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They claim it was an "experience" just for that, but I doubt that


Yeah I'm hoping it really was just an 'experience' and not something they said to minimise the back-lash they recieved after those shots surfaced.


I'm inclined to believe them though because for months they've been saying they're producing a AAA title that everyone is waiting for. Also, I'm sure they said they're no longer devloping just for kinect but I can't remember where I saw that so I hope it wasn't just a wonderful dream :p


Either way, I quite liked Nuts & Bolts, I know it's not what everyone was expecting but I found it an enjoyable game in its own right. I think it just got a bit of the 'Wii Music effect' in that people who hadn't even played it or given it the time of day decided to jump on the hate bandwagon. So even if it's the same team, I'll be happy to play it.


Either way, with Yooka-Laylee on the way, we know that there will be at least one decent Banjo game come 2016 even if Banjo himself isn't in attendance!

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Yeah I'm hoping it really was just an 'experience' and not something they said to minimise the back-lash they recieved after those shots surfaced.


I'm inclined to believe them though because for months they've been saying they're producing a AAA title that everyone is waiting for. Also, I'm sure they said they're no longer devloping just for kinect but I can't remember where I saw that so I hope it wasn't just a wonderful dream :p


Either way, I quite liked Nuts & Bolts, I know it's not what everyone was expecting but I found it an enjoyable game in its own right. I think it just got a bit of the 'Wii Music effect' in that people who hadn't even played it or given it the time of day decided to jump on the hate bandwagon. So even if it's the same team, I'll be happy to play it.


Either way, with Yooka-Laylee on the way, we know that there will be at least one decent Banjo game come 2016 even if Banjo himself isn't in attendance!


I think the main reason Nuts&Bolts is disliked is because it started out life as Banjo3, then became a like a sort-of-remake of the original with a just enough differences thrown in as to be a new game, then eventually it morphed into Nuts&Bolts. The Nuts&Bolts concept was great, and as a spin off of Banjo I enjoyed it, butI think it could have been its own IP and been possibly more successful. Had I never been promised BK3 I probably wouldn't begrudge it slightly :heh:

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I hate Nuts and Bolts because of what they did to Banjo's face.

Yes, I know he looked like that when it was first announced.


I mean, ewwwwww!

He used to be so handsome and then he became a cuboid.


The game wasn't fun for me though, too many menus and building for my liking.

Edited by Glen-i
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Playtonic Games Talks About Why They Chose The Name Yooka-Laylee


Yooka-Laylee is one of the most promising Kickstarter backed project we have seen in a long time. What some of you may be wondering is how the team came about naming the two protagonists Yooka-Laylee. Famed artist Greg Mayles says that they had decided on the names right from the start and they just seemed to fit nicely. Here’s what he had to say about Yooka and Laylee.


Question: Why ‘Yooka’ and ‘Laylee’? Seems a bit convenient to me?


Mayles: It was planned like this from the start. Yes, that’s right. It wasn’t just a happy coincidence that ‘Ukulele’ splits so well into two character names, honest.


Actually, someone on the team picked up a Hawaiian dictionary and apparently ‘’uku’ means ‘a small brained person’ and ‘lele’ means ‘to fly’ or, excitingly, ‘to get off of a vehicle’. That’s definitely not a coincidence either.



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They claim it was an "experience" just for that, but I doubt that


I don't get why this is being brought up. Those in attendance were told this is a crowd based kinect experience for the show at no point was anyone under any illusion that this was an actual game...Geoff Keighley misreporting.

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I don't get why this is being brought up. Those in attendance were told this is a crowd based kinect experience for the show at no point was anyone under any illusion that this was an actual game...Geoff Keighley misreporting.


Maybe the presentation was too confusing, and journalists didn't understand that they were being shown a crowd based kinect experience? :heh:

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Maybe the presentation was too confusing, and journalists didn't understand that they were being shown a crowd based kinect experience? :heh:


I know this is meant to be a jokey comment. But in a world where people got the genders of Yooka and Laylee mixed up (Despite it being in the first sentence of the kickstarter), I honestly don't know what to believe.

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I know this is meant to be a jokey comment. But in a world where people got the genders of Yooka and Laylee mixed up (Despite it being in the first sentence of the kickstarter), I honestly don't know what to believe.


I hadn't even heard of that :heh: I'll keep this thread in mind the next time I'm involved in a discussion regarding how bad game journalists can be at doing their jobs.

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Don't keep it in mind for that discussion about Nintendo and the Wii U reveal though, if that's what you're getting at. 'Cause Ninty did a terrible job on that all by themselves.


If only they had a $699 price tag, giant crab and a fugly boomerang controller at their reveal, that would have saved the console.


Oi! We are not doing this here. Not in this thread!

Don't start with this constant bickering!

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Oi! We are not doing this here. Not in this thread!

Don't start with this constant bickering!

Hey now, I'm quite happy to talk about this game. Jonnas wants to dig up an old point then Jonnas can get your finger wagging. Cheeky. ;)

Edited by Sheikah
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Maybe the presentation was too confusing, and journalists didn't understand that they were being shown a crowd based kinect experience? :heh:


I hadn't even heard of that :heh: I'll keep this thread in mind the next time I'm involved in a discussion regarding how bad game journalists can be at doing their jobs.


Oh god not this again! This isn't even the same as that argument. The site that was citied (gamenesia never even heard of them) certainly seems to be in the minority reporting it as a new Banjo game....Rare even tweeted;


Thanks to @AudienceE for creating a great experience exclusively for the crowd at the @SXSWGaming Awards tonight! #SXSWGaming


It doesn't get much more explicit than that. It was widely reported that Rare didn't even make it. It was made by the studio Rare tweeted at; AudienceE a company who make big screen interactive experiences. You have to wonder how much of a journalist Geoff Keighley is at this point, clearly didn't do his research. Too much time sat in the studio reading from prompters eating Doritos....

Edited by flameboy
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So... this is looking like it's going to hit 1.5million within the next couple of days.


Any ideas for a further stretch goal of 2 million?


If it would reach that kind of figure that is, it's pretty good going for it to have even hit the million mark, if it carries on and makes beyond 2 million then even better. : peace:

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So... this is looking like it's going to hit 1.5million within the next couple of days.


Any ideas for a further stretch goal of 2 million?


If it would reach that kind of figure that is, it's pretty good going for it to have even hit the million mark, if it carries on and makes beyond 2 million then even better. : peace:

I would love to see the board game that Banjo had to move across and answer questions on return in some form. That was sweet. :)

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So... this is looking like it's going to hit 1.5million within the next couple of days.


Any ideas for a further stretch goal of 2 million?


If it would reach that kind of figure that is, it's pretty good going for it to have even hit the million mark, if it carries on and makes beyond 2 million then even better. : peace:


I'm finding it hard to think of anything. They've got everything covered really. If they could add some online components that would be nice.

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I'm wondering if they will add more stretch goals...there is always this worry that the scope shifts and becomes fair to large and hard to manage. Like I said earlier if they did something like will X amount will go towards our next spiritual successor whatever that may be when production on this is done. They can do some sort of teaser image for what this might be and then leave that lingering until Yooka-Laylee is launched. Let's be honest this team must have been talking about what other stuff they'd like to work on.

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What about a hidden castle of some description within one of the worlds which allows you to input some good old-fashioned, game-altering cheat codes by hammering in passwords using the conveniently lettered tiled floor? ;)

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