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Is Nintendo-Only gaming Damaging Your Hobby


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I ask as a continuation of a post in the Wii U General board and this is something that I feel has affected me.


I basically feel that being a Nintendo-only console owner (I always hated having multiple, over clogging systems around) has dampened the love I have had for gaming.


I feel this is due to a lack of variety of games and under-whelming Nintendo first-party games.


A good example of the latter was my lack of desire to complete Skyward sword - Zelda being my favourite series. I also couldn't be bothered to try Smash Bros U after 3 generations of traditionally buying the previous games - I guess this could fall under variety.


I know my lust for gaming still exists as I still thoroughly enjoy Command and Conquer 3 online on PC and play it weekly.


My question is does anybody else who tends to own one Nintendo home console feel the same? Or maybe you feel a decline in your gaming activity but attribute it to something else? Essentially, is anyone in the same boat as me? Or are your needs perfectly met by Nintendo's offerings - why?


(Disclaimer: i have no bias agenda here).

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I ask as a continuation of a post in the Wii U General board and this is something that I feel has affected me.


I basically feel that being a Nintendo-only console owner (I always hated having multiple, over clogging systems around) has dampened the love I have had for gaming.


I feel this is due to a lack of variety of games and under-whelming Nintendo first-party games.


A good example of the latter was my lack of desire to complete Skyward sword - Zelda being my favourite series. I also couldn't be bothered to try Smash Bros U after 3 generations of traditionally buying the previous games - I guess this could fall under variety.


I know my lust for gaming still exists as I still thoroughly enjoy Command and Conquer 3 online on PC and play it weekly.


My question is does anybody else who tends to own one Nintendo home console feel the same? Or maybe you feel a decline in your gaming activity but attribute it to something else? Essentially, is anyone in the same boat as me? Or are your needs perfectly met by Nintendo's offerings - why?


(Disclaimer: i have no bias agenda here).


I agree with basically everything you're saying. Especially the part about owning multiple consoles. That's not really for me and I can't really manage handheld and home console, so I tend to go for one or the other.


I bought into the Wii's concept mainly because the idea sounded great. There was tremendous potential with the controller and as a result it had me interested. I could live without missing out on HD because I didn't really know better and I was at a busy time in my life where I would only dip into gaming every now and again. In that sense, the Wii fitted me perfectly.


Now that I've got a bit more time here and there to game, I've been more eager to get back into it. Unfortunately, I don't buy into the WiiU's concept (not even sure if there really is one, tbh, the brand is confusing) and the games haven't grabbed me. I'm a massive Nintendo fan and adored the N64 in particular. I used to dream about where the future would take us with Nintendo and I feel that there have been tons of missed opportunities over the years.


I used to dream about playing a video game based on the film Alien and have only the one creature to face in a tense game. I've got that now. I used to play FIFA96 on the SNES and dream about playing with 10 other people, one player each against another 11. I can do that now. Unfortunately, I've grown bored of what they're producing and it isn't really what I want from gaming. I feel that the types of games that I want to play just aren't appearing on the WiiU.

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Not really. I've not really found anything enticing on other platforms. There's a couple of "oh, that'd be nice if I had the console", but nothing I feel like I'm missing out on. Haven't touched my 360 since GTAV and my PS3 is just a BluRay/Netflix/4oD machine now.


The Nintendo platforms provide what I need. I don't care about military shooters, hyper realistic graphics or games that rely too much on narrative and less on actual gameplay, so there's little out on the other platforms that are enticing to me at this point.


I also don't like the seeming lack of quality control that exists on the other platforms. Too often games are put out, and there have to be huge patches either day one or soon after (or in Halo's case, 6 months after) just to fix it and bring it up to be a quality product. Nintendo's games are mostly without this, seldom even having a patch and often when it does get a patch, it's typically to add new functionality rather than just to fix things.


What will change that? Red Dead Redemption sequel. Maybe Assassin's Creed Victory (I've wanted Victorian London for ages). Mass Effect that takes it back to basics and a few others.


Nintendo's games really, they bring out a joy in me others don't. While playing through various games, I feel "Yeah this is a decent enough game. Well made, long, compelling etc.", but while playing Nintendo made games, I just end up with a big grin on my face. When I die in a stage, rather than utter profanity, I just burst into laughter. That's what gaming is to me, and that's why being Nintendo only so far this generation hasn't ruined gaming for me. If anything, it saved it after the mundane feelings I was having towards the end of last generation.

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Don't get me started on Skyward Sword. Awful, awful, truly awful Zelda game but it's just a blip on an otherwise impeccable record.


