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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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Nothing to do with the joy-cons, this is the Switch Pro controller we're talking about. They could have done whatever they wanted basically.


No they couldn't. You can't have the right joy-con one configuration and the Pro controller another. They have to be the same.

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Wouldn't be a Direct if the Internet didn't go batshit crazy with their predictions and then think them real



But where are you March 3rd?


One of us. One of us.


:D I won't be home and haven't a clue where I would find one. I won't be in the US, EU or Japan, so I imagine not having a pre-order means I haven't got a chance ;) It is a shame because the plane journey would have been a good opportunity to use it.


Actually one of the biggest system seller for me (currently) is a port of a 1997 PC game, if more of those come out I'm not sure I'll be able to resist for too long. I always felt the Wii U was a missed opportunity for games like constructor.

Zelda being on both switch and Wii U is probably going to have the same effect on me as twilight princess... I'll not decide which to get and end up skipping the game altogether. I want to get the game for Wii U, but the actual portability of the switch version has me torn ::shrug:


Fact is I have a few upcoming expenses, so buying a Switch isn't really something I want to commit to this year. I know £500 isn't that big a sum of money, but at the same time it is enough to make a difference. It's basically the cost of me going to visit my fiancee, and I'm happier putting the cash towards that for now. In a year or so.... we'll see :)

Edited by Pestneb
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But seriously, Warriors being on the Switch and N3DS was totally unexpected, but come to think of it, it does make sense. For example, Pokémon Sun and Moon were catalogued as having much more rendering issues on the 2/3DS when compared with the N3DS line. Could Stars be our first cross-platform main series game with a Switch and N3DS release? I'm sure it would certainly appease fans who aren't at all too keen to jump onto the Switch just yet.


I wish FE Warriors was not coming out on 3DS and neither do I want Stars to be. Although, it does make some sense, due to the large install base of the 3DS, I think the more reasons for people to upgrade the better.

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Nintendo, I know you're reading this as Mr Fils-Aime reminded us that y'all read every comment on big gaming websites. So I tell you that you almost executed glory with the Switch, but your infinite present box within a present box business strategy kept your Switch off of the glorious mark (like how Mrs.What'sHerFace? confessed at one of the E3's whilst representing you that you'll intentionally never satisfy your consumers in order to stay in business milking yo cows).


Subjects of concern include Zelda's graphics and it's 2 fold generational leap into the past by forsaking motion control (which you said you cant imagine ever doing after the experiment that be Skyward Sword). Though Breath of The Wild still comes across as pretty good which Zelda's usually are more or less, and it was originally purposed for the Wii U. So I'll keep my eyes peeled for the true Switch Zelda like how Twilight Princess was originally for the Gamecube but ported over to the Wii and later getting SS.


Mario Oddesy's concept of him being in locations that he doesn't fit in is a kawaii idea, but again the visuals look a bit empty/bland for my liking. My problem with this and Zelda is that, yes, it's all well & good with the illusions of minor additions to gameplay mechanics (some not welcomed, such as the ridiculously OP slowmo in BoTW which diminishes any taijutsu/strategic challenge), but lack of artistic effort in visuals with a console as powerful as the Switch makes me question genuine creativity in puzzles and sheer adventure.

That voice acting in Zelda though! :D


Splatoon and Arms seem like big mini games that should perhaps be squeezed into one game or multiple big minigames. The title, character designs, character names, stages etc etc appear extremely basic.


Online servers has costs? Like the Wii and Wiiu? So we must pay for a few basic additions like texting, voice chat, game invites etc etc (quite like what messaging apps offer freely nowadays), but we'll need to download a seperate app presumably for a Wii-Speak-Channel-like experience.... from a seperate device?

This app better be available to download via the Switch tablet, smartphones etc and operate more sophisticatedly than it sounds.


Just to mention a few.

