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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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@Grazza @nekunando Awww gents, you're bringing back the old glory days...:love: So many gems on the GC, I don't think we (well myself at least) truly appreciated it in its time.


I honestly loved it at the time. The exception being Metroid Prime, which I couldn't get to grips with until a few years later. But overall the GC felt like the true progression of the N64, with better graphics and controls.


What I will say, is that I couldn't predict the direction in which Nintendo would turn. In other words, whilst I did love GC at the time, I didn't realise I wouldn't love the Wii or Wii U.


Playing the GC (and Wii) on my CRT was fine, but I've always felt entry-level LCDs are not as good, especially in terms of handling motion. So much so that the Wii U GamePad was better than my HDTV, and hopefully Switch's screen will be too.



Hopefully we are finally at that time when we can pick up from where the GC left off! : peace:

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The Splatoon 2 thread has Nintendo describing the online. It's virtually identical to the Wii U with two differences.


Positive: some calendar function for planning sessions.


Major negative: it's done through an app, not the console.


So, unless Nintendo are lying to us or are just being utterly moronic and describing the online wrong, the Switch seems like it has a worse online than the Wii U (based solely on official comments by Nintendo).


A new leak, which is hard to deny, indicates you can still do these things without the app.




In fact, I remember reading an interview where they said that recently too. I'll go hunting.

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A new leak, which is hard to deny, indicates you can still do these things without the app.




In fact, I remember reading an interview where they said that recently too. I'll go hunting.


It's good if that's the case. I'm still hopeful which is why I mentioned that perhaps Nintendo are just being moronic in how they're describing it.

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A new leak, which is hard to deny, indicates you can still do these things without the app.




In fact, I remember reading an interview where they said that recently too. I'll go hunting.


I wish this kinda of stuff wasn't leaked 3 weeks before release and Nintendo reveals this information. It's ridiculous.

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If you're wanting to have a private conversation/dicsussion without me - then do it privately. However last I checked this was a discussion forum - and as has been repeatedly stated people should be able to discuss as they wish, whether you feel it fits your current agenda. Both points are relevant to mine about local multiplayer of old possibly not meeting the needs or wants of the current age - unless you'd somehow like to explain how they aren't I'll happily accept whatever your point was with this as moot.


EDIT: Even more relevant as kav has actually gone on to make the same point in regards to local play on his Wii U. So clearly I was extremely irrelevant to this supposed private discussion I'm allowed no part of :rolleyes:


I never said private, and I explicitly said join in the discussion, so no idea why you are making things up I said... except it's a common tactic by you to do this... I said join the discussion, just don't post these unnecessary antagonistic comments that don't add anything, the kind of which you threaten others for thread bans... I wasn't on about the rest of your post so no idea why you're moving on to that #strawman And when did I say people couldn't debate about an issue against an agenda I don't have? In fact I'm actively discussing with Kav... how is that saying let's not discuss? Oh, I know, classic Rummy #strawman


And I agree, local multiplayer doesn't fit into many adults playing style anymore. I thought I implied as much when saying it to Kav, my pint was it doesn't negate how good the focus of local multiplayer is, let's stick to debating the actual points rather than making up a debate which isn't happening just so you 'appear' right.


I've not slagged off local multiplayer @dazzybee, if anything I've recognised it's value in that I've said how the joycons being two controllers give it greater value for money.

Living with children I recognise this even more... however, what is worth noting is that the kids prefer to play locally on the Xbox One than they did the WiiU!


When I say multiplayer I encompass online into it because online is a part of it. I'm talking about it as a whole.


I agree with all this, but your condemning of Nintendos multiplayer seems to suggest little value in local play; otherwise you wouldn't be quite so damning. You referred to what they used to be amazing at, they still are. The problem is the lack of development of online. But hopefully that'll change...


They're the "multiplayer kings" if you basically ignore online multiplayer and having a decent number of recent multiplayer games, and thus anything that might potentially make them eligible for that title. :heh:


I never said they were multi-player kings. Did I? Can't remember now :) But I was just saying they are amazing at local multiplayer and switch seems to be a big focus on that. The gamepad by design was made for local multiplayer gaming - nintendoland, zombi u, Affordbale Space Adventures, even 5 player Sonic Racing etc showed the potential it had for local play, the fact it wasn't capitalised was because it bombed. Switch again seems to have a huge local multiplayer slant; hopefully it will be capitalised.


Just not to the detriment of online play.


The Splatoon 2 thread has Nintendo describing the online. It's virtually identical to the Wii U with two differences.


Positive: some calendar function for planning sessions.


Major negative: it's done through an app, not the console.


