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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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Maybe Nintendo just want to talk about their own software plans for the system first before they let others do the same. I think that kind of makes sense, even if it is frustrating.


Doesn't make the most sense if said developers don't agree with the approach and want to talk about their own products sooner rather than later though - subsequently also consider what might it do for future relations?

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My only fear is that people would try to replicate that look on their real pets.
New Nintendo franchise - Poochy and Switch: Crime Busters :p


But seriously, a Poochy and Switch 3D adventure platformer in the Woolly World style.


Of course I'd settle for him (and Non-Specific Action Figure) in Mario Kart and Smash.

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You think we'll get: Street Fighter/Resident Evil, Final Fantasy 15/7 Remake and Metal Gear Solid/Pro Evo? Or some class B level "Crystal Chrinicles" shite.


Think of it from another viewpoint. The previous systems didn't get these games, so what's different now? What's changed that will allow these games to appear? Has the audience grown? Is the appetite there?


I don't think enough has changed for these games suddenly to appear. The likes of Capcom and Square will be hoping that the Switch flies off the shelves. If it starts breaking sales records and is a hit with the "right type of games and gamers", then it could happen. At the moment, I think if you honestly want the new Street Fight, Final Fantasy and Resident Evil, you wouldn't wait for the Switch. It's still a "maybe". What will determine whether these games come on or not is the size and type of its audience.

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Think of it from another viewpoint. The previous systems didn't get these games, so what's different now? What's changed that will allow these games to appear? Has the audience grown? Is the appetite there?


I don't think enough has changed for these games suddenly to appear. The likes of Capcom and Square will be hoping that the Switch flies off the shelves. If it starts breaking sales records and is a hit with the "right type of games and gamers", then it could happen. At the moment, I think if you honestly want the new Street Fight, Final Fantasy and Resident Evil, you wouldn't wait for the Switch. It's still a "maybe". What will determine whether these games come on or not is the size and type of its audience.




Thinking of target audience, I really don't see this machine as being very child-friendly. All the bits and bobs, the colour scheme, the high-tech look. In fact it looks like the most 'mature' system Nintendo has ever made.


So I only hope this sparks that change and the reveal video was a taster of who Nintendo are pitching to. Not to say kids are going to be left out.

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Thinking of target audience, I really don't see this machine as being very child-friendly. All the bits and bobs, the colour scheme, the high-tech look. In fact it looks like the most 'mature' system Nintendo has ever made.


So I only hope this sparks that change and the reveal video was a taster of who Nintendo are pitching to. Not to say kids are going to be left out.


The software will still appeal to kids and if it catches fire kids will be on it simply from word of mouth. One a few get it and it's seen out and about in schools and play groups the demand will be there to have what there friends have.


I think the target group though will if anything remain neutral. I think Nintendo know that regardless of kids it's adults who have the buying power so appealing to them is a must.

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Coming back to storage I think Nintendo will again use SD cards as seen on the 3DS. They are easily available, solid state and Nintendo have experience of using them well for DLC/patches. The WiiU hacking scene have shown software like Splatoon/Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8 can run from SD cards easily and Nintendo's internal teams are wizards at compression. Mario 3D World is only 1.6GB! Then again, Retro's Tropical Freeze is 11.4GB (Dat David Wise audio and so many assets) and many third party games are often on the large size. Maybe Nintendo and NVidia have worked on some compression tools or maybe the GUI will be broken into two switchable sections. Icons with/given a red switch icon can be used anywhere?


Looking at the cost of SD cards, I think Nintendo will include 32GB (as there games are often smaller in size) but will put the cost on the consumer and thus hardcore gamers who play lots would be better off buying (in my opinion) a card from 128GB upwards. The average cost here is around £30 up to around £60-£80 for 256GB. This would easily house a number of titles (including most VC releases!) and if we look at something like FIFA 17 which comes in at 40GB. I'm sure developers could use compressed audio to reduce file size as a starting point and assets could be reduced as well if consciously developing for a system where gamers don't just want fun but also a reason to stop clearing the fridge out.

