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Call of Duty: Black Ops III


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I await the...





What are the publishers thinking? Surely selling thousands of copies doesn't make sense. Says no business ever.


It will be great if it plays like the previous games. It would be good to get some of the old crew back together for this.

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All the futuristic stuff in Advanced Warfare was cool in the single player campaign, but I didn't really like it in the multiplayer. Think I'll give it a miss if the multiplayer is like that again.


The previous Black Ops games had quite a big N-E following online... I wonder if a Wii U version of Black Ops 3 happens, would you all get it on Wii U or PS4? (I'm assuming most people who played the old games have a PS4 now)

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All the futuristic stuff in Advanced Warfare was cool in the single player campaign, but I didn't really like it in the multiplayer. Think I'll give it a miss if the multiplayer is like that again.


The previous Black Ops games had quite a big N-E following online... I wonder if a Wii U version of Black Ops 3 happens, would you all get it on Wii U or PS4? (I'm assuming most people who played the old games have a PS4 now)


I'd pick it up on the PS4, on the WiiU it won't sell enough and there won't be enough players online to play all the different game modes.


That's if I pick it up at all though, I didn't buy AW because Ghosts and BO2 were such let-downs.

Edited by Kav
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I'd pick it up on the PS4, on the WiiU it won't sell enough and there won't be enough ayers online to play all the different game modes.


That's if I pick it up at all though, I didn't buy AW because Ghosts and BO2 were such let-downs.


And also because we have the amazing BF4 to play on plus all the DLC that has not really been touched!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never thought I'd ever be interested in multiple CoD games in a row again, yet here we are.


Here we are.



Will include a 4-player online campaign mode, choice of male or female protagonist and "fluid" movement with larger "open" levels & maps to match.

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  • 3 months later...

The beta is up. You can pre order and cancel. e.g on Amazon etc. Works on UK PSN where it also wont charge you. : peace:


My impressions are good so far. Its been a long time for me playing COD. So far this is quite polished for a beta. Movement is good. Game is fast and auto aim is not too strong like in say Titanfall. It looks more colourful than COD normally does.


There is plenty of movement options. You have a thrust pack which can enhance movement. You can wall run too. I like that matches are short. Every other game nowadays actually is on the long side of things. customisation and special classes seem fun. Taking something from Destiny i guess. Mechanics work well and its fun to play. JMatchmaking is always putting you in complete matches mostly(killzone does the opposite). lots to like.


You now have connection data which shows you your ping and other stats such as ehere you are connected with graphs etc. This helps alot! Much better than what other games show you. Didnt think a COD game would be the first to do this lol.


I actually like this so far. Conisdering a purchase.

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  • 2 months later...
So did anyone pick this up? One of my mates has it and is pestering me to get it... but with BF4 and also Battlefront on the horizon I'm not sure how much I'd play it.


My nephew was pestering me and lostmario to get it. Had Battlefront not been arriving then I would have snapped it up without a second thought but it just seemed pointless buying a shooter that I would only play for a week.

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I posted about it in the Gaming Diary thread in the other board, but picked it up and finished it the other night.


My general thoughts are that it's ok. It's made some good improvements to the movement system that Advanced Warfare brought in, with this being more apparent in the multiplayer where it does feel faster paced and gives you a bit of strategy for movement around the maps. The age old issue of lag compensation still exists with the game though, and I thought it seemed more problematic than usual. There are also a lot of people playing in on the PS4 using lag switching making it a pretty bad experience, from what I've played in. It's not every single match, more once every couple, but it's enough to have put a major dampener on it for me as I was loving the new movement system, the specialists and the new Safeguard mode.


Zombies seems to be decent enough but I've never really been that fussed for the game mode myself so haven't and won't be putting in that much time on it.


The Campaign is the main bug bear for me. There's a good story in there but a lack of exposition or clarification throughout doesn't help it. And to me, I do feel as though the story would have been better used outside of the Call of Duty brand because I think the whole "Over-reliant on technology, what happens when things go wrong with it" could have been better used and explored in a new IP. It left me very confused as to what was going on but having read up on some of the theories going round, it now makes sense but it shouldn't fall to having to read up outside of the game to understand what's happened.


Mechanically, it's solid but the set pieces in the Campaign are pretty poor this time around. The only stand out is one particularly weird and quirky idea about two thirds of the way through but in the grand scheme of things, it's lacking in strong moments.


So yeah, it's ok but with so much else coming out, I wouldn't put it at the top of your list for picking up.

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