So, unless Nintendo are lying to us or are just being utterly moronic and describing the online wrong, the Switch seems like it has a worse online than the Wii U (based solely on official comments by Nintendo).


You can create lobbies, voice chat, send game invites etc You can do pretty much everything as on the other consoles can't you? Unless I'm reading it wrong.


A new leak, which is hard to deny, indicates you can still do these things without the app.




In fact, I remember reading an interview where they said that recently too. I'll go hunting.



I didn't understand it... What's it saying? Can you voice chat on the switch?


Also, someone says it's fake as it says 4k output which is confirmed to be wrong.


So a developer tweeted - bravo to the developer leaking all this dev stuff, you're the reason Nintendo doesn't trust us.


So maybe it is true...


Who's clever enough to give a layman's summary?

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Thank you.


My point was big publishers abandoning it and Nintendo creating hardware that allows for both innovative local gaming and online.


Can you play the likes of Enter the Gungeon, Spelunky, Guacamelee, ResoGun online or is it local multiplayer only? Those, and most of Daft's list, are all primarily single player experiences with tacked on multiplayer anyway.


Of those games Resogun is the only one with online mode supported. I suppose you could technically do the others through Share Play, but that's kind of a hacky way rather than official support.


Anyway, now that the criteria has been re/defined, going from Amazon's games in the last 90 days but just the first two pages because I've got things to do:


Nioh (local)

Rainbow Six Siege Gold Season 2 (online)

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to Boruto (online and local)

Tales of Berseria (local)

Digimon World: Next Order (online and local)

The Crew Ultimate Edition (online)


Forestry 2017 - The Simulation



Earthlock - Festival of Magic

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

Yakuza 0

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter

Gravity Rush 2

Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star




Adult Swim Collection (local)

Abzu (none)




For comparison the one Wii U game released in the last 90 days does have multiplayer :heh:


tl;dr I don't think anyone is disputing Nintendo's strong local multiplayer presence. However, to write off other consoles as 'basically' not having it would be foolish, it just is less talked about. One could argue that the reason Nintendo's local multiplayer is so vocally discussed is because it is the only option available most of the time (as in games rarely come with online and local and also of all games released only a small % offer online play).


Whether you think the multiplayer offered is "tacked on" is your own prerogative, in the same way people may see MK8's online multiplayer as "tacked on" because it lacks standard online modes. Discuss, debate, but be clear in your definitions and accept other people have different interests and perceptions of the same situations.

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I almost... really really almost pre-ordered this in Smyths as I picked up some Pokemon cards for the youngest. Now, I'm not tight with money, honestly £280 isn't a huge deal for me but I find myself refusing to part with it for this. I'm not sure why, I know I want to play Zelda but something is holding me back :( I have the alert set up at gameseek, at £200 I might bite (I can get a pro controller then for the same price as the normal console).

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I'm so flip-flopping on my pre-order.


I'm lucky enough not to be tight on money either but that's not to say I want to waste £300+.


I was really expecting Nintendo to firm up some more detail but their silence has only created even more uncertanity as rumours swill around to try and fill in the gaps.


I think if there really is no voice chat without a bloody phone app then that will push me over the edge. I appreciate Nintendo aren't going to suddenly pitch up with an Xbox Live killer but something that resembles a basic online service from 2005 would be nice.

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I didn't understand it... What's it saying? Can you voice chat on the switch?


Also, someone says it's fake as it says 4k output which is confirmed to be wrong.


So a developer tweeted - bravo to the developer leaking all this dev stuff, you're the reason Nintendo doesn't trust us.


So maybe it is true...


Who's clever enough to give a layman's summary?


It does seem legit, there are some images of a prototype pro controller and the system UI. The reference to 4K output is accurate as it only pertains to video processing, not games. The Switch is capable of outputting 4K 30FPS video as an upper limit (which also happens to be the limit of HDMI 1.4 which the Switch uses), so it leaves the door open for Nintendo to offer Netflix & the like in 4K down the line but developers are limited to using a maximum resolution of 1080p at 60 FPS.


And I don't think it mentions voice chat directly on the Switch, the matchmaking and adding friends that Serebii is referring too was already confirmed on Nintendo's US website on the day of the Switch event in January in this table:




The documents are probably the exact ones that Eurogamer published the details of back in December as everything lines up with it.

Edited by killthenet
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Ah fair enough. No reference to an achievements system. So I guess it'll just be random missions on my Nintendo for games then.


I can see it being a bit like miitomo, mario and fire emblem... missions for platinum coins. I do hope they streamline the interface though. Something like

get coins


get coins




Regular coins


etc. because other wise that page will get ridiculously long.

But actually earning coins to buy rewards (themes etc.) would be more meaningful than just a trophy or w/e.