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Coming back to storage I think Nintendo will again use SD cards as seen on the 3DS. They are easily available, solid state and Nintendo have experience of using them well for DLC/patches. The WiiU hacking scene have shown software like Splatoon/Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8 can run from SD cards easily and Nintendo's internal teams are wizards at compression. Mario 3D World is only 1.6GB! Then again, Retro's Tropical Freeze is 11.4GB (Dat David Wise audio and so many assets) and many third party games are often on the large size. Maybe Nintendo and NVidia have worked on some compression tools or maybe the GUI will be broken into two switchable sections. Icons with/given a red switch icon can be used anywhere?


Looking at the cost of SD cards, I think Nintendo will include 32GB (as there games are often smaller in size) but will put the cost on the consumer and thus hardcore gamers who play lots would be better off buying (in my opinion) a card from 128GB upwards. The average cost here is around £30 up to around £60-£80 for 256GB. This would easily house a number of titles (including most VC releases!) and if we look at something like FIFA 17 which comes in at 40GB. I'm sure developers could use compressed audio to reduce file size as a starting point and assets could be reduced as well if consciously developing for a system where gamers don't just want fun but also a reason to stop clearing the fridge out.


Nintendo have to use SD cards with Switch. They have literally no other choice (can't attach a hard drive to the portable part of the device!)


I do wonder if they might do something clever though and have some game assets stored on the dock/attached USB HDD (these would be high res assets that are only used when the game is running in "console mode") and some stored on the SD Card (the lo-res assets that are used in "portable mode"). Would help games to use up less space on the SD Card for portable play.

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I wish we knew what the maximum capacity SD card it will likely support up to, or indeed if it will be a Micro SD card which is possible given that the New 3DS uses that format.


I'm temtped to buy one now in preparation but don't want to jump then gun a bit too early. :heh:

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I wish we knew what the maximum capacity SD card it will likely support up to, or indeed if it will be a Micro SD card which is possible given that the New 3DS uses that format.


I'm temtped to buy one now in preparation but don't want to jump then gun a bit too early. :heh:


I wouldn't buy it before it comes out TBH. The longer you wait, the cheaper they'll be (SD Cards are only becoming bigger and cheaper over time, so it makes sense to just wait as long as possible before you need one). You can get 128GB ones for the same price a 32GB one would've cost a couple of years ago now.


By the time the Switch comes out, 256GB ones will probably be the price that 128GB ones are now (and 512GB ones will probably be about £60-100)

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@Debug Mode Hows the buzz for this reveal in Japan been?


Not been to any game stores since the reveal last week, but among friends the buzz is definitely up there. One of the first things said by a group of friends I went to university with her about 4 years ago was "Monster Hunter best stay on Nintendo".


Aside from that, not heard much. One of the important things out here is that pre-orders work differently and there may not be a good gauge of hype levels until the date pre-orders officially open. No one takes pre-orders here for things until a certain amount of time before release here and it must be a date set by the manufacturer/publisher because every one opens them up at the same time.

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FYI Nintendo's earning report is out and there's no real details about Switch. Still saying March 2017 (ignore someone on GAF who can't read dates and says its the 29th).


They've dropped most of their forecasts interestingly, except "Profit attributable to owners of parent" whatever that means!

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interesting and 'informative' story on IGN today (when exactly did they become so awful?) Headline: its confirmed the Switch will have no backwards compatibility

Then the video elaborates to no WiiU & 3DS backwards compatibility

Then states its sources as....you can see there is no disk slot and the card slot is different to 3DS


So thats more of a "it's Likely that there will be no Physical backwards compatibility", theres been no information on if any digital software is supported by a virtual console


that sort of shit reporting is what causes customer confusion

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2 mil seems pretty conservative for a WW release. I guess it depends on when in March it's released.



On price I think its £250 minimum



2 million sounds about right to me. Not far off from the Wii's first month shipment IIRC. Chances are that it'll probably release in the latter half of March, so probably around 15 days worth of sales.


Edit: Correction, it's almost the same as Wii, which did 1 942 000 from launch until December 31 2012 according to GAF, so I'd say it's pretty bullish actually!


