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I think Winter 2016 is the earliest they can release it really. I was hoping Nintendo would atleast give the Wii U a passable life span... 4 years just seems too harsh. But seeing how few games appear on the radar...


4 years does seem short, but I think it's reasonable enough. Nintendo have given it enough time so that they aren't short changing Wii U owners like Sega used to do.


I looked up how long previous consoles had and I was surprised to find out the DS came out in 2004, only 3 years after the GBA was released and only a year after the SP came out. There were almost 7 years between the release of the Nintendo DS and the 3DS, amazing to think it had double the time the GBA had. Traditionally for home consoles there is usually 5 years between releases, as there was between the N64, Gamecube and Wii, so 4 years isn't too bad when you look into it.


Looking through the history of Nintendo's handheld's got me thinking about the sale figures for each of them, so I looked at the wiki for Biggest Selling Games Consoles and was amazed to find that the PSP had sold over 82 million units. I had no idea it had been so popular, especially considering how popular the DS was at the same time, according to the figures the PSP was more popular than the GBA, which sold 81 million units.

Edited by killthenet
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It has to come out next year. They cant ride the Wii U into 2017, maybe they could with the 3DS.


The fact that the rumour suggest they intend to ship 10 million plus next year indicates to me that it could be both the handheld and home console NX.


I agree with Liger, if it is out next year then do a PS4 and reveal a bunch of stuff earlier in the year and come E3 blow it all out.

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Remember when me and you were discussing a 2016 release for their next console and certain people kept disagreeing? : peace:


There is one particular post that will certainly be getting dragged up if the NX does in fact release next year. I have a stupidly good memory for conversations I have with people ( both on message boards and IRL ) and I didn't appreciate the way I was being talked to.


Still, these are just rumours but all signs are pointing towards a release next year. As I said last week, and others have also mentioned, I don't think Nintendo can afford another year like they've had in terms of mindshare. The longer they wait, the more irrelevant they become in the console space.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I think Winter 2016 is the earliest they can release it really. I was hoping Nintendo would atleast give the Wii U a passable life span... 4 years just seems too harsh. But seeing how few games appear on the radar...


I think the reality is no matter what Nintendo said they knew after 18 months of the wii u that it was a bust. 4 years is short but a release for holidays 2016 makes sense.


Personally for me I'm so ready for a new handheld and Nintendo console. Sooner the wii u becomes a distant memory the better.

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4 years does seem short, but I think it's reasonable enough. Nintendo have given it enough time so that they aren't short changing Wii U owners like Sega used to do.


I looked up how long previous consoles had and I was surprised to find out the DS came out in 2004, only 3 years after the GBA was released and only a year after the SP came out. There were almost 7 years between the release of the Nintendo DS and the 3DS, amazing to think it had double the time the GBA had. Traditionally for home consoles there is usually 5 years between releases, as there was between the N64, Gamecube and Wii, so 4 years isn't too bad when you look into it.


Looking through the history of Nintendo's handheld's got me thinking about the sale figures for each of them, so I looked at the wiki for Biggest Selling Games Consoles and was amazed to find that the PSP had sold over 82 million units. I had no idea it had been so popular, especially considering how popular the DS was at the same time, according to the figures the PSP was more popular than the GBA, which sold 81 million units.



I think a difference with the DS was that it was sold as a 3rd pillar. I think the GBA was still supported after the DS was released (or am I making that up?) because Nintendo had planned for failure.


I think the reality is no matter what Nintendo said they knew after 18 months of the wii u that it was a bust. 4 years is short but a release for holidays 2016 makes sense.


Personally for me I'm so ready for a new handheld and Nintendo console. Sooner the wii u becomes a distant memory the better.


I remember the Wii well enough.. I'm not happy if the Wii U only lasts 4 years, but I'd be less happy if it had 5 years with the 5th being more or less void of new releases.

I don't really know I am so ready.. after the last year or two of the Wii I became disinterested in gaming... so I only got my Wii U a year ago... I think I'll give it 5 years for me... after that I'll see if the NX interests me.


Console ages judged by looking at the first month of release (global) to the first month of release of the successor...


88 months Nes 1983 July

67 months Snes 1990 November

63 months N64 1996 June

62 months GC 2001 September

72 months Wii 2006 November

average age: 70 months.

37 months Wii U 2012 November - present


If the Wii U is replaced next November, it will only be 48 months old... even November 2017 only takes it to 60.


I wasn't expecting the numbers to be that extreme to be honest... but for a home console the Wii U really is still young. A winter 2016 replacement seems almost unbelievable... but equally seeing the Wii U successfully hitting 60 months would require something of a miracle. So whatever happens... I don't believe it!

Edited by Pestneb
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Xbox was 4 years. Just saying.


It's not unprecedented.


