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Games within games that you and your friends made up


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So I found myself watching an old classic Youtube video once again and laughing my head off as I always do... (if you've not seen it before, skip to about 3:50 and watch as Mario 64 becomes terrifying!)



... and it got me reminiscing about the days when me and my friends/family used to make up all sorts of challenges and games within games.


One of my favourites back in the day was one we used to call Protect Your Home in MK64...




Basically the idea was that you would choose a fort and have 5 mins or so to litter the area with as many items as possible. Afterwards you would go to infiltrate someone else's fort, starting from the ground, and fight your way to the top. First person to get there would win (of course, you could always choose to stick around and screw someone else over as they try to come over to yours ;)


Another little mini challenge I always liked was in Starfox 64/Lylat Wars...



... try doing that... IN THE 1ST PERSON COCKPIT VIEW!! (Yes the cockpit does actually spin, yes it'll probably make you throw up, no I've never managed to pull it off : peace: )


And of course there's always lots of other little ones we used to like doing, like racing backwards through the tracks in the Mario Kart series, or challenges inspired by Perfect Dark's Counter-Op mode, where you play various games in co-op, with one player trying to screw over the other at every opportunity...


There's other famous ones of course, like the 1% Challenge in Metroid Fusion, or Swordless Link runs in OoT, or low level runs/3 Heart Challenges, but what ones did you always like doing yourself? What games did you and your friends used to make up? (Drinking games count too of course! I know that the Mario Party series particularly is ripe for this ;) )

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When GTA: San Andreas came out, me and a mate set a challenge. Which was to get any vehicle up Mount Chilliard, and even land a plane on it (and take off again) if possible. I managed to get a truck and trailer up there, he nearly got a combine harvester up before it fell off the mountain. He managed to land a small jet on the mountain, but couldn't take off as there wasn't enough room to do so. I did get a military jet on there, and took off again as i was able to rotate the thrust.

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That's a good one! : peace: I'm not really a fan of GTA myself, but it's really ripe for stuff like that!


Games like Smash Bros or Super Monkey Ball (or anything really physics based) are always really great for those kinds of challenges! Speaking of the latter, trying to break stages in the GCN SMB games was always great fun :D (I remember there was one stage in the 1st game where I always used to try beating it by jumping off the stage, bouncing off of the scenery and falling back onto it - I was so proud when I finally pulled it off!)

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Speaking of the latter, trying to break stages in the GCN SMB games was always great fun :D (I remember there was one stage in the 1st game where I always used to try beating it by jumping off the stage, bouncing off of the scenery and falling back onto it - I was so proud when I finally pulled it off!)


I'm pretty sure that's how I beat most of the harder levels in that game.

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Super Monkey Ball, in the target glide challenge (I forget what it is called.) Four players, one player and three Angels of Death. One player goes first to land on any of the islands. The other players must then knock them into the water while quoting verses about the Angel of Death. Then take turns to be the player and tabulate scores after x number of rounds.


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I remember in Lylat Wars multiplayer, we'd have one person on foot while the others are in Landmasters, Landmasters weren't allowed to shoot.


First person to run over the on-foot player wins the round.

Ultimate shame if you actually got beaten by the on-foot player.


Had more fun with that than the actual game.


I'm sure there's loads more we did, but I can't remember most of them...

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I recall doing things like this well back in the day, but nothing particular springs to mind right now as nobody I know now really does it anymore. Me and a mate of mine do some silly things in Smash sometimes, inspired by some chillen and azn vids(which I'll try to find and post when I'm home). A classic in Smash amongst more of my friends is to get certain kills with certain characters(no9s for g&w, rest for jiggly, up+b landing for dedede, classic falcon/warlock punches, green rocket misfires etcetcetc).

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Not really a game, but I remember for that Super Monkey Ball flight game immediately turning right or left at the word go, and ploughing into my friends. They would either get knocked off the platform or it would ruin their run. Soon, they would try and do the same to me, until we ended up Sumo wrestling on the top of the platform.


We did occasionally try and fall off the back of the platform and glide to safety, but it was always too hard.

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I have to try out that mushroom one from Mario 64 :D and weirdly enough we also did the block fort thing.


We did a similar thing with DK64, on the factory multilayer level there are 4 coloured rooms and a big middle room. We all used to claim a room and tried to protect it as well as we could with the middle yellow room being an anything goes.

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So I found myself watching an old classic Youtube video once again and laughing my head off as I always do... (if you've not seen it before, skip to about 3:50 and watch as Mario 64 becomes terrifying!)



... and it got me reminiscing about the days when me and my friends/family used to make up all sorts of challenges and games within games.


One of my favourites back in the day was one we used to call Protect Your Home in MK64...




Basically the idea was that you would choose a fort and have 5 mins or so to litter the area with as many items as possible. Afterwards you would go to infiltrate someone else's fort, starting from the ground, and fight your way to the top. First person to get there would win (of course, you could always choose to stick around and screw someone else over as they try to come over to yours ;)


Another little mini challenge I always liked was in Starfox 64/Lylat Wars...



... try doing that... IN THE 1ST PERSON COCKPIT VIEW!! (Yes the cockpit does actually spin, yes it'll probably make you throw up, no I've never managed to pull it off : peace: )


And of course there's always lots of other little ones we used to like doing, like racing backwards through the tracks in the Mario Kart series, or challenges inspired by Perfect Dark's Counter-Op mode, where you play various games in co-op, with one player trying to screw over the other at every opportunity...


There's other famous ones of course, like the 1% Challenge in Metroid Fusion, or Swordless Link runs in OoT, or low level runs/3 Heart Challenges, but what ones did you always like doing yourself? What games did you and your friends used to make up? (Drinking games count too of course! I know that the Mario Party series particularly is ripe for this ;) )


Oh man. I'm going to have to buy Mario 64 again now, aren't I? :(

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Just watching through the pilot of Chillin with Chu atm - @Goron_3 might appreciate. They basically go and play people online and set each other challenges of ways to kill/finish/win/play in the match. Seems to start with the second match(start at 3:30). Must apologise if it isn't a constant thing, I've only seen this bit and another video! It's kinda fun to watch them trying to hit it if you like Smash though. They're also a bit annoying to start, so def skip to that 3.30 mark ;)

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Did this silly challenge on F-Zero X. My friend would stop at the top of the jump on Port Town, then I'd try and drive as fast as possible, spin attack into him and see how far he'd go. Think we managed to get to the finish line once.

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Did this silly challenge on F-Zero X. My friend would stop at the top of the jump on Port Town, then I'd try and drive as fast as possible, spin attack into him and see how far he'd go. Think we managed to get to the finish line once.


This actually happened with me in F-Zero GX :heh: My car broke down on my last life, but before it exploded, a CPU rammed into me and sent me flying right into crossing the finish line. Ended up winning the cup, too!

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