Regarding your question, I don't know about damaging, maybe. I do miss certain games since all the 3rd party support has gone on the Wii U. Indies? A few are great but you don't buy a sports car to drive at 5 m.p.h.

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Don't get me started on Skyward Sword. Awful Zelda game but it's just a blip on an otherwise impeccable record.


Regarding your question, I don't know about damaging, maybe. I do miss certain games since all the 3rd party support has gone on the Wii U. Indies? A few are great but you don't buy a sports car to drive at 5 m.p.h.


That's a bit disrespectful towards the indie games, imo. I've spent tons of time playing PSN games. Currently playing OlliOlli2 and Ine is playing Rogue Legacy. Both are top quality titles. Indie games aren't really a lesser choice, they are just another option. It's nice being able to flip between something like The Last of Us one moment and then be on OlliOlli2 the next. THAT is variety.

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That's a bit disrespectful towards the indie games, imo. I've spent tons of time playing PSN games. Currently playing OlliOlli2 and Ine is playing Rogue Legacy. Both are top quality titles. Indie games aren't really a lesser choice, they are just another option. It's nice being able to flip between something like The Last of Us one moment and then be on OlliOlli2 the next. THAT is variety.


I was totally against the idea of buying indie games but I've been a big supporter of them. Guacamelee, Shovel Knight, Toki Tori, Toki Tori 2, Shovel Knight, Pure Chess, Stealth Inc. 2, Mighty Switch Force, Mighty Switch Force 2, Trine 2 and Unepic. I'm sure I've missed a few and I'll buy much more. I didn't mean to be disrespectful but I want big budget games like Batman Arkham Knight too.

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Thankfully I've never had this problem. Even when Nintendo consoles were my main console I have still usually had at least one other place to play games, either another console or PC gaming for a good variety of games. I do think though that while I couldnt completely drop other consoles or PC, I could drop whatever the current Nintendo console was without much complaint.

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@King_V: I'd say this is a question of always sticking by the same developer. It doesn't matter how good they are, it's going to feel repetitive at one point.


I do recommend exploring PC gaming (or even just indie gaming if you haven't), for some variety. I know it's been more practical for me.


What I said in the other thread also applies in reverse: sticking to your favourites is nice and all, but variety might be what you need right now.

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I was totally against the idea of buying indie games but I've been a big supporter of them. Guacamelee, Shovel Knight, Toki Tori, Toki Tori 2, Shovel Knight, Pure Chess, Stealth Inc. 2, Mighty Switch Force, Mighty Switch Force 2, Trine 2 and Unepic. I'm sure I've missed a few and I'll buy much more. I didn't mean to be disrespectful but I want big budget games like Batman Arkham Knight too.


Yeah, fair enough. I agree actually and part of the reason why I can't go Nintendo-only is that the big budget games or even just big third party releases aren't coming to it.

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At the moment, yes, I am a Nintendo-only gamer. I should make it clear, though, that this is very little to do with fandom, and everything to do with time. Back in Gen 6 I had Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube and Xbox, so I don't feel I have a bias against any of the companies. For whatever reason, however, I just don't feel like I can fully keep up with the wider industry nowadays, and am satisfied by just having the Nintendo machines.


The funny thing is I don't consider myself a big Nintendo fan and am happy to miss out on the more iterative series like Mario Kart and Smash Bros. I buy Nintendo consoles because a) they have the huge exclusives like Mario and Zelda, and b) I feel companies aiming at old-school gamers develop for them, such as WayForward and Sega (look at their 3D Classics).


So no, I don't feel like this is damaging my hobby. If Nintendo did ever have to drop out, it'd be a shame, but I'd just buy one of the other consoles, because there is always someone making the sort of thing I like.

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I felt like it was becoming a problem for me back in the N64 era, which was was why I decided to get a Dreamcast to play between N64 releases back then. As much as I like Nintendo's output over anything else, their games alone are not enough and if their consoles are going to have such limited Third party support then it makes the situation seem worse.


I'm glad I have a PC and other consoles to play games on, because if I relied on Nintendo only I would be missing out on so much.

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Indies? A few are great but you don't buy a sports car to drive at 5 m.p.h.


What a stupid thing to say and typical of the immaturity of a large portion of the gamer culture. A great game is a great game, regardless of whether it's Shovel Knight or Destiny.


I was totally against the idea of buying indie games


I'd genuinely love to know why that is/was. Why were you totally against the idea of buying indie games?