Having miiverse style prompts to share on social media etc. would make achievements "louder".

Considering making a miiverse.Sjonpi facebook account or something like that. I know it's against the ToS of facebook, but meh.

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Would certainly help if nintendo released some info. We shouldn't need leaks after the platform has been revealed and is being sold.

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The store I'm buying from has one of the best deals ever. 30 day return. And you can try it for 30 days, and if you're not happy and want to return the product, just bring the product and the receipt, and you get all your money back.


This makes it real easy for me, as I then can get Switch and Zelda, and if I'm not convinced, I'll just return the Switch. I can't return Zelda, but that doesn't matter. I'll keep it and buy a cheaper Switch later when I'm more convinced. Or just keep the launch system if I'm happy with it.


Anyway, really looking forward to the release day. I've got the Friday off for paid vacation, and I'm not gonna tell my girlfriend :P. Haha, it's a good time to be a Nintendo nerd!

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Huh, funny you feel this way. I'm way over in the cynical corner. I'm not counting down the days til the Switch, I'm waiting for the new Zelda and the colourful controller I'm going to have to play it on. The game lineup is, for my preferences, abysmal. I see no evidence they won't disappoint me like they did last generation.



You could always just get BOTW on the Wii U - why get a Switch for launch (assuming you are) if you have zero excitement for it..!? I don't mind the negativity, it's just this illogical train of thought I can't understand.


People are clearly already upset with the Switch and it's apparent lack of features, and make it apparent on this board everyday... yet some have traded in stuff for half the price they bought it just to get the Switch for launch. This is what frustrates me - having the attitude of having zero excitement for the Switch when there is clearly something that appeals to you.

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...yet some have traded in stuff for half the price they bought it just to get the Switch for launch. This is what frustrates me - having the attitude of having zero excitement for the Switch when there is clearly something that appeals to you.


I have no excitement for Switch and I've done the above. It's really quite simple as to why I got it. Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade 2 and the possibility of a Metroid.

If all of the above would've been coming out on WiiU I'd have kept that. It doesn't mean I'm excited for the Switch.


I wouldn't have bought one at full price, not a chance, but given that I'll now only be paying £27 for Switch with Zelda and the Pro Controller then I may as well considering I will want games down the line... at that price it's worth it. At full price it's not.


I don't see it as difficult to understand or why it should frustrate oneself. ::shrug:

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Can somebody explain what this means?


Image 01:

You can have the same Nintendo Account on multiple Nintendo Switches.


Image 02:

You cannot share the same Nintendo Account on multiple profiles on the same Nintendo Switch.


Image 03:

You cannot have multiple Nintendo Accounts on a single Nintendo Switch Profile.


That is what I get from the picture. So according to this, you need to create a few profiles if you want to have multiple regions on the same Switch. And then link the accounts to those profiles. I think.


Here's a quick mock-up of what I'm thinking will work. But damn, its irritating that it doesn't say in the diagram:



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I have no excitement for Switch and I've done the above. It's really quite simple as to why I got it. Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade 2 and the possibility of a Metroid.

If all of the above would've been coming out on WiiU I'd have kept that. It doesn't mean I'm excited for the Switch.


I wouldn't have bought one at full price, not a chance, but given that I'll now only be paying £27 for Switch with Zelda and the Pro Controller then I may as well considering I will want games down the line... at that price it's worth it. At full price it's not.


I don't see it as difficult to understand or why it should frustrate oneself. ::shrug:


3/4 of the games you mention have no release date, you are quiet dissatisfied with the current online situation with the Switch yet you e sacrificed a lot to get one... All I'm saying is it would be good to see a balanced perspective because there is obviously something that's attracting to go all out for the Switch.


The frustration comes from the daily Debbie-downerish comments, sure we can just ignore but it's this repetitive type of discussion that leads people to, for example, create an 'other' Switch Thread - it's just the opposite end of the spectrum to what caused the latter.


A new Nintendo console, a new Zelda in just 2 weeks - let's celebrate this rare occasion.

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I'm not going to be positive, just for the sake of it, when I don't feel positive about the product.


@King_V, you say I've sacrificed a lot for the Switch when in reality I've sacrificed bugger all. My WiiU and 3DS were packed away gathering dust, I was never going to play them again after Zelda so trading them in makes sense. It's by no means a sacrifice. Getting rid of things I was never going to use again is not going all out to get a Switch!


I'm excited for Zelda, I watch the trailer almost daily and get as excited each time... but the Switch, I have zero excitement for. It'll be handy, but by no means will it be my primary or even secondary console, I'll play more on the PS4 and XBO than I will the Switch (after Zelda of course)... hell, I'll probably still play on my phone more than it!

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