Look, the Switch looks good but I just have a few concerns. I'll hold out until E3 -- or even later -- to see what Switch-kun is all about. Temptations would be an artistic F-Zero, Star Fox / Lylat Wars, Metroid and, new & improved Zelda, Smash Bros (mainly modes like tagging switch style! Multiple types of tournies etc), Mario Kart, new creative IP's, third party games Switchified to demonstrate how motion controlled gaming enriches gaming thus making it the freaking norm cross platform, and a Conduit 3 would be quite the treat.


Until then, the Switch can join 3DS and Wiiu in the skip.

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This sounds crazy to me




The smart phone app that we’re creating, that will be part of our online service, we believe is going to be a very compelling part of the overall proposition because that’s how you’ll voice chat, that’s how you’ll do your matchmaking, and create your lobby. We also think it’s a very elegant solution because if you’ve taken your switch on the go, you’ve put yourself in a hotspot, you’re looking at get a quick match of Mario Kart in, to whip out some sort of bulky, gamer headset is a bit of a challenge.


So we think we’ve got an elegant solution. That’s a very specific answer to your question


Matchmaking and lobbies via a smart device and not the system. Why?

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Why? Because Nintendo may be retarded?


Seriously, that's all I can't think of! ::shrug:


Sounds ridiculous and again them not listening. Nobody asked for this.


Do they want exclude kids from lobbies, matchmaking and voice chat as without a smartphone they can't do any of that.


Either that or again they are trying to he different for the sake of being different.

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No they couldn't. You can't have the right joy-con one configuration and the Pro controller another. They have to be the same.

Why do they have to be the same? Nintendo are all about producing different controllers. The Wii U supported a wide variety of controllers, some of which had the right stick up top, some below.


There's also no reason why they couldn't have gone right stick up top and left stick down below. Or you know, designed the switch to be symmetrical.

Edited by Sheikah
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Exactly. Honestly @Sheikah wind it in about the controllers. Last few pages have been nonsense.


Really the attribution of fault should go to Ronnie - who yet again felt the need to bring up the PS4/DS4s in a Nintendo thread about Switch - something which we've seen time and time again leads to such derailments. I didn't see anybody talking about DS4 controllers at the time until Ronnie decided to mention them.


(ftr I find the DS4 rather very good, possibly better than the 360 pad. As for Nintendo - I don't really feel they've had quite such a 'solid' feeling controller of decent build quality since the Gamecube pad. The Wiimotes were kinda up there, but I think their deviation from the norm and the nunchuk didn't feel quite as good)

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Really the attribution of fault should go to Ronnie - who yet again felt the need to bring up the PS4/DS4s in a Nintendo thread about Switch - something which we've seen time and time again leads to such derailments. I didn't see anybody talking about DS4 controllers at the time until Ronnie decided to mention them.


(ftr I find the DS4 rather very good, possibly better than the 360 pad. As for Nintendo - I don't really feel they've had quite such a 'solid' feeling controller of decent build quality since the Gamecube pad. The Wiimotes were kinda up there, but I think their deviation from the norm and the nunchuk didn't feel quite as good)

Not to mention Clown asked me about my opinion of stick placement, then proceeded to tell me to wind my neck in!

Edited by Rummy
Harsh language isn't going to be productive here
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Sounds ridiculous and again them not listening. Nobody asked for this.


There was a Reggie interview that I watched yesterday and this is what he said.


What we're trying to do is create something that's differentiated from our competitors but also solves the need of our consumers in terms of what they want and what they expect from an online experience.


Given the outcry from around the net, what people want and expect is a setup just like the other systems have, especially now that there's a fee involved. If all of this stuff was at a system level, but also had the option to use a phone, then nobody would be batting an eyelid. As it stands though its a bit of a mess.

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In its simplest terms I guess having this app will hopefully keep the OS quicker and cleaner and, perhaps, has saved Nintendo passing on some extra cost to the consumer. Quite why the the others can do this though and Nintendo can't is a question I can't answer...


