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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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Maybe they can steal some of the online features while they're at it.


It would be mildly less embarrassing then the Move controller I suppose :-P


Given that the PS4Pro didn't seem like a big thing, I think it's time Nintendo announce the hell out of NX, they'd not be overshadowed by the Sony announcement (OK, so it's just because I hate waiting really, haha).


Yeah, if Nintendo were waiting to see what that was they really have nothing so worry about it in terms of exposure and interest.


Nintendo will be hugely upbeat after that Playstation Meeting thing. I was worried the NX hype would get drowned out by PS4 Pro, but they've nothing to worry about after that showing...


Maybe now it's over they'll finally announce a date for the reveal....

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I should think Nintendo will be bricking it, actually; Sony have managed to produce a considerably more powerful console for an attractive £349 and in time for Christmas. It will be a hard sell for Nintendo given their next console is sub-base X1 spec.


The general online reaction to PS4 Pro and Sony's presentation as a whole is, to put it politely, bad. Why would Nintendo be bricking it? It's not all about graphics power, as proved many times, and they're releasing a handheld with a big trump card. Personally I'm relieved, I woke up yesterday convinced I would have to get one, now I definitely won't be. I think a lot of people are in a similar boat, the Pro is a damp squib and Nintendo will be very pleased.

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The general online reaction to PS4 Pro is, to put it politely, bad. Very bad. Why would Nintendo be bricking it? It's not all about graphics power, as proved many times, and they're releasing a handheld with a big trump card. Yeah, Nintendo will be pleased, the Pro is a massive damp squib. Personally I'm relieved, I woke up yesterday convinced I would have to get one, now I definitely won't be. I think a lot of people are in a similar boat


Let's revisit this 'reaction' after Christmas. Sony gonna clean up.

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There can only be two reasons why nintendo haven't revealed nx yet. Either they were waiting for the Sony and Microsoft to show their hands or they just are not ready. If it's a hand held console then I don't get the delay as they are not really competing with PS4 or XB1, so I'm assuming it's delayed and they can't announce it without a release date. This wall of silence is bizarre, they could easily drip feed snippets of information to create a buzz.

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There can only be two reasons why nintendo haven't revealed nx yet. Either they were waiting for the Sony and Microsoft to show their hands or they just are not ready. If it's a hand held console then I don't get the delay as they are not really competing with PS4 or XB1, so I'm assuming it's delayed and they can't announce it without a release date. This wall of silence is bizarre, they could easily drip feed snippets of information to create a buzz.


If rumours are true, then it has already been delayed once. There was a leak on Gaf earlier in the year that showed marketing plans and release schedules for the entire year for Nintendo. Everything from that document has come true apart from the NX being released at the end of the year.


This leak, along with the bare E3 presentation and lack of games for the end of the year, kinda suggest that the thing was on the cards for the Christmas season but things haven't gone to plan, for whatever reason.

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If the NX gets delayed beyond March, and takes BotW with it too... I'll be pisssssed.


An NX delay can be redeemed by releasing BotW for Christmas on Wii U. I mean not a lot of people have a Wii U, so it really shouldn't effect NX BotW pick up rates that bad, even I will be tempted to try it on NX.


But they can't be botching Zelda like this man.

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In fairness Nintendo has shown they're not above re-releasing Zelda games ;) Although usually not in the space of a few months.


If the worse came to the worse I could see them offering a trade-in deal to get the NX version when its out to soften the blow.

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Any chance they've been waiting for Sony to unveil the PS4Pro and dependant on market feedback on that decide whether they'd use the Tegra X1 or the X2 chip?




It's just they've been waiting for them to reveal the PS4Pro so they can reveal the NX and have the headlines, and after Sony botched it, it could be a good thing :)

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In fairness Nintendo has shown they're not above re-releasing Zelda games ;) Although usually not in the space of a few months.


If the worse came to the worse I could see them offering a trade-in deal to get the NX version when its out to soften the blow.


I can kind of see the NX stalling till next Christmas... Once March can't be hit, then they realise the summer months aren't the greatest times for a launch - I can easily see the "please understand"s breaking out. (Then with a major blow-out at E3 and Directs inbetween - seems like the proper way to realise a new console that has some 'splaining to do).


In that scenario can easily see them thinking re-releasing an NX specific Zelda as fair game, with more Amiibo stuff and maybe a bonus disc/cart/eshop thingie of sorts.

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The thing I don't get is why do people imply Nintendo were waiting for Sony to show off the PS4 Pro before making their own announcement to take up the headlines? By Nintendo's own admission, Sony (and Microsoft) are not their direct competition and what they do with their machines has no impact directly on Nintendo. So this as a form of argument over why the NX hasn't been shown and how they'll now "clean-up" post PlayStation Meeting is laughable and completely falsified and illogical with Nintendo's line of thinking.


So it therefore legitimately implies that either they aren't ready to announce the thing (because it sure as hell doesn't sound like its going to be revolutionary/innovative in a way that they need to worry about others stealing ideas from them. TBH, it would seem Nintendo need to take some ideas from the competition at this stage) or it has been delayed. Either of these seems more plausible than what some Nintendo fans seem to be clinging onto.


Post PlayStation Meeting, though, Nintendo's biggest problem is how outdated their hardware is going to look comparative to the competition. It doesn't matter that they themselves don't see themselves as competing with Sony or Microsoft, but the fact is they are and they are vying for the same market share as those two manufacturers. A piece of kit hitting the market that is outdated by half a decade or so by the time it launches will find its niche amongst the core fans who'll want the next Zelda or Mario but the wider market won't buy into it at all.


