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Nintendo Direct - April 1st - 11pm BST


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There are plenty of examples, Ronnie just chooses to ignore them.


You only need to look at Mario Party 10, Wario Ware U, Sticker Star, for examples of where Nintendo also recently missed the boat. It happens. We just don't all get hung up on it.


But... But I like all 3 of those games...

You, sir, are a meanie doo doo head!

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Sheesh. Wasn't my point, just trying to help facilitate conversation. What's the point though when people are more concerned with pissing contests.

Yeah but they aren't Nintendo developed titles so therefore the statement that Nintendo puts the gameplay first is still valid. :p

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Well when we are discussing Nintendo developed games, yes they can.

I'm not sure if you misunderstood me or are deliberately ignoring what I said.


I'm saying that those examples do prove Nintendo don't always put gameplay first because they outsource development to other companies that don't necessarily hold the same values. In this case, they put time and resources above creating a game themselves so it has solid gameplay.

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Yeah but they aren't Nintendo developed titles so therefore the statement that Nintendo puts the gameplay first is still valid. :p


Oh so now they're not Nintendo developed games? You pick and choose things to suit your argument. I will try to remember this for future reference for when you switch back again. Like when I questioned what Nintendo themselves were developing because very little seemed to be on the release schedule and you threw those game titles out as a defence.

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Oh so now they're not Nintendo developed games? You pick and choose things to suit your argument. I will try to remember this for future reference for when you switch back again. Like when I questioned what Nintendo themselves were developing because very little seemed to be on the release schedule and you threw those game titles out as a defence.

No, not "now" they're not. They're not.


You also didn't say developing then, you said releasing.

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There are plenty of examples, Ronnie just chooses to ignore them.


You only need to look at Mario Party 10, Wario Ware U, Sticker Star, for examples of where Nintendo also recently missed the boat. It happens. We just don't all get hung up on it.


But... But I like all 3 of those games...

You, sir, are a meanie doo doo head!


But... the mentioned games all have solid gameplay, though. Or am I missing something? :confused:




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From what I've heard, the games are pretty weak. Not played them though.
Not played MP10, but nothing wrong with Game & Wario from a gameplay standpoint at all.

The only problem with Game & Wario is that it's severely lacking in content, embarrassingly so compared to other games in the WarioWare series (WW:Snapped not included :heh:).

And Sticker Star from what I remember was really confusing at times and just weirdly designed in general, :blank: otherwise it was pretty good. Relax, Fused King. :D

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Yeah but they aren't Nintendo developed titles so therefore the statement that Nintendo puts the gameplay first is still valid. :p


The point that I don't give a flying fuck is also still valid. I've met religious zealots that are more chill.

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I'm not letting that one slide, Fused King.


Since when is someone not allowed to like a game?

I can understand if you don't like it, but that doesn't mean I can't.

That just comes off as obtuse.


I think it was more in reference to Paper Mario : Sticker Star which in terms of gameplay is vastly inferior to say... Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door which for me is still the pinnacle of the series as I'm sure it is for many others.


Now personally I don't mind what people like, you can like Sticker Star, anyone can, it's no business of mine and just because I couldn't bring myself to finish the game doesn't mean that other people may choose to persevere with it.


The way I saw Fused King's comment is that of jest as I know that he also adores the second entry in the Paper Mario series just as much as I do if not more but that's not to say that someone couldn't just like all of the games in the series but in my opinion there is a gulf in terms of gameplay quality between these two games and I would actually welcome those rumours of a remake of TTYD if they turned out to be true, though if it were me I would have gone with a HD Wii U re-release instead.


Either way, love for the Paper Mario series can only be considered a very good thing indeed. : peace:

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