I'm still probably the only person in the world excited about this though! Still think the potential for this app is huge and could be a game changer. Whether Nintendo are the ones to pull it of though is a different matter :)

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In regards to the online, i'm still baffled why none of the media have pushed for a proper answer. In all the interviews all we've seen is Reggie comment on how you use your phone. Not a single person has followed up with questions like:


What if you don't have a phone but want to chat?

If a person doesn't have a phone, or even has one that's not compatible, they will be paying for the service but not getting the full experience. Do you think this is right/fair?

Are these functions also available on the console and if not why not?


Granted, I know a lot of questions are screened before interviews but i've heard nothing from anyone saying that they tried to ask such things but got shot down. Their silence on the matter is deafening.

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I honestly think this smart device online app has come as an afterthought. I believe that the Switch hardware was more or less finalised without these bloody features and after they'd been hearing a bit of an outcry for them, they've shoehorned them into this app.

Because they're having to create this app, they're now charging for the service to cover themselves.

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In its simplest terms I guess having this app will hopefully keep the OS quicker and cleaner and, perhaps, has saved Nintendo passing on some extra cost to the consumer. Quite why the the others can do this though and Nintendo can't is a question I can't answer...


I'm still probably the only person in the world excited about this though! Still think the potential for this app is huge and could be a game changer. Whether Nintendo are the ones to pull it of though is a different matter :)

I'm hoping the app is just a means of controlling the voice chat and that you can have a wireless headset that works with the Switch. And that you can see some sort of voice chat display on the TV/Switch as well as the phone.

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I'm hoping the app is just a means of controlling the voice chat and that you can have a wireless headset that works with the Switch. And that you can see some sort of voice chat display on the TV/Switch as well as the phone.


It's an interesting one; that would make too much sense haha, I think they will use it purely through the phone app, so you've got your hands free kit or whatever plugged in and chatting via your phone.


Would having it through the console completely drain the battery if you're out and about, could that be a reason? At home using the app seems daft, but on the go it makes more sense.


I guess maybe why I'm excited is that I'm almost always connected to my phone and will use What's App etc to organise gaming nights. If I can't get on chat then I'll be posting in the conversations between games about funny things etc. So if Nintendo can stream line this into one hub area then it could be a great opportunity and idea. I guess DeNa will be making this for them?

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In its simplest terms I guess having this app will hopefully keep the OS quicker and cleaner and, perhaps, has saved Nintendo passing on some extra cost to the consumer. Quite why the the others can do this though and Nintendo can't is a question I can't answer...


I'm still probably the only person in the world excited about this though! Still think the potential for this app is huge and could be a game changer. Whether Nintendo are the ones to pull it of though is a different matter :)


The 360 had 512mb of ram and did party chat, lobbies and matchmaking just fine.

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In its simplest terms I guess having this app will hopefully keep the OS quicker and cleaner and, perhaps, has saved Nintendo passing on some extra cost to the consumer. Quite why the the others can do this though and Nintendo can't is a question I can't answer...


I can't imagine it putting a strain on the OS, especially when the Vita has party chat and is still snappy. Surely the cost of creating an app for a phone would be more than simply implementing it in your own hardware?


I dunno, the whole things is bonkers. ::shrug:

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The 360 had 512mb of ram and did party chat, lobbies and matchmaking just fine.


True that; surely it's connected to the portability then, which we haven't had to think about from a "home console" before? Battery life must evaporate if you've got voice chat going as well?


If Zelda lasts 3 hours of battery I imagine splatoon 2/ MK online wouldn't be the same if not less...this must Be a way around being able to to play for an hour before the battery conks out...

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True that; surely it's connected to the portability then, which we haven't had to think about from a "home console" before? Battery life must evaporate if you've got voice chat going as well?


If Zelda lasts 3 hours of battery I imagine splatoon 2/ MK online wouldn't be the same if not less...this must Be a way around being able to to play for an hour before the battery conks out...


I get that but I don't see how having to get out another portable device when out and about is the answer.


Not forgetting those who don't have smart devices. What do they do?


To me it sounds like a solution to a problem that never existed.

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