Parity may be pushed aside by some on the basis that having a similarly powered console does nothing to push the industry forward but by the same token, a lower powered console with gimmick that doesn't land well with the public (see the Wii U as the prime example here or the 3DS on launch) will do the same. All Nintendo are doing is digging themselves into a hole and not providing a strong enough answer to the questions being put to them.


As an example, Nintendo always uses proprietary media because they don't want to pay a licence fee. Initially, this keeps outgoings down but in the long run, it costs more because they are having to source and have proprietary media sourced when the wide spread use of DVDs (at the time of the Gamecube) and now Blu-rays makes it ridiculous not to pay that initial licence fee and give users the ability to use their console as a media outlet. With the money that console manufacturers are asking for hardware, they need to make them attractive to prospective buyers buy giving them these multimedia options and Nintendo failing to do this yet still asking for what is a high RRP for a piece of hardware omitting these features (outside of some streaming services) is ridiculous.


That's one example, online setup would be another. Post PlayStation Meeting, Nintendo have more questions to answer for in the wake of the PS4 Pro and the oncoming of both the Xbox One S and next year's Scorpio. And their silence doesn't instil faith that they'll reasonably answer these with the NX.

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I think it depends how they pitch it. I think "hey, like gaming on the go? well check this out!" is going to come across better than "it's a console but not as powerful as the PS4/One/Pro/S/Scorpio" (or at least some of those, depends where the specs end up).


I think they could find a niche but they need to make it clear it's not aiming to be a new PS4. And they need to make this clear through advertising, the type of games they put out etc etc not just Reggie saying it when someone asks him.

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Post PlayStation Meeting, though, Nintendo's biggest problem is how outdated their hardware is going to look comparative to the competition. It doesn't matter that they themselves don't see themselves as competing with Sony or Microsoft, but the fact is they are and they are vying for the same market share as those two manufacturers. A piece of kit hitting the market that is outdated by half a decade or so by the time it launches will find its niche amongst the core fans who'll want the next Zelda or Mario but the wider market won't buy into it at all.


Unless of course they market this thing as a handheld first and foremost that just happens to plug into the TV, which it basically is. In that sense they've not only trumped the current Sony handheld tech wise, but basically skipped a generation if they can get halfway between Wii U and PS4 power, on the go. I think it's a very clever idea, and the detachable controller idea has huge potential, maybe not for hardcore gamers like us, but the more casual ones it could be a big hit.


And even if people do scoff that it's inferior to the PS4/XBO, Nintendo have proven time and time again that power isn't everything, especially in a handheld. With them combining all their game development for one platform and with quality titles, it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, given the reaction at E3, Zelda alone could be one of the biggest launch day system sellers of any console since Mario 64.

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if it does indeed have detachable controllers that attach to each then I can imaging this could cause delays, there's a whole load of ergonomics involved in getting that right.


The more I think about it, I'm convinced it will be called the Nintendo GO. Piggybacking on Pokémon's success and also highlighting the console's gimmick.

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The more I think about it, I'm convinced it will be called the Nintendo GO. Piggybacking on Pokémon's success and also highlighting the console's gimmick.


Only problem I could see with that is if the new console didnt have any Pokemon GO-like games available (dont think its supposed to have a camera right?) then people would be disappointed if they bought the console on the assumption that there would be similar experiences.

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Or maybe they would have been expecting a Tomb Raider GO or Hitman GO experience :heh:


I wouldn't care if it is what it ends up as, but "Nintendo Go" seems more like a command than a console name. Either in a "sod off" way or a "PIKACHU GO!" way.

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...By Nintendo's own admission...

By Nintendo's own admission, Online is the air they breathe, they're going to learn from their mistakes, we won't see any droughts, Breath of the Wild is a 2015 release...etcetc.


I'm of the opinion now to take anything and everything they say with a pinch of salt. As silly as some of their decisions and actions seem, they're still no fools and they have a sense of PR. Just take all of it with a pinch of salt I say.


To pretend news of other consoles isn't in any way going to impact would be foolish really imo, even if it's just taking up media space.


Zelda alone could be one of the biggest launch day system sellers of any console since Mario 64.


In what sense? Attach rates? Console sales? Zelda isn't going to be a system seller because the NX is already in a hole of sorts due to its predecessors and Nintendo's ongoing decisions. It's already got to fight against those, with the added 'disadvantage' that many people who are likely to buy Zelda already have a WiiU compared to people without a WiiU prepared to buy a new system just to play it. All of this however depends on the value and features the system itself offers, rather than Zelda per se - I think anyone that might pick up an NX will pick up Zelda because it's there and they're into Nintendo for a reason, but the correlation is not necessarily a causation.

Edited by Rummy
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I mentioned this a long time ago, but thought again and really think it could be a big thing they go with. Three console in one. Portable, Home console, Virtual Reality. So of the controllers detach and it's more like a gear VR, with the controllers being motion you have the VR control method there and then. It all feels like such a perfectly formed little package, it makes so much sense...


Power wise is this possible? I mean obviously it is, but linking in to all the rumours does it seem feasible?


All that, with a decent price point and loads of great games. Sure fire winner and VR into the mainstream :)

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Im not sure the NX will be powerful enough to be able to run VR well. Obviously you do have the things like GearVR which are less powerful but now the proper stuff is coming out it would just look like a lesser product. As someone who owns both a Vive and a GearVR I can tell you there is a big difference in quality. The NX as well would be compared to the PSVR more than the GearVR style headsets.

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