4 years for a console many paid £300 for in a generation where the other consoles look set to last another 7-8 again is very short indeed.


There's not anything saying that it's set to last 7-8 though. There's little evidence to support such an assertion. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Console ages judged by looking at the first month of release (global) to the first month of release of the successor...


88 months Nes 1983 July

67 months Snes 1990 November

63 months N64 1996 June

62 months GC 2001 September

72 months Wii 2006 November

average age: 70 months.

37 months Wii U 2012 November - present


If the Wii U is replaced next November, it will only be 48 months old... even November 2017 only takes it to 60.


Bit nuts when you see the numbers on the screen.


I imagine when the NX does release, the Wii U will die instantly. Previous consoles still tend to get a year or so out of the 3rd parties, even the Wii still got the odd game here and there, but I imagine the Wii U will drop dead the instant the NX arrives.

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64 months Dec 1994 PS

80 months mar 2000 PS2

84 months Nov 2006 PS3

average: 76 months

25 months Nov 2013 PS4


48 months Nov 2001 XB

96 months Nov 2005 X360

average:72 months

25 months Nov 2013 X1


So actually Nintendo do seem to have shorter lives for their consoles.. on average. 72 months is the average across all three manufacturers So Microsoft seem to have positioned themselves right in the middle. Playstation seem to be the better value for money.


64 months Dec 1994 PS

80 months mar 2000 PS2

84 months Nov 2006 PS3

average: 76 months

25 months Nov 2013 PS4


48 months Nov 2001 XB

96 months Nov 2005 X360

average:72 months

25 months Nov 2013 X1


So actually Nintendo do seem to have shorter lives for their consoles.. on average. 72 months is the average across all three manufacturers So Microsoft seem to have positioned themselves right in the middle. Playstation seem to be the better value for money.

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Nintendo's new game console is scheduled to enter mass production at the end of the first quarter 2016 and despite the fact that the Japan-based company is targeting to ship 20 million units in 2016, the device's upstream component suppliers expect shipments to only reach around 10-12 million units. Foxconn Electronics (Hon Hai Precision Industry) reportedly has been chosen to manufacture the device, but the company declined to comment on its clients or orders.


So unless I've misunderstood this, it's saying Nintendo intends to ship 20 million, yet the component makers for this (possibly a handheld) expect to make 10-12 million.


This could indeed be a clue that it's a handheld plus a console (not a hybrid), as bryanee alludes to here:


The fact that the rumour suggest they intend to ship 10 million plus next year indicates to me that it could be both the handheld and home console NX.


We could actually get three versions of Zelda:


Handheld NX - lowest performance

Wii U - medium quality

Console NX - highest performance

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I am a bit worried if they will have enough games for the launch.


I do expect Zelda to be on it (the same as Wii U, but better), but what else? Pikmin 4 for sure (they are already making it), probably one Mario game (I really hope for both, 2D and 3D), MAYBE Mario Kart. I am not sure about Smash, as they seem to be still working with this one....


Again, I know that there weren't to many new games, so there is hope but still,....., also, I know that they will probably have some third party games, at least some exclusives they financied if the third parties are to afraid to go into it just like that, but they need some of their own games.

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I don't think a near-simultaneous launch of a new handheld and home console would be a fantastic idea. It'd be a marketing nightmare, and would probably prove too costly for most gamers.


That said, I don't know how the theoretical hybrid idea would work either. Has anyone attempted a mock-up or any good theories about what an NX console-handheld-hybrid could entail?

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That said, I don't know how the theoretical hybrid idea would work either. Has anyone attempted a mock-up or any good theories about what an NX console-handheld-hybrid could entail?


Well, it could the "docking station" idea, I suppose. A pure handheld (which accounts for the 10-12 million figure), plus an optional docking station that boosts everything for the TV.

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Well, it could the "docking station" idea, I suppose. A pure handheld (which accounts for the 10-12 million figure), plus an optional docking station that boosts everything for the TV.


so a gameboy player+? I don't see the appeal for 3rd parties...the boost wouldn't be down to the hardware, all those textures and extra details on polygons etc. would need to be created by them, either eating into profit or increasing the cost consumer side.

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Xbox was 4 years. Just saying.


It's not unprecedented.


Nobody said it wasn't. It still sucks balls.




There's not anything saying that it's set to last 7-8 though. There's little evidence to support such an assertion. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Sure, there is - the 360 and PS3 lasted 7-8 years. That is a much better measure of modern day generations than generations from 10, 20 or 30 years ago.


Put it this way - when the PS1 and N64 came out there were clearly massive boosts in graphics; same with PS2 and gamecube, and the PS3 and 360 offered both HD and massive online gaming renovations. In other words - big reasons to get new systems out to the public.


Now the jumps graphically and features-wise are not so huge. Existing consoles hit the right spot for longer. As the modern gaming scene matures I've no doubt we'll see longer generations again, providing the next thing isn't something truly groundbreaking like a VR focused device in the next few years.