As for price, I mentioned in the Other Switch thread that it's probably gonna be $249.99 (The N-vidia Shield K1 was $199.99 on launch for reference) and higher in Europe because of Brexit, so... £249.99? I could see it happening. Pound is probably only gonna get worse over time...


No matter what, it's gonna cost way more in Europe (and especially in the UK - we're gonna get reamed bigtime) than in the US and Japan.

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2 million sounds about right to me. Not far off from the Wii's first month shipment IIRC. Chances are that it'll probably release in the latter half of March, so probably around 15 days worth of sales.


Edit: Correction, it's almost the same as Wii, which did 1 942 000 from launch until December 31 2012 according to GAF, so I'd say it's pretty bullish actually!


As for price, I mentioned in the Other Switch thread that it's probably gonna be $249.99 (The N-vidia Shield K1 was $199.99 on launch for reference) and higher in Europe because of Brexit, so... £249.99? I could see it happening. Pound is probably only gonna get worse over time...


No matter what, it's gonna cost way more in Europe (and especially in the UK - we're gonna get reamed bigtime) than in the US and Japan.


The currency exchange is going to screw over us big time.


I do think it's difficult to use the shield pricing to find a switch price simply because there are so many factors which come into play.

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The currency exchange is going to screw over us big time.


I do think it's difficult to use the shield pricing to find a switch price simply because there are so many factors which come into play.


Of course, but it's the best indicator that we have, given that the Switch's hardware is based on the Shield's (or rather, it's cancelled successor - albeit with a lower res screen, which will help offset the costs of the more powerful processor in comparison to the K1).


I do expect it to be higher than the K1, but $249.99 really isn't an impossible figure to hit (you also have to consider that Nintendo can afford a much smaller profit margin in comparison to N-vidia selling the Shield on its own - since the latter didn't make any money off the software sold for it, unlike Nintendo here). Again, it all comes down to whatever else is coming in the box as standard outside of the main tablet unit.


But oh boy! If you thought that we were Rip-Off Britain before! You ain't seen nothing yet...

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Remember that the US don't pay VAT on their purchases though, the sales tax gets added on in the store so $249 would translate to about $270-80. If they do go with 249 in the US, I'm calling £229.99 in the UK. I think there'd be a small outage if they had the gall to charge us the same as the US. Though who knows where our currency will be by then... Maybe €250 throughout Europe. I think that's a sensible and more importantly, achievable pricepoint. Obviously that may or may not include a number of extras.


I'm hoping games will retail for £50 rrp. Which means Game will continue to rip us off but we should still be able to find them online or in supermarkets for £40. What's everyone expecting in the box? Will we see a digital game packed in? Or even a physical one for that matter? I'm tempted to go into town this week and pre order from game as I can see this being another Wii situation when it comes to stock.

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Of course, but it's the best indicator that we have, given that the Switch's hardware is based on the Shield's (or rather, it's cancelled successor - albeit with a lower res screen, which will help offset the costs of the more powerful processor in comparison to the K1).


I do expect it to be higher than the K1, but $249.99 really isn't an impossible figure to hit (you also have to consider that Nintendo can afford a much smaller profit margin in comparison to N-vidia selling the Shield on its own - since the latter didn't make any money off the software sold for it, unlike Nintendo here). Again, it all comes down to whatever else is coming in the box as standard outside of the main tablet unit.


But oh boy! If you thought that we were Rip-Off Britain before! You ain't seen nothing yet...


Looking forward to seeing all the moaning and complaints when the shit hits the fan from all those who voted leave. Will be pretty funny.

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2 mil seems pretty conservative for a WW release. I guess it depends on when in March it's released.



On price I think its £250 minimum



Damn wasn't the Wii U forecasted for 10 mil in its first year?


On the one hard I appreciate it seems Nintendo have come back down to earth and have thrown out the Wii expectations. But also curious if they're not putting their full power behind this.


I would have forecasted at least half of what was forecasted for the U's first year... but meh what do I know.


EDIT: Ah you meant in March.

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