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Time for something actually interesting!



If you've been waiting for news about BG&E... well, here you go! We are delighted to confirm that Michel Ancel is currently working with the Ubisoft Montpellier Studio on a new Beyond Good & Evil game.


We officially have our first Ubisoft NX title (and it's probably an exclusive as well, given the rumours and Nintendo's current MO with saving cancelled projects! :D)

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When the thirst is so real you go for anything.




To be honest, if some one said to me "You're going to get a Papa Johns pizza sent to your apartment on the 10th of October" and then I found out the NX was getting revealed as well, I'd be more excited for the pizza in my current state.

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If the handheld games can be a new type of thing, does that mean this IS the home console and a handheld is still ap possibility? Sort of hope not, although originally I would've loved two devices (though always presumed it would be a hybrid) I'm really sold on this hybrid idea now and would be disappointed if it wasn't.


The very original WSJ article also hinted at mobile unit to play apps on too... so maybe they were right all along.


This is the problem Nintendo have created for themselves by withholding information for far too long whilst rumours have been flying about. If it is a hybrid as expected then unless it's got something else under the bonnet we'll all just go boring we knew this 6 months ago and if it's completely different we'll all be pissed off because we are now expecting a hybrid. Either way the delays will mean it will feel like a disappointing reveal.

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I think I'm almost guaranteed disappointment, it is Nintendo after all and they've done nothing but disappoint me for so long now. :(


I think the only way they won't is if:


1. The NX has OS level Party Chat

2. It's a hybrid

3. The screen part of the handheld, once controllers are detached, can slip into a VR headset.


This is what waiting so long has done to me!

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it is Nintendo after all and they've done nothing but disappoint me for so long now. :(


That's why I've reduced my expectations to the point where it's almost impossible for Nintendo to disappoint me.

I literally expect nothing...no standard online infrastructure, no decent launch line-up, no decent hardware, no good price point.


I can only be pleasantly surprised :D

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Time for something actually interesting!



We officially have our first Ubisoft NX title (and it's probably an exclusive as well, given the rumours and Nintendo's current MO with saving cancelled projects! :D)


Besides which Alak already kinda beat you to that punch yesterday :p


Soooooo just a side note here, if noone else brings it up..


Remember earlier this year when rumors started floating about Beyond Good and Evil 2 suddenly being saved by Nintendo? And apparently going to be an exclusive, like Bayonetta? And remember when Ubisoft really praised the NX for being a really awesome system, them being like, one of the few developers that have seen it? Now, remember, Ubisoft is the publisher of Beyond Good and Evil.


These past days, the director of Beyond Good and Evil, Michel Ancel, has said the 2nd game is now finally in pre-production. And he's been posting some new of concept art on his instagram page saying things like "Endangered species - now saved - Game in pre-production - Stay tuned !" What the hell?? Isn't this just a bit too close to the NX reveal to be a coincidence? Are the rumors really true??


...if they are, then god dammit Nintendo, you've might just have blown us away again :P.


Source: Michelancel's instagram


AND besides which didn't this get brought up recently by someone else in the thread? Having said all that I never even played BG&E but it does seem likely/true this might be coming to the NX which I guess can't be a bad thing; I understand it was a rather well received game.

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That's why I've reduced my expectations to the point where it's almost impossible for Nintendo to disappoint me.

I literally expect nothing...no standard online infrastructure, no decent launch line-up, no decent hardware, no good price point..


Nintendo will find a way.. :grin:

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To be honest, if some one said to me "You're going to get a Papa Johns pizza sent to your apartment on the 10th of October" and then I found out the NX was getting revealed as well, I'd be more excited for the pizza in my current state.


I prefer my pizza to come from non-bigots but yeah, I'm more for pizza than NX right now!


Nowhere in there does it say NX :S


I actually think its likely it will be but saying its Officially the first Ubisoft NX title is a bit weird...


I think you're forgetting how hyped Nintendo (and other) fans can make themselves based on assumptions to watch it all come crashing down.


See: every E3 and Direct of the last few years.


That's why I've reduced my expectations to the point where it's almost impossible for Nintendo to disappoint me.

I literally expect nothing...no standard online infrastructure, no decent launch line-up, no decent hardware, no good price point.


I can only be pleasantly surprised :D


Nintendo will find a way.. :grin:


When you plug it in it will destroy all other consoles in your house. Then it will turn to you and whisper "you're NX".

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I prefer my pizza to come from non-bigots but yeah, I'm more for pizza than NX right now!


Woah woah woah, that's some heavy accusations you're raising against the Papa there buddy (I honestly have no idea what's come out but I'm the kind of asshole that turns a blind eye to things in exchange for free pizza)

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Woah woah woah, that's some heavy accusations you're raising against the Papa there buddy (I honestly have no idea what's come out but I'm the kind of asshole that turns a blind eye to things in exchange for free pizza)


John Schnatter supports the Koch brothers who, apparently from being aptly named, use their vast fortune to help fund anti-LGBT groups. Even if you take the viewpoint that he might support them for other reasons (they have a lot of investments and groups and are very small-government big-business after all) Schnatter himself raised prices after Obamacare came into effect and cut employee benefits and has been sued (directly or the company has) for unfair and harmful employment practices.

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I think I'm almost guaranteed disappointment, it is Nintendo after all and they've done nothing but disappoint me for so long now. :(


I think the only way they won't is if:


1. The NX has OS level Party Chat

2. It's a hybrid

3. The screen part of the handheld, once controllers are detached, can slip into a VR headset.


This is what waiting so long has done to me!


What? Why? Wouldn't it be too big for that?

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What? Why? Wouldn't it be too big for that?