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Nintendo on mobile still makes me vomit.


Mobile in general does. Ruining the industry it is.


No it's not. Its completely opened it up, providing new possibilities, new developers and new players. It's closed minded introspective and stubborn opinions such as this that is ruining the industry.


It's an obsessive belief in what was is what should be that causes problems such as Gamergate and the Hugo Awards issue (obviously other factors play in too). Not liking change, fine that's your prerogative, but when you start saying that something that has expanded the industry beyond many expectations is ruining it is when you start ruining the industry. Nothing moves forwards by standing still and many people seem to want things to not change simply because it is what they know and what they are comfortable with (and arguably what they feel they have less power over). It's fear and it's not helping things.

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No it's not. Its completely opened it up, providing new possibilities, new developers and new players. It's closed minded introspective and stubborn opinions such as this that is ruining the industry.


It's an obsessive belief in what was is what should be that causes problems such as Gamergate and the Hugo Awards issue (obviously other factors play in too). Not liking change, fine that's your prerogative, but when you start saying that something that has expanded the industry beyond many expectations is ruining it is when you start ruining the industry. Nothing moves forwards by standing still and many people seem to want things to not change simply because it is what they know and what they are comfortable with (and arguably what they feel they have less power over). It's fear and it's not helping things.

Expanded, sure, but at what cost?

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Well produced, non predatory games like Monument Valley, Tiny Wings and The Room et al are great for the industry. The 99% rubbish on the iOS store and big games like Candy Crush are not. I also wonder how damaging the 79p price model for the first two of the above games is to the industry as a whole, especially when you have people bitching and 1 star reviewing Monument Valley for having the nerve to charge 79p for an IAP that doubles the game.

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No it's not. Its completely opened it up, providing new possibilities, new developers and new players. It's closed minded introspective and stubborn opinions such as this that is ruining the industry.


It's an obsessive belief in what was is what should be that causes problems such as Gamergate and the Hugo Awards issue (obviously other factors play in too). Not liking change, fine that's your prerogative, but when you start saying that something that has expanded the industry beyond many expectations is ruining it is when you start ruining the industry. Nothing moves forwards by standing still and many people seem to want things to not change simply because it is what they know and what they are comfortable with (and arguably what they feel they have less power over). It's fear and it's not helping things.


Not being facetious, but reading that could almost be people's reactions towards the Wii, and also their view now on Nintendo as well, that they should play it safe and make a PS4/X1 clone with the NX.


I mean the Wii brought in such a new demographic to gaming that I'm sure the current generation (Wii U aside :p) are feeling the benefit of.


By the same token, you'd expect Nintendo fans (sure there are still a few of us around here...) to embrace different concepts and experiences within the industry :)

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Expanded, sure, but at what cost?


None. There is no cost. The gaming industry isn't a tangible product. It has changed things, sure, but if gaming didn't change we'd be fucked. There are good and bad parts but ultimately the industry has increased in revenue, presence and soft power.


Well produced, non predatory games like Monument Valley, Tiny Wings and The Room et al are great for the industry. The 99% rubbish on the iOS store and big games like Candy Crush are not. I also wonder how damaging the 79p price model for the first two of the above games is to the industry as a whole, especially when you have people bitching and 1 star reviewing Monument Valley for having the nerve to charge 79p for an IAP that doubles the game.


Oh yeah there's a lot of crap. But when the gates of entry (I forget the actual term used, its something along the lines are) are lowered it's bound to. That's why there's a lot of crap vloggers and web series, but the important thing is while 99% are crap the majority of that isn't trying to be crap. Many of them want to make good games, or hell want to make something they've always wanted to make. It might end up crap, but I'm happy to have 99% crap for the 1% quality and the chance for the majority of that 99% to try and, possibly have an impact on some level.


(yeah it makes that 1% have to work harder to get noticed etc etc nothing is perfect, but stagnation is worse)


Not being facetious, but reading that could almost be people's reactions towards the Wii, and also their view now on Nintendo as well, that they should play it safe and make a PS4/X1 clone with the NX.


I mean the Wii brought in such a new demographic to gaming that I'm sure the current generation (Wii U aside :p) are feeling the benefit of.


By the same token, you'd expect Nintendo fans (sure there are still a few of us around here...) to embrace different concepts and experiences within the industry :)


Yeah the Wii may have buggered up Nintendo, but it may not have buggered up the industry ;)


Not that I really think the Wii buggered up Nintendo, but if you read my original post as analogous to the Wii you've got to remember I was talking about the industry not a company.


The fact there's a lot of shit on the app store et al hasn't stopped the app store from expanding. It just might mean those that produce shit don't expand and others learn from it.


Or you make Flappy Birds and earn a lot of money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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