Edited by Ronnie
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I suppose some might call me crazy, but I've been NINTENDO-only Handheld & Console for a looong time now and I've built up a backlog to last me a lifetime.

Games that are on my to-buy list must exceed over a 100 and span from DS to 3DS and from GameCube to Wii to Wiiu including downloadable titles.


I'm down for a lot of genres so I suppose that helps.


So my answer would be no, there's always something for me to play on a NINTENDO console and it works for me.

Edited by Fused King
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I'm generally 80-90% Nintendo only, I also have a PS3 and had a Xbox 360 in the house but never really have the time to get the best out of all three. The others only ever seem to catch my attention for a short amount of time. I loved what I played on the PS3, The Last of Us being one of my favourite games of recent years, but if anything, getting all the Plus games was a bit overwhelming - I couldn't actually keep up with all the stuff I had to play. I guess that's what comes from being a late adopter. My subscription ended, so I'll probably go back to this backlog of games when I pick up a PS4 at some point in the future.


I would like to have a PS4, but there hasn't been a game that makes me think I really need one yet, and I don't feel like I suffer droughts from only having Wii U/3DS - I generally always have something to play, and I'm not the type to buy every single release/download lots of VC and indie games. I guess I'm fortunate that review copies occasionally boost my library, so discounting Xenoblade, which I got free, the only game I've bought this year is Majora's Mask. On top of that, I still have the majority of Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, NSMBU and Wind Waker HD to play, loads and loads of stuff to do on Hyrule Warriors, then the multiplayer fun of Smash and Mario Kart. Even if I didn't have that backlog, I'd still have enough to play. I definitely don't feel neglected. I do feel I have been more of a 3DS gamer this gen, though. It's such an under appreciated console.


I do actually wonder how others find so much time for gaming - especially with how much time many spend posting on here! I guess I'm relatively casual in my gaming, it's one of many hobbies instead of taking priority over anything else. I would love it if Nintendo had all the third parties, FIFA, etc. available, but I generally don't feel like I'm missing out on too much. Nintendo provide me with what I generally enjoy, and I will then play stuff on offer elsewhere if I have the time/money/desire for it.

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The Nintendo platforms provide what I need. I don't care about military shooters, hyper realistic graphics or games that rely too much on narrative and less on actual gameplay, so there's little out on the other platforms that are enticing to me at this point.


What will change that? Red Dead Redemption sequel. Maybe Assassin's Creed Victory (I've wanted Victorian London for ages). Mass Effect that takes it back to basics

See I feel like you know better than this @Serebii, surely you yourself could pretty much justify the purchase of a PS4/One on the Indie scene alone?


Rime, ABZU, Velocity 2x, Ori and the Blind Forest, No Mans Sky, Transistor, Volume, Apotheon, Everybody's gone to the rapture, The Witness, The Tomorrow Children, WiLD, Inside, Broken Age, Below, Cuphead, Drifter, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Valient Hearts, OliOli, Trials, Mighty No 9, Source


The list doesn't end.

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See I feel like you know better than this @Serebii, surely you yourself could pretty much justify the purchase of a PS4/One on the Indie scene alone?


Rime, ABZU, Velocity 2x, Ori and the Blind Forest, No Mans Sky, Transistor, Volume, Apotheon, Everybody's gone to the rapture, The Witness, The Tomorrow Children, WiLD, Inside, Broken Age, Below, Cuphead, Drifter, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Valient Hearts, OliOli, Trials, Mighty No 9, Source


The list doesn't end.


Only one of those that interests me is No Man's Sky

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I've always been a Nintendo gamer for as long as i can remember. I've owned a NES, N64, Gamecube, Wii and WiiU in the home console market, and i've owned a Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Advance, DS and 3DS in terms of the handheld market. Generally, Nintendo have kept my appetite for gaming going pretty healthily over the years. I've played some fantastic games, and have great memories.


However, it was around the time of the Wii that i ventured into unknown territory with a purchase of an Xbox 360. The Wii itself, a great machine. But it was the motion controls that started to put me off Nintendo, which so happened to help Nintendo sell Wii's by the bucket load. Don't get me wrong, i enjoyed playing on the Wii. But this was (at the time) the first Nintendo console since i was younger, where i didn't really buy any games for it. I did play both the Galaxy games, Smash and Mario Kart. But that was about it, i mainly used the Wii to play Gamecube and Virtual Console titles when i went on it. I felt that there were a few gems out there for the Wii, but after going through the Gamecube era with many games being cancelled and the Wii having a lot of party-based games, i didn't want to go through that again. Hence a 360 purchase to fill that void, which i don't regret one bit.


