bleed into star fox, me thinking it WAS all going to be in puppet style.... all went sort of downhill after that though... Even the other puppet bits, maybe I was in a bit of a grump, but they felt a little stuck in there and not actually feeding into the next game, just random shots of them all dancing etc...

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The opening to the direct was just perfect, just absolutely perfect, no company like nintendo. I adore their approach, the reveal and bleed into star fox, me thinking it WAS all going to be in puppet style.... all went sort of downhill after that though... Even the other puppet bits, maybe I was in a bit of a grump, but they felt a little stuck in there and not actually feeding into the next game, just random shots of them all dancing etc...


I suppose that's another reason why so many people were are so annoyed at the Direct. When I learned it was going to be 51 minutes, I thought 'great, this is going to be packed with stuff'. Then they opened the show with the puppets, and I thought the style and the humour was fantastic, totally Nintendo and refreshingly different to Sony, MS and the third parties. Then straight out of the gate they bleed into Star Fox in such style, and I was was honestly thinking it was the perfect start to an E3 presentation - then after Star Fox it was just an utter disaster.


Usually E3 shows build to something and this blew all its beans in the first few minutes!

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