If I buy the NX I'll not get PSVR, it's one or the other for me... and in all honesty, I just don't want Nintendo staying behind the curve for another generation or two.


I want Nintendo to be at the fore, creating the best experiences like I know they can. I just don't feel they've done that in a long while now and it saddens me.

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If I buy the NX I'll not get PSVR, it's one or the other for me... and in all honesty, I just don't want Nintendo staying behind the curve for another generation or two.


I want Nintendo to be at the fore, creating the best experiences like I know they can. I just don't feel they've done that in a long while now and it saddens me.

But would it be staying behind the curve? VR is very unlikely to take off and become the huge thing that enthusiast websites and forum posters think it will be.


I disagree about them not making their best experiences, but I do question why the logic that they can only do that if they do VR is held

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I want Nintendo to be at the fore, creating the best experiences like I know they can. I just don't feel they've done that in a long while now and it saddens me.


Personally, whilst I love my PS4, give me Nintendo games any day of the week over the mainstream stuff on the competition. I find PS4 games to be akin to summer blockbusters, impressive popcorn flicks that you soon forget for the next one around the corner.


I don't believe "the fore" of the industry means lots of terraflops and more power. And before you mention voice chat and online infrastructure, then yes I agree with that being something that Nintendo do lag behind on, but when it comes to the games, Nintendo games stick in my mind a lot more and I find overall a lot more fun. The Wii U has some amazing titles.

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What's the bare minimum Nintendo need to do for all of you to be sold on NX?


I know you've already outlined your wishes, @kav82, but I'm interested to see what others think too :smile:


For me, I reckon seeing a couple of games which interest me would be enough to lure me in at a reasonable price point, but obviously I hope for much more than that :heh:

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What's the bare minimum Nintendo need to do for all of you to be sold on NX?


Release software.


Nintendo's software has still been top notch. The Wii U and 3DS have been my favourite console and handheld of all time. The majority of first party games on them have been nothing short of phenomenal.

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I don't mean power when I say "the fore", moreso in that I'd like them pushing VR experiences (Metroid Prime VR please!), pushing narrative in games, pushing more IP like they did Splatoon (but not shirk on its content and features) and creating a larger breadth of games within their genres.


I'd like to see them push themselves, not rest on their laurels.


What's the bare minimum Nintendo need to do for all of you to be sold on NX?


To be honest the bare minimum is for them to have OS level Party Chat. My hope is that they then implement online into more of their multiplayer games... without lacking features!


But if it had OS level Party Chat, I'd get it.

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I don't mean power when I say "the fore", moreso in that I'd like them pushing VR experiences (Metroid Prime VR please!), pushing narrative in games, pushing more IP like they did Splatoon (but not shirk on its content and features) and creating a larger breadth of games within their genres.


I'd like to see them push themselves, not rest on their laurels.


I don't see why narrative is such a focus in gaming these days. It really seems only Nintendo and indies are putting gameplay first, and that makes me sad.


I get so fed up playing games where all the cool story bits are in cutscenes, and not stuff you actually play, and for the most part much of what you actually play is just going between cutscenes. Nintendo do push themselves, it's just in gameplay and not in the superficial means that often belong in other mediums.


VR really doesn't seem like the future to me (although Metroid VR does seem cool). I've tried Oculus and it just didn't sit well with me. It's limited in its gaming applications. Non-gaming applications, hoo boy there's a lot there, but for video games it's somewhat limited and we can tell by the software that has been showcased/postulated for it.


VR is such an isolationist thing in gaming and Nintendo is the antipode of that. They want to bring people together with games, not isolate them.

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I don't mean power when I say "the fore", moreso in that I'd like them pushing VR experiences (Metroid Prime VR please!), pushing narrative in games, pushing more IP like they did Splatoon (but not shirk on its content and features) and creating a larger breadth of games within their genres.


They push the boundaries in gaming all the time.


Excessive narrative is good but not at the expense of gameplay like in so many other titles. I play game to have fun not to watch an interactive film of cutscenes.


More IP would be great but you can't blame them when they're in the fortunate and unique position of having lots of internationally recognised IP.


Larger breadth of games will be catered to with third party support. When considered as one developer they put out an excellent breadth of games, IMO.

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I don't see why narrative is such a focus in gaming these days. It really seems only Nintendo and indies are putting gameplay first, and that makes me sad.


I get so fed up playing games where all the cool story bits are in cutscenes, and not stuff you actually play, and for the most part much of what you actually play is just going between cutscenes. Nintendo do push themselves, it's just in gameplay and not in the superficial means that often belong in other mediums.


VR really doesn't seem like the future to me (although Metroid VR does seem cool). I've tried Oculus and it just didn't sit well with me. It's limited in its gaming applications. Non-gaming applications, hoo boy there's a lot there, but for video games it's somewhat limited and we can tell by the software that has been showcased/postulated for it.


VR is such an isolationist thing in gaming and Nintendo is the antipode of that. They want to bring people together with games, not isolate them.


Because gaming is unique in its ability to be able to tell those kind of stories. There's place for games that focus on gameplay, there's place for games that focus on story and place for those that balance the two. I'd say indies are really helping to push narrative-focused games (Gone Home, Her Story, Virginia, Papers Please etc etc etc), but then it comes down to what ones you follow and that's what makes the gaming industry great - diversity.


It's a bit early to write VR off as limited in gaming. It's new. It is finding its feet and that is an exciting thing to witness.


And it's not isolationist and Sony has shown that. You can play in VR with others. Hell it makes for entertaining live streaming with the right game (namely horror ones :heh:)


And bringing people together is a nice goal but they're also actively keeping people apart so hopefully they'll address that with the NX.

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