And now, looking back at it. I don't regret buying a 360 to fill in that gaming void i felt i was having. Played so many games, i can't list them all. It also helped me decide on combo'ng a One/PS4 with a WiiU. Again, something i don't regret doing. As well as playing all the great Nintendo games, i can also play the likes of Witcher 3, Arkham Knight and many Indie-based titles which i could/would have missed out on.

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The variety is there without the indies @Ronnie, however you can't see it, and so it's just easier tbh.


Even @Sheikah has finally seen the light:


(No Man's Sky) is a new (and rather exciting looking) experience, something different to the many sequels and similar types of games that are continuously being pumped out these days.
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Nope, nowhere there have I suggested that there isn't variety on those consoles. Very poor form of you (but not at all unexpected) to interpret my comment that way!


If anything my criticism of the sequel culture is levelled at Nintendo more than anyone else, even though it happens on all consoles. It's just the biggest problem on Nintendo consoles as almost all of their big games are these sequels, while the other consoles have many more new big games to buffer the old. With Nintendo's sequels it's often a sequel that hasn't changed much over generations, too. When I'm playing the next NSMB I'm really quite aware of how much this plays out like the first, all those years ago. And when it came to Smash recently, I just felt total apathy to play more than a smattering games with friends. There's only so long you can play a particular game.


I think you're also confusing variety with sequel culture. You might be able to make a case that Nintendo has variety as it has racers, platformers, some shooter games, etc. You can have a variety of games, but that variety can be nearly the same variety each time.


Think of it this way - imagine having a tin of Celebrations and commenting favourably about the variety contained within. Now imagine having the same tin of chocolates the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. You know, sometimes I'd like a tin of Roses. And with No Man's Sky, and quite a few other titles that bring something new to the table, I feel like that's what I'm getting. Sometimes it's not always a new IP that gives you that feeling, rather new gameplay mechanics, or something that hasn't been placed in front of me an awful lot in the past 5 years.


And you know, maybe I still have a soft spot for some Celebrations. But like so much in life, balance is key.

Edited by Sheikah
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Weirdly, Im the opposite. I've bought pretty much every single gsming device since the Atari, but this gen, I've moved more towards Nintendo then ever before. The ps4 has been the most underwhelming console ive ever owned, by some distance, so underwhelming it's made me love Nintendo more and I'm playing retro Nintendo games, which is thrilling me more than any playstation game. Bought a vita at launch, loved stsrdust, havent rewlly touched it since, but quite like it, mortal kombat, wipeout, uncharted, all great. but for some reason. Maybe limited free time, but I just want to play on my Nintendo devices. And the ipad.

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Then either you simply don't know about many of these games, or you have double standards.

Or we have differing tastes in games. Has nothing to do with double standards.


Nope, nowhere there have I suggested that there isn't variety on those consoles. Very poor form of you (but not at all unexpected) to interpret my comment that way!


If anything my criticism of the sequel culture is levelled at Nintendo more than anyone else, even though it happens on all consoles. It's just the biggest problem on Nintendo consoles as almost all of their big games are these sequels, while the other consoles have many more new big games to buffer the old. With Nintendo's sequels it's often a sequel that hasn't changed much over generations, too. When I'm playing the next NSMB I'm really quite aware of how much this plays out like the first, all those years ago. And when it came to Smash recently, I just felt total apathy to play more than a smattering games with friends. There's only so long you can play a particular game.


I think you're also confusing variety with sequel culture. You might be able to make a case that Nintendo has variety as it has racers, platformers, some shooter games, etc. You can have a variety of games, but that variety can be nearly the same variety each time.


Think of it this way - imagine having a tin of Celebrations and commenting favourably about the variety contained within. Now imagine having the same tin of chocolates the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. You know, sometimes I'd like a tin of Roses. And with No Man's Sky, and quite a few other titles that bring something new to the table, I feel like that's what I'm getting. Sometimes it's not always a new IP that gives you that feeling, rather new gameplay mechanics, or something that hasn't been placed in front of me an awful lot in the past 5 years.


And you know, maybe I still have a soft spot for some Celebrations. But like so much in life, balance is key.

I question your criticism of Nintendo for doing sequels over the other ones when Nintendo's sequels are few and far between, typically one per device rather than annual which happens on the other formats. Why is it a problem for Nintendo to have a sequel to say Mario every few years but not Ubisoft for their annual Assassin's Creed and so many other examples? Especially as Nintendo's sequels are usually vastly different to their predecessor (New Super Mario Bros. series notwithstanding)

Edited by Serebii
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